Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Sergey B. Khokhlachev

Former staff member (1976 - 1988)

Ph. D.


    1. A.B. Migdal, S.B. Khokhlachev, V.Yu. Borue, A model of hadron structure, Phys. Lett. B 228 (1-2), 167-172 (1989), WoS: A1989AR48400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002612633, ADS: 1989PhLB..228..167M, InSpire: 286112.
    2. V.Yu. Borue, S.B. Khokhlachev, Charmonium states with L≠0, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 3(15), 1499-1506 (1988), WoS: A1988R054400010.
    3. V.Yu. Boryu, S.B. Khokhlachev, Sostoyaniya charmoniya s nenulevym orbital’nym momentom, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 47 (8), 368-371 (1988) [V.Yu. Boryu, S.B. Khokhlachev, States of charmonium with a nonzero orbital angular momentum, JETP Lett., 47 (8), 440-444 (1988)], WoS: A1988Q846100002.
    4. V.Yu. Boryu, S.B. Khokhlachev, Interquark Interaction Model (in Russian), Yadernaya fizika, 47 (6), 1721-1730 (1988) [V.Yu. Boryu, S.B. Khokhlachev, Model of the quark-quark interaction, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 47(6), 1091-1096 (1988)].
    5. A.B. Migdal, S.B. Khokhlachev, L.N. Shchur, Struktura glyuonnoi struny, ZhETF, 91(3), 745-753 (1986) [A.B. Migdal, S.B. Khokhlachev, L.N. Shchur, The structure of a gluon string, Sov. Phys. JETP 64(3), 441-445 (1986)], WoS: A1986E437600004.
    6. A.B. Migdal, S.B. Khokhlachev, O strukture glyuonnoi struny, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 41 (4), 159-162 (1985) [A.B. Migdal, S.B. Khokhlachev, The structure of a gluon string, JETP Lett., 41 (4), 194-198 (1985)], WoS: A1985ALB9200012, ADS: 1985JETPL..41..194M, InSpire: 222176.
    7. A.B. Migdal, N.O. Agasyan, S.B. Khokhlachev, Vliyanie kvantovykh fluktuatsii na formu instantona, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 41 (9), 405-407 (1985) [A.B. Migdal, N.O. Agasyan, S.B. Khokhlachev, Effect of quantum fluctuations on the shape of an instanton, JETP Lett., 41 (9), 497-500 (1985)], WoS: A1985ARG9200016.
    8. T.A. Kozhamkulov, S.B. Khokhlachev, Reshetochnye kalibrovochnye teorii s chastichno razdelyayushchimisya peremennymi, TMF, 62(2), 312–315 (1985) [T.A. Kozhamkulov, S.B. Khokhlachev, Lattice gauge theories with partly separable variables, Theor. Math. Phys., 62(2), 210-212 (1985)], WoS: A1985ARH5400013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250116970.
    9. R.L. Mkrtchyan, S.B. Khokhlachev, Reduktsiya U(\infty) supersimmetrichnoi teorii k modeli sluchainykh matrits, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 37 (3), 160-161 (1983) [R.L. Mkrtchyan, S.B. Khokhlachev, Reduction of the U(\infty) supersymmetry theory to a random-matrix model, JETP Lett., 37 (3), 193-195 (1983)], WoS: A1983RC00200013.
    10. S.B. Khokhlachev, Yu.M. Makeenko, Phase transition over the gauge group center and quark confinement in QCD, Phys. Lett. B 101 (6), 403-411 (1981), WoS: A1981LT18000009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-11144259356, ADS: 1981PhLB..101..403K, RINTs: 31112468.
    11. Yu.M. Makeenko, S.B. Khokhlachev, Simmetriya tsentra kalibrovochnoi gruaay i problema nevyletaniya kvarkov v kvantovoi khromodinamike, ZhETF, 80 (2), 448-466 (1981) [Yu.M. Makeenko, S.B. Khokhlachev, The symmetry of the center of the gauge group and the problem of quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics, Sov. Phys. JETP 53(2), 228-237 (1981)], WoS: A1981LD94000002.
    12. S.N. Vergeles, S.B. Khokhlachev, Kvantovaya teoriya monopolya Polyakova-Khoofta, Yadernaya fizika, 26(4), 883-891 (1977) [S.N. Vergeles, S.B. Khokhlachev, Quantum theory of the Polyakov–'t Hooft monopole, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 26 (4), 463-467 (1977)], WoS: A1977FU06400027, InSpire: 126034.
    13. S.B. Khokhlachev, Dvukhmernaya model’ Geizenberga so slaboi anizotropiei, ZhETF, 70 (1), 265-271 (1976) [S.B. Khokhlachev, Two-dimensional Heisenberg model with weak anisotropy, Sov. Phys. JETP 43(1), 137-141 (1976)], WoS: A1976BF15100032.
    14. S.B. Khokhlachev, O zavisimosti magnitnogo sloistogo magnetika ot magnitnogo polya, ZhETF, 71 (2), 812-815 (1976) [S.B. Khokhlachev, Dependence of the magnetic moment of a layer magnet on the magnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 44(2), 427-429 (1976)], WoS: A1976CL81500043.
    15. V.L. Pokrovskii, S.B. Khokhlachev, Neodnorodnye statsionarnye sostoyaniya v modeli Geizenberga, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 22 (7), 371-373 (1975) [V.L. Pokrovskii, S.B. Khokhlachev, Inhomogeneous stationary states in the Heisenberg model, JETP Lett., 22 (7), 176-177 (1975)], WoS: A1975BM45300005, InSpire: 104816.
    16. S.F. Fomichev, S.B. Khokhlachev, Ob uravnenii sostoyaniya veshchestva vblizi kriticheskoi tochki zhidkost’-par, ZhETF, 66 (3), 983-985 (1974) [S.V. Fomichev, S.B. Khokhlachev, Equation of state of matter near the liquid-vapor critical point, Sov. Phys. JETP, 39(3), 478-479 (1974)].
    17. A.Z. Patashinskii, V.L. Pokrovskii, S.B. Khokhlachev, Ob izomorfizme kriticheskikh yavlenii, ZhETF, 63 (4), 1521-1524 (1972) [A.Z. Patashinskiǐ, V.L. Pokrovskiǐ, S.B. Khokhlachev, Isomorphism of critical phenomena, Sov. Phys. JETP 36(4), 807-808 (1973)], WoS: A1972N921400048, ADS: 1973JETP...36..807P, RINTs: -.