Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Pavel D. Grigoriev

Senior researcher

Doctor of science



    1. V. D. Kochev, T. I. Mogilyuk, S. S. Kostenko, P. D. Grigoriev, Numerical Calculation of Electric Field Enhancement in Neutron Traps with Rough Walls Coated with Superfluid Helium, Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 88, 1472–1477 (2024).
    2. A. Gallo-Frantz, A.A. Sinchenko, D. Ghoneim, L. Ortega, P. Godard, P.-O. Renault, P. Grigoriev, A. Hadj-Azzem, P. Monceau, D. Thiaudière, E. Bellec, V.L.R. Jacques, D. Le Bolloc'h, Charge density waves tuned by biaxial tensile stress, Nature Communications, 15, 3667 (2024); arXiv:2306.15712, ADS: 2024NatCo..15.3667G.
    3. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, V.N. Zverev, A. Hadj-Azzem, E. Pachoud, P. Monceau, Comparative study of magnetic quantum oscillations in Hall and transverse magnetoresistance, Phys. Rev. B 110, L161108 (2024), ADS: 2024PhRvB.110p1108S.
    4. T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, V.D. Kochev, I.S. Volokhov, I.Ya. Polishchuk, 3D - 2D crossover and phase shift of beats of quantum oscillations of interlayer magnetoresistance in quasi-2D metals, Physics, 6(3), 999-1012 (2024); arXiv:2405.10174, ADS: 2024Physi...6..999M.
    5. S.I. Pesotskii, R.B. Lyubovskii, V.N. Zverev, P.D. Grigor’ev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Torunova, E.I. Zhilyaeva, Vliyanie vneshnego davleniya na povedenie metallicheskoi fazy organichesogo kvazidvumernogo provodnika κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Cl. Vklad korrelyatsionnykh effektov, ZhETF, 165(5), 710-717 (2024), RINTs: 67993371, EDN: AGNFIN.
    6. V.D. Kochev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.S. Kostenko, P.D. Grigor’ev, Chislennyi raschet usileniya elektricheskogo polya v neitronnykh lovushkakh s pokrytymi sverkhtekuchim geliem sherokhovatymi stenkami, Izvestiya RAN. Seriya fizicheskaya, 88(9), ... (2024) [V.D. Kochev, T.I. Mogilyuk, S.S. Kostenko, P D. Grigoriev, Numerical Calculation of Electric Field Enhancement in Neutron Traps with Rough Walls Coated with Superfluid Helium, Bull. RAS: Physics, 88(9), 1472–1477 (2024)].
    7. A.Sh. Dotdaev, Ya.I. Rodionov, A.V. Rozhkov, P.D. Grigor’ev, Kvaziklassicheskoe rasseyanie na kraevykh defektakh v topologicheskikh izolyatorakh v magnitnom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 120(9), 701-713 (2024) [A.S. Dotdaev, Ya.I. Rodionov, A. V. Rozhkov, P. D. Grigoriev, Semiclassical Scattering by Edge Imperfections in Topological Insulators Under Magnetic Field, JETP Letters, Online First (October 2024)]; arXiv:2408.14540, ADS: 2024JETPL.tmp...83D, EDN: VLXZPB.
    8. V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigoriev, On the size of superconducting islands on the density-wave background in organic metals, Magnetochemistry, 9(7), 173 (2023); arXiv:2305.14510, WoS: 001039465600001, ADS: 2023arXiv230514510K.
    9. P.D. Grigoriev, V.D. Kochev, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, A.A. Sinchenko, Inhomogeneous superconductivity onset in FeSe studied by transport properties, Materials, 16 (5), 1840 (2023); arXiv:2301.06185, WoS: 000948020300001, ADS: 2023Mate...16.1840G.
    10. S.S. Seidov, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, First-order phase transition between superconducting and charge/spin density wave states causes their coexistence in organic metals, Phys. Rev. B 108, 125123 (2023); arXiv:2305.06957, ADS: 2023PhRvB.108l5123S.
    11. P.D. Grigoriev, A.V. Sadovnikov, V.D. Kochev, A.M. Dyugaev, Improving ultracold neutron traps coated with liquid helium using capillarity and electric field, Phys. Rev. C 108, 025501 (2023); arXiv:2303.04429, ADS: 2023PhRvC.108b5501G, InSpire: 2639472.
    12. Z.Z. Alisultanov, G.O. Abdullaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, N.A. Demirov, Kvantovye ostsillyatsii mezhsloinoi provodimosti v mnogosloinom topologicheskom izolyatore, ZhETF, 163 (3), 401-416 (2023) [Z.Z. Alisultanov, G.O. Abdullaev, P.D. Grigoriev, N.A. Demirov, Quantum Oscillations of Interlayer Conductivity in a Multilayer Topological Insulator, JETP, 136(3), 353-367 (2023)], WoS: 000993852200012, ADS: 2023JETP..136..353A, RINTs: 50453375, EDN: QFAGYG.
    13. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Modelirovanie dvukhyamnykh potentsialov dlya uravneniya Shredingera, ZhETF, 164(1), 23-28 (2023) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Modeling of Double-Well Potentials for the Schrödinger Equation, JETP, 137(1), 17-22 (2023)], WoS: 001052869900002, ADS: 2023JETP..137...17D, InSpire: 2691597, RINTs: 54161488, EDN: GDEWQV.
    14. T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Gudin, P.D. Grigor’ev, Mezhsloevaya provodimost’ v uglakh Yamadzhi v sloistykh kvazidvumernykh provodnikakh v magnitnom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 118(12), 877-881 (2023) [T.I. Mogilyuk, S.A. Gudin , P.D. Grigoriev, Interlayer Conductivity of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Layered Conductors in a Magnetic Field at Yamaji Angles, JETP Letters, 118(12), 881-885 (2023), published: 15 February 2024], ADS: 2024JETPL.118..881M, RINTs: 55081129, EDN: nmmrqe.
    15. V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigoriev, On the phase transition between superconductivity and charge/spin-density wave in organic metals, Proc. VII International Conference on Quantum Technologies, Moscow, July 2023.
    16. V.D. Kochev, S.S. Seidov, P.D. Grigor’ev, Otsenka razmerov sverkhprovodyashchikh ostrovov na fone volny spinovoi plotnosti v organicheskikh metallakh, Tezisy XXII Vserossiiskoi konf. «Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii», Sochi, 24 sent. - 3. okt. 2023, p.92-94.
    17. P.D. Grigor’ev, V.D. Kochev, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Opredelenie parametrov neodnorodnoi sverkhprovodimosti s pomoshch’yu transportnykh izmerenii, Fizika kondensirovannykh sostoyanii (FKS-2023). Sbornik tezisov III Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 60-letiyu IFTT RAN, Chernogolovka, 29 maya-02 iyunya 2023. Pod redaktsiei B.B. Straumala. Izd.-vo IFTT RAN, Chernogolovka, 2023, s. 35, RINTs: 54114644, EDN: NPXDTP.
    18. E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Diagnostika mikrochastits na poverkhnosti vody, ZhETF, 161(5), 767-772 (2022) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Diagnostics of Microparticles on the Surface of Water, JETP, 134(5), 656-660 (2022)], WoS: 000815503700015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85132862544, ADS: 2022JETP..134..656L, RINTs: 48459268, EDN: DTLGRT.
    19. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.A. Sinchenko, T.I. Mogilyuk, P.A. Vorob’ev, D. Akparov, Z.Z. Alisultanov, A.M. Dyugaev, Gisterezis tenzora soprotivleniya v politelluridakh redkozemel’nykh metallov, Fizika tverdogo tela, 64 (9), 1139-1143 (2022) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, T.I. Mogilyuk, P.A.Vorobyov, D. Akparov, S.S. Alisultanov, A.M. Dyugaev, Hysteresis of resistivity tensor in rare-earth polytellurides, Physics of the Solid State, 64(9), 1145-1149 (2022)], RINTs: 49374828, EDN: YOACYL.
    20. K.K. Kesharpu, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, Peculiar effect of sample size in layered superconductors, AIP Conf. Proceedings 2551, 030002 (2022) [Low-dimensional Materials: Theory, Modeling, Experiment, Dubna, 12-17 July 2021]; arXiv:2209.07085, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85139410886, ADS: 2022AIPC.2551c0002K.
    21. K.K. Kesharpu, V.D. Kochev, P.D. Grigoriev, Evolution of Shape and Volume Fraction of Superconducting Domains with Temperature and Anion Disorder in (TMTSF)2ClO4, Crystals, 11(1), 72 (2021); arXiv:2012.03231, WoS: 000610156900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85099951183, ADS: 2020arXiv201203231K, RINTs: 44982506.
    22. R. Ramazashvili, P.D. Grigoriev, T. Helm, F. Kollmannsberger, M. Kunz, W. Biberacher, E. Kampert, H. Fujiwara, A. Erb, J. Wosnitza, R. Gross, M.V. Kartsovnik, Experimental evidence for Zeeman spin-orbit coupling in layered antiferromagnetic conductors, npj Quantum Materials 6, art.11 (2021); arXiv:1908.01236, WoS: 000615244100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85100534130, ADS: 2021npjQM...6...11R, RINTs: 46741066.
    23. V.D. Kochev, K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, Anisotropic zero-resistance onset in organic superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 103, 014519 (2021); arXiv:2007.14388, WoS: 000612136200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85100167863, ADS: 2021PhRvB.103a4519K, RINTs: 44970703.
    24. P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Superfluid helium film may greatly increase the storage time of ultracold neutrons in material traps, Phys. Rev. C 104, 055501 (2021); arXiv:2108.11246, WoS: 000722322200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85119351178, ADS: 2021PhRvC.104e5501G, InSpire: 1912168, RINTs: 47528234, EDN: LYWFDG.
    25. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.D. Grigor’ev, O vozmozhnosti znachitel’nogo uvelicheniya vremeni khraneniya ul’trakholodnykh neitronov v lovushkakh, pokrytykh plenkoi zhidkogo geliya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 114 (8), 560-567 (2021) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.D. Grigoriev, On the possibility of a significant increase in the storage time of ultracold neutrons in traps coated with a liquid helium film, JETP Letters, 114(8), 493-499 (2021)]; arXiv:2202.01499, WoS: 000731870200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85121547075, ADS: 2021JETPL.114..493G , InSpire: 2002483, RINTs: 46661364, EDN: GQXROD.
    26. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Osnovnoe sostoyanie kvantovoi chastitsy v potentsial’nom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 112 (2), 107-111 (2020) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Ground State of a Quantum Particle in a Potential Field, JETP Letters, 112 (2), 101-105 (2020)], WoS: 000574226300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091718899, ADS: 2020JETPL.112..101D, RINTs: 43127260.
    27. P.D. Grigor’ev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh, Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LAPLAZ-2020. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov VI Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 11-14 fevralya 2020 g. - Izd-vo MIFI, 2020, s. 186-187, RINTs: 43807488.
    28. T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, O vliyanii deistvitel’noi chasti sobstvenno-energeticheskoi funktsii na magnitnye kvantovye ostsillyatsii namagnichennosti i soprotivleniya v sloistykh metallakh, Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LAPLAZ-2020. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov VI Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 11-14 fevralya 2020 g. - Izd-vo MIFI, 2020, s. 244-245, RINTs: 43807514.
    29. P.D. Grigor’ev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh s antiferromagnitnym uporyadocheniem, Nanofizika i nanoelektronika: Trudy XXIV Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma (Nizhnii Novgorod, 10-13 marta 2020 g.), Tom 1, s. 54-55 (2020).
    30. P.D. Grigoriev, R. Ramazashvili, M.V. Kartsovnik, Effektivnyi g-faktor elektronov, izmeryaemyi po magnitnym kvantovym ostsillyatsiyam v antiferromagnitnykh metallakh, Sil’no korrelirovannye elektronnye sistemy i kvantovye kriticheskie yavleniya. Tezisy XVIII konferentsii, Troitsk, 28 maya 2020 g. - Izhevsk: Izhevskii institut komp’yuternykh issledovanii, 2020, s. 12, RINTs: 43861333.
    31. P.A. Vorobyev, P.D. Grigoriev, K.K. Kesharpu, V.V. Khovaylo, The evolution of electron dispersion in the series of rare-earth tritelluride compounds obtained from their charge-density-wave properties and susceptibility calculations, Materials, 12(14), 2264 (2019); arXiv:1907.04815, WoS: 000480454300052, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85070436605, ADS: 2019Mate...12.2264V, RINTs: 41678004.
    32. P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P.A. Vorobyev, A. Hadj-Azzem, P. Lejay, A. Bosak, P. Monceau, Interplay between band crossing and charge density wave instabilities, Phys. Rev. B 100, 081109(R) (2019); arXiv:1906.11125, WoS: 000482214000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85072080396, ADS: 2019PhRvB.100h1109G, RINTs: 41643135.
    33. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Neuprugoe rasseyanie neitronov kak podtverzhdenie sushchestvovaniya novogo tipa shchelevykh poverkhnostnykh vozbuzhdenii v zhidkom gelii, ZhETF, 155(2), 338-345 (2019) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Inelastic neutron scattering as a confirmation of a new type of gapped surface excitations in liquid helium, JETP, 128(2), 297-302 (2019)]; arXiv:1811.04746, WoS: 000469226600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85066312610, ADS: 2019JETP..128..297G, RINTs: 36897451.
    34. P.D. Grigor’ev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A. Khamzauly, O prirode magnitnykh ostsillyatsii v vysokotemperaturnykh sverkhprovodnikakh YBCO, Fizika tverdogo tela, 61 (9), 1579-1584 (2019) [P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, A. Khamzauly, On the Nature of Magnetic Oscillations in YBCO High-Temperature Superconductors, Phys. Solid State, 61(9), 1529-1534 (2019)], WoS: 000483783100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85071950488, ADS: 2019PhSS...61.1529G, RINTs: 41696161.
    35. T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, K.K. Kesharpu, I.A. Kolesnikov, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Izbytochnaya provodimost’ anizotropnykh neodnorodnykh sverkhprovodnikov pri temperature vyshe kriticheskoi, Fizika tverdogo tela, 61 (9), 1599-1602 (2019) [T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, K.K. Kesharpu, I.A. Kolesnikov, A.A. Sinchenko, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, Excess Conductivity of Anisotropic Inhomogeneous Superconductors Above the Critical Temperature, Phys. Solid State, 61(9), 1549-1552 (2019)], WoS: 000483783100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85071917323, ADS: 2019PhSS...61.1549M, RINTs: 41130276.
    36. K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, D.I. Lazeva, T.I. Mogilyuk, Self-consistent and Maxwell approximations to describe the excess conductivity anisotropy in FeSe above superconducting transition temperature, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1238, 012010 (2019); arXiv:1807.01887, WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85069958390, ADS: 2019JPhCS1238a2010K, RINTs: 41630361.
    37. K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigoriev, Temperature dependence of resistivity at the transition to a charge density wave state in rare-earth tritellurides, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1238, 012019 (2019); arXiv:1812.06497, WoS: -?, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85069973676, ADS: 2019JPhCS1238a2019K, RINTs: 41631204.
    38. S.S. Seidov, K.K. Kesharpu, P.I. Karpov, P.D. Grigoriev, Conductivity of anisotropic inhomogeneous superconductors above the critical temperature, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014515 (2018); arXiv:1712.05347, WoS: 000439542600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85051432210, ADS: 2018PhRvB..98a4515S, RINTs: 35735760.
    39. T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigoriev, Magnetic oscillations of in-plane conductivity in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 98, 045118 (2018); arXiv:1901.09064, WoS: 000438494100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85050481670, ADS: 2018PhRvB..98d5118M, RINTs: 35783599.
    40. A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlova, P.D. Grigor’ev, V.N. Zverev, A.A. Sinchenko, R. Monso, Magnitosoprotivlenie v rezhime dvizhushcheisya volny zaryadovoi plotnosti v kvazidvumernom provodnike TbTe3, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 107 (8), 507-511 (2018) [A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, P.D. Grigoriev, V.N. Zverev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Monceau, Magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional TbTe3 conductor in the sliding charge-density wave regime, JETP Lett., 107(8), 488-492 (2018)], WoS: 000436588500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049190788, ADS: 2018JETPL.107..488F, RINTs: 32816596.
    41. P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, Interplay between angular and quantum magnetoresistance oscillations, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1038, 012123 (2018) [International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2017, 24–26 October 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation], WoS: 000454825500123, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049495265, ADS: 2018JPhCS1038a2123G, RINTs: 35747756.
    42. K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigor’ev, Temperaturnaya zavisimost’ udel’nogo soprotivleniya pri formirovanii VZP v redkozemel’nykh tritelluridakh (RTe3), V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 85-86 (2018)., RINTs: 36813210.
    43. T.I. Mogilyuk, K.K. Kesharpu, P.D. Grigor’ev, Anizotropnoe vliyanie zarozhdayushcheisya sverkhprovodimosti na elektronnyi transport v FeSe, V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 123-124 (2018), RINTs: 36813244.
    44. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigor’ev, A.V. Frolov, A.P. Orlov, P. Monso, Magnitosoprotivlenie v sostoyanii s volnoi zaryadovoi plotnosti, V sbornike: Lazernye, plazmennye issledovaniya i tekhnologii - LaPlaz-2018. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 30 yanvarya-1 fevralya 2018, c. 145-146 (2018), RINTs: 36813283.
    45. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, A. Shakin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasiliev, Gossamer high-temperature bulk superconductivity in FeSe, Phys. Rev. B 95, 165120 (2017); arXiv:1610.06117, WoS: 000400783900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85017618002, ADS: 2017PhRvB..95p5120S, RINTs: 29483377.
    46. P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, False spin zeros in the angular dependence of magnetic quantum oscillations in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195130 (2017); arXiv:1901.09032, WoS: 000401449700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85023623180, ADS: 2017PhRvB..95s5130G, RINTs: 31059588.
    47. P.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Magnetic oscillations measure interlayer coupling in cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165110 (2017); arXiv:1710.10133, WoS: 000412365700006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85038076824, ADS: 2017PhRvB..96p5110G, RINTs: 35504685.
    48. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, P. Monceau, Linear magnetoresistance in the charge density wave state of quasi-two-dimensional rare-earth tritellurides, Phys. Rev. B 96, 245129 (2017); arXiv:1712.02971, WoS: 000418573600010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85039414829, ADS: 2017PhRvB..96x5129S, RINTs: 35512705.
    49. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.A. Sinchenko, K.K. Kesharpu, A. Shakin, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, D.S. Lyubshin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasil’ev, Anizotropnoe vliyanie zarozhdayushcheisya sverkhprovodimosti na elektronnyi transport v FeSe, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 105(12), 748-753 (2017) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, K.K. Kesharpu, A. Shakin, T.I. Mogilyuk, A.P. Orlov, A.V. Frolov, D.S. Lyubshin, D.A. Chareev, O.S. Volkova, A.N. Vasiliev, Anisotropic effect of appearing superconductivity on the electron transport in FeSe, JETP Lett., 105(12), 786-791 (2017)], WoS: 000408457400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85028331030, ADS: 2017JETPL.105..786G, RINTs: 29359389.
    50. P.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Slow quantum oscillations without fine-grained Fermi surface reconstruction in cuprate superconductors, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 106 (6), 349-350 (2017) [JETP Lett., 106(6), 371-376 (2017)]; arXiv:1606.03942, WoS: 000416173600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85029489807, ADS: 2017JETPL.106..371G, RINTs: 29967225.
    51. P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Lejay, A. Hadj-Azzem, J. Balay, O. Leynaud, V.N. Zverev, P. Monceau, Bilayer splitting versus Fermi-surface warping as an origin of slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in rare-earth tritellurides, Eur. Phys. J. B 89(6), 151 (2016); arXiv:1606.05442, WoS: 000403810400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84976402793, ADS: 2016EPJB...89..151G, RINTs: 26821059.
    52. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Monceau, P. Lejay, V.N. Zverev, Slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional rare-earth tritellurides, J. Low Temp. Phys., 185(5), 657-664 (2016); arXiv:1504.06064, WoS: 000387226100042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84964050177, ADS: 2016JLTP..185..657S, RINTs: 29464519.
    53. P.D. Grigoriev, M.M. Korshunov, T.I. Mogilyuk, Slow in-plane magnetoresistance oscillations in multiband quasi-two-dimensional metals, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 29(4), 1127-1132 (2016); arXiv:1511.03178, WoS: 000372542300038, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84954427817, ADS: 2015arXiv151103178G, RINTs: 28455489.
    54. P.D. Grigoriev, O. Zimmer, A.D. Grigoriev, T. Ziman, Neutrons on a surface of liquid helium, Phys. Rev. C 94, 025504 (2016); arXiv:1509.06343, WoS: 000381892200007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84983650176, ADS: 2016PhRvC..94b5504G, InSpire: 1394229, RINTs: 27141324.
    55. A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, O. Leynaud, P. Monceau, Anisotropy of conductivity in rare-earth tritellurides in the static and sliding states of the CDW, Physica B 460, 21-25 (2015), WoS: 000350808300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923876888, ADS: 2015PhyB..460...21S, RINTs: 24011007.
    56. P.D. Grigoriev, S.S. Kostenko, Conductivity anisotropy helps to reveal the microscopic structure of a density wave at imperfect nesting, Physica B 460, 26-29 (2015); arXiv:1410.6314, WoS: 000350808300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923870462, ADS: 2015PhyB..460...26G, RINTs: 24010991.
    57. P.D. Grigor’ev, Medlennye ostsillyatsii magnitosoprotivleniya kak metod opredeleniya parametrov elektronnoi struktury kvazidvumernykh provodnikov, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s. 74-75 (2015),, RINTs: 24559300.
    58. T.I. Mogilyuk, P.D. Grigor’ev, Uglovaya zavisimost’ kvantovykh ostsillyatsii magnitosoprotivleniya v sil’no anizotropnykh kvaziyuvumennykh provodnikakh, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s.116-118 (2015), RINTs: 24559358.
    59. R.E. Ryl’tsev, B.A. Klumov, N.M. Shchelkachev, Dekagonal’nyi kvazikristallicheskii poryadok v odnomernykh sistemakh s izotropnym vzaimodeistviem, Idei i metody fiziki kondensirovannogo sostoyaniya: Tezisy XIV Mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-konferentsii "Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela i vysokikh davlenii", Sochi, 11-20 sentyabrya 2015. Izd-vo FIAN, s.128-130 (2015), RINTs: 24559358.
    60. P.D. Grigoriev, T.I. Mogilyuk, Angular dependence of magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional metals: Influence of Landau-level shape, Phys. Rev. B 90, 115138 (2014); arXiv:1309.3161, WoS: 000344015700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84907452249, ADS: 2014PhRvB..90k5138G, RINTs: 23990947.
    61. A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Lejay, P. Monceau, Spontaneous breaking of isotropy observed in the electronic transport of rare-earth tritellurides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036601 (2014); arXiv:1310.8136, WoS: 000331944800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84894475933, ADS: 2014PhRvL.112c6601S, RINTs: 21866184.
    62. A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, Crossover from the weak to strong-field behavior of the longitudinal interlayer magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional conductors, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(4), 472-476 (2014) [Low Temp. Phys., 40(4), 367-370 (2014)]; arXiv:1310.7109, WoS: 000336084400015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84907463010, ADS: 2014LTP....40..367G, RINTs: 21247307.
    63. M.V. Kartsovnik, V.N. Zverev, D. Andres, W. Biberacher, T. Helm, P.D. Grigoriev, R. Ramazashvili, N.D. Kushch, H. Müller, Magnetic quantum oscillations in the charge-density-wave state of the organic metals α-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4 with M = K and Tl, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(4), 484-491 (2014) [Low Temp. Phys., 40(4), 377-383 (2014)]; arXiv:1311.5744, WoS: 000336084400017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84929581521, ADS: 2014LTP....40..377K, RINTs: 21247309.
    64. E.V. Lebedeva, A.M.Dyugaev, P.D.Grigor’ev, O termodinamike kvantovykh zhidkostei, Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 40(6), 615-622 (2014) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, On the thermodynamics of quantum liquids, Low Temp. Phys., 40(6), 475-481 (2014)], WoS: 000339008700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84929584211, ADS: 2014LTP....40..475L, RINTs: 21408789.
    65. P.D. Grigoriev, Longitudinal interlayer magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 88, 054415 (2013) [6 pages]; arXiv:1212.6926, WoS: 000323328000007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883163864, ADS: 2013PhRvB..88e4415G, RINTs: 20454239.
    66. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Energiya osnovnogo sostoyaniya kvantovykh zhidkostei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 98 (1), 38-42 (2013) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Ground-state energy of quantum liquids, JETP Lett., 98(1), 33-37 (2013)], WoS: 000324571700008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884523067, ADS: 2013JETPL..98...33D, RINTs: 20687419.
    67. P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, Magnetic-field-induced dimensional crossover in the organic metal α-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165125 (2012) [7 pages]; arXiv:1205.0041, WoS: 000309903500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867796851, ADS: 2012PhRvB..86p5125G, RINTs: 20497213.
    68. P.D. Grigoriev, Exponential suppression of interlayer conductivity in very anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional compounds in high magnetic field, Physica B 407(11), 1932-1936 (2012); arXiv:1111.2432, WoS: 000303415000065, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84859526780, ADS: 2012PhyB..407.1932G, RINTs: 17982185.
    69. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Zaryazhennye makrochastitsy nad zhidkim geliem, Fizika nizkikh temp., 38(11), 1269-1273 (2012) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Charged particles over liquid helium, Low Temp. Phys., 38(11), 1001-1004 (2012)], WoS: 000312045400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84870428121, ADS: 2012LTP....38.1001D, RINTs: 18036465.
    70. A.D. Grigor’ev, P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, A.F. Krutov, Otsenka vremeni ispareniya syurfonov s poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya iz-za rasseyaniya na riplonakh, Fizika nizkikh temp., 38(11), 1274-1283 (2012) [A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, A.F. Krutov, Estimate of surfon evaporation time from the liquid helium surface due to the scattering on ripplons, Low Temp. Phys., 38(11), 1005-1012 (2012)], WoS: 000312045400004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84870435873, ADS: 10.1063/1.4766586, RINTs: 18036466.
    71. A.D. Grigoriev, P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Surface levels and their contribution to the surface tension of quantum liquids, J. Low Temp. Phys., 163(3-4), 131-147 (2011); arXiv:0905.2306, WoS: 000288806400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79955888640, ADS: 2011JLTP..163..131G, RINTs: 16997922.
    72. P.D. Grigoriev, P.A. Gusihin, O.S. Rogova, Angular dependence of magnetic quantum oscillations and of magnetoresistance in quasi-2D metals, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 24(1-2), 407-412 (2011), WoS: 000289855700065, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052168916, ADS: -, RINTs: 18002901.
    73. P.D. Grigoriev, Weakly incoherent regime of interlayer conductivity in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245129 (2011) [10 pages]; arXiv:1010.0926, WoS: 000292128800009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79961218002, ADS: 2011PhRvB..83x5129G, RINTs: 16990349.
    74. P.D. Grigoriev, Monotonic growth of interlayer magnetoresistance in strong magnetic field in very anisotropic layered metals, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 94 (1), 48-52 (2011) [JETP Lett., 94(1), 47-52 (2011)]; arXiv:1104.5122, WoS: 000294758400010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052402029, ADS: 2011JETPL..94...47G, RINTs: 17265451.
    75. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Otritsatel’nye iony Ar, Kr, Xe v sverkhtekuchem gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 94 (9), 774-778 (2011) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Negative ions Ar, Kr, and Xe in superfluid helium, JETP Lett., 94(9), 714-718 (2011)], WoS: 000300146100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855521719, ADS: -, RINTs: 17239221.
    76. P.D. Grigoriev, New features of magnetoresistance in the strongly anisotropic layered metals, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 930-936 (2011) [P.D. Grigoriev, New features of magnetoresistance in highly anisotropic layered metals, Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 738-743 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855260120, ADS: 2011LTP....37..738G, RINTs: 16904825.
    77. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Otritsatel’nye iony na granitse razdela rastvorov zhidkogo geliya, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 1008-1010 (2011) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, Negative ions at an interface between liquid helium mixtures, Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 803-805 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855266966, ADS: 2011LTP....37..803D, RINTs: 16904836.
    78. P.D. Grigoriev, Angular dependence of the Fermi surface cross-section area and magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 81, 205122 (2010) [11 pages]; arXiv:1003.0568, WoS: 000278144500037, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77955739324, ADS: 2010PhRvB..81t5122G, RINTs: 15331135.
    79. E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Diffuzionnyi perekhod otritsatel’nykh ionov cherez granitsu kriogennykh zhidkostei, ZhETF, 137(4), 789-796 (2010) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Diffusion transport of negative ions through the interface between cryogenic liquids, JETP, 110(4), 694-700 (2010)], WoS: 000279084900016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77954543920, ADS: 2010JETP..110..694L, RINTs: 15847926.
    80. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Zaryazhennye klastery v zhidkom gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 91 (6), 324-328 (2010) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Charged clusters in liquid helium, JETP Lett. 91 (6), 303-307 (2010)], WoS: 000278469100009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77952806739, ADS: 2010JETPL..91..303D, RINTs: 15131771.
    81. P.D. Grigoriev, Weakly incoherent magnetotransport in layered metals, arXiv:1010.0926.
    82. M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, Magnetic field induced coherence-incoherence crossover in the interlayer conductivity of a layered organic metal, Phys. Rev. B 79, 165120 (2009) [5 pages]; arXiv:0811.4323, WoS: 000265945200042, Scopus: 2-s2.0-66349116427, ADS: 2009PhRvB..79p5120K, RINTs: 13607842.
    83. P.D. Grigoriev, Superconductivity on the density-wave background with soliton-wall structure, Physica B 404(3-4), 513-516 (2009); arXiv:0811.4335, WoS: 000264227400050, Scopus: 2-s2.0-59649121964, ADS: 2009PhyB..404..513G, RINTs: 13606800.
    84. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Vzaimodeistvie otritsatel’nykh ionov s poverkhnost’yu inertnykh zhidkostei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 89 (3), 165-169 (2009) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, E.V. Lebedeva, Interaction of negative ions with the surface of inert liquids, JETP Lett., 89(3), 145-149 (2009)], WoS: 000264923100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-64349122873, ADS: 2009JETPL..89..145D, RINTs: 15140360.
    85. P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Mobility of electrons on the surface of quantum liquids, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering A 5(1-2), 143-163 (2008).
    86. P.D. Grigoriev, Properties of superconductivity on a density wave background with small ungapped Fermi surface parts, Phys. Rev. B 77, 224508 (2008); arXiv:0803.0838, WoS: 000257289300092, Scopus: 2-s2.0-45749115398, ADS: 2008PhRvB..77v4508G, RINTs: 13585478.
    87. P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on the surface of liquid helium: influence of surface level atoms and depopulation of lowest subbands, ZhETF, 133(2), 370-379 (2008) [P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on the surface of liquid helium: influence of surface level atoms and depopulation of lowest subbands, JETP 106(2), 316-325 (2008)]; cond-mat/0701009, WoS: 000254701700010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-43249093219, ADS: 2008JETP..106..316G, RINTs: 13579018.
    88. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Temperaturnaya zavisimost’ spektra elektronov, levitiruyushchikh nad tverdym vodorodom, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 87 (2), 114-118 (2008) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Temperature dependence of the spectrum of electrons levitating above solid hydrogen, JETP Lett. 87(2), 106-110 (2008)], WoS: 000254656300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-41749093808, ADS: 2008JETPL..87..106G, RINTs: 9918007.
    89. L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Nature of superconducting state in the new phase in (TMTSF)2PF6 under pressure, Phys. Rev. B 75, 020507(R) (2007) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0610837, WoS: 000243895100015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33846277221, ADS: 2007PhRvB..75b0507G, RINTs: 13559825, EDN: LKSZDH.
    90. L. Gor’kov, P. Grigoriev, Nature of superconducting state in the new phase of (TMTSF)2PF6 under pressure, Bull. APS, 52(1), J11.004 (2007) [2007 APS March Meeting, March 5–9, 2007; Denver, Colorado. Session J11: Correlated Organic Conductors, abstract id. J11.004], ADS: 2007APS..MARJ11004G.
    91. P.D. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, E.V. Lebedeva, Electron mobility on a surface of dielectric media: influence of surface level atoms, cond-mat/0701009.
    92. P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, The phase diagram and the structure of the charge-density-wave state in high magnetic field, J. Low Temp. Phys., 142(3-4), 167-172 (2006), WoS: 000240657500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547128903, ADS: 2006JLTP..142..167G, RINTs: 13514670.
    93. L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Antiferromagnetism and hot spots in CeIn3, Phys. Rev. B 73, 060401(R) (2006) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0601306, WoS: 000235668600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33244458462, ADS: 2006PhRvB..73f0401G, RINTs: 13526424, EDN: LJZZAT.
    94. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Osnovnoe sostoyanie dvumernykh elektronov v neodnorodnom magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 129(1), 79-85 (2006) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, The ground state of two-dimensional electrons in a nonuniform magnetic field, JETP, 102(1), 69-75 (2006)], WoS: 000237594200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33644913664, ADS: 2006JETP..102...69D, RINTs: 9173940.
    95. L. Gor'kov, P. Grigoriev, P. Krotkov, Phase diagram of (TMTSF)2PF6 revisited, APS March Meeting, March 21-25, 2005, abstract id. H38.005, ADS: 2005APS..MARH38005G.
    96. L.P. Gor’kov, P.D. Grigoriev, Soliton phase near antiferromagnetic quantum critical point in Q1D conductors, Europhys. Lett., 71 (3), 425-430 (2005); cond-mat/0502472, WoS: 000231108800014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23444441943, ADS: 2005EL.....71..425G, RINTs: 13493810, EDN: LJHKOX.
    97. K. Baumann, R. Gähler, P. Grigoriev, E.I. Kats, Time lens for high-resolution neutron time-of-flight spectrometers, Phys. Rev. A 72, 043619 (2005) (9 pages); cond-mat/0509132, WoS: 000232931800132, Scopus: 2-s2.0-28844509280, ADS: 2005PhRvA..72d3619B, RINTs: 14631070.
    98. P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, Phase diagram and structure of the charge-density-wave state in a high magnetic field in quasi-one-dimensional materials: A mean-field approach, Phys. Rev. B 72, 195106 (2005) (13 pages); cond-mat/0504779, WoS: 000233603700041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-29744455564, ADS: 2005PhRvB..72s5106G, RINTs: 13492884.
    99. P.D. Grigoriev, D.S. Lyubshin, The phase diagram and the structure of CDW state in high magnetic field in quasi-1D materials: mean-field approach, cond-mat/0504779, ADS: 2005cond.mat..4779G.
    100. P. Grigoriev, A.M. Dyugaev, Y.N. Ovchinnikov, Lifting of the Landau level degeneracy in 2D electron gas by point impurities, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(2), 241-250 (2004).
    101. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, E.V. Lebedeva, P. Wyder, Various charged complexes at the surface of liquid helium, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(2), 297-305 (2004).
    102. M.V. Kartsovnik, D. Andres, W. Biberacher, P.D. Grigoriev, E.A. Schuberth, H. Mueller, New electronic phase transitions in α-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4, J. Phys. IV France, 114, 191-197 (2004); cond-mat/0312249, WoS: 000221218200044, Scopus: 2-s2.0-10344261808, ADS: 2004JPhy4.114..191K, RINTs: 16947275.
    103. M. Kartsovnik, D. Andres, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, M. Haraldüller, Interplay between the orbital quantization and Pauli effect in a charge-density-wave organic conductor, Physica B 346-347, 368-372 (2004); cond-mat/0312283, WoS: 000221271400077, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2042479404, ADS: 2004PhyB..346..368K, RINTs: 13455394.
    104. E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Svyazannye sostoyaniya elektrona i makroskopicheskogo klastera u poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 125(2), 441-444 (2004) [E.V. Lebedeva, A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Bound states of an electron and a macroscopic cluster at a liquid helium surface, JETP, 98(2), 390-393 (2004)], WoS: 000220740600025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33748104383, ADS: 2004JETP...98..390L, RINTs: 13453995.
    105. P.D. Grigoriev, Theory of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. B 67, 144401 (2003) [8 pages]; cond-mat/0204270, WoS: 000182718400031, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038823954, ADS: 2003PhRvB..67n4401G, RINTs: 13427192.
    106. D. Andres, M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, H. Müller, Orbital quantization in the high-magnetic-field state of a charge-density-wave system, Phys. Rev. B 68, 201101(R) (2003) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0305100, WoS: 000187314400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2942645725, ADS: 2003PhRvB..68t1101A, RINTs: 13445392.
    107. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Wyder, Charged complexes at the surface of liquid helium, Physica Status Solidi B 237 (1), 260-264 (2003); cond-mat/0210520, WoS: 000182801800024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038577263, ADS: 2003PSSBR.237..260D, RINTs: 13433640.
    108. M. Kartsovnik, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, A. Gröger, D. Andres, S. Pesotskii, N. Kushch, Effects of low dimensionality on the classical and quantum parts of the magnetoresistance of layered metals with a coherent interlayer transport, Synth. Met., 133-134, 111-112 (2003), WoS: 000181831400033, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037435313, ADS: -, RINTs: 13428499.
    109. M. Kartsovnik, P. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, Slow oscillations of magnetoresistance in layered organic metals, Synth. Met., 135-136, 655-656 (2003), WoS: 000182533700310, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044462632, ADS: -, RINTs: 13442227.
    110. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Snyatie vyrozhdeniya urovnei Landau dvumernykh elektronov tochechnymi primesyami, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 78 (3), 180-183 (2003) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Y.N. Ovchinnikov, Point impurities remove degeneracy of the Landau levels in a two-dimensional electron gas, JETP Lett., 78 (3), 148-151 (2003)]; cond-mat/0307064, WoS: 000185576300011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-12344318828, ADS: 2003JETPL..78..148D, RINTs: 13445234.
    111. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Poverkhnostnoe natyazhenie chistykh izotopov zhidkogo geliya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 78 (7), 935-939 (2003) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Surface tension of pure liquid helium isotopes, JETP Lett., 78 (7), 466-470 (2003)], WoS: 000186756200009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444482915, ADS: 2003JETPL..78..466D, RINTs: 13422824.
    112. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigoriev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Lift of degeneracy of Landau levels of 2D electron gas by point-like impurities, cond-mat/0307064.
    113. P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, P. Wyder, Anomalous beating phase of the oscillating interlayer magnetoresistance in layered metals, Phys. Rev. B 65, 060403(R) (2002) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0108091, WoS: 000173879700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4243658603, ADS: 2002PhRvB..65f0403G, RINTs: 45568568.
    114. M.V. Kartsovnik, P.D. Grigoriev, W. Biberacher, N.D. Kushch, P. Wyder, Slow oscillations of magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional metals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 126802 (2002); cond-mat/0203279, WoS: 000178166900041, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037120443, ADS: 2002PhRvL..89l6802K, RINTs: 35500148.
    115. Pavel Grigoriev, Magnetic quantum oscillations inquasi-two-dimensional metals, Ph. D. thesis, University of Konstanz, 2002 - 135 pp..
    116. P. Grigoriev, The influence of the chemical potential oscillations on the de Haas-van Alphen effect in quasi-two-dimensional compounds, ZhETF, 119(6), 1257–1261 (2001) [JETP, 92(6), 1090-1094 (2001)]; cond-mat/0102177, WoS: 000169661400024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044528476, ADS: 2001JETP...92.1090G, RINTs: 13379929.
    117. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Teoriya rezonansnykh svoistv elektronov, lokalizovannykh na poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 120(1), 119-126 (2001) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Theory of the resonant properties of electrons localized on the surface of liquid helium, JETP, 93(1), 103-110 (2001)], WoS: 000170172000011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750121912, ADS: 2001JETP...93..103G, RINTs: 13378629.
    118. P.D. Grigoriev, M.V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, P. Wyder, Shubnikov-de Haas effect in quasi-two-dimensional compounds, cond-mat/0108352, ADS: 2001cond.mat..8352G.
    119. A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, O svoistvakh klassicheskogo elektronnogo gaza na poverkhnosti kondensirovannykh sred, ZhETF, 117(6), 1251–1254 (2000) [A.M. Dyugaev, P.D. Grigor’ev, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Properties of a classical electron gas at the surface of condensed media, JETP, 90(6), 1089-1092 (2000)], WoS: 000087771700020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044518987, ADS: 2000JETP...90.1089D, RINTs: 13360852.
    120. P.D. Grigoriev, I.D. Vagner, The de Haas - van Alphen effect in two-dimensional metals, cond-mat/0009409, ADS: 2000cond.mat..9409G.
    121. P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Otritsatel’nye iony bol’shogo radiusa Ca i Ba na poverkhnosti i v ob’eme zhidkogo geliya, ZhETF, 115(2), 593-604 (1999) [P.D. Grigor’ev, A.M. Dyugaev, Negative Ca and Ba ions of large radius on the surface and in the volume of liquid helium, JETP, 88(2), 325-331 (1999)], WoS: 000079414600015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-14644434987, ADS: 1999JETP...88..325G, RINTs: 13735544.
    122. P.D. Grigoriev, I.D. Vagner, The de Haas - van Alphen effect in quasi-two-dimensional materials, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 69 (2), 139-144 (1999) [JETP Lett., 69 (2), 156-162 (1999)], WoS: 000079011700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040290030, ADS: 1999JETPL..69..156G, RINTs: 13315915.
    123. P.D. Grigor’ev, Svyazannye sostoyaniya elektrona na poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya v potentsiale primesi, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 66 (9), 599-604 (1997) [P.D. Grigorev, Bound states of an electron in an impurity potential on the surface of liquid helium, JETP Lett., 66 (9), 630-636 (1997)], WoS: A1997YL13500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444400872, ADS: 1997JETPL..66..630G, RINTs: 13270904.