Efim I. Kats
Principal researcher Doctor of science
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- E.S. Pikina, E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamic flexoelectric instabilities in nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 110, 024701 (2024); arXiv:2403.08325, ADS: 2024PhRvE.110b4701P.
- P.V. Dolganov, K.D. Baklanova, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Photonics of two-dimensional structures formed by cholesteric liquid crystals, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 120(10), 808-809 (2024), EDN: NWTOSF.
- E.I. Kats, Bird's-eye view to the realm of N_{TB} liquid crystals, arXiv:2409.16303, ADS: 2024arXiv240916303K.
- E.S. Pikina, A.R. Muratov, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nelineinaya elektro-gidrodinamika zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 163 (1), 129-142 (2023) [E.S. Pikina, A.R. Muratov, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nonlinear electro-hydrodynamics of liquid crystals, JETP, 137(1), 114-124 (2023)]; arXiv:2210.09613, WoS: 001052869900012, ADS: 2023JETP..137..114P, RINTs: 54161498, EDN: GGBNQV.
- K.D. Baklanova, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, P.V. Dolganov, Posledovatel’nost’ trekhmernykh (3D), dvumernykh (2D) i odnomernykh (1D) struktur, obrazuyushchikhsya iz kholestericheskogo zhidkogo kristalla pri izmenenii khiral’nosti, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 117 (7), 537-542 (2023) [K.D. Baklanova, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, P.V. Dolganov, Sequence of Three-, Two-, and One-Dimensional Structures Formed from a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal at Change in the Chirality, JETP Letters, 117(7), 535-539 (2023)], WoS: 000995356700009, ADS: 2023JETPL.117..535B, RINTs: 50507247, EDN: kbzcaa.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.A. Spiridenko, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, K.D. Baklanova, Kaskadnoe obrazovanie topologicheskikh defektov i satellitnykh kapel’ pri dinamicheskoi kapillyarnoi neustoichivosti v zhidkikh kristallakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 118 (2), 118-124 (2023) [P.V. Dolganov, N.A. Spiridenko, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, K.D. Baklanova, Cascade Formation of Topological Defects and Satellite Droplets in Liquid Crystals at Dynamic Capillary Instability, JETP Letters, 118(2), 130-135 (2023)], WoS: 001060841800009, ADS: 2023JETPL.118..130D , RINTs: 54178453, EDN: gzlpgy.
- V.V. Dmitriev, M.Yu. Kagan, V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, V.V. Kveder, N.M. Kreines, V.V. Lebedev, V.I. Marchenko, L.A. Mel’nikovskii, A.I. Smirnov, I.M. Suslov, I.A. Fomin, V.S. Edel’man, Pamyati Aleksandra Fyodorovicha Andreeva, UFN, 193(6), 687-688 (2023) [V.V. Dmitriev, M.Yu. Kagan, V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, V.V. Kveder, N.M. Kreines, V.V. Lebedev, V.I. Marchenko, L.A. Melnikovsky, A.I. Smirnov, I.M. Suslov, I.A. Fomin, V.S. Edelman, In memory of Aleksandr Fedorovich Andreev, Phys. Usp., 66(6), 643-644 (2023)].
- E.S. Pikina, AR. Muratov, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Long-range interactions between membrane inclusions: Electric field induced giant amplification of the pairwise potential, Annals of Physics 447(Pt.2), 168916 (2022); arXiv:2203.13640, WoS: 000917997800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85130506460, ADS: 2022AnPhy.44768916P, RINTs: 48585130, MathSciNet: 4516957, EDN: QCQVJC.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Observations of three “re-entrant” twisted structures in double-stranded DNA dispersion particles, European Biophysics Journal, 51(1), 85-94 (2022), WoS: 000723073900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85120045668, RINTs: 47533283.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I, Kats, Uton’shenie smekticheskikh nanoplenok, initsiirovannoe meniskom, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 115 (4), 236-240 (2022) [P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Meniscus-Induced Thinning of Smectic Nanofilms, JETP Letters 115(4), 208-212 (2022)], WoS: 000924077000018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85129003537, ADS: 2022JETPL.115..208D, RINTs: 47949485, EDN: JXXXLD.
- E.I. Kats, Non-Newtonian rheology in twist-bend nematic liquid crystals, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 116 (4), 251-252 (2022) [JETP Letters, 116(4), 254-260 (2022)]; arXiv:2207.02005, WoS: 000841048200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85136233082, ADS: 2022JETPL.116..254K, RINTs: 49339423, EDN: JHXQBT.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, I.P. Kim, Statisticheskaya termodinamika i kinetika polikondensatsii. I. Ansambli so sluchaino raspolozhennymi svyazyami mezhdu monomerami, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 56(4), 255-268 (2022) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, I.P. Kim, Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Polycondensation: 1. Ensembles with Randomly Arranged Bonds between Monomers, High Energy Chemistry, 56(4), 225-237 (2022)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-85134985383, RINTs: 48621344, EDN: LWAVNM.
- S. Brazovskii, N. Kirova, I. Burmistrov, E. Kats, V. Galitskii, D. Khmelnitskii, A special issue in memory of prof. Igor Dzyaloshinskii: Editorial Foreword, Annals of Physics 447(Pt.2), 169145 (2022), ADS: 2022AnPhy.44769145B, MathSciNet: 4516978.
- E.I. Kats, Stability of the uniform ferroelectric nematic phase, Phys. Rev. E 103, 012704 (2021); arXiv:2011.13626, WoS: 000608619900014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85099616014, ADS: 2021PhRvE.103a2704K, RINTs: 44997760.
- E.I. Kats, Spontaneous Curvature Induced Stretching-Bending Mode Coupling in Membranes, Physics, 3(2), 367-371 (2021), WoS: 000668500700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85124941186, ADS: 2021Physi...3..367K, RINTs: 48151758.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, R. Stannarius, K. Harth, T. Trittel, C.S. Park, J.E. Maclennan, Transient hexagonal structures in sheared emulsions of isotropic inclusions on smectic bubbles in microgravity conditions, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 19144 (2021), WoS: 000700619200023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85115798720, ADS: 2021NatSR..1119144D, RINTs: 47067356.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, S.V. Semenov, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Disorder of DNA Structure in Quasinematic Layers of “Re-entrant” Twisted Phases, Zhidk. krist. i ikh praktich. ispol’z. / Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 21 (2), 54-72 (2021), WoS: 000668149000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85109450767, RINTs: 46239453.
- E.I. Kats, Kombinirovannye defekty v ferroelekticheskikh nematikakh, ZhETF, 159(4), 735-739 (2021) [E.I. Kats, Combined Defects in Ferroelectric Nematics, JETP, 132(4), 641-644 (2021)], WoS: 000656118600018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85107069881, ADS: 2021JETP..132..641K, RINTs: 46781819.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Non-trivial dynamic regimes of small (nano-scale) quantum systems, ZhETF, 160(4), 491-497 (2021) [Nontrivial Dynamic Regimes of Small (Nano-Scale) Quantum Systems, JETP, 133(4), 411-430 (2021)]; arXiv:2105.11204, WoS: 000721594300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85119701214, ADS: 2021JETP..133..411B, RINTs: 46660148.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, S.V. Semenov, E.I. Kats, Mnozhestvennost’ "vozvratnykh" kholestericheskikh struktur v zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersiyakh DNK, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 191(9), 999-1015 (2021) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, S.V. Semenov, E.I. Kats, The multiplicity of “re-entrant” cholesteric structures in the DNA liquid-crystalline dispersions, Phys. Usp., 64 (9), 947-963 (2021)], WoS: 000722209600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85120777969, RINTs: 47192837.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, I.P. Kim, A.S. Kotkin, Kinetika polikondensatsii: V. Zavisyashchii ot vremeni sostav zol’- i gel’-faz, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 55(4), 255-265 (2021) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, I.P. Kim, A.S. Kotkin, Polycondensation Kinetics: 5. Time-Dependent Composition of Sol and Gel Phases, High Energy Chemistry 55(4), 255-265 (2021)], WoS: 000679830000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85111301976, RINTs: 46120204.
- A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, N.M. Kreines, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (k 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 191(2), 223-224 (2021) [A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, N.M. Kreines, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, D.E Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor Ekhiel'evich Dzyaloshinskii (on his 90th birthday), Phys. Usp. 64 (2) 214 (2021)], WoS: 000644699500007.
- A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, N.M. Kreines, V.V. Lebedev, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, N. Spaldin, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, Pamyati Igorya Ekhiel’evicha Dzyaloshinskogo, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 191(8), 901-901 (2021) [A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, N.M. Kreines, V.V. Lebedev, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, N. Spaldin, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, In memory of Igor Ekhiel'evich Dzyaloshinskii, Phys. Usp. 64(8), 854-854 (2021)], WoS: 000711503200006, ADS: 2021PhyU...64..854A.
- E.I. Kats, A simple model for the dynamic accommodation coefficient, EPL 130, 44001 (2020), WoS: 000552965800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85087340901, ADS: 2020EL....13044001K, RINTs: 43300798.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Dynamics of island-meniscus coalescence in free-standing smectic films, Soft Matter, 16(36), 8506-8511 (2020), WoS: 000571980300016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091584081, ADS: 2020SMat...16.8506D, RINTs: 45264709.
- I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Kinetika radikal’no-tsepnoi polimerizatsii. III. Vosstanovlenie kontsentratsii makroradikalov pri peredache tsepi, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 54(1), 3-12 (2020) [I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Kinetics of Radical Chain Polymerization: 3. Restoring the Concentration of Macroradicals via Chain Transfer, High Energy Chemistry 54(1), 1-9 (2020)], WoS: 000517065100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85081036526, RINTs: 41806327.
- I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Kinetika polikondensatsii. I. Bifunktsional’nye kremniiorganicheskie monomery, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 54(2), 87-96 (2020) [I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Polycondensation Kinetics: 1. Bifunctional Organosilicon Monomers, High Energy Chemistry, 54(2), 77-86 (2020)], WoS: 000521546900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85082625378, RINTs: 42366075.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Vysokii kvantovyi vykhod fotoeffekta v donorno-aktseptornykh organicheskikh solnechnykh elementakh s ob’emnym geteroperekhodom, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 54(3), 192-199 (2020) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, High Photoelectric Quantum Yield in Donor–Acceptor Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells, High Energy Chemistry 54(3), 175-182 (2020)], WoS: 000536411600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85085888362, RINTs: 42635546.
- Yu. Yevdokimov, S. Skuridin, V. Salyanov, S. Semenov, E. Kats, Liquid-Crystalline Dispersions of Double-Stranded DNA, In: Advances in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, Ed. by M. Mitov, p. 83-109 (2020). MDPI, Basel ea, ISBN: 978-3-03928-228-9 (Pbk); 978-3-03928-229-6 (PDF).
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, Yu.A. Bobrov, V.A. Bucharsky, E.I. Kats, New optical evidence of the cholesteric packing of DNA molecules in “re-entrant” phase, Chem. Phys. Lett., 717, 59-68 (2019), WoS: 000457867100011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85060281666, ADS: 2019CPL...717...59Y, RINTs: 41794050.
- Yu. Yevdokimov, S. Skuridin, V. Salyanov, S. Semenov, E. Kats, Liquid-crystalline dispersions of double-stranded DNA, Crystals, 9 (3), art. 162 (2019), WoS: 000464476400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85064688890, RINTs: 38674922.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, E.S. Pikina, Landau theory for smectic-A–hexatic-B coexistence in smectic films, Phys. Rev. E 100, 022705 (2019); arXiv:1906.03555, WoS: 000482584900008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85072130158, ADS: 2019PhRvE.100b2705K, RINTs: 41674873.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, A. Fukuda, Topological defects in smectic islands formed in antiferroelectric freestanding nanofilms, Surface Innovations, 7(3-4), 168-173 (2019), WoS: 000466935300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85065210491, ADS: -, RINTs: 38681787.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, Opticheskie svoistva chastits kholestericheskoi i «vozvratnoi» kholestericheskoi faz DNK, Zhidk. krist. i ikh praktich. ispol’z. / Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 19(3), 59-75 (2019) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, Optical Properties of the DNA Particles of Cholesteric and «Re-Entrant» Cholesteric Phases], WoS: 000488254300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85073259524, RINTs: 40805698.
- E.I. Kats, Mekhanizm relaksatsii Landau-Khalatnikova v smekticheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 156(4), 799-805 (2019) [E.I. Kats, The Landau–Khalatnikov Relaxation Mechanism in Smectic Liquid Crystals, JETP, 129(4), 751-756 (2019)], WoS: 000511119900023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076520101, ADS: 2019JETP..129..751K, RINTs: 41143142.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Koalestsentsiya ostrovov razlichnoi tolshchiny v smekticheskikh nanoplenkakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 110 (8), 539-544 (2019) [P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Coalescence of Islands of Different Thicknesses in Smectic Nanofilms, JETP Letters, 110(8), 545-550 (2019)], WoS: 000504612300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85077039619, ADS: 2019JETPL.110..545D, RINTs: 41184035.
- I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Kinetika radikal’no-tsepnoi polimerizatsii. I. Zavisyashchie ot vremeni raspredeleniya makroradikalov i oligomerov, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 53(4), 255-266 (2019) [I.P. Kim, E.I. Kats, V.A. Benderskii, Kinetics of Radical Chain Polymerization: 1. Time-Dependent Distributions of Macroradicals and Oligomers, High Energy Chemistry, 53(4), 265-275 (2019)], WoS: 000479263900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85070359584, ADS: -, RINTs: 37713418.
- I. Zaluzhnyy, R. Kurta, N. Mukharamova, Y.Y. Kim, R. Khubbutdinov, D. Dzhigaev, V. Lebedev, E. Pikina, E. Kats, N.A. Clark, M. Sprung, B. Ostrovskii, I. Vartanyants, First-order smectic-hexatic phase transition in thick liquid crystal films, Bull. APS, APS March Meeting 2019, March 4–8, 2019, Boston, MA, Abstract: B30.00003 (2019), ADS: 2019APS..MARB30003Z.
- Y.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Anomalous behavior of the DNA liquid-crystalline dispersion particles and their phases, Chem. Phys. Lett., 707, 154-159 (2018), WoS: 000441540400025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85050609055, ADS: 2018CPL...707..154Y, RINTs: 35759826.
- E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Simple analysis of scattering data with Ornstein-Zernike equation, Phys. Rev. E 97, 012610 (2018); arXiv:1709.08507, WoS: 000423130000009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85040744984, ADS: 2018PhRvE..97a2610K, RINTs: 38610080, MathSciNet: 3835502, zbMath: -.
- I.A. Zaluzhnyy, R.P. Kurta, N. Mukharamova, Y.Y. Kim, R.M. Khubbutdinov, D. Dzhigaev, V.V. Lebedev, E.S. Pikina, E.I. Kats, N.A. Clark, M. Sprung, B.I. Ostrovskii, I.A. Vartanyants, Evidence of a first-order smectic-hexatic transition and its proximity to tricritical point in smectic films, Phys. Rev. E 98, 052703 (2018); arXiv:1806.00668, WoS: 000450551000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85057204892, ADS: 2018PhRvE..98e2703Z, RINTs: 38627433, EDN: NYDYUV.
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Philippe Cluzeau, Linear defects forming the ground state of polar free standing smectic-C* films, Soft Matter, 14(35), 7174-7179 (2018), WoS: 000445221900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85053613515, ADS: 2018SMat...14.7174D, RINTs: 35728199.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.R. Muzipov, S.V. Semyonov, E.I. Kats, Upakovka dvukhtsepochechnykh molekul DNK v chastitsakh zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersii i zhidkokristallicheskikh fazakh, sformirovannykh iz etikh chastits, Zhidk. krist. i ikh praktich. ispol’z., 18(2), 64-85 (2018) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.R. Muzipov, S.V. Semenov, E.I. Kats, Double-Stranded DNA Packing in Particles of Liquid-Crystalline Dispersions and Liquid-Crystalline Phases Obtained from These Particles, Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 18(2), 64-85 (2018)], WoS: 000437532600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049401363, RINTs: 35154400.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Kogerentnyi perenos elektronnykh vozbuzhdenii v organicheskikh solnechnykh elementakh, ZhETF, 154(3), 662-678 (2018) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Coherent Transport of Electron Excitations in Organic Solar Cells, JETP 127(3), 566-580 (2018)], WoS: 000450556600021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85056708739, ADS: 2018JETP..127..566B, RINTs: 35605119.
- E.I. Kats, Vliyanie polidispersnosti na fazovuyu diagrammu kolloidnykh sistem, ZhETF, 154(5), 1041-1047 (2018) [E.I. Kats, Effect of Polydispersity on the Phase Diagram of Colloid Systems, JETP, 127(5), 939-944 (2018)], WoS: 000456583300016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85060639013, ADS: 2018JETP..127..939K, RINTs: 36573208.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, Spektry krugovogo dikhroizma dispersii i tekstury faz DNK, Optika i spektroskopiya, 125(6), 845-850 (2018) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, Circular Dichroism Spectra of DNA Dispersions and Textures of DNA Phases, Optics and Spectroscopy, 125(6), 1047–1052 (2018)], WoS: 000460175500036, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062235809, ADS: 2018OptSp.125.1047Y, RINTs: 37044550.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Vozbuzhdennye elektronno-dyrochnye sostoyaniya v molekulyarnykh tsepochkakh, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 52(5), 375-384 (2018) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Excited Electron-Hole States in Molecular Chains, High Energy Chemistry, 52(5), 390–399 (2018)], WoS: 000444617700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85053310543, RINTs: 35443993.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Avtoionizatsiya eksitonov v organicheskikh solnechnykh elementakh, Khimiya vysokikh energii, 52(5), 385-391 (2018) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Autoionization of Excitons in Organic Solar Cells, High Energy Chemistry, 52(5), 400–406 (2018)], WoS: 000444617700006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85053374011, RINTs: 35443994.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, S.V. Semenov, L.A. Dadinova, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Re-entrant cholesteric phase in DNA liquid-crystalline dispersion particles, J. Biol. Phys., 43(1), 45-68 (2017), WoS: 000395080700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85007439423, RINTs: 29466936.
- J. Peters, J. Marion, F. Natali, E. Kats, D.J. Bicout, The dynamical transition of lipid multilamellar bilayers as a matter of cooperativity, J. Phys. Chem. B 121(8), 6860-6868 (2017), WoS: 000406357200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85025664149, RINTs: 31087002.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, S.V. Semenov, E.V. Shtykova, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, “Vozvratnaya” kholestericheskaya faza DNK, Optika i spektroskopiya, 123(1), 74-79 (2017) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, S.V. Semenov, E.V. Shtykova, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, The re-entrant cholesteric phase of DNA, Opt. Spectrosc., 123(1), 56-69 (2017)], WoS: 000406215900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85025120987, ADS: 2017OptSp.123...56Y, RINTs: 29962368.
- E.I. Kats, Fluctuational shift of nematic-isotropic phase transition temperature, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 105 (4), 229 (2017) [Fluctuation shift of the nematic–isotropic phase transition temperature, JETP Lett., 105(4), 246-249 (2017)], WoS: 000400277000008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85013058547, ADS: 2017JETPL.105..246K, RINTs: 28367917.
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Kollaps ostrovov v smekticheskikh svobodno podveshennykh nanoplenkakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 106 (4), 214-219 (2017) [P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Collapse of islands in freely suspended smectic nanofilms, JETP Lett., 106(4), 229-233 (2017)], WoS: 000413418400005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85032204877, ADS: 2017JETPL.106..229D, RINTs: 29811445.
- E.I. Kats, Netraditsionnye fazovye perekhody v zhidkikh kristallakh, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 187(9), 1022-1027 (2017) [E.I. Kats, Unconventional phase transitions in liquid crystals, Phys. Usp., 60(9), 949-953 (2017)], WoS: 000417704200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85040985015, ADS: 2017PhyU...60..949K, RINTs: 29938136.
- E.I. Kats, Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in liquid crystals, Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 43(1), 7-10 (2017) [Low Temp. Phys., 43(1), 5-7 (2017)], WoS: 000395662500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85012262948, ADS: 2017LTP....43....5K, RINTs: 28402037.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.V. Shtykova, N.G. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, The gold nanoparticles influence the spatial ordering of double-stranded nucleic acid molecules, Frontiers Nanosci. Nanotech., 2(3), 135-143 (2016).
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Theory of the anomalous critical behavior for the smectic-A–hexatic transition, Phys. Rev. E 93, 062707 (2016), WoS: 000378873300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84977151197, ADS: 2016PhRvE..93f2707K, RINTs: 26844809.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Temperaturno-indutsirovannoe izmenenie upakovki dvukhtsepochechnykh lineinykh molekul DNK v chastitsakh zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersii, Biofizika, 61(3), 421-431 (2016) [Y.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Temperature-induced changes of the packing of double-stranded linear DNA molecules in particles of liquid-crystalline dispersions, Biophysics, 61(3), 351-360 (2016)], WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84982267458, ADS: -, RINTs: 26454790.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Fazovyi perekhod “geksagonal’naya → kholestericheskaya upakovka” molekul DNK v chastitsakh zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersii, Dokl. Akad. nauk, 467(5), 556-559 (2016) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Katz, Hexagonal → cholesteric phase transition of DNA molecules in liquid-crystalline dispersion particles, Dokl. Phys. Chem., 467(2), 53–55 (2016)], WoS: 000376415500003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84969786140, RINTs: 27154117.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, O prostranstvennoi organizatsii dvukhtsepochechnykh molekul DNK v kholestericheskoi zhidkokristallicheskoi faze, Zhidk. krist. i ikh praktich. ispol’z. / Liq. Cryst. and their Appl., 16(1), 71-82 (2016) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, About spatial organization of double-stranded DNA molecules in cholesteric liquid-crystalline phase], WoS: 000383485900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85018348771, RINTs: 25651308.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Tsepochechnye struktury i klastery iz chastits so smeshannym dipol’-kvadrupol’nym vzaimodeistviem v smekticheskikh svobodno podveshennykh nanoplenkakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 104 (4), 263-269 (2016) [P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Chain structures and clusters of particles with the mixed dipole–quadrupole interaction in smectic freely suspended nanofilms, JETP Lett., 104(4), 263-268 (2016)], WoS: 000387337200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84994047724, ADS: 2016JETPL.104..263, RINTs: 26463515.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Why the smectic A – hexatic phase transition does not follow its universality class?, arXiv:1603.05360, ADS: 2016arXiv160305360K.
- V.N. Blinov, V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Fredericks transitions in biaxial nematics, Eur. Phys. J. E 38(7), 80 (2015), WoS: 000358145100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84938843793, ADS: -, RINTs: 23996913.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, E.V. Shtykova, L.A. Dadinova, V.V. Volkov, N.G. Khlebtsov, P.V. Komarov, E.I. Kats, Negatively Charged Gold Nanoparticles “Control” Double-Stranded DNAs Spatial Packing, J. Mater. Sci. Nanotechnol., 4(1), art. 101 (2015) [J. Mater. Sci. Nanotechnol., 3(2), art. 201 (2015)], Scopus: -.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nonlinear fluctuation effects in dynamics of freely suspended films, Phys. Rev. E 91, 032415 (2015); arXiv:1501.06703, WoS: 000352063500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84928783270, ADS: 2015PhRvE..91c2415K, RINTs: 24454987.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrsky, Immersed surfaces and membranes transformations, Phys. Scr. 90, 074003 (2015), WoS: 000357541800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84936850094, ADS: 2015PhyS...90g4003K, RINTs: 23989509.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, C.G. Ckupidin, V.I. Calyanov, V.V. Volkov, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, O ppoctpanctvennoi opganizatsii dvuxtsepochechnyx molekul DNK v xolectepicheckoi zhidkokpictallicheckoi faze i chactitsax dicpepcii etoi fazy, Biofizika, 60(5), 861-876 (2015) [Y.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, V.V. Volkov, L.A. Dadinova, O.N. Kompanets, E.I. Kats, About the spatial organization of double-stranded DNA molecules in the cholesteric liquid-crystalline phase and dispersion particles of this phase, Biophysics, 60(5), 708-721 (2015)], WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84950316812, RINTs: 24400608.
- V.N. Blinov, V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Fazovye perekhody v zhidkikh kristallakh pod deistviem vneshnikh polei, Nanostruktury. Matematicheskaya fizika i modelirovanie, 13(2), 5-23 (2015), RINTs: 26715735.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Quantum autoionization of molecular excitons and photovoltaic conversion, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 101 (1), 19-23 (2015) [JETP Letters, 101(1), 17-21 (2015)], WoS: 000351661700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84938055950, ADS: 2015JETPL.101...17B, RINTs: 23218340.
- P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Topologicheskie defekty v smekticheskikh ostrovakh v svobodno podveshennykh plenkakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 101 (7), 505-511 (2015) [P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Topological defects in smectic islands in freely suspended films, JETP Letters, 101(7), 453-458 (2015)], WoS: 000356457700007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84935909055, ADS: 2015JETPL.101..453D, RINTs: 23459599.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Anomalii meniska mikrovklyuchenii v svobodno podveshennykh smekticheskikh plenkakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 102 (4), 272-277 (2015) [P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Anomalies of a meniscus of microinclusions in freely suspended smectic films, JETP Lett., 102 (4), 242-247 (2015)], WoS: 000364562900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84958159302, ADS: 2015JETPL.102..242D, RINTs: 24324627.
- E.I. Kats, Sily Van-der-Vaal’sa, Kazimira i Lifshitsa v myagkoi materii, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 185 (9), 964-969 (2015) [E.I. Kats, Van der Waals, Casimir, and Lifshitz forces in soft matter, Phys. Usp. 58 (9), 892-896 (2015)], WoS: 000366405400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84951825919, ADS: 2015PhyU...58..892K, RINTs: 24095857.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, S.G. Skuridin, E. V. Shtykova, N.G. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, Fiziko-khimicheskii i nanotekhnologicheskii podkhody k sozdaniyu “tverdykh” prostranstvennykh struktur DNK, Uspekhi khimii, 84(1), 27-42 (2015) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, S.G. Skuridin, E.V. Stykova, N.G. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, Physicochemical and nanotechnological approaches to creation of “rigid” spatial structures of DNA, Russ. Chem. Rev., 84(1), 27-42 (2015)], WoS: 000349382400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84922575878, ADS: 2015RuCRv..84...27Y, RINTs: 22662156.
- E.I. Kats, Landau weak crystallization theory and its applications, Symmetry, Spin Dynamics and the Properties of Nanostructures, pp. 188-207 (2015) [Lecture Notes of the 11th International School on Theoretical Physics, Rzeszów, Poland, 1-6 September 2014; Ed. by V. Dugaev, A. Wal, J. Barnaś. World Scientific, 2015], Scopus: 2-s2.0-85127949394, ADS: 2016ssdp.conf..188K.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Asymptotic freedom at zero temperature in free-standing crystalline membranes, Phys. Rev. B 89, 125433 (2014) [Erratum - Phys. Rev. B 94, 079904(E) (2016)]; arXiv:1312.6476, WoS: 000333559400015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84898744941, ADS: 2014PhRvB..89l5433K, RINTs: 21872455.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Comment on “Thermodynamics of quantum crystalline membranes”, Phys. Rev. B 90, 176301 (2014); arXiv:1407.4298, WoS: 000345638400009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84911164397, ADS: 2014PhRvB..90q6301K, RINTs: 24005832.
- Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.V. Shtykova, N.G. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, The Physicochemical and Nanotechnological Approaches to Creation of “Rigid” DNA Nanoconstructions, The Open Nanoscience Journal, 8, 1-12 (2014), WoS: -, ADS: 2014ONJ.....8....1Y, RINTs: -.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.V. Shtykova, E.I. Kats, N.G. Khlebtsov, S.G. Skuridin, Ctpuktupnaya nanotexnologiya nukleinovyx kiclot: sozdanie “zhidkikh” i “tvyordykh” nanokonstruktsii DNK, Vestnik RAN, 84(8), 694-707 (2014) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.V. Shtykova, E.I. Katz, N.G. Khlebtsov, S.G. Skuridin, Structural nanotechnology of nucleic acids: Designing “Liquid” and “Rigid” DNA nanoconstructions, Herald of the RAS, 84(4), 252-264 (2014)], WoS: 000340882600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84906505898, RINTs: 21804102.
- Y. M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, V.I. Popenko, E.V. Shtykova, N.G. Khlebtsov, G.A. Shafeev, E.I. Kats, Gold nanoparticles influence double-stranded dann molecules «recognition» and prevent formation of their cholesteric structure, Zhidkie kristally i ikh prakticheskoe ispol’zovanie / Liquid Crystals and their Application, 14(4), 5-21 (2014), WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: -, RINTs: 22858649.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, D.O. Sinitsyn, Odnomernye tekstury biaksial’nykh zhidkikh kristallov, Nanostruktury. Matematicheskaya fizika i modelirovanie, 10(1), 29-38 (2014).
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, Step-by-step first order antiferroelectric-paraelectric transition induced by frustration and electric field, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 99 (4), 218-222 (2014) [JETP Letters, 99(4), 191-195 (2014)], WoS: 000335664500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84899894571, ADS: 2014JETPL..99..191D, RINTs: 21430562.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Landau theory for helical nematic phases, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 100 (2), 118-121 (2014) [JETP Letters, 100(2), 110-113 (2014)]; arXiv:1406.4588, WoS: 000342442900008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84908088930, ADS: 2014JETPL.100..110K, RINTs: 21977628.
- M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, V.I. Popenko, E.V. Shtykova, L.A. Dadinova, V.V. Volkov, N.G. Khlebtsov, B.N. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, Novyi nanobiomaterial – chastitsy zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersii DNK so vstroennymi klasterami iz nanochastits zolota, Rossiiskie nanotekhnologii, 9(3-4), 82-89 (2014) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, V.I. Popenko, E.V. Shtykova, L.A. Dadinova, V.V. Volkov, N.G. Khlebtsov, B.N. Khlebtsov, E.I. Kats, A new nanobiomaterial: particles of liquid-crystalline DNA dispersions with embedded clusters of gold nanoparticles, Nanotechnologies in Russia, 9(3-4), 194-202 (2014)], WoS: 000445358500013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84899836668, RINTs: 21819126.
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Landau theory description of polar smectic structures, Liquid Crystals Reviews, 1(2), 127-149 (2013), WoS: 000209431600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84908063060, ADS: -, RINTs: 24945502.
- V.A. Benderskii, A.S. Kotkin, E.I. Kats, Revivals in Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian dynamics, Phys. Lett. A 377(10-11), 737-740 (2013); arXiv:1211.6042, WoS: 000316776400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84873742236, ADS: 2013PhLA..377..737B, RINTs: 20433725, MathSciNet: 3021939, zbMath: 1428.81075.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, A.A. Sevenyuk, D.O. Sinitsyn, Twisted quasiperiodic textures of biaxial nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 88, 042504 (2013) [7 pages]; arXiv:1307.5792, WoS: 000326112300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84886692684, ADS: 2013PhRvE..88d2504G, RINTs: 21885805.
- D.J. Bicout, E.I. Kats, A.K. Petukhov, R.S. Whitney, Size independence of statistics for boundary collisions of random walks and its implications for spin-polarized gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 010602 (2013) [5 pages]; arXiv:1112.4817, WoS: 000313006100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84871748090, ADS: 2013PhRvL.110a0602B, RINTs: 20416845.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, Strukturnaya nanotekhnologiya nukleinovykh kislot: Zhidkokristallicheskii podkhod, Biofizika, 58(6), 987-1004 (2013) [Yu. M. Yevdokimov, V. I. Salyanov, E. I. Katz, S. G. Skuridin, Structural nucleic acid nanotechnology: Liquid-crystalline approach, Biophysics, 58(6), 775-790 (2013)], WoS: ?, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893807906, ADS: -, RINTs: 21073858.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Rasprostranenie vozbuzhdeniya v dlinnykh odnomernykh tsepochkakh: perekhod ot regulyarnoi kvantovoi k stokhasticheskoi dinamike, ZhETF, 143(1), 5-19 (2013) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Propagation of excitation in long 1D chains: Transition from regular quantum dynamics to stochastic dynamics, JETP 116(1), 1-14 (2013)], WoS: 000315087300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84874027336, ADS: 2013JETP..116....1B, RINTs: 18829700.
- V.A. Benderskii, A.S. Kotkin, I.V. Rubtsov, E.I. Kats, Vibrational energy transport in molecular wires, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 98 (4), 247-250 (2013) [JETP Lett., 98(4), 219-222 (2013)]; arXiv:1307.3112, WoS: 000326111100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84891894441, ADS: 2013JETPL..98..219B, RINTs: 20868884.
- I.V. Kalinin, E.I. Kats, M. Koza, V.V. Lauter, Kh. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Neitronografiya polikristallicheskogo 4Ne v poristoi srede, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 98 (4), 261-264 (2013) [I.V. Kalinin, E.I. Kats, M. Koza, V.V. Lauter, H. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Neutron diffraction study of polycrystalline 4He in a porous medium, JETP Lett., 98(4), 233-236 (2013)], WoS: 000326111100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84891900811, ADS: 2013JETPL..98..233K, RINTs: 20868887.
- H.J. Lauter, E. Krotscheck, E. Kats, K. Herwig, A. Podlesnyak, D. Souleymane, G. Henry, A. Savici, An Ordered State of Dislocations in Solid Helium, APS March Meeting 2013, March 18-22, 2013, abstract #Y22.012.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, D.O. Sinitsyn, Topological metastability of textures in biaxial nematics, arXiv:1308.6479, ADS: 2013arXiv1308.6479G.
- A.F. Andreev, I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, S.V. Iordanskii, E.I. Kats, I.V. Kolokolov, S.E. Korshunov, M.R. Trunin, G.E. Fal’kovich, M.V. Feigel’man, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Vladimir Valentinovich Lebedev (k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 183 (6), 669-670 (2013) [A.F. Andreev, I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, S.V. Iordanskii, E.I. Kats, I.V. Kolokolov, S.E. Korshunov, M.R. Trunin, G.E. Falkovich, M.V. Feigel’man, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Vladimir Valentinovich Lebedev (on his 60th birthday), Phys. Usp. 56(6), 637-638 (2013)], WoS: 000324296600010, ADS: 2013PhyU...56..637A.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, Klastery iz nanochastits zolota v kvazinematicheskikh sloyakh chastits zhidkokristallicheskikh dispersii dvukhtsepochechnykh nukleinovykh kislot, Acta Naturae (russk.), 4(4), 80-93 (2012) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Katz, S.G. Skuridin, Gold Nanoparticle Clusters in Quasinematic Layers of Liquid-Crystalline Dispersion Particles of Double-Stranded Nucleic Acids, Acta Naturae (eng), 4(4), 91-97 (2012)], WoS: 000208906700010, RINTs: 18281283.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, Magnetic field induced order in quasi-one-dimensional systems, Phys. Lett. A 376(32), 2206–2208 (2012), WoS: 000305380100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84861759862, ADS: 2012PhLA..376.2206D, RINTs: 17987559, EDN: PDQEDX.
- V.V. Lebedev, E.I. Kats, Long-scale dynamics of crystalline membranes, Phys. Rev. B 85, 045416 (2012) [7 pages], WoS: 000298987700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84856420528, ADS: 2012PhRvB..85d5416L, RINTs: 17975120.
- D.J. Bicout, E.I. Kats, Rupture of a biomembrane under dynamic surface tension, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031905 (2012) [9 pages]; arXiv:1112.4304, WoS: 000209132200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84858259007, ADS: 2012PhRvE..85c1905B, RINTs: 17980038.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Field-induced transitions between multilayer phases of polar smectic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 86, 020701(R) (2012) [4 pages], WoS: 000307506900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84865339841, ADS: 2012PhRvE..86b0701D , RINTs: 20470008.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, E.I. Kats, Zakonomernosti obrazovaniya polyarnykh smekticheskikh faz pri frustral’nom vzaimodeistvii, ZhETF, 142(6), 1297-1308 (2012) [P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, E.I. Kats, Laws of formation of polar smectic phases under a frustrated interaction, JETP 113(6), 1140-1150 (2012)], WoS: 000313068000024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84876946939, ADS: 2012JETP..115.1140D, RINTs: 18261880.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, Sound waves in solids in magnetic field, Europhys. Lett., 96, 46001 (2011), WoS: 000297322500031, Scopus: 2-s2.0-81155132305, ADS: 2011EL.....9646001D, RINTs: 18013838, EDN: PEFCXF.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Non-ergodic dynamics of Nanosystems, J. Appl. Funct. Anal., 6(1), 26-36 (2011), WoS: -.
- B. Struth, K. Hyun, E. Kats, T. Meins, M. Walther, M. Wilhelm, G. Grubel, Observation of new states of liquid crystal 8CB under nonlinear shear conditions as observed via a novel and unique rheology/small-angle X-ray scattering combination, Langmuir, 27(6), 2880-2887 (2011), WoS: 000288039500106, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79952615111, ADS: -, RINTs: 16724446.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Manifold of polar smectic liquid crystals with spatial modulation of the order parameter, Phys. Rev. E 83, 061705 (2011) [7 pages], WoS: 000291731900015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79961073376, ADS: 2011PhRvE..83f1705D, RINTs: 17004385.
- H. Lauter, V. Apaja, I. Kalinin, E. Kats, M. Koza, E. Krotcheck, V.V. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Observation of a superfluid component within solid helium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 265301 (2011) [5 pages], WoS: 000298609000010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84455202127, ADS: 2011PhRvL.107z5301L, RINTs: 18031632.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Dissipativnoe tunnelirovanie v nanosistemakh, ZhETF, 140(4), 647-661 (2011) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Dissipative tunneling in nanosystems, JETP 113(4), 562-574 (2011)], WoS: 000297368300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855920910, ADS: 2011JETP..113..562B, RINTs: 16853119.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Propagating vibrational excitations in molecular chains, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 94 (6), 494-499 (2011) [JETP Lett., 94(6), 459-464 (2011)], WoS: 000297545600011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-82055193200, ADS: 2011JETPL..94..459B, RINTs: 17214026.
- E.I. Kats, Rosensweig instability in ferrofluids, Fizika nizkikh temp., 37 (9-10), 1019-1021 (2011) [Low Temp. Phys., 37(9-10), 812-814 (2011)], WoS: 000298642000016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855288607, ADS: 2011LTP....37..812K, RINTs: 16904838.
- V.A. Benderskii, L.A. Fal’kovskii, E.I. Kats, Tsikly vozvratnogo peremeshivaniya v dinamike kvantovoi evolyutsii, Upravlyaemoe dissipativnoe tunnelirovanie. Tunnel’nyi transport v nizkorazmernykh sistemakh / Pod red. E. Dzh. Leggeta - M.: Fizmatlit, 2011, s. 341-356.
- A.A. Abrikosov, A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, L.P. Gor’kov, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, L.A. Prozorova, I.M. Khalatnikov, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 181 (2), 231 (2011) [A.A. Abrikosov, A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, L.P. Gor’kov, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, S.P. Obukhov, L.P. Pitaevskii, L.A. Prozorova, I.M. Khalatnikov, D.E. Khmel’nitskii, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (on his 80th birthday), Phys. Usp. 54(2), 221 (2011)], ADS: 2011PhyU...54..221A, RINTs: 15584621.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, S.A. Kuznetsova, Yu.S. Volkov, Symmetry of electrostatic interaction between pyrophosphate DNA molecules, Eur. Phys. J. E 31 (1), 59-67 (2010), WoS: 000274362000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-76649099162, ADS: -, RINTs: 15317068.
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, P. Cluzeau, Stepwise transition of a topological defect from the smectic film to the boundary of a dipolar inclusion, Phys. Rev. E 81, 031709 (2010) [6 pages], WoS: 000276199300073, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77950155857, ADS: 2010PhRvE..81c1709D, RINTs: 15320854.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Commensurate polar smectic structures with a two-component order parameter, Phys. Rev. E 82, 040701(R) (2010) [4 pages], WoS: 000283295900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78651303093, ADS: 2010PhRvE..82d0701D, RINTs: 16874273.
- I.V. Kalinin, E.I. Kats, M. Koza, V.V. Lauter, Ch. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Sosushchestvovanie sverkhtekuchego i tverdogo geliya v aerogele, ZhETF, 138(2), 243-248 (2010) [I.V. Kalinin, E.I. Kats, M. Koza, V.V. Lauter, H. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Coexistence of superfluid and solid helium in aerogel, JETP, 111(2), 215-219 (2010)], WoS: 000282269500009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77958082640, ADS: 2010JETP..111..215K, RINTs: 15848148.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Dynamic and spectral mixing in nanosystems, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 92 (6), 410-414 (2010) [JETP Lett., 92(6), 370-374 (2010)]; arXiv:1008.4716, WoS: 000284652400002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78649763115, ADS: 2010JETPL..92..370B, RINTs: 16263845.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Liquid-Crystal Smectic with Six-Layer Periodic Structure, arXiv:1004.0834, ADS: 2010arXiv1004.0834D.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, New mechanism for non-trivial intra-molecular vibrational dynamics, Eur. Phys. J. D 54(3), 597-605 (2009); arXiv:0905.4628, WoS: 000268789000007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-68949140817, ADS: 2009EPJD...54..597B, RINTs: 15295516.
- A. Muratov, A. Moussaïd, T. Narayanan, E.I. Kats, A Percus-Yevick description of the microstructure of short-range interacting metastable colloidal suspensions, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 054902 (2009) (11 pages), WoS: 000268809800039, Scopus: 2-s2.0-68849085939, ADS: 2009JChPh.131e4902M, RINTs: 15307571.
- V.A. Benderskii, L.N. Gak, E.I. Kats, Mnogokomponentnoe ekho Loshmidta i peremeshivanie v kvantovoi dinamike sistem s plotnym diskretnym spektrom, ZhETF, 135(1), 176-193 (2009) [V.A. Benderskii, L.N. Gak, E.I. Kats, Multicomponent Loschmidt echo and mixing in the quantum dynamics of systems with dense discrete spectra, JETP, 108(1), 159-175 (2009)], WoS: 000263786000020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-61349170214, ADS: 2009JETP..108..159B, RINTs: 13600647.
- Yu.S. Volkov, V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, S.A. Kuznetsova, Zhidkokristallicheskie fazy, obrazovannye dupleksami DNK, soderzhashchimi pirofosfatnye gruppy, ZhETF, 135(3), 559-566 (2009) [Yu.S. Volkov, V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, S.A. Kuznetsova, Liquid-crystalline phases formed by DNA duplexes containing pyrophosphate groups, JETP, 108(3), 490-496 (2009)]; arXiv:0808.0965, WoS: 000265509000013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-65449182793, ADS: 2009JETP..108..490V, RINTs: 15847388.
- V.A. Benderskii, L.N. Gak, E.I. Kats, Dvoinye rezonansy v dinamike kvantovykh sistem s plotnym diskretnym spektrom, ZhETF, 136(3), 589-600 (2009) [V.A. Benderskii, L.N. Gak, E.I. Kats, Double resonances in the dynamics of quantum systems with a dense discrete spectrum, JETP, 109(3), 505-515 (2009)], WoS: 000271105900016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70350393817, ADS: 2009JETP..109..505B, RINTs: 15306811.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Obrazovanie i struktura solitona v antisegnetoelektricheskom zhidkom kristalle v elektricheskom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 89 (3), 181-187 (2009) [P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Formation and structure of a soliton in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal in an electric field, JETP Lett., 89(3), 161-166 (2009)], WoS: 000264923100013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-64349102914, ADS: 2009JETPL..89..161D, RINTs: 15140363.
- P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, Dimer structures formed in smectic films by inclusions with parallel and antiparallel topological dipole moments, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 90 (5), 424-428 (2009) [JETP Lett., 90(5), 382-386 (2009)], WoS: 000271943400014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-76449087343, ADS: 2009JETPL..90..382D, RINTs: 15140457.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Kvantovaya dinamika nanosistem s neekvidistantnym spektrom, Khim. fizika, 28(3), 6–15 (2009) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Quantum dynamics of nanosystems with nonequidistant spectrum, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B 3(2), 264-272 (2009)], WoS: 000266051400015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70350057204, RINTs: 15308821.
- A.R. Muratov, E.I. Kats, H. Schober, Soft modes and thermal transport in guest-host crystalline structures, arXiv:0905.4603, ADS: 2009arXiv0905.4603M.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Accuracy of semiclassics: Comparative analysis of WKB and instanton approaches, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, A 5(1-2), 71-92 (2008); cond-mat/0506027.
- N. Yoshinaga, E. Kats, A. Halperin, On the adsorption of two-state polymers, Macromolecules, 41(20), 7744-7751 (2008); arXiv:0806.0136, WoS: 000260255800069, Scopus: 2-s2.0-55649106594, ADS: 2008MaMol..41.7744Y, RINTs: 13593572.
- A. Cano, E.I. Kats, Electromagnon excitations in modulated multiferroics, Phys. Rev. B 78, 012104 (2008); arXiv:0712.2138, WoS: 000258190000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-47349088118, ADS: 2008PhRvB..78a2104C, RINTs: 13566711.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Raskrutka v elektricheskom pole segnetoelektricheskoi spirali v tonkikh sloyakh smektika C* pri myagkom i zhestkom poverkhnostnom stseplenii molekul, ZhETF, 134(3), 614-620 (2008) [P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Electric-field-induced unwinding of ferroelectric helix in thin smectic C* layers with soft and rigid anchoring of molecules, JETP, 107 (3), 526-531 (2008)], WoS: 000260183700020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-54249166112, ADS: 2008JETP..107..526D, RINTs: 11647462.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Ferrielectric smectic with layer-by-layer change of the two-component order parameter, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 87 (5), 301-305 (2008) [JETP Lett., 87(5), 253-257 (2008)], WoS: 000255859800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-43949087866, ADS: 2008JETPL..87..253D, RINTs: 13573582.
- I.V. Kalinin, E. Kats, M. Koza, V.V. Lauter, Kh. Lauter, A.V. Puchkov, Obnaruzhenie sverkhtekuchei fazy v tverdom gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 87(11), 743-746 (2008) [I. Kalinin, E. Kats, M. Koza, V. Lauter, H.J. Lauter, A. Puchkov, Observation of a superfluid phase in solid helium, JETP Lett., 87(11), 645-648 (2008)], WoS: 000258777000011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-62649084145, ADS: 2008JETPL..87..645K, RINTs: 13580338.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Neeksponentsial’nyi raspad v kvantovoi dinamike nanosistem, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 88 (5), 386-390 (2008) [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Non-exponential decay in quantum dynamics of nano-systems, JETP Lett., 88(5), 338-341 (2008)], WoS: 000262832500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-59749089233, ADS: 2008JETPL..88..338B, RINTs: 13597588.
- N. Yoshinaga, D.J. Bicout, E.I. Kats, A. Halperin, Dynamic core−shell structures in two state models of neutral water soluble polymers, Macromolecules, 40(6), 2201-2209 (2007), WoS: 000244855500059, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33947682652, ADS: 2007MaMol..40.2201Y, RINTs: 13541200.
- P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, Rearrangement of topological defects and anchoring on the inclusion boundary in ferroelectric smectic membranes, Phys. Rev. E 75, 031706 (2007) (8 pages), WoS: 000245324300056, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33947271276, ADS: 2007PhRvE..75c1706D, RINTs: 13561825.
- P.V. Dolganov, Kh.T. Nguen, Zh. Dzholi, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, F. Kluzo, Stabil’nost’ svobodno podveshennykh zhidkokristallicheskikh plenok, izmerenie energii vzaimodeistviya poverkhnostei plenok, ZhETF, 132(3), 756-764 (2007) [P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, G. Joly, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, Stability of a free-standing liquid crystal film: the measurement of the interaction between the film surfaces, JETP, 105(3), 665-672 (2007)], WoS: 000250303100025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-35348978347, ADS: 2007JETP..105..665D, RINTs: 9576458.
- V.A. Benderskii, L.A. Falkovsky, E.I. Kats, Loschmidt echo and stochastic-like quantum dynamics of nano-particles, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 86 (3), 249-252 (2007) [JETP Letters, 86(3), 221-224 (2007)]; arXiv:0706.2333, WoS: 000250302500015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-35348988768, ADS: 2007JETPL..86..221B, RINTs: 11649309.
- V. Golo, E. Kats, Y. Volkov, Symmetries of Electrostatic Interaction between DNA molecules, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 86 (4), 311-316 (2007) [JETP Letters, 86(4), 278-283 (2007)]; arXiv:0707.1405, WoS: 000250581100014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-35648974197, ADS: 2007JETPL..86..278G, RINTs: 11649323.
- D.J. Bicout, F. Schmid, E. Kats, Stabilization of Membrane Pores by Packing, Phys. Rev. E 73, 060101(R) (2006) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0604060, WoS: 000238693800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33745309380, ADS: 2006PhRvE..73f0101B, RINTs: 13504474.
- P.V. Dolganov, K.I. Belov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Demikhov, B.H. Bolotin, E.I. Kats, Structures and orientational transitions in thin smectic films of tilted hexatic, ZhETF, 129(4), 700-709 (2006) [JETP, 102 (4), 616-624 (2006)]; cond-mat/0509435, WoS: 000237701500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33744745984, ADS: 2006JETP..102..616D, RINTs: 9187297.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, I.P. Kikot’, Vliyanie dipol’nykh sil na strukturu zhidkokristallicheskikh faz DNK, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 84 (5), 334-338 (2006) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, I. Kikot, Effect of dipole forces on the structure of the liquid crystalline phases of DNA, JETP Letters, 84(5), 275-279 (2006)], WoS: 000241899700010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750904629, ADS: 2006JETPL..84..275G, RINTs: 13507047.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, H.P. Tromsdorff, A semiclassical 1D model of ultrafast photoisomerization reactions, Chem. Phys. Lett., 409(4-6), 240-244 (2005); cond-mat/0505290, WoS: 000230221400017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444459101, ADS: 2005CPL...409..240B, RINTs: 13484266.
- D.J. Bicout, F. Varchon, E. Kats, Exact formula of the bridge-mediated donor-acceptor effective coupling, Europhys. Lett., 70 (4), 457-463 (2005), WoS: 000229494500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18844418512, ADS: 2005EL.....70..457B, RINTs: 13497287.
- E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Three-wave vibrational mode broadening for Fibonacci one-dimensional quasicrystals, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 17(43), 6849-6869 (2005), WoS: 000233589700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26944493334, ADS: 2005JPCM...17.6849K, RINTs: 13484800.
- Z.-W. Xie, Z.-X. Cao, E.I. Kats, W.M. Liu, Nonlinear dynamics of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 71, 025601 (2005) (4 pages), WoS: 000227483900125, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33344475708, ADS: 2005PhRvA..71b5601X, RINTs: 13478994.
- K. Baumann, R. Gähler, P. Grigoriev, E.I. Kats, Time lens for high-resolution neutron time-of-flight spectrometers, Phys. Rev. A 72, 043619 (2005) (9 pages); cond-mat/0509132, WoS: 000232931800132, Scopus: 2-s2.0-28844509280, ADS: 2005PhRvA..72d3619B, RINTs: 14631070.
- M. Lazrek, D.J. Bicout, S. Jaziri, E. Kats, Vibrational enhancement of the effective donor-acceptor coupling, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 82 (6), 407-411 (2005) [JETP Lett., 82(6), 366-370 (2005)]; cond-mat/0505761, WoS: 000233569500007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-28544435416, ADS: 2005JETPL..82..366L, RINTs: 9148725.
- D.J. Bicout, F. Varchon, E. Kats, Bridge-mediated Donor-Acceptor Effective Coupling: Exact theoretical description, cond-mat/0502242, ADS: 2005cond.mat..2242B.
- E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Sound modes broadening for Fibonacci one dimensional quasicrystals, cond-mat/0502673, ADS: 2005JPCM...17.6849K.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Quasi-ergodic behavior for crossing diabatic potentials, HAIT Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(2), 386-406 (2004).
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, Casimir forces in modulated systems, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 16(32), 5659-5667 (2004); cond-mat/0408348, WoS: 000223750600009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4344566450, ADS: 2004JPCM...16.5659D, RINTs: 13460016, EDN: LIOERF.
- V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, S.P. Palto, Temperature and field hysteresis of the pitch variations in thin planar layers of cholesterics, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 410, 229/[757]-238/[766] (2004), WoS: 000222524000023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-12844269287, RINTs: 13458845.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Semiclassical quantization of bound and quasistationary states beyond the adiabatic approximation, Phys. Rev. A 69, 062508 (2004) [20 pages]; cond-mat/0305209, WoS: 000222471400047, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4143088284, ADS: 2004PhRvA..69f2508B, RINTs: 13459959.
- M. de Boissieu, R. Currat, S. Francoual, E. Kats, Sound-mode broadening in quasicrystals: A simple phenomenological model, Phys. Rev. B 69, 054205 (2004) [8 pages]; cond-mat/0312163, WoS: 000220001700033, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642366493, ADS: 2003cond.mat.12163D, RINTs: 13468238.
- D.J. Bicout, E. Kats, Bubble relaxation dynamics in double-stranded DNA, Phys. Rev. E 70, 010902(R) (2004) [4 pages]; cond-mat/0406028, WoS: 000223135200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-42749108665, ADS: 2004PhRvE..70a0902B, RINTs: 13449581.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Landau-Zener problem for energies close to potential crossing points, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 80 (6), 493-497 (2004) [JETP Lett., 80 (6), 436-440 (2004)]; cond-mat/0408346, WoS: 000225300900015, Scopus: -, ADS: 2004JETPL..80..436B, RINTs: -.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Quasistationary states and coherent versus incoherent transitions for crossing diabatic potentials, cond-mat/0408239, ADS: 2004cond.mat..8239B.
- I. Grillo, E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Formation and growth anionic vesicles followed by small angle neutron scattering, Langmuir, 19(11), 4573-4581 (2003), WoS: 000183136900010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037905590, ADS: -, RINTs: 13438387.
- E.I. Kats, A simple model for charge transport in discotic liquid crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 396, 23-34 (2003), WoS: 000184638600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-3543047275, RINTs: 13423174.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, H.P. Trommsdorff, Competing tunneling trajectories in a 2D potential with variable topology as a model for quantum bifurcations, Phys. Rev. E 67, 026102 (2003) [10 pages] [V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, G.P. Tromsdorf, E.I. Kats, Konkuriruyushchie tunnel’nye traektorii v 2D-potentsiale s var’iruemoi topologiei kak model’ dlya kvantovykh bifurkatsii, Upravlyaemoe dissipativnoe tunnelirovanie. Tunnel’nyi transport v nizkorazmernykh sistemakh / Pod red. E. Dzh. Leggeta - M.: Fizmatlit, 2011, s. 243-261]; cond-mat/0209030, WoS: 000181520300014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4243487526, ADS: 2003PhRvE..67b6102B, RINTs: 43200801.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, Structures and phase transitions in polar smectic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 67, 041716 (2003) [12 pages], WoS: 000182824400053, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0942297554, ADS: 2003PhRvE..67d1716D, RINTs: 13426189.
- S. Roche, D. Bicout, E. Maciá, E. Kats, Long range correlations in DNA: scaling properties and charge transfer efficiency, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 228101 (2003) [Erratum - ibid, 92, 109901 (2004)]; cond-mat/0309463, WoS: 000186801900053, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0347319481, ADS: 2003PhRvL..91v8101R, RINTs: 13445082.
- V.A. Belyakov, P. Oswald, E.I. Kats, Temperature pitch variations in planar cholesteric layers: The role of fluctuations and surface anchoring, ZhETF, 123(5), 1040-1047 (2003) [JETP, 96 (5), 915-921 (2003)], WoS: 000183315700015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21144451627, ADS: 2003JETP...96..915B, RINTs: 13427995.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Instanton versus traditional WKB approach to the Landau-Zener problem, ZhETF, 124(2), 259-287 (2003) [JETP, 97 (2), 232-258 (2003)]; cond-mat/0303275, WoS: 000185190800002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-21144449040, ADS: 2003JETP...97..232B, RINTs: 13436135.
- R. Currat, E. Kats, I. Luk’yanchuk, Sound modes in composite incommensurate crystals, Eur. Phys. J. B 26 (3), 339-347 (2002); cond-mat/0203385, WoS: 175563300010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010647341, ADS: 2002EPJB...26..339C, RINTs: 13412407.
- D.J. Bicout, E. Kats, Long-range electron transfer in periodic nucleotide base stacks, Phys. Lett. A 300 (4-5), 479-484 (2002), WoS: 000177601600025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037025612, ADS: 2002PhLA..300..479B, RINTs: 13392884.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Coherent oscillations and incoherent tunneling in a one-dimensional asymmetric double-well potential, Phys. Rev. E 65, 036217 (2002) [7 pages] [V.A. Benderskii, E.I. Kats, Kogerentnye ostsillyatsii i nekogerentnoe tunnelirovanie v odnomernom asimmetrichnom dvukh’yamnom potentsiale, Upravlyaemoe dissipativnoe tunnelirovanie. Tunnel’nyi transport v nizkorazmernykh sistemakh / Pod red. E. Dzh. Leggeta - M.: Fizmatlit, 2011, s. 357-370]; cond-mat/0107495, WoS: 000174548900087, ADS: 2002PhRvE..65c6217B, RINTs: 13416778.
- V.A. Benderskii, E.V. Vetoshkin, E.I. Kats, Semiclassical approach to states near the potential barrier top, ZhETF, 122(4), 746-764 (2002) [JETP, 95(4), 645-661 (2002)], WoS: 000179042400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044532611, ADS: 2002JETP...95..645B, RINTs: 13404467.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, S.V. Malinin, Disclination motion in liquid crystalline films, ZhETF, 122(4), 824-839 (2002) [JETP, 95(4), 714-727 (2002)]; cond-mat/0205247, WoS: 000179042400015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044532378, ADS: 2002JETP...95..714K, RINTs: 13409311.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Base pair dynamic assisted charge transport in DNA, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 75 (1), 39-43 (2002) [JETP Lett., 75 (1), 37-40 (2002)]; cond-mat/0201075, WoS: 000174229500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010619679, ADS: 2002JETPL..75...37K, RINTs: 13401510.
- P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.E. Dmitrienko, E.I. Kats, Polar smectic subphases: Phase diagrams, structures and X-ray scattering, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 76 (8), 579-582 (2002) [JETP Lett., 76 (8), 498-501 (2002)], WoS: 000179774100005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038895238, ADS: 2002JETPL..76..498D, RINTs: 13399580.
- E.I. Kats, M. Monastyrsky, Phase transitions in membranes with high genus, In: Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry, Ed. by M. Olshanetsky et al., World Scientific (ISBN 981-238-072-8). 718-728 (2002), InSpire: 606703.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, S.V. Malinin, Disclination motion in hexatic and smectic-C films, cond-mat/0205247, ADS: 2002cond.mat..5247K.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Yu.S. Volkov, V.I. Salyanov, Yu.M. Yevdokimov, Novel cholesteric phase in dispersions of nucleic acids due to polymeric chelate bridges, J. Biol. Phys., 27 (1), 81-93 (2001); cond-mat/0011035, WoS: 000170986600005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034781036, ADS: 2000cond.mat.11035G, RINTs: 13381882.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Yu.M. Yevdokimov, Network of hydrogen bonds as a medium for DNA interaction in solvents, Phys. Lett. A 285 (1-2), 101-107 (2001); cond-mat/0006005, WoS: 000169703600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035948204, ADS: 2001PhLA..285..101G, RINTs: 13379572.
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- V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, Poverkhnostnoe stseplenie i variatsii shaga v tonkikh sloyakh smektikov C* v elektricheskom pole, ZhETF, 120(2), 430-444 (2001) [V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, Surface anchoring and pitch variation in thin smectic C* layers in an electric field, JETP, 93(2), 380-392 (2001)], WoS: 000170712100016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044528772, ADS: 2001JETP...93..380B, RINTs: 13373485.
- V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, S.V. Malinin, Fazovyi perekhod v antiklinnuyu teksturu v svobodno podveshennykh plenkakh smektikov C, ZhETF, 120(3), 609-618 (2001) [V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, S.V. Malinin, Phase transition to anticlinic texture in free-standing smectic C films, JETP, 93(3), 533-541 (2001)], WoS: 000171583300011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750012686, ADS: 2001JETP...93..533D, RINTs: 13376951.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, M. Peyrard, Concerted motion of protons in hydrogen bonds of DNA-type molecules, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 73 (4), 225-229 (2001) [JETP Lett., 73 (4), 202-206 (2001)]; cond-mat/0101372, WoS: 000167914500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0038895328, ADS: 2001JETPL..73..202G, RINTs: 13387023.
- E.I. Kats, Discotic Liquid Crystals: Theory, In: Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology (2nd Ed.), Editors-in-Chief: K. H. Jürgen Buschow, Robert W. Cahn, Merton C. Flemings, Bernard Ilschner, Edward J. Kramer, Subhash Mahajan, and Patrick Veyssière, Elsevier, 2001, Pages 2210-2215. ISBN: 978-0-08-043152-9, ADS: 2011emst.book.2210K.
- A.A. Abrikosov, A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, Yu.A. Bychkov, V.L. Ginzburg, L.P. Gor’kov, V.E. Zakharov, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, L.P. Pitaevskii, I.M. Khalatnikov, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 171 (2), 227-228 (2001) [A.A. Abrikosov, A.F. Andreev, S.A. Brazovskii, Yu.A. Bychkov, V.L. Ginzburg, L.P. Gor’kov, V.E. Zakharov, E.I. Kats, P.S. Kondratenko, L.P. Pitaevskii, I.M. Khalatnikov, G.M. Eliashberg, Igor' Ekhiel'evich Dzyaloshinskii (on his seventieth birthday), Phys. Usp. 44(2), 213-214 (2001)], WoS: 000170938500007, ADS: 2001PhyU...44..213A.
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.I. Aalyanov, V.L .Golo, E.I. Kats, F. Apener, Smesi dvuxtsepochechnyx pravo-spiral’nyx B-DNK i levospiral’nyx A-DNK, Biosensornye sistemy, tom 14, vyp. 3, str. 245-257 (2000).
- Yu.M. Evdokimov, V.L. Golo, V.I. Salyanov, G.B. Lortkipanidze, E.I. Kats, The «phantom» structure of solvent and the packing of double-stranded molecules of nucleic acids in particles of mesomorphic dispersions (in Russian)), Biofizika, 45(6), 1029-1038 (2000) [Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.L. Golo, V.I. Salyanov, G.B. Lortkipanidze, E.I. Kats, The «phantom» structure of solvent and the packing of double-stranded molecules of nucleic acids in particles of mesomorphic dispersions, Biophysics, 45(6), 998-1006 (2000)], WoS: 000166234500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041118489, RINTs: 14951681.
- E.I. Kats, J. Lajzerowicz, Coupling between polarization, orientation, and chirality in smectic films formed by bent-shaped molecules, ZhETF, 117(5), 951-959 (2000) [JETP, 90(5), 826-833 (2000)], WoS: 000087455400013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0007169220, ADS: 2000JETP...90..826K, RINTs: 14953605.
- V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, Poverkhnostnoe stseplenie i temperaturnye variatsii shaga v tonkikh kholestericheskikh sloyakh, ZhETF, 118(3), 560-569 (2000) [V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, Surface anchoring and temperature variations of the pitch in thin cholesteric layers, JETP, 91(3), 488-496 (2000)], WoS: 000089552900007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044523850, ADS: 2000JETP...91..488B, RINTs: 13358979.
- V.L. Golo, Yu.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, V.I. Aalyanov, Vzaimodeistvie segmentov nukleinovyx kislot posredstvom formirovaniya seti vodorodnyx svyazei rastvoritelya, ZhETF, 118(4), 959-972 (2000) [V.L. Golo, Y.M. Yevdokimov, E.I. Kats, et al., Interaction of nucleic acid segments as a result of modification of the network of hydrogen bonds of the solvent, JETP, 91(4), 832-843 (2000)], WoS: 000090016900020, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000JETP...91..832G, RINTs: -.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrskii, Fluktuatsii i fazovye perexody v membranax i vezikulax netrivial’noi topologii, ZhETF, 118(6), 1486-1473 (2000) [E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrskii, Minimal surfaces and fluctuations of membranes with nontrivial topology, JETP, 91(6), 1279-1285 (2000)], WoS: 000166212800021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044524154, ADS: 2000JETP...91.1279K, RINTs: 13351610.
- V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Yu.M. Evdokimov, Molekulyarnoe konstruirovanie v strukture zhidkokristallicheskix dispersii DNK, Molekulyarnaya biologiya, 34 (3), 461-468 (2000) [V.I. Salyanov, E.I. Kats, Yu.M. Yevdokimov, Molecular design based on polyribonucleotides fixed in the structure of liquid-crystalline dispersion and cross-linked via polymeric chelate bridges, Molecular Biology, 34 (3), 395-402 (2000)], WoS: 000087712900016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034178834, RINTs: 13335089.
- P.O. Andreeva, V.K. Dolganov, C. Gors, R. Fouret, E.I. Kats, Polarization in free standing chiral and nonchiral smectic films, Phys. Rev. E 59 (4), 4143-4152 (1999), WoS: 000079834600056, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001319063, ADS: 1999PhRvE..59.4143A, RINTs: 35463939.
- V.L. Golo, Yu.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, Spiral’noe uporyadochenie vodorodnykh svyazei mezhdu parami osnovanii DNK, ZhETF, 115(3), 940-950 (1999) [V.L. Golo, Yu.M. Evdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, E.I. Kats, Helical ordering of hydrogen bonds between pairs of DNA bases, JETP, 88(3), 517-522 (1999)], WoS: 000079738400011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33749985520, ADS: 1999JETP...88..517G, RINTs: 13316430.
- V.L. Golo, Yu.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, Asimmetriya rasprostraneniya konformatsionnykh vozbuzhdenii v dvukhnitevoi molekule DNK, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 70(11), 766-770 (1999) [V.L. Golo, Y.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, Asymmetry of the propagation of conformational excitations in a double-strand DNA molecule, JETP Lett., 70(11), 780-785 (1999)], WoS: 000084689600012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037726147, ADS: 1999JETPL..70..780G, RINTs: 13319690.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Yu.M. Yevdokimov, A Model for Double-Stranded Excitations of DNA, cond-mat/9911036, ADS: 1999cond.mat.11036G.
- E.I. Kats, J. Lajzerowicz, Domain Structures of Smectic Films Formed by Bent-Shaped Molecules, cond-mat/9912486, ADS: 1999cond.mat.12486K.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Yu.M. Yevdokimov, Toroidal structures due to anisotropy of DNA-like molecules, J. Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 15 (4), 757-764 (1998), WoS: 000072177900011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031919483, ADS: -, RINTs: 13287931.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, S.V. Malinin, Dynamic fluctuation phenomena in double membrane films, ZhETF, 113(6), 2096-2108 (1998) [JETP, 86(6), 1149-1155 (1998)]; cond-mat/9711168, WoS: 000075236800014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33751279480, ADS: 1998JETP...86.1149K, RINTs: 13296321.
- P.O. Andreeva, V.K. Dolganov, C. Gors, R. Fouret, E.I. Kats, Nonchiral ferroelectric smectic-C films, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 67(10), 808-813 (1998) [JETP Lett., 67(10), 856-862 (1998)], WoS: 000075258500018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18344363341, ADS: 1998JETPL..67..856A, RINTs: 13293187.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, J. Lajzerowicz, Quadrupolar forces and aggregation of nematic droplets, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 68(10), 747-752 (1998) [JETP Lett., 68(10), 785-791 (1998)], WoS: 000077742500006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20444393531, ADS: 1998JETPL..68..785D, RINTs: 13302033, EDN: LFCHQN.
- E.I. Kats, Physics of soap films, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 292, 199-212 (1997), WoS: A1997WW24800018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4143062514, ADS: -, RINTs: 13260289.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Molekula DNK kak uprugaya tsepochka Geizenberga, ZhETF, 111(5), 1833-1844 (1997) [V.L. Goto, E.I. Kats, DNA molecule as an elastic Heisenberg chain, JETP, 84(5), 1003-1009 (1997)], WoS: A1997XH05700021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750019298, ADS: 1997JETP...84.1003G, RINTs: 13275903.
- V.L. Golo, Yu.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, Vliyanie elektrouprugoi anizotropii molekul tipa DNK na ikh prostranstvennuyu upakovku, ZhETF, 112(6), 2156-2168 (1997) [V.L. Golo, Y.M. Evdokimov, E.I. Kats, Effect of electroelastic anisotropy of DNA-like molecules on their tertiary structure, JETP, 85(6), 1180-1186 (1997)], WoS: 000071164900016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33751285522, ADS: 1997JETP...85.1180G, RINTs: 13265264.
- E.I. Kats, Fazovyi perekhod nematik-nematicheskoe steklo v porakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 65 (9), 695-698 (1997) [E.I. Kats, Nematic LC to nematic glass phase transition in pores, JETP Lett., 65 (9), 725-728 (1997)], WoS: A1997XD99500005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0346618447, ADS: 1997JETPL..65..725K, RINTs: 13251541.
- E.I. Kats, 30 let Institutu teoreticheskoi fiziki im. L.D. Landau. Obzor knigi: «30 years of the Landau Institute (Selected papers)», I.M. Khalatnikov, V.P. Mineev (Eds). Singapore: World Scientific, 1996, 774 pp. (World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics, Vol. 11), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 167 (5), 575-576 (1997) [Phys. Usp., 40(5), 551-552 (1997)].
- E.I. Kats, J. Lajzerowicz, Fluctuations in a crystalline monolayer on a liquid, ZhETF, 110(3), 899-913 (1996) [JETP 83(3), 495-502 (1996)], WoS: A1996VU10300010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0347923102, ADS: 1996JETP...83..495K, RINTs: 14933586.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Nearly spherical vesicles: shape fluctuations, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 63 (3), 203-208 (1996) [JETP Lett., 63 (3), 216-221 (1996)], WoS: A1996UE49800012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0009496249, ADS: 1996JETPL..63..216K, RINTs: 13222461.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Rost soizmerimykh i nesoizmerimykh smektikov na kristallicheskoi podlozhke, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 63 (9), 708-712 (1996) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Growth of commensurate and incommensurate smectics on crystal substrates, JETP Lett., 63 (9), 740-744 (1996)], WoS: A1996UU18200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26844554615, ADS: 1996JETPL..63..740K, RINTs: 13249558.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, G. Port, Upakovka molekul i obrazovanie dyrok v membrane, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 64 (8), 575-580 (1996) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, G. Porte, Packing of molecules and hole formation in lyotropic systems, JETP Lett., 64 (8), 631-636 (1996)], WoS: A1996VW74900012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26844548843, ADS: 1996JETPL..64..631G, RINTs: 13246344.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, La relation d'Einstein pour le mouvement brownien des membranes, Canad. J. Phys., 73(5-6), 349-356 (1995), WoS: A1995RD93300014, Scopus: -, ADS: 1995CaJPh..73..349G.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Fluktuatsii formy molekul tipa DNK, ZhETF, 108 (5), 1860-1874 (1995) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Fluctuations of DNA-type molecules, JETP 81(5), 1018-1024 (1995)], WoS: A1995TN08100024.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamical fluctuations of vesicles with nontrivial topology, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 61 (1), 57-60 (1995) [Dynamic fluctuations of vesicles with nontrivial topology, JETP Lett., 61 (1), 59-62 (1995)], WoS: A1995QM52700012.
- E.I. Kats, J. Lajzerowicz, Fluctuations in a crystalline monolayer on the surface of water, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 61 (9), 728-732 (1995) [JETP Lett., 61 (9), 742-746 (1995)], WoS: A1995RG06800005.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Model’ deleniya molekul DNK, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 62 (7), 604-609 (1995) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Golo V. L., Kats E. I., Model of the splitting of DNA molecules, JETP Lett., 62 (7), 627-632 (1995)], WoS: A1995TH87300015.
- E.I. Kats, Line liquid crystals, Ann. Phys. Fr., 19 (4), 447-458 (1994), WoS: A1994QK92400008, Scopus: -, ADS: 1994AnPh...19..447K.
- S.V. Yablonskii, E.I. Kats, M.V. Kozlovskii, T. Weyrauch, E.A.S. Bustamante, D.B. Subachius, W. Haase, Piezoelectric effect in poled amorphous and liquid crystalline polymers. Determination of piezoelectric coefficients d31. A new approach, Mol. Materials, 3(4), 311-318 (1994).
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamic fluctuation effects in dilute lyotropic systems, Phys. Rev. E 49 (4), 3003-3020 (1994), WoS: A1994NJ37900063, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23544481703, ADS: 1994PhRvE..49.3003K.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Teoriya kiral’nogo polya fluktuatsii formy membran, ZhETF, 105 (4), 898-911 (1994) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Chiral field theory of membrane shape fluctuations, JETP 78(4), 482-488 (1994)], WoS: A1994NL96200011, ADS: 1994JETP...78..482G.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Fluctuation Viscosity of a Solution of Wormlike Micelles, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 59 (1), 28-33 (1994) [JETP Lett., 59 (1), 27-32 (1994)], WoS: A1994MY37400006, ADS: 1994JETPL..59...27K.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Superspirali v statsionarnykh konfiguratsiyakh molekul tipa DNK, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 60 (9), 666-671 (1994) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Superhelices in steady-state configurations of molecules of the DNA type, JETP Lett., 60 (9), 679-685 (1994)], WoS: A1994QA38200014, ADS: 1994JETPL..60..679G.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuation Viscosity of Lyotropic Systems, Europhys. Lett., 22 (6), 469-474 (1993), WoS: A1993LF04400012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84921211515, RINTs: 30983826.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Weak crystallization theory, Physics Reports, 228 (1-2), 1-91 (1993), WoS: A1993LJ63600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0003085930.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Simmetriinyi i topologicheskii analikh fluktuatsii parametra poryadka v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 103 (3), 857-866 (1993) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Symmetry and topology analysis of the fluctuation parameters in nematic liquid crystals, JETP 76(3), 420-424 (1993)], WoS: A1993KW43700010.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Teoriya kiral’nogo polya dlya opisaniya fluktuiruyushchikh poverkhnostei — membran, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 58 (6), 440-443 (1993) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Chiral field theory for describing fluctuating surfaces or membranes, JETP Lett., 58 (6), 451-454 (1993)], WoS: A1993MF77700010.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Dynamic fluctuations effects in soap films, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 58 (8), 672-676 (1993); Erratum - ibid, 58(12), 1088 (1993) [JETP Lett., 58 (8), 653-657 (1993); Erratum - ibid, 58(12), 922 (1993)], WoS: A1993MM18400016.
- R.M. Hornreich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Theory of nematic surface ordering via a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition, Phys. Rev. A 46 (8), 4935-4941 (1992), WoS: A1992JW97400067, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2542581615, RINTs: 31126459.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Kriticheskaya opalestsentsiya v tonkikh plenkakh kholestericheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 101 (6), 1836-1840 (1992) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Critical opalescence in thin films of cholesteric liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 74(6), 980-982 (1992)], WoS: A1992JK40700010.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Dinamicheskie kriticheskie yavleniya v okrestnosti kriticheskoi tochki gaz — zhidkost’, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 55 (1), 56-58 (1992) [E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Dynamic critical phenomena near a liquid-gas critical point, JETP Lett., 55 (1), 57-59 (1992)], WoS: A1992HJ63000012.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Teksturnyi perekhod kholesterik-nematik v zhidkikh kristallakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 55 (5), 275-280 (1992) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Cholesteric-nematic texture transition in liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 55 (5), 273-279 (1992)], WoS: A1992HR46900005.
- E. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Critical dynamics of liquid crystals, Proc. of British Liquid Crystal Society Annual Meeting, Oxford, 6-8 April 1992, p. 375.
- A.F. Andreev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, S.A. Brazovskii, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, M.I. Kaganov, A.I. Larkin, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, I.M. Khalatnikov, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (K shestidesyatiletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 162(1), 139-140 (1992) [A.F. Andreev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, S.A. Brazovskiĭ, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, M.I. Kaganov, A.I. Larkin, V.P. Mineev, S.P. Novikov, I.M. Khalatnikov, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (on his sixtieth birthday), Sov. Phys. Usp. 35(1) 49-49 (1992)], WoS: A1992HN11900005, ADS: 1992SvPhU..35...49A.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Some Properties of Ferromagnetic Liquid Crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 209, 329-337 (1991), WoS: A1991HE37700036.
- E.I. Kats, T.V. Abalyan, Ordering and phase transitions in liquid crystals, Phase Transitions, 29 (4), 237-268 (1991), WoS: A1991FH89800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84963254868.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Orientatsionnye fazovye perekhody v zhidkikh kristallakh. Kriticheskaya dinamika, ZhETF, 100 (3), 855-891 (1991) [E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Orientational phase transitions in liquid crystals. Critical dynamics, Sov. Phys. JETP 73(3), 473-791 (1991)], WoS: A1991GJ85500013.
- E.I. Kats, Poverkhnostnaya smektichnost’ v kiral’nykh zhidkikh kristallakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 53 (6), 312-314 (1991) [E.I. Kats, Surface smecticity in chiral liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 53 (6), 326-328 (1991)], WoS: A1991FT22600012.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuational attenuation of sound in smectics, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 2(46), 9155-9172 (1990), WoS: A1990EK15600015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36149033717, RINTs: 30881703.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Tribelskii, Interface in nematics, Nuovo Cimento D 12 (9), 1325-1333 (1990), WoS: A1990DY48600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-51649150449, RINTs: 30945420.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Tribel’skii, Struktura fazovoi granitsy v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 98 (1), 196-210 (1990) [E.I. Kats, M.I. Tribel’skii, Structure of the phase boundary in nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 71(1), 108-115 (1990)], WoS: A1990DT65900019.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuation absorption of sound in smectics (in Russian), Kristallografiya, 35(1), 121-126 (1990) [E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuation absorption of sound in smectics, Sov. Phys. - Crystallography, 35(1), 72-75 (1990)], WoS: A1990CP92600023.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Kriticheskaya dinamika slabo fluktuiruyushchikh stepenei svobody, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 52(11), 1196-1199 (1990) [E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Critical dynamics of weakly fluctuating degrees of freedom, JETP Lett., 52(11), 610-613 (1990)], WoS: A1990FD93200008.
- E.B. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuation absorption of sound in smectics, Liquid Crystals, 5 (1), 367-376 (1989), WoS: A1989AG20600032, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84947832437.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Weak crystallization theory of smectics, Physica A 160 (1), 98-116 (1989), WoS: A1989AU31200006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-10644273321.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Osobennosti dinamiki ferromagnitnykh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 96 (6), 2045-2060 (1989) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Characteristics of the dynamics of ferromagnetic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 69(6), 1155-1163 (1989)], WoS: A1989CF63200014.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Teoriya slaboi kristallizatsii smektikov. Tipy C i B, Fizika tverd. tela, 31 (4), 189-197 (1989) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Theory of weak crystallization of type C and B smectics, Sov. Phys. Solid State 31(4), 652-656 (1989)], WoS: A1989U432600032.
- E.I. Katz, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamics of free-standing films of smectics C, Nuovo Cimento D 10(11), 1273-1279 (1988), WoS: A1988T103600003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-51649151620.
- E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Fluktuatsionnaya teoriya fazovykh perekhodov s obrazovaniem translyatsionnogo poryadka v nematike, ZhETF, 94 (4), 159-166 (1988) [E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov, Fluctuation theory of phase transitions with the formation of translational order in nematics, Sov. Phys. JETP 67(4), 736-740 (1988)], WoS: A1988N151000015.
- E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Kriticheskaya dinamika pri fazovom perekhode smektik A – smektik S, ZhETF, 94 (4), 167-182 (1988) [E.V. Gurovich, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Critical dynamics at the smectic-A–smectic-C phase transition, Sov. Phys. JETP 67(4), 741-749 (1988)], WoS: A1988N151000016.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dinamika lengmyurovskikh plenok, ZhETF, 94 (5), 134-149 (1988) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamics of Langmuir films, Sov. Phys. JETP 67(5), 940-948 (1988)], WoS: A1988N626100013.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluktuatsionoe pogloshchenie zvuka v kompensirovannykh kholesterikakh, ZhETF, 94 (7), 197-200 (1988) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Fluctuation absorption of sound in compensated cholesterics, Sov. Phys. JETP 67(7), 1407-1408(1988)], WoS: A1988P612100019.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, The dynamics of freely-standing films of the smectic C (in Russian), Kristallografiya, 33(3), 687-691 (1988) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamics of freely suspended films of smectic C, Sov. Phys. - Crystallography, 33(3), 404-406 (1988)].
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Teoriya slaboi kristallizatsii smektikov, Fizika tverd. tela, 30 (5), 1338-1343 (1988) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, A.R. Muratov, Theory of weak crystallization of smectics, Sov. Phys. Solid State 30(5), 775-778 (1988)], WoS: A1988R400300013.
- E.I. Kats, V.I. Lebedev, Dinamika zhidkikh kristallov, M.: Nauka, 1988 - 144 s.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Sdvigovye iskazheniya struktury kholesterikov, ZhETF, 93 (5), 1765-1774 (1987) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Shear distortions of the structure of cholesterics, Sov. Phys. JETP 66(5), 1007-1012 (1987)], WoS: A1987L138300021.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Eilerovskaya neustoichivost’ v diskotikakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 46 (2), 72-74 (1987) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Euler instability in discotic liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 46 (2), 86-88 (1987)], WoS: A1987L505000010.
- L.M. Blinov, E.I. Kats, A.A. Sonin, Fizika poverkhnosti termotropnykh zhidkikh kristallov, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 152 (3), 449-477 (1987) [L.M. Blinov, E.I. Kats, A.A. Sonin, Surface physics of thermotropic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. Usp. 30(7), 604-619 (1987)], WoS: A1987K129100004.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dinamika svobodno podveshennykh plenok smektikov, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 152 (4), 695-696 (1987) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamics of freely suspended smectic films, Sov. Phys. Usp. 30(8), 739-740 (1987)], WoS: A1987K838000011.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dinamika smekticheskikh plenok, Fizika nizkikh temp., 13 (6), 665 (1987) [Tezisy dokl. Vses. soveshchaniya-seminara “Neklassicheskie kristally - II”. Sevan, 26 sent. - 7 okt. 1986], WoS: A1987J465800049.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Light scattering from spin waves in superfluid 3He-A, Nuovo Cimento D 7 (4), 483-492 (1986), WoS: A1986C518200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-51649155169.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Theory of the smectic A-smectic C phase transition, Physica A 135 (2-3), 601-619 (1986), WoS: A1986C499500019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0042717293.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Teoriya fazovogo perekhoda smektik A — smektik S, ZhETF, 90 (1), 111-123 (1986) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Theory of the smectic-A–smectic-C phase transition, Sov. Phys. JETP 63(1), 63-69 (1986)], WoS: A1986AYU9800009.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Medlennye mody v spinovoi dinamike 3He-B, ZhETF, 90 (3), 952-963 (1986) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Slow modes in the spin hydrodynamics of 3He-B, Sov. Phys. JETP 63(3), 555-561 (1986)], WoS: A1986A679000015.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Krupnomasshtabnaya dinamika kholesterikov i smektikov C*, ZhETF, 91 (3), 878-890 (1986) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Large-scale dynamics of cholesterics and smectics C*, Sov. Phys. JETP 64(3), 518-524 (1986)], WoS: A1986E437600016.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Long-wave dynamics of smectic films (in Russian), Kristallografiya, 31(1), 23-28 (1986) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Long-wave dynamics of smectic films, Sov. Phys. - Crystallography, 31(1), 10-13 (1986)], WoS: A1986AZC6600003.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, New Aspects of the Dynamics of Liquid Crystals, Sov. Sci. Rev. Sect. A: Physics Reviews, Vol.7, 131-226 (1986.) Ed. by I. M. Khalatnikov. London: Harwood Academic Publishers. xi,389 pp. ISBN 3-7186-0204-0.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Long wavelength dynamics of free smectic films, J. Phys. France, 46(12), 2093-2098 (1985), WoS: A1985AXV0700008.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nonlinear dynamics of smectics-C, Phys. Lett. A 109 (6), 274-278 (1985), WoS: A1985AKR7100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-46549094465.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nelineinaya dinamika smektikov s orientatsionnoi uporyadochennost’yu v sloe, ZhETF, 88 (3), 823-834 (1985) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nonlinear dynamics of smectic liquid crystals with orientational ordering in the layer, Sov. Phys. JETP 61(3), 484-490 (1985)], WoS: A1985AFE3000012.
- E.Yu. Zhemanova, E.I. Kats, Light scattering in biaxial nematic liquid crystals (in Russian), Optika i spektroskopiya, 58(4), 932-936 (1985) [E.Yu. Zhemanova, E.I. Kats, Light scattering in biaxial nematic liquid crystals, Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 58(4), 570-572 (1985)], WoS: A1985AGS1800049.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrsky, Ordering in diskotic liquid crystals, Group theoretical methods in physics: Proc. 2nd Zvenigorod Seminar, Zvenigorod, Nov. 24-26, 1982, Vol. 3, 775-786. Harwood Academic Publ., Chur, 1985, MathSciNet: 0989391.
- E.I. Kats, M. I. Monastyrsky, Ordering in discotic liquid crystals, J. Phys. France, 45 (4), 709-714 (1984), WoS: A1984SN27500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0021406088.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, A.A. Leman, Khaos i dolgozhivushchie mody v dinamike nematichkskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 86 (1), 147-156 (1984) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, A.A. Leman, Chaos and long-lived modes in the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 59(1), 84-89 (1984)], WoS: A1984SC30400016.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Osobennosti dinamiki diskoticheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 86 (2), 558-569 (1984) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Peculiarities of the dynamics of discotics, Sov. Phys. JETP, 59(2), 325-331 (1984)], WoS: A1984SF13000019.
- A.A. Balinskii, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, Simmetriya disklinatsii v odnoosnykh i dvuosnykh nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 87 (4), 1305-1313 (1984) [A.A. Balinskii, G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, Disclination symmetry in uniaxial and biaxial nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 60(4), 748-753 (1984)], WoS: A1984TR67100018, ADS: 1984JETP...60..748B.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Novyi tip orbital’nykh voln v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 87 (5), 1700-1712 (1984) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, New type of orbital waves in nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 60(5), 977-983 (1984)], WoS: A1984TU61200017.
- V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Rasseyanie sveta na spinovykh volnakh v sverkhtekuchem 3NeA, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 40(10), 418-421 (1984) [V.L. Golo, E.I. Kats, Light scattering by spin waves in superf luid 3HeA, JETP Lett., 40(10), 1238-1241 (1984)].
- E.I. Kats, Novye tipy uporyadocheniya v zhidkikh kristallakh, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 142 (1), 99-129 (1984) [E.I. Kats, New types of ordering in liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. Usp. 27(1), 42-59 (1984)], WoS: A1984SC80100004.
- A.I. Larkin, E.I. Kats, Sovetskie nauchnye obozreniya (seriya A "Fizicheskie obozreniya"/ Pod redaktsiei I.M. Khalatnikova), UFN 143(5), 152-155 (1984).
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nelineinaya dinamika smekticheskogo zhidkogo kristalla, ZhETF, 85 (6), 2019-2031 (1983) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Nonlinear dynamics of smectic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 58(6), 1172-1178 (1983)], WoS: A1983RW36200016.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Ob ustoichivosti nitei diskoticheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 37 (5), 221-223 (1983) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Stability of filaments of discotic liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 37 (5), 261-264 (1983)], WoS: A1983RC06200008.
- E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dinamika smekticheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 37(12), 594-597 (1983) [E.I. Kats, V.V. Lebedev, Dynamics of smectic liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 37(12), 709-713 (1983)], WoS: A1983RV03300011.
- E.I. Kats, Fluktuatsii parametra poryadka v zhidkikh kristallakh, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 139 (4), 733-734 (1983) [E.I. Kats, Fluctuations of the order parameter in liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. Usp. 26(4), 380-381 (1983)].
- V.A. Belyakov, E.I. Kats, Light Scattering and Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals, In: Light Scattering Near Phase Transitions. Ed by H.Z. Cummins, A.P. Levanyuk, North-Holland Publ. Co., 1983, p.227-288 [Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences Ser., Vol.5. ISBN-13: 9780444864666, ISBN: 0444864660. xvii,666 pp.].
- E.Ts. Kats, Fazovyi perekhod nematik - smektik A, Fizika nizkikh temp., 9 (7), 777 (1983) [E.Ts. Kats, The nematic–smectic A phase transition, Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 9(7), 403 (1983)], WoS: A1983RE39900036.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrsky, Ordering In Diskotic Liquid Crystals, Preprint ITEP-20-1983, 17 pp..
- V.G. Kamensky, E.I. Katz, Longitudinal Fluctuations of the Order Parameter in Discotic Liquid Crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 84 (1-4), 201-206 (1982), WoS: A1982NP48100015.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, O razmernykh effektakh i strukturnom faktore sistem s chastichnym translyatsionnym uporyadocheniem, ZhETF, 82 (5), 1507-1517 (1982) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Size effects in the structure factor of a system with partial translational ordering, Sov. Phys. JETP, 55(5), 872-877 (1982)], WoS: A1982NR32100018.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Vliyanie dvukhosnykh fluktuatsii parametra poryadka na pogloshchenie zvuka v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 83 (3), 1045-1051 (1982) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Effect of biaxial fluctuations of the order parameter on sound absorption in nematic liquid, Sov. Phys. JETP, 56(3), 591-594 (1982)], WoS: A1982PK95600019.
- E.I. Kats, Vliyanie magnitnogo polya na korrelyatsiyu smeshchenii v smekticheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 83 (4), 1376-1382 (1982) [E.I. Kats, Influence of magnetic field on the correlation of the displacements in smectic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 56(4), 791-794 (1982)], WoS: A1982PQ22300016.
- L.I. Trusov, E.I. Kats, V.I. Novikov, M.A. Kuzenkova, Kollektivnoe povedenie ul’tradispersnykh chastits na podlozhke, Kristallografiya, 27(3), 566-570 (1982) [L.I. Trusov, E.I. Kats, V.I. Novikov, M.A. Kuzenkova, Collective behavior of ultradisperse particles on a substrate, Sov. Phys. - Crystallography, 27(3), ... (1982)], WoS: A1982NT44200024.
- I.D. Morokhov, L.I. Trusov, E.I. Kats, M.A. Gurskii, V.F. Petrunin, V.N. Lapovok, Termodinamicheskii i mikroskopicheskii analiz osobennostei diagramm sostoyaniya ul’tradispersnykh sistem, Dokl. AN SSSR, 261(4), 850-853 (1981) [I.D. Morokhov, L.I Trusov, E.I. Kats, M.A. Gurskii, V.F. Petrunin, V.N. Lapovok, Thermodynamic and microscopic analysis of features of phase-diagrams of ultradispersed systems, Soviet Physics - Doklady, 26(12), 1141 (1981)], ADS: 1981SPhD...26.1141M.
- G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, O nelineinoi gidrodinamike zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 81 (1), 240-248 (1981) [G.E. Volovik, E.I. Kats, Nonlinear hydrodynamics of liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 54(1), 122-126 (1981)], WoS: A1981LZ99400025, ADS: 1981JETP...54..122V.
- E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrskii, Fazovye prevrashcheniya v diskoticheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 34(10), 543-546 (1981) [E.I. Kats, M.I. Monastyrskii, Phase transitions in diskotic liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 34(10), 519-522 (1981)], WoS: A1981NY73200006.
- E.I. Kats, Zhidkie kristally s odnomernym i dvumernym poryadkom, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 135 (2), 364-366 (1981).
- E.I. Kats, O termokonnektivnoi neustoichivosti v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, Fizika tverd. tela, 23 (7), 2100-2104 (1981) [E.I. Kats, Thermoconvective instability in nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. Solid State 23(7), 1225-1227 (1981)], WoS: A1981MC50400034.
- G.E. Volovik, E.I. Katz, Derivation of the equations of the nonlinear hydrodynamics of liquid crystals, The Fourth International Liquid Crystal Conference of Socialist Countries, Tbilisi, Volume 1, p.164 (1981).
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Neuprugoe rasseyanie sveta fluktuatsiyami parametra poryadka v nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 78 (4), 1606-1614 (1980) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Inelastic scattering of light by fluctuations of the order parameter in nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 51(4), 807-810 (1980)], WoS: A1980JR16000027.
- E.I. Kats, Vliyaie polya na rasseyanie sveta, Trudy 1-go simpoziuma po dielektricheskim svoistvam zhidkikh kristallov, Dushanbe, 1980.
- E.I. Kats, G.E. Volovik, The dynamics of AC Josephson effect in nematic liquid crystals, J. Physique Lett., 40 (6), 149-150 (1979), WoS: A1979GN93200008.
- L.I. Trusov, V.F. Petrunin, E.I. Kats., Spinodal’nyi raspad v ul’tradispersnykh chastitsakh, Fizika metallov i metallovedenie, 47(6), 1229-1233 (1979).
- E.I. Kats, Rasseyanie sveta v zhidkikh kristallakh, V sb: Fizicheskie metody issledovaniya tverdogo tela: mezhvuz, sb. /UPI, otv. red. R.I. Mints. Vyp. 3 - Sverdlovsk, UPI, 1979.
- E.I. Kats, Ob opticheskoi aktivnosti v smesyakh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 74 (6), 2320-2330 (1978) [E.I. Kats, On the optical activity in mixtures of liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 47(6), 1205-1210 (1978)], WoS: A1978FD98200036.
- E.I. Kats, Ob odnoi modeli zhidkogo kristalla, ZhETF, 75 (5), 1819-1827 (1978) [E.I. Kats, A model of a liquid crystal, Sov. Phys. JETP 48(5), 916-920 (1978)], WoS: A1978FZ13900027.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Vliyanie prostranstvennoi dispersii na opticheskie svoistva zhidkikh kristallov, Optika i spektroskopiya, 45(6), 1106-1113 (1978) [V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Effect of spatial dispersion on the optical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, Opt. Spectrosc., 45(6), 877-881 (1978)].
- E.I. Kats, Vliyanie effektov nelokal’nosti na vandervaal’sovskoe vzaimodeistvie, ZhETF, 73 (1), 212-220 (1977) [E.I. Kats, Influence of nonlocality effects on van der Waals interaction, Sov. Phys. JETP 46(1), 109-113 (1977)], WoS: A1977DP62100021.
- V.L. Pokrovskii, E.I. Kats, K voprosu o rasseyanii sveta nematicheskimi zhidkimi kristallami, ZhETF, 73 (2), 774-784 (1977) [V.L. Pokrovsky, E.I. Kats, Concerning the scattering of light by nematic liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 46(2), 405-410 (1977)], WoS: A1977DS53600044, ADS: 1977JETP...46..405P.
- E.I. Kats, Vliyanie van-der-vaal’sovykh sil na orientatsiyu plenki nematicheskogo zhidkogo kristalla, ZhETF, 70 (4), 1394-1404 (1976) [E.I. Kats, Effect of van der Waals forces on orientation of a nematic liquid crystal film, Sov. Phys. JETP 43(4), 726-731 (1976)], WoS: A1976BR33200026.
- E.I. Kats, Poverkhnostnye kolebaniya v zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 70 (5), 1941-1948 (1976) [E.I. Kats, Surface oscillations in liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 43(5), 1011-1014 (1976)], WoS: A1976BU26600037.
- V.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Van-der-Vaal’sovy sily v zhidkikh kristallakh s bol’shoi dielektricheskoi anizotropiei, ZhETF, 71 (6), 2168-2177 (1976) [B.G. Kamenskii, E.I. Kats, Van der Waals forces in liquid crystals with a large dielectric anisotropy, Sov. Phys. JETP 44(6), 1141-1146 (1976)], WoS: A1976CQ76600018.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, S.G. Dmitriev, E.I. Kats, Sila Van-der-Vaal’sa i rasseyanie sveta v zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 68 (6), 2335-2340 (1975) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskiǐ, S.G. Dmitriev, E.I. Kats, Van der Waals forces and light scattering in liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 41(6), 1167-1169 (1975)], WoS: A1975AH65900038.
- E.I. Kats, Zhidkie kristally (obzor), Trudy LIYaF, fevral’ 1975.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, S.G. Dmitriev, E.I. Kats, Vliyanie Van-der-Vaal’sovskogo dal’nodeistviya na rasseyanie sveta v zhidkikh kristallakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 19 (9), 586-588 (1974) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, S.G. Dmitriev, E.I. Katz, Influence of long-range Van der Waals forces on the scattering of light in liquid crystals, JETP Lett., 19 (9), 305-306 (1974)], ADS: 1974JETPL..19..305D.
- E.I. Kats, Povedenie nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallov vo vrashchayushchemsya magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 65 (1), 324-330 (1973) [E.I. Kats, Behavior of nematic liquid crystals in a rotating mafnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 158-161 (1974)].
- E.I. Kats, Opticheskaya aktivnost’ v izotropnoi faze kholestericheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2487-2494 (1973) [E.I. Kats, Optical activity in the isotropic phase of cholesteric liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(6), 1242-1245 (1974)].
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, K teorii antiferromagnetizma khroma, ZhETF, 62 (3), 1104-1117 (1972) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskiǐ, E.I. Kats, Theory of the antiferromagnetism of chromium, Sov. Phys. JETP 35(3), 584-590 (1972)], WoS: -, ADS: 1972JETP...35..584D.
- E.I. Kats, Vliyanie periodicheskikh vozmushchenii na kholestericheskuyu mezofazu, ZhETF, 63 (1), 329-334 (1972) [E.I. Kats, Effect of periodic perturbations on the cholesteric mesophase, Sov. Phys. JETP, 36(1), 173-175 (1973)].
- E.I. Kats, Van-der-vaal’sovy sily v neizotropnykh sistemakh, ZhETF, 60 (3), 1172-1177 (1971) [E.I. Kats, Van der Waals Forces in Non-isotropic Systems, Sov. Phys. JETP, 33(3), 634-636 (1971)].
- E.I. Kats, Cherenkovskoe izluchenie v kholestericheskikh zhidkikh kristallakh, ZhETF, 61 (4), 1686-1690 (1971) [E.I. Kats, Cherenkov radiation in cholesteric liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP, 34(4), 899 (1972)].
- E.I. Kats, L.I. Trusov, Fazovyi perekhod v metallicheskikh plenkakh na poverkhnosti dielektrika, Fizika tverd. tela, 13 (7), 1990-1994 (1971).
- E.I. Kats, Kvazidvumernyi kharakter sverkhprovodimosti NbSe2, ZhETF, 58 (4), 1471-1474 (1970) [E.I. Kats, Quasi-two-dimensional nature of the superconductivity of NbSe2, Sov. Phys. JETP, 31, 787 (1970)].
- E.I. Kats, Udvoenie perioda v odnomernoi sisteme fermi-chastits, ZhETF, 59 (4), 1404-1408 (1970) [E.I. Kats, Doubling of the Period in a One-dimensional System of Fermi Particles, Sov. Phys. JETP, 32(4), 766-768 (1971)].
- E.I. Kats, Opticheskie svoistva kholestericheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 59 (5), 1854-1862 (1970) [E.I. Kats, Optical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 32(5), 1004-1007 (1971)].
- E.I. Kats, O nekotorykh svoistvakh sloistykh struktur, ZhETF, 56 (5), 1675-1684 (1969) [E.I. Kats, Some Properties of Layer Structures, Sov. Phys. JETP 29(5), 897-901 (1969)], WoS: A1969F257700026, ADS: 1969JETP...29..897K.
- E.I. Kats, O magnitnom uporyadochenii v odno- i dvumernykh sistemakh, ZhETF, 56 (6), 2043-2046 (1969) [E.I. Kats, Magnetic Ordering in One and Two-dimensional Systems, Sov. Phys. JETP 29(6), 1098-1100 (1969)], WoS: A1969F536800033, ADS: 1969JETP...29.1098K.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, Sverkhprovodimost’ v kvaziodnomernykh (nitevidnykh) strukturakh, ZhETF, 55 (1), 338-348 (1968) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskiǐ, E.I. Kats, Superconductivity and quasi-one-dimensional (thread-like) structures, Sov. Phys. JETP 28(1), 178-182 (1969)], WoS: A1969D140600039, ADS: 1969JETP...28..178D, RINTs: -.
- E.I. Kats, Ob anomal’nykh svoistvakh sverkhprovodyashchikh soedinenii tipa V3Si, ZhETF, 55 (2), 584-588 (1968) [E.I. Kats, Anomalous Properties of Superconducting Compounds of the V3Si Type, Sov. Phys. JETP 28(2), 305-307 (1969)], WoS: A1969D211400025, ADS: 1969JETP...28..305K.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, E.I. Kats, K teorii sverkhprovodimosti v kvaziodnomernykh strukturakh, ZhETF, 55 (6), 2373-2375 (1968) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskiǐ, E.I. Kats, Theory of superconductivity of quasi one-dimensional structures, Sov. Phys. JETP 28(6), 1259-1260 (1969)], WoS: A1969E311400044, ADS: 1969JETP...28.1259D.