Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Alexey V. Byalko

Former staff member (1971 - 1993)

Doctor of science

Please send any information (memories, just words, etc) to


    1. A.V. Byalko, Tela zodiakal’nogo sveta: ikh proiskhozhdenie, evolyutsiya, vypadenie na Zemlyu, Priroda, №5, 25-33 (2021), RINTs: 46178271.
    2. A.V. Byalko, M.I. Kuz’min, Bombardirovka planet zemnoi gruppy oskolkami obrazovaniya Luny, Materialy Pyatoi tektonofizicheskoi konferentsii v IFZ RAN, 5-9 oktyabrya 2020, c. 98-100, RINTs: 44317626.
    3. A.V. Byalko, Zodiakal’nyi svet: staraya problema i novye gipotezy, Priroda, № 6, 22-31 (2020), RINTs: 43164332.
    4. A.V. Byalko, Prognozy narodonaseleniya: kritika stat’i v zhurnale «Lantset», Priroda, № 8, 72-75 (2020), RINTs: 43941548.
    5. A.V. Byalko, M.I. Kuz’min, Sledstviya stolknoveniya, porodivshego Lunu: traektorii oskolkov, Priroda, №10, s. 31-39 (2020), RINTs: 44446804.
    6. A.V. Byalko, M.I. Kuz’min, Sledstviya stolknoveniya, porodivshego Lunu: evolyutsiya oskolkov na orbitakh Solnechnoi sistemy, Priroda, №11, s. 56-60 (2020), RINTs: 44616961.
    7. A.V. Byalko, M.I. Kuz’min, Oskolki obrazovaniya Luny: geofizicheskie sledstviya Gigantskogo stolknoveniya, ZhETF, 156(4), 603-614 (2019) [A.V. Byalko, M.I. Kuzmin, Fragments of the Moon Formation: Geophysical Consequences of the Giant Impact, JETP, 129(4), 511-520 (2019)], WoS: 000511119900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076280637, ADS: 2019JETP..129..511B, RINTs: 41143123.
    8. A.V. Byalko, Udivitel’nye asteroidy Ryugu i Bennu: gipotezy proiskhozhdeniya, Priroda, №9, s. 72-73 (2019), RINTs: 41261887.
    9. A.V. Byalko, World population: Its connection with climate variations, Patterns and Mechanisms of Climate, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Changes from Low-Latitude Regions, p. 167-169. Springer (2019). ISBN 978-3-030-01598-5, 978-3-030-01599-2 [Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences CAJG 2018 (CAJG-1), Hammamet, Tunisia, November 12-15, 2018], Scopus: 2-s2.0-85133668951.
    10. A.V. Byalko, Uchitel’ i direktor (K 100-letiyu I.M. Khalatnikova), Priroda, №9, s. 45-52 (2019), RINTs: 41261881.
    11. A.V. Byalko, Bitkoin i klimat, Priroda, №2, 88-89 (2018), RINTs: 32620037.
    12. A.V. Byalko, Mirovoe narodonaselenie i variatsii klimata, Priroda, №7, 51-57 (2018), RINTs: 35648322.
    13. A.V. Byalko, Stoletie sovetskoi fiziki, Priroda, №9, 103 (2018).
    14. A.V. Byalko, Podvodnoe tornado: mikroyubilei otkrytiya, Priroda, №7, 3-8 (2017), RINTs: 29394817.
    15. A.V. Byalko, Radiouglerodnoe svidetel’stvo antropogennoi prichiny potepleniya, Priroda, №8, 75-78 (2017), RINTs: 29972300.
    16. A. Byalko, Radiocarbon evidence of seasonal atmosphere-ocean gas exchange, VarSITI - Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact: Second VarSITI General Symposium, Irkutsk, July 10-15, 2017. Abstracts, p. 117 (2017), RINTs: 30398559.
    17. A.V. Byalko, Parizhskoe soglashenie po klimatu: real’ny li tseli?, Priroda, № 3, 3-10 (2016), RINTs: 26126338.
    18. A.V. Byalko, Novye idei v geokhimii nedr i atmosfery Zemli, Priroda, №10, 88-90 (2016).
    19. A. Ruzmaikin, A. Byalko, On the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature, Amer. J. Climate Change, 4(3), 181-186 (2015), WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: -, RINTs: -.
    20. A.V. Byalko, Sto let odinochestva?, Priroda, №12, 47-49 (2015), RINTs: 25311981.
    21. A. Byalko, Atmosphere-ocean gas exchange based on radiocarbon data, Geophys. Res. Abstr., Vol. 16, EGU2014-1419-1 (2014).
    22. A. Byalko, Correlation and spectra analysis of climate data sets, Geophys. Res. Abstr., Vol. 16, EGU2014-2054-2 (2014).
    23. A.V. Byalko, Vspominaya Ya.B. K 100-letiyu akademika Zel’dovicha, Priroda, №6, 63-65 (2014), RINTs: 21893145.
    24. A.V. Byalko, Underwater gas tornado, Physica Scripta, T155, 014030 (2013), WoS: 000321863000032, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84880367844, ADS: 2013PhST..155a4030B, RINTs: 20441704.
    25. A.V. Byalko, Variatsii kontsentratsii radiougleroda i gazoobmen atmosfera–okean, Dokl. Akad. nauk, 451(1), 28-32 (2013) [A.V. Byalko, Variation of radiocarbon content and the atmosphere–ocean gas exchange, Dokl. Phys., 58(7), 267-271 (2013)], WoS: 000322880500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84882280148, ADS: 2013DokPh..58..267B, RINTs: 19124146.
    26. A.V. Byalko, Zemletryaseniya ne vozmushchayut vrashchenie Zemli. A meteority?, Priroda, №5, 10-12 (2013).
    27. A.V. Byalko, Spektr vozmushchenii zemnykh sutok, Priroda, №8, 63-67 (2013).
    28. A.V. Byalko, Spektry vozmushchenii klimaticheskoi sistemy, Priroda, №9, 17-26 (2013), RINTs: 20800425.
    29. A.V. Byalko, Underwater gas tornado and its possible occurrence in nature, Procedia IUTAM, Vol. 8, 51-57 (2013), WoS: 000321035100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84878712502, ADS: -, RINTs: 20439839.
    30. A.V. Byalko, E.S. Medvedev, Laureaty Nobelevskoi premii 2012 goda po fizike - S. Arosh i D. Vainlend, Priroda, №1, 74-77 (2013), RINTs: 18830413.
    31. A.V. Byalko, G.B. Kaufman, Predicting our global future, Chem. Educator, 17, 195-215 (2012).
    32. A.V. Byalko, Ot mestnogo klimata k global’nomu, Priroda, № 9(1154), 69-76 (2012), RINTs: 18077934.
    33. A.V. Byalko, Relaksatsionnaya teoriya klimata, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 182 (1), 111-116 (2012) [A.V. Byalko, The climate of the Earth (Relaxation theory of climate), Phys. Usp. 55 (1), 103-108 (2012)], WoS: 000303763300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84860238442, ADS: 2012PhyU...55..103B, RINTs: 17239674.
    34. A.V. Byalko, Empirical regression between CO2 concentration and surface temperature, Proc. ASA/HITRAN conference on molecular spectroscopy, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, 2012 , 29.8-1.9.2012, p 19.
    35. A.V. Byalko, Fiziki o budushchem: al’ternativy, Priroda, № 5(1161), 80-83 (2012).
    36. A.V. Byalko, Laminarnye tsepochki puzyr’kov: logarifmicheski tochnoe reshenie, Dokl. Akad. nauk, 436(6), 747-752 (2011) [A.V. Byalko, Laminar bubble chains: A logarithmically exact solution, Dokl. Phys., 56(2), 82-88 (2011)], WoS: 000288867000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79952644600, ADS: 2011DokPh..56...82B, RINTs: 15599970, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: 1249.76125.
    37. A.V. Byalko, Ot klimata proshlogo k klimatu budushchego, Priroda, №5, 3-12 (2011), RINTs: 16871273.
    38. A.V. Byalko, Laminar bubble chains: a logarithmically exact solution, Turbulent Mixing and Beyond, Third International Conference, Trieste, August 21-28, 2011, Proceedings. Book of abstracts, p.2-3.
    39. A.V. Byalko, Underwater Tornado, Turbulent Mixing and Beyond, Third International Conference, Trieste, August 21-28, 2011, Proceedings. Book of abstracts, p.82.
    40. A.V. Byalko, Chto prineset Velikii konveier?, Nauka i innovatsii, №4, 10-12 (2011), RINTs: 26740561.
    41. A.V. Byalko, N.I. Vaganova, E.N. Rumanov, O vozmozhnoi klimaticheskoi neustoichivosti, Dokl. Akad. nauk, 431(5), 617-620 (2010) [A.V. Byalko, N.I. Vaganova, É.N. Rumanov, On Possible Climatic Instability, Doklady Physics, 55(4), 168-171 (2010)], WoS: 000276904400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77955931928, ADS: 2010DokPh..55..168B, RINTs: 5323424.
    42. A.V. Byalko, Paleoklimat: dopolneniya k teorii Milankovicha, Priroda, №12, 18-28 (2009), RINTs: 17561755.
    43. A.V. Byalko, Klimat i narodonaselenie - prichinnye svyazi, Priroda, № 1, 29-31 (2002).
    44. A.V. Byalko, Paradoks solnechnykh neitrino razreshen, Priroda, № 9, 79 (2001).
    45. A.V. Byalko, Mir na styke vekov, Priroda, №1, 16-20 (2001).
    46. A.V. Byalko, Nerukotvornyi pamyatnik Kostitsynu, Priroda, №5, 78-79 (2001).
    47. A.V. Byalko, A.G. Gamburgtsev, Statistika pogody, Priroda, №12, 6-10 (2000).
    48. A.V. Byalko, Possibility of life origin on radioactive source of energy after our supernova explosion, Proc. SPIE, 3755, 234-241 (1999), WoS: 000085289800022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033317209, ADS: 1999SPIE.3755..234B, RINTs: 20940605.
    49. A.V. Byalko, A.A. Vertman, E.Yu. Efremov, O.L. Kedrovskii, P.P. Poluektov, A.S. Polyakov, O.B. Khavroshkin, Sposob zakhoroneniya radioaktivnykh materialov, patent na izobretenie RUS 2152093 12.11.1999.
    50. A.V. Byalko, Large microlensing: history and perspectives, Fizika nizkikh temp., 24(2), 186 (1998) [Low Temp. Phys., 24(2), 139 (1998)], WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33749869621, ADS: 1998LTP....24..139B, RINTs: 13304086.
    51. A.V. Byalko, Klimaticheskaya neustoichivost’ narastaet, Priroda, №1, 88-89 (1998).
    52. A.V. Byalko, Klimat, krizisy, Kiotskaya konferentsiya, Priroda, №2, 3-4 (1998).
    53. A.V. Byalko, Nelineinost’ geodinamiki: fizicheskaya interpretatsiya, Priroda, №6, 23-27 (1998).
    54. A.V. Byalko, Torsionnye mify, Priroda, №9, 3-7 (1998).
    55. A.V. Byalko, My ves’, my drevnii mir razrushim?, Priroda, №2, 75-76 (1997).
    56. A.V. Byalko, Microlensing: Statistical approach, Astron. Astrophys. Trans., 10 (3), 177-185 (1996), WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: 1996A%26AT...10..177B, InSpire: -, RINTs: 29768907.
    57. A. Byalko, Scaling the Jupiter 1996 event for atmospheres of other planets and the sun, Proc. Int. Workshop Tunguska96, Bologna (Italy), July 14-17, 1996. Univ. of Bologna, p.33.
    58. A.V. Byalko, Sledy i sledstviya kosmicheskikh chudes, Priroda, №12, 27-31 (1996).
    59. A.V. Byalko, Dinamika poslevoennogo mira, Priroda, № 5, 18-25 (1995).
    60. A.V. Byalko, Raspredelenie koeffitsientov, Priroda, №11, 51-58 (1995).
    61. A.V. Byalko, Mikrolinzirovanie: statisticheskii podkhod, Priroda, №11, 24-29 (1994) [A.V. Byalko, Microlensing: Statistical approach, Fermilab preprint FPRINT-94-59, Oct 17, 1994, 8 pp], InSpire: 39448.
    62. A.V. Byalko, Nuclear Waste Disposal. Geophysical Safety, CRC Press, 1994. viii,283 pp. ISBN-10: 0-8493-4469-7; ISBN-13: 978-0849344695.
    63. A.V. Byalko, Velikoe stolknovenie: geofizicheskie sledstviya, Priroda, № 3, 39-47 (1994).
    64. A.V. Byalko, Powdered moonshine, Nature, 365 (6448), 701 (1993), WoS: A1993MC81200041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36849143703.
    65. A.V. Byalko, Konstruktivnost’ zakona konkurentsii, Priroda, №11, 14-19 (1993).
    66. A.V. Byalko, «Kometnyi poezd» na puti k Yupiteru, Priroda, № 8, 21 (1993).
    67. A.V. Byalko, Kometnaya tsepochka: rozhdenie i gibel’ (predstoyashchee stolknovenie s Yupiterom), Priroda, №12, 80-82 (1993).
    68. A.V. Byalko, Modifikatsiya formuly Stoksa (laminarnoe dvizhenie teplovydelyayushchego shara), Pis’ma v ZhETF, 55 (3), 190-194 (1992) [A.V. Byalko, Modification of the Stokes formula (laminar motion of a heat-evolving sphere), JETP Lett., 55 (3), 183-189 (1992)], WoS: A1992HP14000010.
    69. A. Byalko, Dynamic safety of the HLW disposal, Proc. Conf. on Safety and Reliability '92. Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 Jun. 1992, p.320-329. Ed. by K.E. Petersen, B. Rasmussen, Elsevier, 1992, xxi+1197 pp.
    70. A.V. Byalko, Statistika koeffitsientov v fizicheskikh formulakh, TMF, 88(1), 153-160 (1991) [A.V. Byalko, Statistics of coefficients in physical formulas, Theor. Math. Phys., 88(1), 782-787 (1991)], WoS: A1991HD43300021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249929260, ADS: 1991TMP....88..782B , MathSciNet: 1129693.
    71. A. Byalko, O. Khavroshkin, A method of disposal of high level nuclear waste by deep sinking, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management. RECOD '91, Sendai, Japan, 14 Apr. 1991, Vol.1, 486-490. Tokyo, Sendai: Japan Atomic Ind. Forum, 1991, 2 vol., xxii+1154 pp.
    72. A.V. Byalko, O.B. Khavroshkin, I.M. Khalatnikov, Sposob zakhoroneniya vysokoaktivnykh nuklidov, Patent SU 1725667, prioritet ot 22.01.1990.
    73. A.V. Byalko, Nasha planeta - Zemlya, 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: "Nauka," Glav. red. fiz.-mat. lit., 1989 - 240 s. (Bibliotechka "Kvant", Vyp. 29). ISBN 5-02-014079-1.
    74. A.V. Byalko, Nasha planeta - Zemlya, M.: "Nauka," Glav. red. fiz.-mat. lit., 1983 - 208 s. (Bibliotechka "Kvant", Vyp. 29), ADS:
    75. A.V. Byalko, Cosmological consequences of the Langmuir condensation and Zakharov collapse, Proc. 3rd Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Shanghai, China, 30 Aug. 1982, Part A, p. 823-826 (1983). Ed. bu Hu Nung, North-Holland, 1983, 2 vol., (xvii+xii+1513+ix) pp.
    76. A.V. Byalko, Gidrodinamika ispareniya chernoi dyry, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 29 (3), 196-200 (1979) [A.V. Byalko, The hydrodynamics of black hole vaporization, JETP Lett., 29 (3), 176-179 (1979)], WoS: A1979HU44000008.
    77. A.V. Byalko, The Development of Primordial Black Holes. I. The Possibility of the Black-Hole Dominant Era, Prog. Theor. Phys., 59 (6), 1892-1903 (1978), WoS: A1978FE86200009.
    78. A.V. Byalko, The Development of Primordial Black Holes. 2. Collisions, Preprint Hiroshima Univ. RRK 78-13, May 1978. 32pp.
    79. A.V. Byalko, Polarization relations and fluctuations of scattering on suspension, Preprint Landau ITP, 1977, 18pp.
    80. A.V. Byalko, O svyazi statisticheskikh kharakteristik otrazhennogo i prelomlennogo sveta so spektrom volneniya poverkhnosti, Izv. AN SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana, 11 (6), 655-660 (1975).
    81. A.V. Byalko, V.N. Pelevin, O kontraste yarkosti neba i morya, Izv. AN SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana, 11 (7), 755-756 (1975).
    82. A.V. Byalko, Angular radiance distribution of laser impulse in optically dense plasma, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, held August 18 - 22, 1975, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Part I, contributed papers, edited by J. G. A. Hölscher and D. C. Schram. Published by North-Holland Publishing Company, Inc., Amsterdam, and Elsevier Publishing Company Inc., New York, 1975, p.340.
    83. A.V. Byalko, Otklonenie rasshireniya mira, izotropnogo v srednem, ot fridmanovskogo, ZhETF, 65 (3), 849-861 (1973) [A.V. Byalko, Deviation of an expanding Universe which on the average is isotropic, from the Friedman Universe, Sov. Phys. JETP 38 (3), 421-426 (1974)].
    84. A.V. Byalko, O svyazi statisticheskikh kharakteristik otrazhennogo i prelomlennogo sveta so spektrov volneniya poverkhnosti, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
    85. A.V. Byalko, O kontraste yarkosti neba i morya, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
    86. A.V. Byalko, Rasseyanie Releya-Gansa v sluchainoi srede, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
    87. A.V. Byalko, On cosmological initial conditions, Third Soviet Gravitational Conference, Erevan, p. 297 - 299 (1972).
    88. A.V. Byalko, K voprosu o kosmologicheskikh nachal’nykh usloviyakh, Tezisy dokladov III Sovetskoi gravitatsionnoi konferentsii, Izd. Erevanskogo universiteta: Erevan - 1972.
    89. A.V. Byalko, O znachenii kosmologicheskoi postoyannoi, Astron. zh., 48(1), 227-229 (1971) [A.V. Byalko, The Value of the Cosmological Constant, Sov. Astronomy, 15(1), 179-180 (1971)], ADS: 1971SvA....15..179B.
    90. A.V. Byalko, Statisticheskii analiz gravitatsionnoi neustoichivosti, ZhETF, 60 (2), 441-450 (1971) [A.V. Balko, A statistical analysis of gravitational instability, Sov. Phys. JETP 33(2), 237-241 (1971)].
    91. A.V. Byalko, Fokusirovka izlucheniya gravitatsionnym polem, Astron. zh., 46(5), 998-1002 (1969) [A.V. Byalko, Light focusing by gravitational field, Sov. Astronomy, 13(5), 784-787 (1970)], ADS: 1969AZh....46..998B.
    92. A.V. Byalko, O vozmozhnosti obrazovaniya galaktik v modeli Lemetra, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 9 (8), 483-487 (1969) [A.V. Byalko, Possibility of Galaxy Formation in the Lemaitre Model, JETP Lett, 9(8), 293-296 (1969)].
    93. A.V. Byalko, Issledovanie ustoichivosti izotropnogo mira s kosmologicheskoi postoyannoi, ZhETF, 55 (1), 317-322 (1968) [A.V. Byalko, Investigation of the Stability of an Isotropic Universe with a Cosmological Constant, Sov. Phys. JETP 28(1), 168-170 (1969)].