Pavel D. Grigoriev
Senior researcher Doctor of science
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- V. D. Kochev, T. I. Mogilyuk, S. S. Kostenko, P. D. Grigoriev, Numerical Calculation of Electric Field Enhancement in Neutron Traps with Rough Walls Coated with Superfluid Helium, Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 88, 1472–1477 (2024).
- A. Gallo-Frantz, A.A. Sinchenko, D. Ghoneim, L. Ortega, P. Godard, P.-O. Renault, P. Grigoriev, A. Hadj-Azzem, P. Monceau, D. Thiaudière, E. Bellec, V.L.R. Jacques, D. Le Bolloc'h, Charge density waves tuned by biaxial tensile stress, Nature Communications, 15, 3667 (2024); arXiv:2306.15712, ADS: 2024NatCo..15.3667G.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, V.N. Zverev, A. Hadj-Azzem, E. Pachoud, P. Monceau, Comparative study of magnetic quantum oscillations in Hall and transverse magnetoresistance, Phys. Rev. B 110, L161108 (2024), ADS: 2024PhRvB.110p1108S.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, V.D. Kochev, I.S. Volokhov, I.Ya. Polishchuk, 3D - 2D crossover and phase shift of beats of quantum oscillations of interlayer magnetoresistance in quasi-2D metals, Physics, 6(3), 999-1012 (2024); arXiv:2405.10174, ADS: 2024Physi...6..999M.
- S.I. Pesotskii, R.B. Lyubovskii, V.N. Zverev, P.D. Grigor’ev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Torunova, E.I. Zhilyaeva, Vliyanie vneshnego davleniya na povedenie metallicheskoi fazy organichesogo kvazidvumernogo provodnika κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Cl. Vklad korrelyatsionnykh effektov, ZhETF, 165(5), 710-717 (2024), RINTs: 67993371, EDN: AGNFIN.
- V.D. Kochev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.S. Kostenko, P.D. Grigor’ev, Chislennyi raschet usileniya elektricheskogo polya v neitronnykh lovushkakh s pokrytymi sverkhtekuchim geliem sherokhovatymi stenkami, Izvestiya RAN. Seriya fizicheskaya, 88(9), ... (2024) [V.D. Kochev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.S. Kostenko, P D. Grigoriev, Numerical Calculation of Electric Field Enhancement in Neutron Traps with Rough Walls Coated with Superfluid Helium, Bull. RAS: Physics, 88(9), 1472–1477 (2024)].
- A.Sh. Dotdaev, Ya.I. Rodionov, A.V. Rozhkov, P.D. Grigor’ev, Kvaziklassicheskoe rasseyanie na kraevykh defektakh v topologicheskikh izolyatorakh v magnitnom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 120(9), 701-713 (2024) [A.S. Dotdaev, Ya.I. Rodionov, A. V. Rozhkov, P. D. Grigoriev, Semiclassical Scattering by Edge Imperfections in Topological Insulators Under Magnetic Field, JETP Letters, Online First (October 2024)]; arXiv:2408.14540, ADS: 2024JETPL.tmp...83D, EDN: VLXZPB.
- V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigoriev, On the size of superconducting islands on the density-wave background in organic metals, Magnetochemistry, 9(7), 173 (2023); arXiv:2305.14510, WoS: 001039465600001, ADS: 2023arXiv230514510K.
- P.D. Grigoriev, V.D. Kochev, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, A.A. Sinchenko, Inhomogeneous superconductivity onset in FeSe studied by transport properties, Materials, 16 (5), 1840 (2023); arXiv:2301.06185, WoS: 000948020300001, ADS: 2023Mate...16.1840G.
- S.S. Seidov, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, First-order phase transition between superconducting and charge/spin density wave states causes their coexistence in organic metals, Phys. Rev. B 108, 125123 (2023); arXiv:2305.06957, ADS: 2023PhRvB.108l5123S.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.V. Sadovnikov, V.D. Kochev, A.M. Dyugaev, Improving ultracold neutron traps coated with liquid helium using capillarity and electric field, Phys. Rev. C 108, 025501 (2023); arXiv:2303.04429, ADS: 2023PhRvC.108b5501G, InSpire: 2639472.
- Z.Z. Alisultanov, G.O. Abdullaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, N.A. Demirov, Kvantovye ostsillyatsii mezhsloinoi provodimosti v mnogosloinom topologicheskom izolyatore, ZhETF, 163 (3), 401-416 (2023) [Z.Z. Alisultanov, G.O. Abdullaev, P.D. Grigoriev, N.A. Demirov, Quantum Oscillations of Interlayer Conductivity in a Multilayer Topological Insulator, JETP, 136(3), 353-367 (2023)], WoS: 000993852200012, ADS: 2023JETP..136..353A, RINTs: 50453375, EDN: QFAGYG.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Modelirovanie dvukhyamnykh potentsialov dlya uravneniya Shredingera, ZhETF, 164(1), 23-28 (2023) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Modeling of Double-Well Potentials for the Schrödinger Equation, JETP, 137(1), 17-22 (2023)], WoS: 001052869900002, ADS: 2023JETP..137...17D, InSpire: 2691597, RINTs: 54161488, EDN: GDEWQV.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Gudin, P.D. Grigor’ev, Mezhsloevaya provodimost’ v uglakh Yamadzhi v sloistykh kvazidvumernykh provodnikakh v magnitnom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 118(12), 877-881 (2023) [T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Gudin , P.D. Grigoriev, Interlayer Conductivity of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Layered Conductors in a Magnetic Field at Yamaji Angles, JETP Letters, 118(12), 881-885 (2023), published: 15 February 2024], ADS: 2024JETPL.118..881M, RINTs: 55081129, EDN: nmmrqe.
- V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigoriev, On the phase transition between superconductivity and charge/spin-density wave in organic metals, Proc. VII International Conference on Quantum Technologies, Moscow, July 2023.
- V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigor’ev, Otsenka razmerov sverkhprovodyashchikh ostrovov na fone volny spinovoi plotnosti v organicheskikh metallakh, Tezisy XXII Vserossiiskoi konf. «Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii», Sochi, 24 sent. - 3. okt. 2023, p.92-94.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, V.D. Kochev, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Opredelenie parametrov neodnorodnoi sverkhprovodimosti s pomoshch’yu transportnykh izmerenii, Fizika kondensirovannykh sostoyanii (FKS-2023). Sbornik tezisov III Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 60-letiyu IFTT RAN, Chernogolovka, 29 maya-02 iyunya 2023. Pod redaktsiei B.B. Straumala. Izd.-vo IFTT RAN, Chernogolovka, 2023, s. 35, RINTs: 54114644, EDN: NPXDTP.
- E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Diagnostika mikrochastits na poverkhnosti vody, ZhETF, 161(5), 767-772 (2022) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Diagnostics of Microparticles on the Surface of Water, JETP, 134(5), 656-660 (2022)], WoS: 000815503700015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85132862544, ADS: 2022JETP..134..656L, RINTs: 48459268, EDN: DTLGRT.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.A. Sinchenko, T.I. Mogilyuk, P.A. Vorob’ev, D. Akparov, Z.Z. Alisultanov, A.M. Dyugaev, Gisterezis tenzora soprotivleniya v politelluridakh redkozemel’nykh metallov, Fizika tverdogo tela, 64 (9), 1139-1143 (2022) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, T.I. Mogilyuk, P.A.Vorobyov, D. Akparov, S.S. Alisultanov, A.M. Dyugaev, Hysteresis of resistivity tensor in rare-earth polytellurides, Physics of the Solid State, 64(9), 1145-1149 (2022)], RINTs: 49374828, EDN: YOACYL.
- K.K. Kesharpu, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, Peculiar effect of sample size in layered superconductors, AIP Conf. Proceedings 2551, 030002 (2022) [Low-dimensional Materials: Theory, Modeling, Experiment, Dubna, 12-17 July 2021]; arXiv:2209.07085, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85139410886, ADS: 2022AIPC.2551c0002K.
- K.K. Kesharpu, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, Evolution of Shape and Volume Fraction of Superconducting Domains with Temperature and Anion Disorder in (TMTSF)2ClO4, Crystals, 11(1), 72 (2021); arXiv:2012.03231, WoS: 000610156900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85099951183, ADS: 2020arXiv201203231K, RINTs: 44982506.
- R. Ramazashvili, P.D. Grigoriev, T. Helm, F. Kollmannsberger, M. Kunz, W. Biberacher, E. Kampert, H. Fujiwara, A. Erb, J. Wosnitza, R. Gross, M.V. Kartsovnik, Experimental evidence for Zeeman spin-orbit coupling in layered antiferromagnetic conductors, npj Quantum Materials 6, art.11 (2021); arXiv:1908.01236, WoS: 000615244100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85100534130, ADS: 2021npjQM...6...11R, RINTs: 46741066.
- V.D. Kochev, K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, Anisotropic zero-resistance onset in organic superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 103, 014519 (2021); arXiv:2007.14388, WoS: 000612136200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85100167863, ADS: 2021PhRvB.103a4519K, RINTs: 44970703.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Superfluid helium film may greatly increase the storage time of ultracold neutrons in material traps, Phys. Rev. C 104, 055501 (2021); arXiv:2108.11246, WoS: 000722322200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85119351178, ADS: 2021PhRvC.104e5501G, InSpire: 1912168, RINTs: 47528234, EDN: LYWFDG.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.D. Grigor’ev, O vozmozhnosti znachitel’nogo uvelicheniya vremeni khraneniya ul’trakholodnykh neitronov v lovushkakh, pokrytykh plenkoi zhidkogo geliya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 114 (8), 560-567 (2021) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.D. Grigoriev, On the possibility of a significant increase in the storage time of ultracold neutrons in traps coated with a liquid helium film, JETP Letters, 114(8), 493-499 (2021)]; arXiv:2202.01499, WoS: 000731870200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85121547075, ADS: 2021JETPL.114..493G , InSpire: 2002483, RINTs: 46661364, EDN: GQXROD.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Osnovnoe sostoyanie kvantovoi chastitsy v potentsial’nom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 112 (2), 107-111 (2020) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Ground State of a Quantum Particle in a Potential Field, JETP Letters, 112 (2), 101-105 (2020)], WoS: 000574226300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091718899, ADS: 2020JETPL.112..101D, RINTs: 43127260.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh, Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LAPLAZ-2020. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov VI Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 11-14 fevralya 2020 g. - Izd-vo MIFI, 2020, s. 186-187, RINTs: 43807488.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, O vliyanii deistvitel’noi chasti sobstvenno-energeticheskoi funktsii na magnitnye kvantovye ostsillyatsii namagnichennosti i soprotivleniya v sloistykh metallakh, Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LAPLAZ-2020. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov VI Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 11-14 fevralya 2020 g. - Izd-vo MIFI, 2020, s. 244-245, RINTs: 43807514.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh s antiferromagnitnym uporyadocheniem, Nanofizika i nanoelektronika: Trudy XXIV Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma (Nizhnii Novgorod, 10-13 marta 2020 g.), Tom 1, s. 54-55 (2020).
- P.D. Grigoriev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh, Sil’no korrelirovannye elektronnye sistemy i kvantovye kriticheskie yavleniya. Tezisy XVIII konferentsii, Troitsk, 28 maya 2020 g. - Izhevsk: Izhevskii institut komp’yuternykh issledovanii, 2020, s. 12, RINTs: 43861333.
- P.A. Vorobyev, P.D. Grigoriev, K.K. Kesharpu, V.V. Khovaylo, The evolution of electron dispersion in the series of rare-earth tritelluride compounds obtained from their charge-density-wave properties and susceptibility calculations, Materials, 12(14), 2264 (2019); arXiv:1907.04815, WoS: 000480454300052, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85070436605, ADS: 2019Mate...12.2264V, RINTs: 41678004.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P.A. Vorobyev, A. Hadj-Azzem, P. Lejay, A. Bosak, P. Monceau, Interplay between band crossing and charge density wave instabilities, Phys. Rev. B 100, 081109(R) (2019); arXiv:1906.11125, WoS: 000482214000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85072080396, ADS: 2019PhRvB.100h1109G, RINTs: 41643135.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Neuprugoe rasseyanie neitronov kak podtverzhdenie sushchestvovaniya novogo tipa shchelevykh poverkhnostnykh vozbuzhdenii v zhidkom gelii, ZhETF, 155(2), 338-345 (2019) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Inelastic neutron scattering as a confirmation of a new type of gapped surface excitations in liquid helium, JETP, 128(2), 297-302 (2019)]; arXiv:1811.04746, WoS: 000469226600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85066312610, ADS: 2019JETP..128..297G, RINTs: 36897451.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A. Khamzauly, O prirode magnitnykh ostsillyatsii v vysokotemperaturnykh sverkhprovodnikakh YBCO, Fizika tverdogo tela, 61 (9), 1579-1584 (2019) [P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A. Khamzauly, On the Nature of Magnetic Oscillations in YBCO High-Temperature Superconductors, Phys. Solid State, 61(9), 1529-1534 (2019)], WoS: 000483783100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85071950488, ADS: 2019PhSS...61.1529G, RINTs: 41696161.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, K.K. Kesharpu, I.A. Kolesnikov, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Izbytochnaya provodimost’ anizotropnykh neodnorodnykh sverkhprovodnikov pri temperature vyshe kriticheskoi, Fizika tverdogo tela, 61 (9), 1599-1602 (2019) [T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, K.K. Kesharpu, I.A. Kolesnikov, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Excess Conductivity of Anisotropic Inhomogeneous Superconductors Above the Critical Temperature, Phys. Solid State, 61(9), 1549-1552 (2019)], WoS: 000483783100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85071917323, ADS: 2019PhSS...61.1549M, RINTs: 41130276.
- K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, D.I. Lazeva, T.I. Mogilyuk, Self-consistent and Maxwell approximations to describe the excess conductivity anisotropy in FeSe above superconducting transition temperature, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1238, 012010 (2019); arXiv:1807.01887, WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85069958390, ADS: 2019JPhCS1238a2010K, RINTs: 41630361.
- K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, Temperature dependence of resistivity at the transition to a charge density wave state in rare-earth tritellurides, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1238, 012019 (2019); arXiv:1812.06497, WoS: -?, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85069973676, ADS: 2019JPhCS1238a2019K, RINTs: 41631204.
- S.S. Seidov, K.K. Kesharpu, P.I. Karpov, P.D. Grigoriev, Conductivity of anisotropic inhomogeneous superconductors above the critical temperature, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014515 (2018); arXiv:1712.05347, WoS: 000439542600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85051432210, ADS: 2018PhRvB..98a4515S, RINTs: 35735760.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, Magnetic oscillations of in-plane conductivity in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 98, 045118 (2018); arXiv:1901.09064, WoS: 000438494100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85050481670, ADS: 2018PhRvB..98d5118M, RINTs: 35783599.
- A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlova, P.D. Grigor’ev, V.N. Zverev, A.A. Sinchenko, R. Monso, Magnitosoprotivlenie v rezhime dvizhushcheisya volny zaryadovoi plotnosti v kvazidvumernom provodnike TbTe3, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 107 (8), 507-511 (2018) [A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, P.D. Grigoriev, V.N. Zverev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Monceau, Magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional TbTe3 conductor in the sliding charge-density wave regime, JETP Lett., 107(8), 488-492 (2018)], WoS: 000436588500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049190788, ADS: 2018JETPL.107..488F, RINTs: 32816596.
- P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, Interplay between angular and quantum magnetoresistance oscillations, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1038, 012123 (2018) [International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2017, 24–26 October 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation], WoS: 000454825500123, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049495265, ADS: 2018JPhCS1038a2123G, RINTs: 35747756.
- K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigor’ev, Temperaturnaya zavisimost’ udel’nogo soprotivleniya pri formirovanii VZP v redkozemel’nykh tritelluridakh (RTe3), V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 85-86 (2018)., RINTs: 36813210.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigor’ev, Anizotropnoe vliyanie zarozhdayushcheisya sverkhprovodimosti na elektronnyi transport v FeSe, V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 123-124 (2018), RINTs: 36813244.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigor’ev, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, P. Monso, Magnitosoprotivlenie v sostoyanii s volnoi zaryadovoi plotnosti, V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 145-146 (2018), RINTs: 36813283.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, A. Shakin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasiliev, Gossamer high-temperature bulk superconductivity in FeSe, Phys. Rev. B 95, 165120 (2017); arXiv:1610.06117, WoS: 000400783900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85017618002, ADS: 2017PhRvB..95p5120S, RINTs: 29483377.
- P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, False spin zeros in the angular dependence of magnetic quantum oscillations in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195130 (2017); arXiv:1901.09032, WoS: 000401449700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85023623180, ADS: 2017PhRvB..95s5130G, RINTs: 31059588.
- P.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Magnetic oscillations measure interlayer coupling in cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165110 (2017); arXiv:1710.10133, WoS: 000412365700006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85038076824, ADS: 2017PhRvB..96p5110G, RINTs: 35504685.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, P. Monceau, Linear magnetoresistance in the charge density wave state of quasi-two-dimensional rare-earth tritellurides, Phys. Rev. B 96, 245129 (2017); arXiv:1712.02971, WoS: 000418573600010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85039414829, ADS: 2017PhRvB..96x5129S, RINTs: 35512705.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.A. Sinchenko, K.K. Kesharpu, A. Shakin, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, D.S. Lyubshin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasil’ev, Anizotropnoe vliyanie zarozhdayushcheisya sverkhprovodimosti na elektronnyi transport v FeSe, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 105(12), 748-753 (2017) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, K.K. Kesharpu, A. Shakin, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, D.S. Lyubshin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasiliev, Anisotropic effect of appearing superconductivity on the electron transport in FeSe, JETP Lett., 105(12), 786-791 (2017)], WoS: 000408457400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85028331030, ADS: 2017JETPL.105..786G, RINTs: 29359389.
- P.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Slow quantum oscillations without fine-grained Fermi surface reconstruction in cuprate superconductors, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 106 (6), 349-350 (2017) [JETP Lett., 106(6), 371-376 (2017)]; arXiv:1606.03942, WoS: 000416173600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85029489807, ADS: 2017JETPL.106..371G, RINTs: 29967225.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Lejay, A. Hadj-Azzem, J. Balay, O. Leynaud, V.N. Zverev, P. Monceau, Bilayer splitting versus Fermi-surface warping as an origin of slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in rare-earth tritellurides, Eur. Phys. J. B 89(6), 151 (2016); arXiv:1606.05442, WoS: 000403810400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84976402793, ADS: 2016EPJB...89..151G, RINTs: 26821059.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Monceau, P. Lejay, V.N. Zverev, Slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional rare-earth tritellurides, J. Low Temp. Phys., 185(5), 657-664 (2016); arXiv:1504.06064, WoS: 000387226100042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84964050177, ADS: 2016JLTP..185..657S, RINTs: 29464519.
- P.D. Grigoriev, M.M. Korshunov, T.I. Mogilyuk, Slow in-plane magnetoresistance oscillations in multiband quasi-two-dimensional metals, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 29(4), 1127-1132 (2016); arXiv:1511.03178, WoS: 000372542300038, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84954427817, ADS: 2015arXiv151103178G, RINTs: 28455489.
- P.D. Grigoriev, O. Zimmer, A.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Neutrons on a surface of liquid helium, Phys. Rev. C 94, 025504 (2016); arXiv:1509.06343, WoS: 000381892200007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84983650176, ADS: 2016PhRvC..94b5504G, InSpire: 1394229, RINTs: 27141324.
- A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, O. Leynaud, P. Monceau, Anisotropy of conductivity in rare-earth tritellurides in the static and sliding states of the CDW, Physica B 460, 21-25 (2015), WoS: 000350808300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923876888, ADS: 2015PhyB..460...21S, RINTs: 24011007.
- P.D. Grigoriev, S.S. Kostenko, Conductivity anisotropy helps to reveal the microscopic structure of a density wave at imperfect nesting, Physica B 460, 26-29 (2015); arXiv:1410.6314, WoS: 000350808300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923870462, ADS: 2015PhyB..460...26G, RINTs: 24010991.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, Medlennye ostsillyatsii magnitosoprotivleniya kak metod opredeleniya parametrov elektronnoi struktury kvazidvumernykh provodnikov, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s. 74-75 (2015),, RINTs: 24559300.
- T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, Uglovaya zavisimost’ kvantovykh ostsillyatsii magnitosoprotivleniya v sil’no anizotropnykh kvaziyuvumennykh provodnikakh, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s.116-118 (2015), RINTs: 24559358.
- R.E. Ryl’tsev, B.A. Klumov, N.M. Shchelkachev, Dekagonal’nyi kvazikristallicheskii poryadok v odnomernykh sistemakh s izotropnym vzaimodeistviem, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s.128-130 (2015), RINTs: 24559358.
- P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, Angular dependence of magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional metals: Influence of Landau-level shape, Phys. Rev. B 90, 115138 (2014); arXiv:1309.3161, WoS: 000344015700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84907452249, ADS: 2014PhRvB..90k5138G, RINTs: 23990947.
- A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, P. Monceau, Spontaneous breaking of isotropy observed in the electronic transport of rare-earth tritellurides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036601 (2014); arXiv:1310.8136, WoS: 000331944800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84894475933, ADS: 2014PhRvL.112c6601S, RINTs: 21866184.
- A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, Crossover from the weak to strong-field behavior of the longitudinal interlayer magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional conductors, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(4), 472-476 (2014) [Low Temp. Phys., 40(4), 367-370 (2014)]; arXiv:1310.7109, WoS: 000336084400015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84907463010, ADS: 2014LTP....40..367G, RINTs: 21247307.
- M.V. Kartsovnik, V.N. Zverev, D. Andres, W. Biberacher, T. Helm, P.D. Grigoriev, R. Ramazashvili, N.D. Kushch, H. Müller, Magnetic quantum oscillations in the charge-density-wave state of the organic metals α-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4 with M = K and Tl, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(4), 484-491 (2014) [Low Temp. Phys., 40(4), 377-383 (2014)]; arXiv:1311.5744, WoS: 000336084400017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84929581521, ADS: 2014LTP....40..377K, RINTs: 21247309.
- E.V. Lebedeva, A.M.Dyugaev, P.D.Grigor’ev, O termodinamike kvantovykh zhidkostei, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(6), 615-622 (2014) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, On the thermodynamics of quantum liquids, Low Temp. Phys., 40(6), 475-481 (2014)], WoS: 000339008700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84929584211, ADS: 2014LTP....40..475L, RINTs: 21408789.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Longitudinal interlayer magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 88, 054415 (2013) [6 pages]; arXiv:1212.6926, WoS: 000323328000007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883163864, ADS: 2013PhRvB..88e4415G, RINTs: 20454239.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Energiya osnovnogo sostoyaniya kvantovykh zhidkostei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 98 (1), 38-42 (2013) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Ground-state energy of quantum liquids, JETP Lett., 98(1), 33-37 (2013)], WoS: 000324571700008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884523067, ADS: 2013JETPL..98...33D, RINTs: 20687419.
- P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, Magnetic-field-induced dimensional crossover in the organic metal α-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165125 (2012) [7 pages]; arXiv:1205.0041, WoS: 000309903500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867796851, ADS: 2012PhRvB..86p5125G, RINTs: 20497213.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Exponential suppression of interlayer conductivity in very anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional compounds in high magnetic field, Physica B 407(11), 1932-1936 (2012); arXiv:1111.2432, WoS: 000303415000065, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84859526780, ADS: 2012PhyB..407.1932G, RINTs: 17982185.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Zaryazhennye makrochastitsy nad zhidkim geliem, Fizika nizkikh temp., 38(11), 1269-1273 (2012) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Charged particles over liquid helium, Low Temp. Phys., 38(11), 1001-1004 (2012)], WoS: 000312045400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84870428121, ADS: 2012LTP....38.1001D, RINTs: 18036465.
- A.D. Grigor’ev, P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, A.F. Krutov, Otsenka vremeni ispareniya syurfonov s poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya iz-za rasseyaniya na riplonakh, Fizika nizkikh temp., 38(11), 1274-1283 (2012) [A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, A.F. Krutov, Estimate of surfon evaporation time from the liquid helium surface due to the scattering on ripplons, Low Temp. Phys., 38(11), 1005-1012 (2012)], WoS: 000312045400004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84870435873, ADS: 10.1063/1.4766586, RINTs: 18036466.
- A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Surface levels and their contribution to the surface tension of quantum liquids, J. Low Temp. Phys., 163(3-4), 131-147 (2011); arXiv:0905.2306, WoS: 000288806400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79955888640, ADS: 2011JLTP..163..131G, RINTs: 16997922.
- P.D. Grigoriev, P.A. Gusihin, O.S. Rogova, Angular dependence of magnetic quantum oscillations and of magnetoresistance in quasi-2D metals, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 24(1-2), 407-412 (2011), WoS: 000289855700065, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052168916, ADS: -, RINTs: 18002901.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Weakly incoherent regime of interlayer conductivity in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245129 (2011) [10 pages]; arXiv:1010.0926, WoS: 000292128800009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79961218002, ADS: 2011PhRvB..83x5129G, RINTs: 16990349.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Monotonic growth of interlayer magnetoresistance in strong magnetic field in very anisotropic layered metals, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 94 (1), 48-52 (2011) [JETP Lett., 94(1), 47-52 (2011)]; arXiv:1104.5122, WoS: 000294758400010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052402029, ADS: 2011JETPL..94...47G, RINTs: 17265451.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Otritsatel’nye iony Ar−, Kr−, Xe− v sverkhtekuchem gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 94 (9), 774-778 (2011) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Negative ions Ar−, Kr−, and Xe− in superfluid helium, JETP Lett., 94(9), 714-718 (2011)], WoS: 000300146100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855521719, ADS: -, RINTs: 17239221.
- P.D. Grigoriev, New features of magnetoresistance in the strongly anisotropic layered metals, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 930-936 (2011) [P.D. Grigoriev, New features of magnetoresistance in highly anisotropic layered metals, Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 738-743 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855260120, ADS: 2011LTP....37..738G, RINTs: 16904825.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Otritsatel’nye iony na granitse razdela rastvorov zhidkogo geliya, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 1008-1010 (2011) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Negative ions at an interface between liquid helium mixtures, Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 803-805 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855266966, ADS: 2011LTP....37..803D, RINTs: 16904836.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Angular dependence of the Fermi surface cross-section area and magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 81, 205122 (2010) [11 pages]; arXiv:1003.0568, WoS: 000278144500037, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77955739324, ADS: 2010PhRvB..81t5122G, RINTs: 15331135.
- E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Diffuzionnyi perekhod otritsatel’nykh ionov cherez granitsu kriogennykh zhidkostei, ZhETF, 137(4), 789-796 (2010) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Diffusion transport of negative ions through the interface between cryogenic liquids, JETP, 110(4), 694-700 (2010)], WoS: 000279084900016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77954543920, ADS: 2010JETP..110..694L, RINTs: 15847926.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Zaryazhennye klastery v zhidkom gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 91 (6), 324-328 (2010) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Charged clusters in liquid helium, JETP Lett. 91 (6), 303-307 (2010)], WoS: 000278469100009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77952806739, ADS: 2010JETPL..91..303D, RINTs: 15131771.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Weakly incoherent magnetotransport in layered metals, arXiv:1010.0926.
- M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, Magnetic field induced coherence-incoherence crossover in the interlayer conductivity of a layered organic metal, Phys. Rev. B 79, 165120 (2009) [5 pages]; arXiv:0811.4323, WoS: 000265945200042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-66349116427, ADS: 2009PhRvB..79p5120K, RINTs: 13607842.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Superconductivity on the density-wave background with soliton-wall structure, Physica B 404(3-4), 513-516 (2009); arXiv:0811.4335, WoS: 000264227400050, Scopus: 2-s2.0-59649121964, ADS: 2009PhyB..404..513G, RINTs: 13606800.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Vzaimodeistvie otritsatel’nykh ionov s poverkhnost’yu inertnykh zhidkostei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 89 (3), 165-169 (2009) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Interaction of negative ions with the surface of inert liquids, JETP Lett., 89(3), 145-149 (2009)], WoS: 000264923100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-64349122873, ADS: 2009JETPL..89..145D, RINTs: 15140360.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Mobility of electrons on the surface of quantum liquids, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering A 5(1-2), 143-163 (2008).
- P.D. Grigoriev, Properties of superconductivity on a density wave background with small ungapped Fermi surface parts, Phys. Rev. B 77, 224508 (2008); arXiv:0803.0838, WoS: 000257289300092, Scopus: 2-s2.0-45749115398, ADS: 2008PhRvB..77v4508G, RINTs: 13585478.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on the surface of liquid helium: influence of surface level atoms and depopulation of lowest subbands, ZhETF, 133(2), 370-379 (2008) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on the surface of liquid helium: influence of surface level atoms and depopulation of lowest subbands, JETP 106(2), 316-325 (2008)]; cond-mat/0701009, WoS: 000254701700010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-43249093219, ADS: 2008JETP..106..316G, RINTs: 13579018.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Temperaturnaya zavisimost’ spektra elektronov, levitiruyushchikh nad tverdym vodorodom, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 87 (2), 114-118 (2008) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Temperature dependence of the spectrum of electrons levitating above solid hydrogen, JETP Lett. 87(2), 106-110 (2008)], WoS: 000254656300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-41749093808, ADS: 2008JETPL..87..106G, RINTs: 9918007.
- L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Nature of superconducting state in the new phase in (TMTSF)2PF6 under pressure, Phys. Rev. B 75, 020507(R) (2007) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0610837, WoS: 000243895100015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33846277221, ADS: 2007PhRvB..75b0507G, RINTs: 13559825, EDN: LKSZDH.
- L. Gor’kov, P. Grigoriev, Nature of superconducting state in the new phase of (TMTSF)2PF6 under pressure, Bull. APS, 52(1), J11.004 (2007) [2007 APS March Meeting, March 5–9, 2007; Denver, Colorado. Session J11: Correlated Organic Conductors, abstract id. J11.004], ADS: 2007APS..MARJ11004G.
- P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on a surface of dielectric media: influence of surface level atoms, cond-mat/0701009.
- P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, The phase diagram and the structure of the charge-density-wave state in high magnetic field, J. Low Temp. Phys., 142(3-4), 167-172 (2006), WoS: 000240657500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547128903, ADS: 2006JLTP..142..167G, RINTs: 13514670.
- L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Antiferromagnetism and hot spots in CeIn3, Phys. Rev. B 73, 060401(R) (2006) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0601306, WoS: 000235668600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33244458462, ADS: 2006PhRvB..73f0401G, RINTs: 13526424, EDN: LJZZAT.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Osnovnoe sostoyanie dvumernykh elektronov v neodnorodnom magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 129(1), 79-85 (2006) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, The ground state of two-dimensional electrons in a nonuniform magnetic field, JETP, 102(1), 69-75 (2006)], WoS: 000237594200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33644913664, ADS: 2006JETP..102...69D, RINTs: 9173940.
- L. Gor'kov, P. Grigoriev, P. Krotkov, Phase diagram of (TMTSF)2PF6 revisited, APS March Meeting, March 21-25, 2005, abstract id. H38.005, ADS: 2005APS..MARH38005G.
- L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Soliton phase near antiferromagnetic quantum critical point in Q1D conductors, Europhys. Lett., 71 (3), 425-430 (2005); cond-mat/0502472, WoS: 000231108800014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23444441943, ADS: 2005EL.....71..425G, RINTs: 13493810, EDN: LJHKOX.
- K. Baumann, R. Gähler, P. Grigoriev, E.I. Kats, Time lens for high-resolution neutron time-of-flight spectrometers, Phys. Rev. A 72, 043619 (2005) (9 pages); cond-mat/0509132, WoS: 000232931800132, Scopus: 2-s2.0-28844509280, ADS: 2005PhRvA..72d3619B, RINTs: 14631070.
- P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, Phase diagram and structure of the charge-density-wave state in a high magnetic field in quasi-one-dimensional materials: A mean-field approach, Phys. Rev. B 72, 195106 (2005) (13 pages); cond-mat/0504779, WoS: 000233603700041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-29744455564, ADS: 2005PhRvB..72s5106G, RINTs: 13492884.
- P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, The phase diagram and the structure of CDW state in high magnetic field in quasi-1D materials: mean-field approach, cond-mat/0504779, ADS: 2005cond.mat..4779G.
- P. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Y.N. Ovchinnikov, Lifting of the Landau level degeneracy in 2D electron gas by point impurities, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(2), 241-250 (2004).
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, P. Wyder, Various charged complexes at the surface of liquid helium, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(2), 297-305 (2004).
- M.V. Kartsovnik, D. Andres, W. Biberacher, P.D. Grigoriev, E.A. Schuberth, H. Mueller, New electronic phase transitions in α-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4, J. Phys. IV France, 114, 191-197 (2004); cond-mat/0312249, WoS: 000221218200044, Scopus: 2-s2.0-10344261808, ADS: 2004JPhy4.114..191K, RINTs: 16947275.
- M. Kartsovnik, D. Andres, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, M. Haraldüller, Interplay between the orbital quantization and Pauli effect in a charge-density-wave organic conductor, Physica B 346-347, 368-372 (2004); cond-mat/0312283, WoS: 000221271400077, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2042479404, ADS: 2004PhyB..346..368K, RINTs: 13455394.
- E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Svyazannye sostoyaniya elektrona i makroskopicheskogo klastera u poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 125(2), 441-444 (2004) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Bound states of an electron and a macroscopic cluster at a liquid helium surface, JETP, 98(2), 390-393 (2004)], WoS: 000220740600025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33748104383, ADS: 2004JETP...98..390L, RINTs: 13453995.
- P.D. Grigoriev, Theory of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 67, 144401 (2003) [8 pages]; cond-mat/0204270, WoS: 000182718400031, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038823954, ADS: 2003PhRvB..67n4401G, RINTs: 13427192.
- D. Andres, M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, H. Müller, Orbital quantization in the high-magnetic-field state of a charge-density-wave system, Phys. Rev. B 68, 201101(R) (2003) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0305100, WoS: 000187314400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2942645725, ADS: 2003PhRvB..68t1101A, RINTs: 13445392.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Wyder, Charged complexes at the surface of liquid helium, Physica Status Solidi B 237 (1), 260-264 (2003); cond-mat/0210520, WoS: 000182801800024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038577263, ADS: 2003PSSBR.237..260D, RINTs: 13433640.
- M. Kartsovnik, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, A. Gröger, D. Andres, S. Pesotskii, N. Kushch, Effects of low dimensionality on the classical and quantum parts of the magnetoresistance of layered metals with a coherent interlayer transport, Synth. Met., 133-134, 111-112 (2003), WoS: 000181831400033, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037435313, ADS: -, RINTs: 13428499.
- M. Kartsovnik, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, Slow oscillations of magnetoresistance in layered organic metals, Synth. Met., 135-136, 655-656 (2003), WoS: 000182533700310, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044462632, ADS: -, RINTs: 13442227.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Snyatie vyrozhdeniya urovnei Landau dvumernykh elektronov tochechnymi primesyami, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 78 (3), 180-183 (2003) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Y.N. Ovchinnikov, Point impurities remove degeneracy of the Landau levels in a two-dimensional electron gas, JETP Lett., 78 (3), 148-151 (2003)]; cond-mat/0307064, WoS: 000185576300011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-12344318828, ADS: 2003JETPL..78..148D, RINTs: 13445234.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Poverkhnostnoe natyazhenie chistykh izotopov zhidkogo geliya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 78 (7), 935-939 (2003) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Surface tension of pure liquid helium isotopes, JETP Lett., 78 (7), 466-470 (2003)], WoS: 000186756200009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444482915, ADS: 2003JETPL..78..466D, RINTs: 13422824.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Lift of degeneracy of Landau levels of 2D electron gas by point-like impurities, cond-mat/0307064.
- P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, P. Wyder, Anomalous beating phase of the oscillating interlayer magnetoresistance in layered metals, Phys. Rev. B 65, 060403(R) (2002) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0108091, WoS: 000173879700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4243658603, ADS: 2002PhRvB..65f0403G, RINTs: 45568568.
- M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, P. Wyder, Slow oscillations of magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 126802 (2002); cond-mat/0203279, WoS: 000178166900041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037120443, ADS: 2002PhRvL..89l6802K, RINTs: 35500148.
- Pavel Grigoriev, Magnetic quantum oscillations inquasi-two-dimensional metals, Ph. D. thesis, University of Konstanz, 2002 - 135 pp..
- P. Grigoriev, The influence of the chemical potential oscillations on the de Haas-van Alphen effect in quasi-two-dimensional compounds, ZhETF, 119(6), 1257–1261 (2001) [JETP, 92(6), 1090-1094 (2001)]; cond-mat/0102177, WoS: 000169661400024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044528476, ADS: 2001JETP...92.1090G, RINTs: 13379929.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Teoriya rezonansnykh svoistv elektronov, lokalizovannykh na poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 120(1), 119-126 (2001) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Theory of the resonant properties of electrons localized on the surface of liquid helium, JETP, 93(1), 103-110 (2001)], WoS: 000170172000011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750121912, ADS: 2001JETP...93..103G, RINTs: 13378629.
- P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, P. Wyder, Shubnikov-de Haas effect in quasi-two-dimensional compounds, cond-mat/0108352, ADS: 2001cond.mat..8352G.
- A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, O svoistvakh klassicheskogo elektronnogo gaza na poverkhnosti kondensirovannykh sred, ZhETF, 117(6), 1251–1254 (2000) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Properties of a classical electron gas at the surface of condensed media, JETP, 90(6), 1089-1092 (2000)], WoS: 000087771700020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044518987, ADS: 2000JETP...90.1089D, RINTs: 13360852.
- P.D. Grigoriev, I.D. Vagner, The de Haas - van Alphen effect in two-dimensional metals, cond-mat/0009409, ADS: 2000cond.mat..9409G.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Otritsatel’nye iony bol’shogo radiusa Ca– i Ba– na poverkhnosti i v ob’eme zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 115(2), 593-604 (1999) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Negative Ca– and Ba– ions of large radius on the surface and in the volume of liquid helium, JETP, 88(2), 325-331 (1999)], WoS: 000079414600015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-14644434987, ADS: 1999JETP...88..325G, RINTs: 13735544.
- P.D. Grigoriev, I.D. Vagner, The de Haas - van Alphen effect in quasi-two-dimensional materials, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 69 (2), 139-144 (1999) [JETP Lett., 69 (2), 156-162 (1999)], WoS: 000079011700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040290030, ADS: 1999JETPL..69..156G, RINTs: 13315915.
- P.D. Grigor’ev, Svyazannye sostoyaniya elektrona na poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya v potentsiale primesi, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 66 (9), 599-604 (1997) [P.D. Grigorev, Bound states of an electron in an impurity potential on the surface of liquid helium, JETP Lett., 66 (9), 630-636 (1997)], WoS: A1997YL13500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444400872, ADS: 1997JETPL..66..630G, RINTs: 13270904.