Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Piotr G. Grinevich

Leading researcher

Doctor of science

Skype: petr_grinevich_roma


    1. F. Coppini, P. G. Grinevich, P. M. Santini, The periodic N breather anomalous wave solution of the Davey-Stewartson equations; first appearance, recurrence, and blow up properties, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 015208 (2024); arXiv:2308.12422, WoS: 001124145200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85180280383, ADS: 2024JPhA...57a5208C, zbMath: 07787473.
    2. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Transparent scatterers and transmission eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity, 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA); CRC 1456 Mathematics of Experiment: The challenge of indirect measurements in the natural sciences; RTG 2088 Discovering Structure in Complex Data, Sep 2023, Göttingen, Germany; arXiv:2407.16451, ADS: 2024arXiv240716451G.
    3. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Geometric nature of relations on plabic graphs and totally non-negative Grassmannians, Int. Math. Res. Not., 2023(14), 11986-12051 (2023); arXiv:2111.05782, WoS: 000823547800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85169942965, ADS: 2021arXiv211105782A, zbMath: 07726858.
    4. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Edge vectors on plabic networks in the disk and amalgamation of totally non-negative Grassmannians, Advances in Mathematics 406, 108523 (2022); arXiv:1908.07437, WoS: 000826996500005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85132515761, ADS: 2019arXiv190807437A, RINTs: 49157385, MathSciNet: 4441150, zbMath: 1492.14087, EDN: IFIHNB.
    5. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Real regular KP divisors on M-curves and totally non-negative Grassmannians, Lett. Math. Phys. 112(6), 115 (2022) (64 pp.); arXiv:2002.04865, WoS: 000883444200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85141962561, ADS: 2022LMaPh.112..115A, MathSciNet: 4510475, zbMath: 07621081.
    6. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Spektral’noe neravenstvo dlya uravneniya Shredingera s mnogotochechnym potentsialom, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 77, vypusk 6(468), 69-76 (2022) [P. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Spectral inequality for Schrödinger’s equation with multipoint potential, Russ. Math. Surveys, 77(6), 1021-1028 (2022)], WoS: 001018999000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85165342680, zbMath: 1523.35138.
    7. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Konechnozonnyi podkhod v periodicheskoi zadache Koshi dlya (2+1)-mernykh anomal’nykh voln fokusiruyushchego uravneniya Devi–Styuartsona 2, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 77, vypusk 6(468), 77-108 (2022) [P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The finite gap method and the periodic Cauchy problem of 2+1 dimensional anomalous waves for the focusing Davey-Stewartson 2 equation, Russ. Math. Surveys, 77(6), 1029-1059 (2022)]; arXiv:2206.11950, WoS: 001018999000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85165346696, ADS: 2022arXiv220611950G, zbMath: 1522.35465.
    8. F. Coppini, P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Periodic rogue waves and perturbation theory, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, eds. R.A. Meyers, Springer Science+Business Media LLC, 2022, p. 565-584 [Perturbation Theory. Mathematics, Methods and Applications, Ed. by Giuseppe Gaeta, Springer, 2022, p. 565-584].
    9. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Transmission eigenvalues for multipoint scatterers, Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, 9(4), 17-25 (2021); arXiv:2108.08361, WoS: 000728178900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85122454421, ADS: 2021arXiv210808361G, RINTs: 47904815, zbMath: -.
    10. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The linear and nonlinear instability of the Akhmediev breather, Nonlinearity, 34(12), 8331-8358 (2021); arXiv:2011.11402, WoS: 000714434000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85120690092, ADS: 2021Nonli..34.8331G, RINTs: 47537112, MathSciNet: 4344718 , zbMath: 07430794, EDN: KGUVVM.
    11. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Internal edge vectors on plabic networks in the disk and a generalization of Talaska formula, arXiv:2108.03229, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85170885075, ADS: 2021arXiv210803229A, zbMath: arXiv:2108.03229.
    12. V.M. Bukhshtaber, A.N. Varchenko, A.P. Veselov, P.G. Grinevich, S. Grushevskii, S.Yu. Dobrokhotov, A.V. Zabrodin, A.V. Marshakov, A.E. Mironov, N.A. Nekrasov, S.P. Novikov, A.Yu. Okun’kov, M.A. Ol’shanetskii, A.K. Pogrebkov, I.A. Taimanov, M.A. Tsfasman, L.O. Chekhov, O.K. Sheinman, S.B. Shlosman, Igor’ Moiseevich Krichever (k semidesyatiletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), UMN, 76:4(460), 183-193 (2021) [V.M. Buchstaber, A.N. Varchenko, A.P. Veselov, P.G. Grinevich, S. Grushevsky, S.Yu. Dobrokhotov, A.V. Zabrodin, A.V. Marshakov, A.E. Mironov, N.A. Nekrasov, S.P. Novikov, A.Yu. Okounkov, M.A. Olshanetsky, A.K. Pogrebkov, I.A. Taimanov, M.A. Tsfasman, L.O. Chekhov, O.K. Sheinman, S.B. Shlosman, Igor Moiseevich Krichever (on his 70th birthday), Russ. Math. Surveys, 76(4), 733-743 (2021)], WoS: 000712059500001, zbMath: 1489.01018.
    13. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Creation and annihilation of point-potentials using Moutard-type transform in spectral variable, J. Math. Phys. 61, 093501 (2020); arXiv:1911.09627, WoS: 000565525700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091638404, ADS: 2020JMP....61i3501G, InSpire: -, RINTs: 45290282, MathSciNet: 4142680, zbMath: 07287246, EDN: LDAKHB .
    14. F. Coppini, P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Effect of a small loss or gain in the periodic nonlinear Schrödinger anomalous wave dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 101, 032204 (2020); arXiv:1910.13176, WoS: 000518460600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85082653119, ADS: 2020PhRvE.101c2204C, RINTs: 43279409, zbMath: arXiv:1910.13176, EDN: GBGPYA.
    15. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Moutard transforms for the conductivity equation, Lett. Math. Phys., 109(10), 2209-2222 (2019); arXiv:1801.00295, WoS: 000484976800003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85065427879, ADS: 2019LMaPh.109.2209G, RINTs: 41793366, MathSciNet: 4001837, zbMath: 07118963, EDN: IZYXHM.
    16. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Reducible M-curves for Le-networks in the totally-nonnegative Grassmannian and KP-II multiline solitons, Selecta Math. New Ser., 25(3), art. 43 (2019); arXiv:1805.05641, WoS: 000472530500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85067856952, ADS: 2018arXiv180505641A, RINTs: 41678466, MathSciNet: 3969275, zbMath: 07073097, EDN: IHNYAQ.
    17. D. P’eranzheli, M. Flammini, Dzh. Maruchchi, A. Dzh. Agranat, P. G. Grinevich, P. M. Santini, K. Konti, E. Del’ Re, Nablyudenie povtoryaemosti Fermi-Pasta-Ulama-Tsingu v opticheskom eksperimente, Okeanologicheskie issledovaniya, 47(1),107-108 (2019), RINTs: 41221965.
    18. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Konechnozonnyi podkhod v periodicheskoi zadache Koshi dlya anomal’nykh voln v nelineinom uravnenii Shryodingera pri nalichii neskol’kikh neustoichivykh mod, Uspekhi matem. nauk, 74, №2(446), 27–80 (2019) [P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The finite-gap method and the periodic NLS Cauchy problem of anomalous waves for a finite number of unstable modes, Russ. Math. Surv., 74(2), 211-263 (2019)]; arXiv:1810.09247, WoS: 000474710200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85072721502, ADS: 2019RuMaS..74..211G, RINTs: 37180591, MathSciNet: 3951601, zbMath: 1454.35340, EDN: ZAXIZV.
    19. D. Pierangeli, M. Flammini, L. Zhang, G. Marcucci, A.J. Agranat, P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, C. Conti, E. DelRe, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence in spatial optical dynamics, Proc. 2019 Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Munich, 23-27 June 2019, paper ef_5_3, WoS: 000630002700647, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074644845, RINTs: 41683522.
    20. D. Pierangeli, M. Flammini, L. Zhang, G. Marcucci, A.J. Agranat, P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, C. Conti, E. DelRe, Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence in spatial optical dynamics, Proc. Nonlinear Optics 2019, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii. 15–19 July 2019, paper NTu2A.5 (2019), WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85077021710, ADS: -, RINTs: 43217744.
    21. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Rational degenerations of M-curves, totally positive Grassmannians and KP2-solitons, Commun. Math. Phys., 361(3), 1029-1081 (2018); arXiv:1506.00563, WoS: 000439688800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85044482501, ADS: 2018CMaPh.361.1029A, RINTs: 41790146, MathSciNet: 3830261, zbMath: 1400.14094, EDN: ZBGPAE.
    22. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The finite gap method and the analytic description of the exact rogue wave recurrence in the periodic NLS Cauchy problem. 1, Nonlinearity, 31(11), 5258-5308 (2018); arXiv:1707.05659, WoS: 000456625800002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85055344669, ADS: 2017arXiv170705659G, RINTs: 38614920, MathSciNet: 3867235, zbMath: -, EDN: MSHLNP.
    23. D. Pierangeli, M. Flammini, L. Zhang, G. Marcucci, A.J. Agranat, P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, C. Conti, E. DelRe, Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Recurrence and Its Exact Dynamics, Phys. Rev. X 8, 041017 (2018), WoS: 000448602500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85056769774, ADS: 2018PhRvX...8d1017P, RINTs: 38632275, EDN: DAPBGQ.
    24. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The exact rogue wave recurrence in the NLS periodic setting via matched asymptotic expansions, for 1 and 2 unstable modes, Physics Letters A 382(14), 973-979 (2018); arXiv:1708.04535, WoS: 000427669100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85041898186, ADS: 2018PhLA..382..973G, RINTs: 35525347, MathSciNet: 3765573, zbMath: 1383.35210, EDN: XXXYHZ.
    25. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Fazovye rezonansy dlya povtoryaemosti anomal’nykh voln NUSh v kvazisimmetrichnom sluchae, TMF, 196(3), 404-418 (2018) [P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Phase resonances of the NLS rogue wave recurrence in the quasisymmetric case, Theor. Math. Phys., 196(3), 1294-1306 (2018)], WoS: 000447277900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85054696270, ADS: 2018TMP...196.1294G, RINTs: 35410239, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: 1408.35172, EDN: UWKWBW.
    26. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Veshchestvennye solitonnye reshetki Kadomtseva–Petviashvili II i desingulyarizatsiya spektral’nykh krivykh, otvechayushchikh GrTP(2,4), Tr. MIAN, 302, 7-22 (2018) [S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Real Soliton Lattices of the Kadomtsev Petviashvili II Equation and Desingularization of Spectral Curves: GrTP(2,4) case, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302, 1-15 (2018)]; arXiv:1803.10968, WoS: 000454896300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85059522279, ADS: 2018arXiv180310968A, RINTs: 38699315, MathSciNet: 3894637, zbMath: 1437.37086.
    27. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, NLS rogue waves: from finite-gap solutions to elementary approximation, Geometric Structures in Integrable Systems. Int. Conf. in honor of Boris G. Konopelchenko's 70th birthday, Lecce, Italy, Sept. 19-21, 2018. Book of Abstracts, p. 5 (2018).
    28. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Numerical instability of the Akhmediev breather and a finite-gap model of it, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 273, 3-23 (2018) [V.M. Buchstaber et al. (eds.), «Recent developments in Integrable Systems and related topics of Mathematical Physics», Kezenoi-Am, Russia, 2016. Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-04807-5]; arXiv:1708.00762, WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85059666110, ADS: 2017arXiv170800762G, RINTs: 38642764, zbMath: 07111962, EDN: WTYGZB.
    29. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, KP theory, plabic networks in the disk and rational degenerations of M-curves, arXiv:1801.00208, WoS: PPRN:22624429, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85170809267, ADS: 2018arXiv180100208A.
    30. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Mnogotochechnye rasseivateli so svyazannymi sostoyaniyami pri nulevoi energii, TMF, 193(2), 309-314 (2017) [P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Multipoint scatterers with bound states at zero energy, Theor. Math. Phys., 193(2), 1675-1679 (2017)]; arXiv:1610.02319, WoS: 000416925700007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85037627634, ADS: 2017TMP...193.1675G, RINTs: 30512370, MathSciNet: 3719000, zbMath: 1387.81209, EDN: ZRSGKX.
    31. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singulyarnye solitony i spektral’naya meromorfnost’, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 72(6), 113-138 (2017) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singular solitons and spectral meromorphy, Russ. Math. Surv., 72(6), 1083-1107 (2017)], WoS: 000429465700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85045681926, ADS: 2017RuMaS..72.1083G, RINTs: 30737982, MathSciNet: 3748690, zbMath: 1407.34123, EDN: ZWQPWT.
    32. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Moutard transform approach to generalized analytic functions with contour poles, Bull. Sci. Math., 140(6), 638-656 (2016); arXiv:1512.08874, WoS: 000383814600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84978253115, ADS: 2015arXiv151208874G, RINTs: 27018676, MathSciNet: 3543746, zbMath: 1351.30034.
    33. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Moutard transform for generalized analytic functions, J. Geom. Anal., 26(4), 2984-2995 (2016); arXiv:1510.08764, WoS: 000382893800021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84947418326, ADS: 2015arXiv151008764G, RINTs: 29449748, MathSciNet: 3544949, zbMath: 1358.30019.
    34. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Nonlocality and the inverse scattering transform for the Pavlov equation, Stud. Appl. Math., 137(1), 10-27 (2016); arXiv:1507.08205, WoS: 000379914500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84963690250, ADS: 2015arXiv150708205G, RINTs: 27008377, MathSciNet: 3529951, zbMath: 1344.35126.
    35. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Odna lemma iz integral’noi geometrii i eyo prilozheniya: nelokal’nost’ v uravnenii Pavlova i tomograficheskaya zadacha s neprozrachnym parabolicheskim ob’ektom, TMF, 189(1), 59-68 (2016) [P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, An integral geometry lemma and its applications: The nonlocality of the Pavlov equation and a tomographic problem with opaque parabolic objects, Theor. Math. Phys., 189(1), 1450-1458 (2016)]; arXiv:1511.04436, WoS: 000386870200005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85013981703, ADS: 2016TMP...189.1450G, RINTs: 27350121, MathSciNet: 3589021, zbMath: 1362.37141, EDN: XANBPH.
    36. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Ob s-meromorfnykh obyknovennykh differentsial’nykh operatorakh, Uspekhi matem. nauk, 71:6(432), 161-162 (2016) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, On s-meromorphic ordinary differential operators, Russ. Math. Surv., 71(6), 1143-1145 (2016)]; arXiv:1510.06770, WoS: 000398177400007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85016025359, ADS: 2016RuMaS..71.1143G, RINTs: 27485032, MathSciNet: 3588944, zbMath: 1418.34159, EDN: XDLVID.
    37. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Obobshchennye analiticheskie funktsii, preobrazovaniya tipa Mutara i golomorfnye otobrazheniya, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 50(2), 81-84 (2016) [P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Generalized analytic functions, Moutard-type transforms and holomorphic maps, Funct. Anal. Appl., 50(2), 150-152 (2016)]; arXiv:1512.00343, WoS: 000384419600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84975763641, ADS: 2015arXiv151200343G, RINTs: 26414219, MathSciNet: 3526964, zbMath: 1355.30041, EDN: WGAOWZ.
    38. V.E. Adler, Yu.Yu. Berest, V.M. Bukhshtaber, P.G. Grinevich, B.A. Dubrovin, I.M. Krichever, S.P. Novikov, A.N. Sergeev, M.V. Feigin, D. Fel’der, E.V. Ferapontov, O.A. Chalykh, P.I. Etingof, Aleksandr Petrovich Veselov (k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi matem. nauk, 71:6(432), 172-188 (2016) [Alexander Petrovich Veselov (on his 60th birthday), Russ. Math. Surv., 71(6), 1159-1176 (2016)], WoS: 000398177400011, MathSciNet: 3588948, zbMath: 1362.01008.
    39. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, D. Wu, The Cauchy problem for the Pavlov equation, Nonlinearity, 28(11), 3709-3754 (2015); arXiv:1310.5834, WoS: 000366670600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84947758072, ADS: 2015Nonli..28.3709G, RINTs: 24973186, MathSciNet: 3424890, zbMath: 1332.35324, EDN: VAMRVN .
    40. P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, O nerelyativistskom dvumernom chisto magnitnom supersimmetrichnom operatore Pauli, Uspekhi matem. nauk, 70:2(422), 109-140 (2015) [P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, On the non-relativistic two-dimensional purely magnetic supersymmetric Pauli operator, Russ. Math. Surveys, 70(2), 299–329 (2015)]; arXiv:1101.5678, WoS: 000358073900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84937396441, ADS: 2015RuMaS..70..299G, RINTs: 23421589, MathSciNet: 3353128, zbMath: 1330.81080, EDN: TSNXFL.
    41. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Spektral’no meromorfnye operatory i nelineinye sistemy, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 69:5(419), 163-164 (2014) [P.G. Grinevich, S. Novikov, Spectrally meromorphic operators and non-linear systems, Russ. Math. Surv., 69(5), 924-926 (2014)]; arXiv:1409.6349, WoS: 000348143800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84921523700, ADS: 2014RuMaS..69..924G, RINTs: 22834471, MathSciNet: 3400551, zbMath: 1320.47046, EDN: TFRWAV.
    42. P.G. Grinevich, Elementy teorii rimanovykh poverkhnostei i teorema Rimana-Rokha, Geometricheskie metody matematicheskoi fiziki 2. Lektsii letnei shkoly. Voskresenskoe 25-29.06.2012. pod red. B. A. Dubrovina. - Moskva : MAKS Press, 2014, c. 29-60.
    43. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singular soliton operators and indefinite metrics, Bull. Brazil. Math. Soc., New Series, 44 (4), 809-840 (2013); arXiv:1103.2505, WoS: 000330963100012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893752019, ADS: 2011arXiv1103.2505G, RINTs: 21912116, MathSciNet: 3167133, zbMath: 1319.34153.
    44. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Faddeev eigenfunctions for multipoint potentials, Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, 1(2), 76-91 (2013); arXiv:1211.0292, WoS: 000442042300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84978312533, ADS: 2012arXiv1211.0292G, RINTs: 31036918, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: -, EDN: XNGVKN.
    45. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Holomorphic eigenfunctions of the vector field associated with the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, J. Diff. Equations, 255(7), 1469-1491 (2013); arXiv:1111.4446, WoS: 000322092900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84880506062, ADS: 2013JDE...255.1469G, RINTs: 20444072, MathSciNet: 3072660, zbMath: 1284.35368, EDN: RFJVCP.
    46. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Diskretnye SLn-svyaznosti i samosopryazhennye raznostnye operatory na dvumernykh mnogoobraziyakh, UMN, 68, №5(413), 81-110 (2013) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Discrete SLn-connections and self-adjoint difference operators on two-dimensional manifolds, Russ. Math. Surv., 68(5), 861-887 (2013)]; arXiv:1207.1729, WoS: 000329123400007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84891933799, ADS: 2013RuMaS..68..861G, RINTs: 21277000, MathSciNet: 3155160, zbMath: 1282.39006.
    47. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Faddeev eigenfunctions for point potentials in two dimensions, Phys. Lett. A 376(12-13), 1102-1106 (2012); arXiv:1110.3157, WoS: 000301763500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84857795003, ADS: 2012PhLA..376.1102G, RINTs: 17978945, MathSciNet: 2899587, zbMath: 1255.81137.
    48. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singulyarnye solitony i indefinitnye metriki, Dokl. Akad. nauk, 436(3), 302-305 (2011) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singular solitons and indefinite metrics, Dokl. Math., 83(1), 56-58 (2011)], WoS: 000288217600015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79953183004, ADS: 2011arXiv1103.2505G, InSpire: 892766, RINTs: 15599875, MathSciNet: 2815014, zbMath: 1248.34132.
    49. P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, Dvumernyi operator Pauli v magnitnom pole, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 1040-1045 (2011) [P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, Two-dimensional Pauli operator in a magnetic field, Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 829-833 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855258726, ADS: 2011LTP....37..829G, RINTs: 16904842.
    50. S. Abenda, P.G. Grinevich, Periodic billiard orbits on n-dimensional ellipsoids with impacts on confocal quadrics and isoperiodic deformations, J. Geom. Phys., 60(10), 1617-1633 (2010); arXiv:0903.1980, WoS: 000280660700020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77954362881, ADS: 2010JGP....60.1617A, RINTs: 15322026, MathSciNet: 2661159, zbMath: 1205.14047.
    51. P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, O nulevom urovne chisto magnitnogo dvumernogo nerelyativistskogo operatora Pauli dlya chastits so spinom 1/2, TMF, 164(3), 333–353 (2010) [P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, Zero level of a purely magnetic two-dimensional nonrelativistic Pauli operator for spin-1/2 particles, Theor. Math. Phys., 164(3), 1110–1127 (2010)]; arXiv:1004.1157, WoS: 000282695500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77957977674, ADS: 2010TMP...164.1110G, RINTs: 20732208, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: 1255.81136.
    52. P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, Dvumernyi operator Shryodingera: evolyutsionnye (2+1)-sistemy i ikh novye reduktsii; dvumernaya ierarkhiya Byurgersa i dannye obratnoi zadachi, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 65:3(393), 195–196 (2010) [P.G. Grinevich, A.E. Mironov, S.P. Novikov, 2D-Schrödinger Operator, (2+1) evolution systems and new reductions, 2D-Burgers hierarchy and inverse problem data, Russ. Math. Surv., 65(3), 580–582 (2010)]; arXiv:1005.0612, WoS: 000281892100006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77958534057, ADS: 2010RuMaS..65..580G, RINTs: 20425476, MathSciNet: 2680130, zbMath: 1231.35199.
    53. P. Grinevich, A. Mironov, S. Novikov, New Reductions and Nonlinear Systems for 2D Schrodinger Operators, arXiv:1001.4300, ADS: 2010arXiv1001.4300G.
    54. P.G. Grinevich, K.V. Kaipa, Mnogomasshtabnyi predel konechnozonnykh reshenii uravneniya sin-Gordona i vychislenie topologicheskogo zaryada s pomoshch’yu teta-funktsional’nykh formul, Tr. MIAN, 266 (Geometriya, topologiya i matematicheskaya fizika. II), 54–63 (2009) [P.G. Grinevich, K.V. Kaipa, Multiscale limit for finite-gap sine-Gordon solutions and calculation of topological charge using theta-functional formulae, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 266(1), 49-58 (2009)]; arXiv:0904.4520, WoS: 000270722100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70350366347, ADS: 2009arXiv0904.4520G, InSpire: 819045, RINTs: 12901677, MathSciNet: 2603260, zbMath: 1181.35235.
    55. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singulyarnye konechnozonnye operatory i indefinitnye metriki, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 64:4(388), 45–72 (2009) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Singular finite-gap operators and indefinite metrics, Russ. Math. Surv., 64(4), 625-650 (2009)]; arXiv:0903.3976, WoS: 000275492400002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77951202193, ADS: 2009RuMaS..64..625G, RINTs: 20425300, MathSciNet: 2583572, zbMath: 1180.35384.
    56. P.G. Grinevich, I.A. Taimanov, Spectral conservation laws for periodic nonlinear equations of the Melnikov type, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 224, Adv. Math. Sci., 61, 125-138 (2008) [Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics: S. P. Novikov's Seminar: 2006-2007. Edited by: V. M. Buchstaber and I. M. Krichever, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4674-2]; arXiv:0801.4143, WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: 2008arXiv0801.4143G, MathSciNet: 2462357, zbMath: 1158.35078.
    57. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Reality problems in the soliton theory, MSRI Publications, Vol. 55, 221-239 (2008) [Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems. For Henry McKean's Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Ed. by M. Pinsky and B. Birnir. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, x+324 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-521-89527-9]; nlin/0609063, MathSciNet: 2407599, zbMath: 1159.35061.
    58. P.G. Grinevich, K.V. Kaipa, Calculation of Topological Charge of Real Finite-Gap sine-Gordon solutions using Theta-functional formulae, arXiv:0812.2494, WoS: PPRN:22551805, ADS: 2008arXiv0812.2494G, InSpire: 805360.
    59. P.G. Grinevich, I.A. Taimanov, Infinitesimal Darboux Transformations of the Spectral Curves of Tori in the Four-Space, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2007, rnm005 (2007) (21 pages); math/0611215, WoS: 000206288300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77955589156, ADS: 2006math.....11215G, RINTs: 15292302, MathSciNet: 2361452, zbMath: 1141.53009.
    60. A. Doliwa, P. Grinevich, M. Nieszporski, P.M. Santini, Integrable lattices and their sublattices: From the discrete Moutard (discrete Cauchy-Riemann) 4-point equation to the self-adjoint 5-point scheme, J. Math. Phys., 48, 013513 (2007); nlin/0410046, WoS: 000243891500037, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34047112143, ADS: 2007JMP....48a3513D, RINTs: 13554284, MathSciNet: 2292628, zbMath: 1121.37058.
    61. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, Newtonian dynamics in the plane corresponding to straight and cyclic motions on the hyperelliptic curve μ2n-1, n ∈ Z: Ergodicity, isochrony, periodicity and fractals, Physica D 232 (1), 22-32 (2007); nlin/0607031, WoS: 000248932600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34347406715, ADS: 2007PhyD..232...22G, RINTs: 13537976, MathSciNet: 2369987, zbMath: 1126.37040.
    62. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Yadro Koshi dlya DN-diskretnogo kompleksnogo analiza Novikova-Dynnikova na treugol’noi reshetke, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 62:4(376), 155-156 (2007) [P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, The Cauchy kernel for the Novikov-Dynnikov DN-discrete complex analysis in triangular lattices, Russ. Math. Surv., 62(4), 799-801 (2007)], WoS: 000251687100013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38149018397, ADS: 2007RuMaS..62..799G, MathSciNet: 2358746, zbMath: 1141.39019.
    63. P.G. Grinevich, ∂̄–approach to integrable systems, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 34-41. eds. J.-P. Fransoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T., Oxford: Elsevier, 1st Edition, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-12-512666-3, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85070013489, RINTs: 41622346.
    64. P.G. Grinevich, P.M. Santini, The initial boundary value problem on the segment for the Nonlinear Schrödinger equation; the algebro-geometric approach. I, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 212, 157-178 (2004) [Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics: Selected papers from S. P. Novikov's seminar 2001-2003, Edited by: V. M. Buchstaber and I. M. Krichever, AMS, 2004; 324 pp; Advances in the Mathematical Sciences 55. ISBN: 0-8218-3613-7]; nlin/0307026, ADS: 2003nlin......7026G, InSpire: 624021, RINTs: 2070053, MathSciNet: 2070053, zbMath: 1076.37061.
    65. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Topological Charge of the real periodic finite-gap Sine-Gordon solutions, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 56 (7), 956-978 (2003); math-ph/0111039, WoS: 000183387300008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2442498476, ADS:, InSpire: 567014, RINTs: 13427251, MathSciNet: 1990483, zbMath: 1044.35071.
    66. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Topological phenomena in the real periodic sine-Gordon theory, J. Math. Phys., 44 (8), 3174-3184 (2003); math-ph/0303039, WoS: 000184305200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041728686, ADS: 2003JMP....44.3174G, InSpire: 625497, RINTs: 13427251, MathSciNet: 2006747, zbMath: 1062.35114.
    67. P.G. Grinevich, Approximation theorem for the self-focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation and for the periodic curves in R3, Physica D 152-153, 20-27 (2001); nlin/0002020, WoS: 000168986300004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18544398398, ADS: 2001PhyD..152...20G, RINTs: 13385803, MathSciNet: 1837894, zbMath: 0981.35082.
    68. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Veshchestvennye konechnozonnye resheniya uravneniya Sine-Gordon: formula dlya topologicheskogo zaryada, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 56:5(341), 181-182 (2001) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Real finite-zone solutions of the sine-Gordon equation: a formula for the topological charge, Russ. Math. Surv., 56(5), 980-981 (2001)], WoS: 000173791600006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035565096, ADS: 2001RuMaS..56..980G, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 1892565, zbMath: 1057.37066.
    69. P.G. Grinevich, Preobrazovanie rasseyaniya dlya dvumernogo operatora Shryodingera s ubyvayushchim na beskonechnosti potentsialom pri fiksirovannoi nenulevoi energii, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:6(336), 3–70 (2000) [P.G. Grinevich, Scattering transformation at fixed non-zero energy for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator with potential decaying at infinity, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(6), 1015-1083 (2000)], WoS: 000169375800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034560830, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55.1015G, RINTs: 13864313, MathSciNet: 1840357, zbMath: 1022.81057.
    70. P.G. Grinevich, M.U. Schmidt, Closed curves in R3 and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Proc. Workshop on Nonlinearity, Integrability and All That: Twenty years after NEEDS'79 (Galliopolu, Jul. 1-10, 1999), Boiti, M. (ed.) et al., World Scientific, p. 139-145 (2000), WoS: 000089034500019, MathSciNet: 1772171, zbMath: 0964.35149.
    71. P.G. Grinevich, M.U. Schmidt, Conformal invariant functionals of immersions of tori into R3, J. Geom. Phys., 26(1-2), 51-78 (1998); dg-ga/9702015, WoS: 000074005700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032091306, ADS: 1998JGP....26...51G, InSpire: 440648, RINTs: 13283461, MathSciNet: 1626048, zbMath: 0949.53007.
    72. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Flag Spaces in KP Theory and Virasoro Action on \det Dj and Segal-Wilson τ-Function, math-ph/9804019, WoS: PPRN:20248439, ADS:, InSpire: 30943.
    73. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Discrete spectrum for n-cell potentials, Rapport de Recherche No 98/10-2, Universite de Nantes; math-ph/9811014, ADS:
    74. P.G. Grinevich, Nonsingularity of the direct scattering transform for the KP II equation with a real exponentially decaying-at-infinity potential, Lett. Math. Phys., 40 (1), 59-73 (1997); solv-int/9509010, WoS: A1997WV22300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0039801690, ADS:, RINTs: 13270830, MathSciNet: 1445967, zbMath: 0879.35144.
    75. P.G. Grinevich, M.U. Schmidt, Closed curves in R3: a characterization in terms of curvature and torsion, the Hasimoto map and periodic solutions of the Filament Equation, dg-ga/9703020, WoS: PPRN:49640451, ADS:, InSpire: 445666.
    76. P.G. Grinevich, M.U. Schmidt, Periodic preserving deformations of the finite-gap solutions of the soliton equations, Proc. 1st Worlshop «Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment», Lecce, June 29–July 7, 1995. Ed. E. Akfinito, M. Boiti, L. Martina, F. Pempinelli. World Scientific, 1996, p.124-130, MathSciNet: 1454859, zbMath: 0941.37529.
    77. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Transparent potentials at fixed energy in dimension two. Fixed-energy dispersion relations for the fast decaying potentials, Commun. Math. Phys., 174 (2), 409-446 (1995); solv-int/9410003, WoS: A1995TJ72600008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041155301, ADS: 1995CMaPh.174..409G, InSpire: 388824, RINTs: 31139006.
    78. P.G. Grinevich, M.U. Schmidt, Period preserving nonisospectral flows and the moduli space of periodic solutions of soliton equations, Physica D 87 (1-4), 73-98 (1995); solv-int/9412005, WoS: A1995TB22600013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0342883925, ADS: 1995PhyD...87...73G, InSpire: 1415816, RINTs: 31120805, MathSciNet: 1361671, zbMath: 1194.35345.
    79. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Nonselfintersecting magnetic orbits on the plane. Proof of the overthrowing of cycles principle, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 170, 59-82 (1995) [Topics in Topology and Mathematical Physics, Edited by: S. P. Novikov, 1995; 206 pp; ISBN-10: 0-8218-0455-3, SBN-13: 978-0-8218-0455-1]; solv-int/9501006, ADS:, InSpire: 410107, MathSciNet: 1355551, zbMath: 0852.58017.
    80. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Strunnoe uravnenie – II. Fizicheskoe reshenie, Algebra i analiz, 6(3), 118-140 (1994) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, String equation – 2. Physical solution, St. Petersburg Math. J., 6(3), 553-574 (1995)]; solv-int/9501002, ADS:, MathSciNet: 1301834, zbMath: 0836.35142.
    81. P.G. Grinevich, Fast-decaying potentials on the finite-gap background and the ∂ˉ−problem on the Riemann surfaces, TMF, 99(2), 300–308 (1994) [Theor. Math. Phys., 99(2), 599-605 (1994)], WoS: A1994PV07100017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0039209650, ADS: 1994TMP....99..599G, MathSciNet: 1308792, zbMath: 0850.35081.
    82. P.G. Grinevich, Nonisospectral Symmetries of the KdV Equation and the Corresponding Symmetries of the Whitham Equations, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B: Physics, Vol. 320, 67-88 (1994) [Proc. NATO ARW on Singular Limits of Dispersive waves, Lyons, France, July 8-12, 1991. Eds. N.N. Ercolani, I.R. Gabitov, C.D. Levermore, D. Serre.; Plenum, New York, 1994. ISBN 978-1-4615-2474-8]; solv-int/9509004, WoS: A1994BA62F00006, ADS:, MathSciNet: 1321196.
    83. V.A. Benderskii, D.E. Makarov, P.G. Grinevich, Quantum chemical dynamics in two dimensions, Chem. Phys., 170 (3), 275-293 (1993), WoS: A1993KQ12400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0345804636, ADS: 1993CP....170..275B, RINTs: 31111449.
    84. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, E.L. Schulman, On the Symmetries of Integrable Systems, In: Important developments in soliton theory, 283-301 (1993). Ed. by Fokas A.S., Zakharov V.E. Berlin ea: Springer-Verlag, 1993, ix,559 pp. (Springer Ser. in Nonlinear Dynamics). ISBN 3-540-55913-2, MathSciNet: 1280479, zbMath: 0816.35122.
    85. P.G. Grinevich, The action of the Virasoro nonisospectral KdV symmetries of the Whitham equations, In: Nonlinear Processes in Physics: Proc. of the 3 Potsdam - 5 Kiev Workshop at Clarkson Univ., Potsdam, NY, USA, Aug 1-11, 1991. Ed. A.S. Fokas, D.J. Kaup, A.C. Newell, V.E. Zakharov, Springer-Verlag, 1993, p.108-112 [Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics].
    86. V.A. Benderskii, D.E. Makarov, D.L. Pastur, P.G. Grinevich, Preexponential factor of the rate constant of low-temperature chemical reactions. Fluctuational width of tunneling channels and stability frequencies, Chem. Phys., 161 (1-2), 51-61 (1992), WoS: A1992HL69800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002497818, ADS: 1992CP....161...51B, RINTs: 30844413, EDN: ZYZEHT.
    87. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Variatsii kompleksnoi struktury rimanovykh poverkhnostei vektornymi polyami na okruzhnosti i ob’ekty teorii KP. Zadacha Krichevera–Novikova o deistvii na funktsii Beikera–Akhiezera, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 24(1), 72-73 (1990) [P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Variations of the complex structure of Riemann surfaces by vector fields on a contour and objects of the KP theory. The Krichever-Novikov problem of the action on the Baker-Akhieser functions, Funct. Anal. Appl., 24(1), 61-63 (1990)], WoS: A1990EL45200012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249923352, MathSciNet: 1052273.
    88. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Higher (non-isospectral) symmetries of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvily equations and the Virasoro action on Riemann surfaces, In: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems. Ed. by S. Carillo, O. Ragnisco, Springer-Verlag, 1990, p.165-169, MathSciNet: 1075832.
    89. P.G. Grinevich, A.Y. Orlov, In: Problems of modern quantum field theory : Invited lectures of the Spring School, held in Alushta USSR, April 24-May 5, 1989. A.A. Belavin, A.U. Klimyk, A.B. Zamolodchikov, eds. Springer, 1990. ISBN: 0387518339.
    90. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Effect of additional symmetries of K-P equation on the finite-gap solutions and variations of Riemann surfaces. The Krichever-Novikov problem, In: Soliton and Applications (Proc. 4 Int. Workshop, Dubna, USSR, 24-26 Aug. 1989). Ed. V.G. Makhankov, V.K. Fedyanin, O.K. Pashaev, World Scientific, 1990, p.147-151, MathSciNet: 1144066.
    91. P.G. Grinevich, I.M. Krichever, Algebraic-geometry methods in soliton theory, In: Soliton theory: a survey of results, Chapter 14, p. 354-400. Ed. Allan P. Fordy, Manchester University Press, 1990, vii,449 pp. ISBN 9780719014918, MathSciNet: 1090597.
    92. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Deistvie algebry Virasoro na modulyakh rimanovykh poverkhnostei. Realizatsiya v teorii uravneniya Kadomtseva-Petviashvili. Zadacha Krichevera-Novikova o deistvii na funktsiyu Beikera-Akhiezera, V sb: Geometriya, topologiya i prilozheniya, Moskva, 1990, s.100-104.
    93. P.G. Grinevich, Bystroubyvayushchie potentsialy na fone konechnozonnykh i ∂ˉ-problema na rimanovykh poverkhnostyakh, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 23(4), 79–80 (1989) [P.G. Grinevich, Rapidly decreasing potentials on a background of finite-zone potentials and the ∂ˉ-problem on Riemann spaces, Funct. Anal. Appl., 23(4), 321-322 (1989)], WoS: A1989EH38600009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0039209649, MathSciNet: 1035378.
    94. P.G. Grinevich, A.Yu. Orlov, Virasoro action on Riemann surfaces, Grassmanians, det ∂¯J and Segal-Wilson τ-function, In: Problems of modern quantum field theory (Invited lectures of the spring school held in Alushta, USSR, April 24 - May 5, 1989). Ed. A.A. Belavin, A.U. Klimyk, A.B. Zamolodchikov, Springer-Verlag, 1989, p. 86-106 [Research Reports in Physics, x,157 pp. ISBN 3-540-51833-9; 0-387-51833-9], MathSciNet: 1091763.
    95. P.G. Grinevich,, A.Yu. Orlov, Wilson \teta-function and det \bar\partial, In: Nonlinear World: Proc. IV Int. Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, Kiev, 9-22 Oct. 1989. Ed. by A.G. Sitenko, V.E. Zakharov, V.M. Chernousenko. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989, Vol.2, p.242-245.
    96. P. Grinevich, G., A.Yu. Orlov, Vector fields action on Riemann surfaces and KP theory. The Krichever-Novikov problem, In: Nonlinear World: Proc. IV Int. Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, Kiev, 9-22 Oct. 1989. Ed. by A.G. Sitenko, V.E. Zakharov, V.M. Chernousenko. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989, Vol.2, p.246-249.
    97. P.G. Grinevich, G.E. Volovik, Topology of gap nodes in superfluid 3He: π4 Homotopy group for 3He-B disclination, J. Low Temp. Phys., 72 (5-6), 371-380 (1988), WoS: A1988Q399200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0024071787, ADS: 1988JLTP...72..371G, RINTs: 30941217.
    98. P. G. Grinevich, S. P. Novikov, Dvumernaya «obratnaya zadacha rasseyaniya» dlya otritsatel’nykh energii i obobshchenno-analiticheskie funktsii. I. Energii nizhe osnovnogo sostoyaniya, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 22(1), 23-33 (1988) [P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Two-dimensional “inverse scattering problem” for negative energies and generalized-analytic functions. I. Energies below the ground state, Funct. Anal. Appl., 22(1), 19-27 (1988)], WoS: A1988Q576900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0004625033, MathSciNet: 0936696.
    99. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator at a fixed negative energy and generalized analytic functions, In: Plasma theory and nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics, Vol.1, 58-85 (1988). Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop, Kiev, April 13–25, 1987. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1988. Vol. 1: xvi+546 pp.; Vol. 2: pp. i–x and 547–998. ISBN: 9971-50-546-0, MathSciNet: 0957156.
    100. P.G. Grinevich, S.P. Novikov, Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator at a fixed negative energy and generalized analytic functions, Proc. 3 Int. Workshop on nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics, Kiev, 13-26 April 1987. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988, p.86-89.
    101. S.V. Manakov, P. Grinevich, The inverse spectral problem for the two-dimensional Schroedinger operator, Physica D 28 (1-2), 222-222 (1987), WoS: A1987K345100025.
    102. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Analogi mnogosolitonnykh potentsialov dlya dvumernogo operatora Shredingera i nelokal’naya zadacha Rimana, Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR, 286 (1), 19-22 (1986) [P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Analogues of multisoliton potentials for the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator, and a nonlocal Riemann problem, Sov. Math., Dokl. 33(1), 9-12 (1986)], WoS: A1986AXT1100003, MathSciNet: 0822090, zbMath: 0616.35071.
    103. P.G. Grinevich, Vektornyi rang kommutiruyushchikh matrichnykh differentsial’nykh operatorov. Dokazatel’stvo kriteriya S. P. Novikova, Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. matem., 50(3), 458-478 (1986) [P.G. Grinevich, Vector rank of commuting matrix differential operators. Proof of S. P. Novikov's criterion, Math. USSR-Izv., 28(3), 445-465 (1987)], WoS: A1986H975300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0242349402, RINTs: 31099244.
    104. P.G. Grinevich, Ratsional’nye solitony uravnenii Veselova–Novikova – bezotrazhatel’nye pri fiksirovannoi energii dvumernye potentsialy, TMF, 69(2), 307-310 (1986) [P.G. Grinevich, Rational solitons of the Veselov-Novikov equations are reflectionless two-dimensional potentials at fixed energy, Theor. Math. Phys., 69(2), 1170-1172 (1986)], WoS: A1986J382700015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0039209651, MathSciNet: 0884498.
    105. P.G. Grinevich, S.V. Manakov, Obratnaya zadacha teorii rasseyaniya dlya dvumernogo operatora Shryodingera, ∂ˉ-metod i nelineinye uravneniya, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 20(2), 14-24 (1986) [P.G. Grinevich, S.V. Manakov, Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator, the ∂ˉ-method and nonlinear equations, Funct. Anal. Appl., 20(2), 94-103 (1986)], WoS: A1986F457800003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33645193685, MathSciNet: 0847135.
    106. P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Analogi mnogosolitonnykh potentsialov dlya dvumernogo operatora Shryodingera, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 19(4), 32-42 (1985) [P.G. Grinevich, R.G. Novikov, Analogs of multisoliton potentials for the two-dimensional Schrödinger operator, Funct. Anal. Appl., 19(4), 276-285 (1985)], WoS: A1985D275100004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040988221, RINTs: 31257202.
    107. P.G. Grinevich, Kommutiruyushchie matrichnye differentsial’nye operatory proizvol’nogo ranga, Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR, 278 (5), 1048-1052 (1984) [P.G. Grinevich, Commuting differential operators of arbitrary rank, Sov. Math. Dokl. 30(2), 515-518 (1984)], WoS: A1984TR95800005, zbMath: 0598.47049.
    108. P.G. Grinevich, Ratsional’nye resheniya uravnenii kommutatsii differentsial’nykh operatorov, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 16(1), 19–24 (1982) [P.G. Grinevich, Rational solutions for the equation of commutation of differential operators, Funct. Anal. Appl., 16(1), 15-19 (1982)], WoS: A1982PM22200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250149742.
    109. S. P. Novikov, P. G. Grinevich, O spektral’noi teorii kommutiruyushchikh operatorov ranga 2 s periodicheskimi koeffitsientami, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 16(1), 25–26 (1982) [S.P. Novikov, P.G. Grinevich, Spectral theory of commuting operators of rank two with periodic coefficients, Funct. Anal. Appl., 16(1), 19-20 (1982)], WoS: A1982PM22200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038950934.