Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Alexander P. Kazantsev

Former staff member (1967 - 1989)


    1. A.P. Kasantsev, A.M. Dykhne, V.L. Pokrovsky, Hall effect for neutral atoms, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 63 (8), 652-657 (1996) [JETP Lett., 63 (8), 694-700 (1996)]; atom-ph/9604002, WoS: A1996UQ48600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26844492256, ADS: 1996JETPL..63..694K, RINTs: 13249538.
    2. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, D.O. Chudesnikov, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering, velocity bunching, and self-localization of atoms in a light field, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 6(11), 2130-2139 (1989), WoS: A1989AZ11500020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0009113725, RINTs: 30811262.
    3. A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Rectification effect of a radiation force, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 6(11), 2140-2148 (1989), WoS: A1989AZ11500021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84968424162, RINTs: 30995906.
    4. A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Interferentsionnye yavleniya i effekt vypryamleniya radiatsionnoi sily, ZhETF, 95 (1), 104-113 (1989) [A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Interference phenomena and radiation-force rectification, Sov. Phys. JETP 68(1), 59-64 (1989)], WoS: A1989T174900010.
    5. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Grating of neutral atoms in standing light waves field, Optics Communs., 68(2), 103-106 (1988), WoS: A1988Q371500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0024071062, RINTs: 30975457.
    6. A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Deep potential wells and rotation of atoms in a light field, Phys. Lett. A 127 (1), 33-36 (1988), WoS: A1988M051200007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33748119711, RINTs: 30832545.
    7. A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Effekt vypryamleniya gradientnoi sily rezonansnogo svetovogo davleniya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 46 (7), 264-267 (1987) [A.P. Kazantsev, I.V. Krasnov, Rectification of the gradient force of resonant radiation pressure, JETP Lett., 46 (7), 332-336 (1987)], WoS: A1987M924700005.
    8. A.P. Kazantsev, D.O. Chudesnikov, V.P. Yakovlev, Gisterezis v dvukhurovnevoi sisteme i sila treniya v stoyachei svetovoi volne, ZhETF, 90 (5), 1619-1634 (1986) [A.P. Kazantsev, D.O. Chudesnikov, V.P. Yakovlev, Hysteresis in a two-level system and frictional force in a standing light wave, Sov. Phys. JETP 63(5), 951-959 (1986)], WoS: A1986C643700010.
    9. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Vliyanie svetovogo davleniya na nelineinuyu vospriimchivost’ rezonansnykh atomov, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 43 (5), 222-224 (1986) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Effect of radiation pressure on the nonlinear susceptibility of resonant atoms, JETP Lett., 43 (5), 281-284 (1986)], WoS: A1986D261500006.
    10. V.P. Chebotayev, B.Ya. Dubetsky, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atom, and atomic spatial lattices in light fields, Appl. Phys. B 36 (3), 167-169 (1985), WoS: A1985ADC9100009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0022026569.
    11. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, G.I. Surdutovich, D.O. Chudesnikov, V.P. Yakovlev, Kinetic phenomena of atomic motion in a light field, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2(11), 1731-1742 (1985), WoS: A1985AUL1700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84956131487, RINTs: 31016157.
    12. V.P. Chebotayev, B.Ya. Dubetsky, A.P. Kasantsev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms in separated optical fields, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2(11), 1791-1798 (1985), WoS: A1985AUL1700010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84975598552, RINTs: 31003867.
    13. V.A. Grinchuk, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of atoms by coherent interaction with light, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2(11), 1805-1813 (1985), WoS: A1985AUL1700012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84956276619, RINTs: 30977408.
    14. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, D.O. Chudesnikov, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of the states of translational motion of an atom in a light field, J. Phys. B 18(13), 2619-2639 (1985), WoS: A1985AME6000014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36149045555, RINTs: 30917324.
    15. A.A. Belov, A.P. Kazantsev, D.V. Khveshchenko, V.L. Pokrovsky, Rydberg atoms in crossed fields, J. Phys. B 18(24), 4683-4697 (1985), WoS: A1985AWY9000013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26844487368, ADS: 1985JPhB...18.4683B.
    16. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, D.O. Chudesnikov, On the quantum theory of the scattering of atoms by a standing light wave, Optics Communs., 52(5), 311-314 (1985), WoS: A1985ABT3600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0021785408.
    17. A.P. Kazantsev, G.A. Ryabenko, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of atoms by light, Physics Reports, 129 (2), 75-144 (1985), WoS: A1985AWX5400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0342600256, RINTs: 31112362.
    18. A.P. Kazantsev, A.A. Ruzaikin, D.D. Sokolov, Perenos magnitnogo polya techeniem tipa akusticheskoi turbulentnosti, ZhETF, 88 (2), 487-494 (1985) [A.P. Kazantsev, A.A. Ruzmaikin, D.D. Sokolov, Magnetic field transport in an acoustic turbulence type flow, Sov. Phys. JETP 61(2), 285-289 (1985)].
    19. A.P. Kazantsev, O.G. Melikyan, V.P. Yakovlev, Nonlinear theory of radiation dragging (in Russian), ZhETF, 89(2), 450-458 (1985) [A.P. Kazantsev, O.G. Melikyan, V.P. Yakovlev, Nonlinear theory of radiation dragging, Sov. Phys. JETP 62(2), 255-259 (1985)], WoS: A1985AQU0100009.
    20. B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms in separated optical fields (in Russian), ZhETF, 89(4), 1190-1204 (1985) [B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms in separated optical fields, Sov. Phys. JETP 62(4), 685-693 (1985)], WoS: A1985ATX5400008.
    21. B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms in light fields (in Russian), Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 49 (3), 428-432 (1985) [B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms in light fields, Bull. Ac. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser., 49(3), 11-15 (1985)], WoS: A1985AEW9000002.
    22. A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Radiative interaction of electrons in a light field, J. Phys. B 17(14), 2943-2954 (1984), WoS: A1984TC98800021, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642349423.
    23. A.P. Kazantsev, Elektronnyi ozhe-spektr niobiya, Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 54 (5), 992-994 (1984) [A.P. Kazantsev, Auger-electron spectrum of niobium, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 29(5), 594-595 (1984)], WoS: A1984SV89200032.
    24. V.A. Grinchuk, A.P. Kazantsev, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of atoms by the forces of stimulated radiation pressure (in Russian), ZhETF, 86 (1), 100-109 (1984) [V.A. Grinchuk, A.P. Kazantsev, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of atoms by the forces of stimulated radiation pressure, Sov. Phys. JETP 59(1), 56-61 (1984)].
    25. A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Vzaimodeistvie elektronov v svetovom pole, ZhETF, 86 (3), 896-905 (1984) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Interaction between electrons in a light wave, Sov. Phys. JETP, 59(3), 523-528 (1984)], WoS: A1984SK03600011.
    26. B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interferentsiya atomov i poluchenie atomnykh prostranstvennykh reshetok v svetovykh polyakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 39(11), 531-533 (1984) [B.Ya. Dubetskii, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Chebotaev, V.P. Yakovlev, Interference of atoms and formation of atomic spatial arrays in light fields, JETP Lett., 39(11), 649-651 (1984)], WoS: A1984TX55800012.
    27. A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovsky, Perturbation theory for highly-excited states (application to Rydberg atoms in the external magnetic field), J. Phys. B 16(20), L601-L606 (1983), WoS: A1983RN97300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36149047058, ADS: 1983JPhB...16L.601K, RINTs: 30933420, EDN: NALXMP.
    28. A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Bound states of electrons in a light field, Phys. Lett. A 97 (8), 320-322 (1983), WoS: A1983RL78100004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642273017, RINTs: 31188592.
    29. A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovsky, J. Bergou, Rydberg atoms in weak magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A 28 (6), 3659-3662 (1983), WoS: A1983RT60900065, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002182387, ADS: 1983PhRvA..28.3659K, RINTs: 30813817, EDN: ZYHTSB.
    30. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Atomic dispersion in a light field (in Russian), ZhETF, 85 (3), 852-861 (1983) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Atomic dispersion in a light field, Sov. Phys. JETP 58(3), 492-497 (1983)].
    31. A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskii, Teoriya vozmushchenii dlya vysokovozbuzhdennykh sostoyanii, ZhETF, 85 (6), 1917-1935 (1983) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskii, Perturbation theory for highly-excited states, Sov. Phys. JETP, 58(6), 1114-1123 (1983)], WoS: A1983RW36200007, ADS: 1983JETP...58.1114K.
    32. A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskii, Teoriya vozmushchenii dlya ridbergovskikh sostoyanii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 37(10), 471-474 (1983) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskii, Perturbation theory for Rydberg states, JETP Lett., 37(10), 557-561 (1983)], WoS: A1983RR10000007, ADS: 1983ZhPmR..37..471K.
    33. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Sokolov, A.N. Tumaikin, An anomalous correlator of resonantly scattered light, Appl. Phys. B 27 (2), 83-91 (1982), WoS: A1982NA57700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250224319, ADS: 1982ApPhB..27...83K, RINTs: 30916057.
    34. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Intersection of the quasi-energetical terms of an atom in the field of a standing light wave, Optics Communs., 43(3), 180-184 (1982), WoS: A1982PM21200006, RINTs: 30958667.
    35. T.L. Matskevich, A.P. Kazantsev, Auger-spectroscopic study of the ZrC-O system (in Russian), Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 52 (4), … (1982) [T.L. Matskevich, A.P. Kazantsev, Auger-spectroscopic study of the ZrC-O system, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 27(4), 477-480 (1982)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-0020113882.
    36. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Yakovlev, Radiatsionnoe vzaimodeistvie atomov, ZhETF, 82 (6), 1738-1748 (1982) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Yakovlev, Radiative interaction between atoms, Sov. Phys. JETP, 55(6), 1004-1009 (1982)], WoS: A1982NV39700003.
    37. A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Anomalous scattered light correlator (in Russian), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, №2, 70-73 (1982) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Anomalous scattered light correlator, Sov. Phys. J., 25(2), 144-146 (1982)].
    38. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, The scattering of slow atoms by light, Appl. Phys. 25 (2), 165-167 (1981), WoS: A1981LT45200015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0019573133, ADS: 1981ApPhy..25..165K, RINTs: 41736594.
    39. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, The motion of atoms and molecules in a resonance light field, J. Phys. France, 42 (9), 1231-1237 (1981), WoS: A1981MD27800003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0019607324.
    40. V.A. Grinchuk, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of an atomic beam by a short light pulse, Phys. Lett. A 86 (3), 136-138 (1981), WoS: A1981MQ55200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-5344234293, ADS: 1981PhLA...86..136G, RINTs: 31013648.
    41. A.N. Kazantsev, PYuIYu Surdutovich, V,P, Yakovlev, Dvizhenie atomov i molekul v svetovom pole, ZhETF, 80(2), 541-550 (1981) [A.N. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Motion of atoms and molecules in a resonant light field, Sov. Phys. JETP 53(2), 272-277 (1981)].
    42. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Sokolov, A.N. Tumaikin, Korrelyatsionnye svoistva rezonansno rasseyannogo sveta, ZhETF, 81 (3), 888-900 (1981) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Sokolov, A.N. Tumaikin, Correlation properties of resonantly scattering light, Sov. Phys. JETP 54(3), 474-479 (1981)], WoS: A1981MK61300009.
    43. V.A. Grinchuk, A.P. Kazantsev, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Rasseyanie atomov korotkim impul’som stoyachei svetovoi volny, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 34 (7), 395-399 (1981) [V.A. Grinchuk, A.P. Kazantsev, E.F. Kuzin, M.L. Nagaeva, G.A. Ryabenko, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, Scattering of atoms by a short, standing-light-wave pulse, JETP Lett., 34 (7), 375-378 (1981)].
    44. A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Stimulated Coulomb Interaction of Neutral Atoms, Optica Acta, 27 (3), 269-273 (1980), WoS: A1980JY58200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84927985921.
    45. G.A. Delone, V.A. Grinchuk, S.D. Kuzmichev, M.L. Nagaeva, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, The Kapitsa-Dirac resonance effect, Optics Communs., 33(2), 149-152 (1980), WoS: A1980JX45900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0019010878, ADS: 1980OptCo..33..149D.
    46. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, V.P. Sokolov, Correlation properties of resonantly scattered light, Optics Communs., 35(2), 209-212 (1980), WoS: A1980KQ46600012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0019087060, ADS: 1980OptCo..35..209K.
    47. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, K kvantovoi teorii rezonansnogo rasseyaniya atomov svetom, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 31 (9), 542-545 (1980) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, V.P. Yakovlev, On the quantum theory of resonance scattering of atoms by light, JETP Lett., 31 (9), 509-512 (1980)], WoS: A1980KW34200012.
    48. N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, E.F. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Vzaimodeistvie atomov v svetovom pole, ZhETF, 76 (3), 896-907 (1979) [N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, É.F. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Interaction of atoms in a light field, Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), 452-458 (1979)], WoS: A1979GN80000010.
    49. N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Svyazannye sostoyaniya atomov v rezonansnom svetovom pole, Kvant. elektronika, 6 (2), 363-364 (1979) [N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, V.P. Sokolov, Bound states of atoms in an optical resonance field, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 9(2), 213-214 (1979)], WoS: A1979GL08300019.
    50. G.A. Delone, V.A. Grinchuk, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Scattering of atoms and molecules by an electromagnetic field, Optics Communs., 25(3), 399-401 (1978), WoS: A1978FF18500028, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0017974428, ADS: 1978OptCo..25..399D, RINTs: 30866057.
    51. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Difraktsiya i otrazhenie sveta na rezonansnykh atomakh, Pis’ma v Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 4(17-18), 1026-1029 (1978) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Optical diffraction and reflection by resonant atoms, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 4(9), 414-415 (1978)].
    52. N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, Okhlazhdenie i nagrevanie atomov pri stolknovenii v svetovom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 27(11), 636-639 (1978) [N.I. Zhukova, A.P. Kazantsev, Cooling and heating of atoms colliding in an optical field, JETP Lett., 27(11), 601-604 (1978)], WoS: A1978GC21800010.
    53. A.P. Kazantsev, Rezonansnoe svetovoe davlenie, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 124 (1), 113-145 (1978) [A.P. Kazantsev, Resonance light pressure, Sov. Phys. Usp. 21(1), 58-76 (1978)], WoS: A1978EM11300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38549115398.
    54. T.L. Matskevich, A.P. Kazantsev, Elektronnyi Ozhe-spektr karbida tsirkoniya, Fizika tverd. tela, 20(11), 3365-3370 (1978) [T.L. Matskevich, A.P. Kazantsev, Auger electron spectrum of zirconium carbide, Sov. Phys. Solid State 20(11), 1942-1945 (1978)].
    55. B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Rasseyanie atomov elektromagnitnym polem, Kvant. elektronika, 4 (4), 893-895 (1977) [B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Scattering of atoms by an electromagnetic field, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 7(4), 499-501 (1977)], WoS: A1977DE61800030.
    56. A.P. Kazantsev, The recoil effect in a strong electromagnetic field, Optics Communs., 17(2), 166-169 (1976), WoS: A1976BS80000009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0016956226, ADS: 1976OptCo..17..166K.
    57. A.P. Botin, A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Kvantovanie dvizheniya atomov i molekul v elektromagnitnom pole, ZhETF, 71 (1), 122-134 (1976) [A.P. Botin, A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Quantized motion of atoms and molecules in electromagnetic fields, Sov. Phys. JETP 44(1), 63-70 (1976)], WoS: A1976CA80300012.
    58. B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Recoil-effect shortwave laser, Pis’ma v Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 2, 557 (1976) [B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Recoil-effect shortwave laser, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett., 2(6), 217-218 (1976)].
    59. A.P. Botin, A.P. Kazantsev, Rasseyanie atomov svetom, ZhETF, 68 (6), 2075-2081 (1975) [A.P. Botin, A.P. Kazantsev, Scattering of atoms by light, Sov. Phys. JETP 41(6), 1038-1041 (1975)], WoS: A1975AH65900012.
    60. V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, S.A. Zaidman, Determining the height of potential barriers in metal — dielectric — metal tunnel structures by the method of derivatives of the volt — ampere characteristics (in Russian), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, №5, 30-35 (1975) [V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, S.A. Zaidman, Determining the height of potential barriers in metal — dielectric — metal tunnel structures by the method of derivatives of the volt — ampere characteristics, Sov. Phys. J., 18(5), 618-622 (1975)], WoS: A1975AE93200006.
    61. A.P. Kazantsev, G.V. Krivoshchekov, V.M. Semibalamut, V.S. Smirnov, Model’ pul’satsii izlucheniya tverdotel’nogo lazera, Kvant. elektronika, 2 (1), 165-167 (1975) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.V. Krivoshchekov, V.M. Semibalamut, V.S. Smirnov, Model of pulsations of the radiation emitted by a solid-state laser, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 5(1), 101-102 (1975)], WoS: A1975V778900034.
    62. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Effekt Kapitsy - Diraka dlya atomov v sil’nom rezonansnom pole, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 21 (6), 346-349 (1975) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, The Kapitza-Dirac effect for atoms in a strong resonant field, JETP Lett., 21 (6), 158-159 (1975)], WoS: A1975AP61700008.
    63. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, The quantum theory of the laser, Prog. Quant. Electron., 3(Pt.3), 231-288 (1974), Scopus: 2-s2.0-0343444891, RINTs: 31141984.
    64. A.P. Kazantsev, Izluchenie atoma vo vneshnem elektromagnitnom pole, ZhETF, 66 (4), 1229-1236 (1974) [A.P. Kazantsev, Radiation from an atom located in an external electromagnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 39(4), 601-604 (1974)].
    65. A.P. Kazantsev, Uskorenie atomov svetom, ZhETF, 66 (5), 1599-1612 (1974) [A.P. Kazantsev, The acceleration of atoms by light, Sov. Phys. JETP 39(5), 784-790 (1974)].
    66. A.P. Kazantsev, Effekt otdachi v sil’nom rezonansnom pole, ZhETF, 67 (5), 1660-1666 (1974) [A.P. Kazantsev, Recoil effect in a strong resonant field, Sov. Phys. JETP 40(5), 825-828 (1975)].
    67. A.P. Kazantsev, Force affecting the atom in a resonance field, Preprint Landau ITP, 05.03.1974, 14pp.
    68. V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, “Two temperature” Method of determining the parameters of the potential barrier in tunnel MDM structures (in Russian), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, №5, 145–147 (1973) [V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, “Two temperature” Method of determining the parameters of the potential barrier in tunnel MDM structures, Sov. Phys. J., 16(5), 719-721 (1973)].
    69. A.P. Kazantsev, Uskorenie atomov statsionarnym polem, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (4), 212-215 (1973) [A.P. Kazantsev, Acceleration of Atoms by a Stationary Field, JETP Lett., 17 (4), 150-153 (1973)].
    70. A.P. Kazantsev, Uskorenie atomov rezonansnym polem, ZhETF, 63 (5), 1628-1634 (1972) [A.P. Kazantsev, Acceleration of Atoms by a Resonance Field, Sov. Phys. JETP 36(5), 681-684 (1973)].
    71. A.P. Kazantsev, Kvantovye fluktuatsii izlucheniya gazovogo lazera, ZhETF, 60 (2), 500-508 (1971) [A.P. Kazantsev, Quantum Fluctuations in Gas Laser Radiation, Sov. Phys. JETP 33(2), 269-273 (1971)].
    72. A.P. Kazantsev, K kvantovoi teorii lazera, ZhETF, 61 (5), 1790-1800 (1971) [A.P . Kazantsev, On the Quantum Theory of Lasers, Sov. Phys. JETP 34(5), 953-958 (1972)].
    73. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Kvantovaya model’ lazera s nelineinym pogloshcheniem, ZhETF, 58 (1), 245-252 (1970) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, Quantum Model of a Laser with Nonlinear Absorption, Sov. Phys. JETP 31(1), 133-137 (1970)].
    74. A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskii, Podvizhnost’ dislokatsii v reshyotke s vysokimi bar’erami Paierlsa, ZhETF, 58 (2), 677-682 (1970) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.L. Pokrovskiǐ, Mobility of Dislocations in a Lattice with Large Peierls Barriers, Sov. Phys. JETP 31(2), 362-364 (1970)], WoS: A1970H422000038, ADS: 1970JETP...31..362K, RINTs: -.
    75. A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, K kvantovoi teorii lazera, ZhETF, 56 (6), 2001-2018 (1969) [A.P. Kazantsev, G.I. Surdutovich, The Quantum Theory of the Laser, Sov. Phys. JETP 29(6), 1075-1083 (1969)].
    76. A.P. Kazantsev, S.G. Rautyan, G.I. Surdutovich, Teoriya gazovogo lazera s nelineinym pogloshcheniem, ZhETF, 54(5), 1409-1421 (1968) [A.P. Kazantsev, S.G. Rautian, G.I. Surdutovich, Theory of a Gas Laser with Nonlinear Absorption, Sov. Phys. JETP 27(5), 756-762 (1968)].
    77. A.P. Kazantsev, Ob usilenii magnitnogo polya provodyashchei zhidkost’yu, ZhETF, 53(5), 1806-1813 (1967) [A.P. Kazantsev, Enhancement of a Magnetic Field by a Conducting Fluid, Sov. Phys. JETP 26(5), 1031-1034 (1968)].
    78. B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, O vzaimodeistvii voln v gazovom lazere, ZhETF, 50(5), 1291-1295 (1966) [B.L. Zhelnov, A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Mode Interaction in a Gas Laser, Sov. Phys. JETP 23(5), 858-860 (1966)].
    79. A.P. Kazantsev, Kineticheskoe uravnenie dlya gaza vozbuzhdennykh atomov, ZhETF, 51(6), 1751-1760 (1966) [A.P. Kazantsev, Kinetic Equation for a Gas of Excited Atoms, Sov. Phys. JETP, 24(6), 1183-1188 (1967)].
    80. A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, O rezonansnom vzaimodeistvii izlucheniya so sredoi, ZhETF, 46 (1), 182-186 (1964) [A.P. Kazantsev, V.S. Smirnov, Resonance Interaction of Radiation with a Medium, Sov. Phys. JETP 19(1), 130-132 (1964)].
    81. A.P. Kazantsev, O statsionarnom relyativistskom techenii plazmy v magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 46 (2), 620-627 (1964) [A.P. Kazantsev, Stationary Relativistic Flow of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field, Sov. Phys. JETP 19(2), 421-425 (1964)].
    82. A.P. Kazantsev, Ob ustanovivshemsya techenii plazmy v magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 44 (4), 1283-1288 (1963) [A.P. Kazantsev, Stationary Plasma Flow in a Magnetic Field, Sov. Phys. JETP 17(4), 865-868 (1963)].
    83. A.P. Kazantsev, I.A. Gilinskii, O vzaimodeistvii poperechnykh kolebanii v plazme, ZhETF, 41(1), 154-158 (1961) [A.P. Kazantsev, I.A. Gilinskii, Interaction of Transverse Oscillations in a Plasma, Sov. Phys. JETP 14(1), 112-114 (1962)].
    84. A.P. Kazantsev, Dvizhenie zaryazhennoi chastitsy vo vrashchayushchemsya magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 37(5), 1463-1464 (1959) [A.P. Kazantsev, The Motion of a Charged Particle in a Rotating Magnetic Field, Sov. Phys. JETP 10(5), 1036-1037 (1960)].