Aleksandr V. Mikhailov
Former staff member Leading researcher Doctor of science
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- A.V. Abanin, S.N. Askhabov, A.B. Borisov, R.A. Bostanov, A.V. Zhiber, V.E. Zakharov, S.B. Klimentov, Yu.F. Korobeinik, A.G. Kusraev, S.S. Kutateladze, A.V. Mikhailov, A.P. Soldatov, Kh.G. Umarov, S.M. Umarkhadzhiev, Shabat Aleksei Borisovich (k semidesyatipyatiletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Vladikavk. matem. zhurn., 14(2), 71-73 (2012), RINTs: 17739531, MathSciNet: 3057634, zbMath: 1326.01047.
- A.V. Mikhailov (Ed.), Integrability, Springer, 2009, xiii, 339 pp., ISBN 978-3-540-88110-0 (Lect. Notes Phys., Vol. 767).
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.S. Novikov, J.P. Wang, Symbolic representation and Classification of Integrable systems, In: Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations, p.156-216 (2009). Editors: M.A.H. MacCallum and A.V. Mikhailov, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 248 pp. ISBN-13: 9780521720083 [London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, No. 357]; arXiv:0712.1972, MathSciNet: 2484909.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Introduction, Lect. Notes Phys., 767, 1-18 (2009) [Integrability, ed A.V. Mikhailov, Springer, xiii, 339 pp., ISBN 978-3-540-88110-0], Scopus: 2-s2.0-56349151041, ADS: 2009LNP...767....1M.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Symmetries of differential equations and the problem of Integrability, Lect. Notes Phys., 767, 19-88 (2009) [Integrability, ed A.V. Mikhailov, Springer, xiii, 339 pp., ISBN 978-3-540-88110-0], WoS: 000266821500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-56349153295, ADS: 2009LNP...767...19M, MathSciNet: 2867546, zbMath: 1161.35052.
- A.V. Gurevich, E.A. Kuznetsov, G.A. Mesyats, A.V. Mikhailov, S.L. Musher, C.P. Novikov, A.M. Rubenchik, R.Z. Sagdeev, G.I. Smirnov, Ya.G. Sinai, A.N. Skrinskii, V.E. Fortov, Vladimir Evgen’evich Zakharov (k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 179 (8), 917-918 (2009) [A.V. Gurevich, E.A. Kuznetsov, G.A. Mesyats, A.V. Mikhailov, S.L. Musher, S.P. Novikov, A.M. Rubenchik, R.Z. Sagdeev, G.I. Smirnov, Ya.G. Sinai, A.N. Skrinskii, V.E. Fortov, Vladimir Evgen’evich Zakharov (on his 70th birthday), Phys.-Usp. 52(8), 863-864 (2009)].
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.S. Novikov, J.P. Wang, On classification of integrable nonevolutionary equations, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 118 (4), 419-457 (2007); nlin/0601046, WoS: 000245416000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34047242966, ADS: -, RINTs: 13537549, MathSciNet: 2313008, zbMath: -.
- S. Lombardo, A.V. Mikhailov, Reduction groups and authomorphic Lie algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 258 (1), 179-202 (2005); math-ph/0407048, WoS: 000232015200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20544469156, ADS: 2005CMaPh.258..179L, RINTs: 14673868, MathSciNet: 2166845, zbMath: 1129.17013.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.S. Novikov, J.P. Wang, Partially integrable nonlinear equations with one higher symmetry, J. Phys. A 38(20), L337-L341 (2005); nlin/0601047, WoS: 000229873000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-18744401890, ADS: 2005JPhA...38L.337M, RINTs: 13493535, MathSciNet: 2147618, zbMath: 1069.37052.
- S. Lombardo, A.V. Mikhailov, Reductions of integrable equations and automorphic Lie algebras, In: SPT 2004: Symmetry and perturbation theory. Proc. 5th Int. Conf., Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy, May 30-June 6, 2004. Ed. by G. Gaeta, et al., Singapore: World Scientific, 183-192 (2005), ADS: 2005spt..conf..183L.
- S. Lombardo, A.V. Mikhailov, Reductions of integrable equations: dihedral group, J. Phys. A 37(31), 7727-7742 (2004); nlin/0404013, WoS: 000223508600008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-4043055181, ADS: 2004JPhA...37.7727L, RINTs: 13470151.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.S. Novikov, Classification of Integrable Benjamin—Ono-Type Equations, Moscow Math. J., 3(4), 1293-1305 (2003), WoS: 000208594400005, Scopus: -, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 2058800, zbMath: 1051.35096.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Novokshenov, Otobrazhenie za period dlya nelineinykh impul’sov v opticheskikh kabelyakh s upravleniem dispersiei, TMF, 134(1), 124-134 (2003) [A.V. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Novokshenov, Period map for nonlinear pulses in optical dispersion-managed fibers, Theor. Math. Phys., 134 (1), 107-116 (2003)], WoS: 000181042100010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037232170, ADS: -, RINTs: 13433175.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Novokshenov, Analiticheskoe opisanie solitonov, upravlyaemykh dispersiei, metodom zadachi Rimana, TMF, 137(3), 433-444 (2003) [A.V. Mikhailov, V.Y. Novokshenov, The Riemann-Hilbert problem for analytic description of the DM solitons, Theor. Math. Phys., 137(3), 1723-1732 (2003)], WoS: 000188329000009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-3943082002, ADS: 2003TMP...137.1723M, InSpire: 13420461, RINTs: 13420461, MathSciNet: 2084152, zbMath: 1178.37106.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.S. Novikov, Perturbative symmetry approach, J. Phys. A 35(22), 4775-4790 (2002); nlin/0203055, WoS: 000176351700012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0037036176, ADS: 2002JPhA...35.4775M, RINTs: 13400937, MathSciNet: 1908645, zbMath: 1039.35008.
- S.K. Turitsyn, A.V. Mikhailov, Application of solitons, In: Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science, Ed. by R. Pike and P.Sabatier, Academic Press, pp. 1741-1753, 2002.
- Y. Kodama, A.V. Mikhailov, Symmetry and perturbation of the vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Physica D 152-153, 171-177 (2001), WoS: 000168986300017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-17744366862, ADS: 2001PhyD..152..171K, RINTs: 13378450, MathSciNet: 1837907, zbMath: 0977.35134.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.Yu. Novokshenov, The period map for pulse propagation in nonlinear optical DM fibers, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 73 (5), 287-291 (2001) [JETP Lett., 73 (5), 250-254 (2001)], WoS: 000168185600010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040079794, ADS: 2001JETPL..73..250M, RINTs: 13378255.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integrable ODEs on associative algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 211 (1), 231-251 (2000); solv-int/9908004, WoS: 000087191500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349467, ADS: 2000CMaPh.211..231M, RINTs: 13347573, MathSciNet: 1757014, zbMath: 0956.37040.
- A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integriruemye obyknovennye differentsial’nye uravneniya na svobodnykh assotsiativnykh algebrakh, TMF, 122(1), 88-101 (2000) [A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integrable ordinary differential equations on free associative algebras, Theor. Math. Phys., 122(1), 72-83 (2000)], WoS: 000086224200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034348823, ADS: 2000TMP...122...72M, RINTs: 13345801, MathSciNet: 1776509, zbMath: 0962.34004.
- J. Leon, A.V. Mikhailov, Raman soliton generation from laser inputs in SRS, Phys. Lett. A 253 (1-2), 33-40 (1999), WoS: 000079182600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0042281020, ADS: 1999PhLA..253...33L, RINTs: 13317909.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Variationalism and Empirio-criticism. (Exact and variational approaches to fibre optics equations.), In: Optical Solitons: Theoretical challenges and Industrial Perspectives, pp. 63-71. Ed. by V.E. Zakharov and S. Wabnitz, Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer, 1999 [Les Houches Workshop, September 28 - October 2, 1998].
- J. Leon, A.V. Mikhailov, Transient Raman Amplification, In: Optical Solitons: Theoretical challenges and Industrial Perspectives, pp.265-282. Ed. by V.E. Zakharov and S. Wabnitz, Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer, 1999 [Les Houches Workshop, September 28 - October 2, 1998].
- A.A. Galeev, E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, Yu.E. Nesterikhin, C.P. Novikov, R.Z. Sagdeev, Ya.G. Sinai, G.I. Smirnov, V.E. Fortov, I.M. Khalatnikov, B.V. Chirikov, A.B. Shabat, Vladimir Evgen’evich Zakharov (k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 169(10), 1161-1162 (1999) [A.A. Galeev, E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, Yu.E. Nesterikhin, S.P. Novikov, R.Z. Sagdeev, Ya.G. Sinai, G.I. Smirnov, V.E. Fortov, I.M. Khalatnikov, B.V. Chirikov, A.B. Shabat, Vladimir Evgen'evich Zakharov (on his sixtieth birthday), Phys. Usp. 42(10), 1063-1064 (1999)], WoS: 000083688700009, ADS: 1999PhyU...42.1063G.
- A.V. Mikhailov, R.I. Yamilov, Towards classification of (2+1)-dimensional integrable equations. Integrability conditions I, J. Phys. A 31(31), 6707-6715 (1998), WoS: 000075408000015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0032493605, ADS: 1998JPhA...31.6707M, InSpire: -, RINTs: 13282267, MathSciNet: 1643816, zbMath: 0948.37050.
- Y. Kodama, A.V. Mikhailov, S. Wabnitz, Input pulse optimization in wavelength-division-multiplexed soliton transmissions, Opt. Communs, 143(1-3), 53-56 (1997), WoS: A1997YC05100011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031270444, ADS: 1997OptCo.143...53K, RINTs: 13260853.
- A.V. Mikhailov, R.I. Yamilov, On integrable two-dimensional generalizations of nonlinear Schrodinger type equations, Phys. Lett. A 230 (5-6), 295-300 (1997), WoS: A1997XG32800008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041597230, ADS: 1997PhLA..230..295M, RINTs: 13264809, zbMath: 1052.35515.
- C. Montes, A. Mikhailov, A. Picozzi, F. Ginovart, Dissipative three-wave structures in stimulated backscattering. I. A subluminous solitary attractor, Phys. Rev. E 55 (1), 1086–1091 (1997), WoS: A1997WD54600058, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001480349, ADS: 1997PhRvE..55.1086M, RINTs: 13262068.
- Y. Kodama, A.V. Mikhailov, Obstacles to asymptotic integrability, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, 26, 173-204 (1997) [Fokas, A. S. (ed.) et al., Algebraic aspects of integrable systems: in memory of Irene Dorfman. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 1997. ISBN-13 :978-1-4612-7535-0], MathSciNet: 1418875.
- J. Leon, A.V. Mikhailov, Raman Solitons and Raman spikes, solv-int/9703007, ADS:
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, I.A. Shimokhin, Nonlinear interaction of solitons and radiation, Physica D 87 (1-4), 201-215 (1995), WoS: A1995TB22600030, Scopus: 2-s2.0-58149210845, ADS: 1995PhyD...87..201K, RINTs: 30950811, MathSciNet: 1361688, zbMath: 1194.78030.
- A.V. Mikhailov, E.A. Kuznetsov, A.C. Newell, V.E. Zakharov, The nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Proceedings of the conference held in Chernogolovka, July 25-August 3, 1994, Physica D 87 (1-4), xiv,380 pp (1995).
- A.V. Mikhailov, E.A. Kuznetsov, A.C. Newell, V.E. Zakharov, The nonlinear Schrodinger-equation - Editors' introduction, Physica D 87 (1-4), vii-ix (1995), WoS: A1995TB22600001.
- H. J. De Vega, A.V. Mikhailov, N. Sánchez, Exact string solutions in (2+1)-dimensional de Sitter space-time, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9(29), 2745-2754 (1994), WoS: A1994PQ52500010, Scopus: -, ADS: 1994MPLA....9.2745D, MathSciNet: 1299678, zbMath: 1021.81739.
- F. Combes, H. J. de Vega, A.V. Mikhailov, N. Sánchez, Multistring solutions by soliton methods in de Sitter spacetime, Phys. Rev. D 50 (4), 2754-2768 (1994); hep-th/9310073, WoS: A1994PC89100045, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0007956505, ADS: 1994PhRvD..50.2754C, InSpire: 36092, RINTs: 30809772, MathSciNet: 1291341.
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, Relaksatsionnye kolebaniya solitonov, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 60 (6), 466-470 (1994); Errata — ibid, 60(9),672, 60(10),736 (1994) [E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, Relaxation oscillations of solitons, JETP Lett., 60 (6), 486-490 (1994); Errata — ibid, 60(9),686, 60(10),757 (1994)], WoS: A1994PR81300019, ADS: 1994JETPL..60..486K.
- H.J. de Vega, A.V. Mikhailov, N. Sánchez, New Solutions of the Classical String Equation in de Sitter Space, NATO ASI Series B: Physics, Vol. 329, 271-274 (1994) [Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology: Proc. NATO ARW, June 1-4, 1993, Bayreuth, Germany. Ed. by K.H. Spatschek and F.G. Mertens, New York, Plenum Press, 1994. ISBN 978-1-4899-1343].
- A.V. Mikhailov, I.A. Shimokhin, Spectrum of 180° Bloch-type domain-wall excitations in yttrium iron garnet, Phys. Rev. B 48(13), 9569-9574 (1993), WoS: A1993MC11600048, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000743443, ADS: 1993PhRvB..48.9569M, RINTs: 30863706.
- H.J. de Vega, A.V. Mikhailov, N. Sánchez, Exact string solutions in 2+1-dimensional de Sitter spacetime, TMF, 94(2), 232-240 (1993) [Theor. Math. Phys., 94(2), 166-172 (1993)], WoS: A1993LZ24300005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0642381771, ADS: 1993TMP....94..166D, InSpire: 33173, MathSciNet: 1221733.
- A.B. Shabat, A.V. Mikhailov, Symmetries — Test of integrability, In: Important developments in soliton theory. Springer Ser. Nonlinear Dyn., 355-374 (1993) [Ed. by A.S. Fokas, V.E. Zakharov, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993. ISBN 3-540-55913-2], MathSciNet: 1280482, zbMath: 0821.35117.
- A.V. Mikhailov, I.A. Shimokhin, Spectrum of Domain Wall Excitations in YIG, In: Nonlinear Processes in Physics: Proc. of the 3 Potsdam - 5 Kiev Workshop at Clarkson Univ., Potsdam, NY, USA, Aug 1-11, 1991. Ed. A.S. Fokas, D.J. Kaup, A.C. Newell, V.E. Zakharov, Springer-Verlag, 1993, p. 47-52 [Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics].
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, V.V. Sokolov, The symmetry approach to classification of integrable equations, In: What is integrability?, Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, p. 115-184 (1991) [Ed. by V.E. Zakharov, Berlin etc., Springer-Verlag, 1991. xiv, 321 pp. ISBN 3-540-51964-5], MathSciNet: 1098338, zbMath: 0741.35070.
- A.V. Mikhailov, S. Wabnitz, Polarization dynamics of counterpropagating beams in optical fibers, Optics Letters, 15(19), 1055-1057 (1990), WoS: A1990EA16700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84975539024.
- A.V. Mikhailov, I.A. Shimokhin, O spektre vozbuzhdenii domennoi granitsy v odnoosnom ferromagnetike, ZhETF, 97 (6), 1966-1973 (1990) [A.V. Mikhailov, I.A. Shimokhin, Excitation spectrum of a domain wall in a uniaxial ferromagnet, Sov. Phys. JETP 70(6), 1109-1113 (1990)], WoS: A1990DM54500022.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, V.V. Sokolov, Simmetriinyi podkhod k klassifikatsii integriruemykh uravnenii, V kn: “Integriruemost’ i kineticheskie uravneniya dlya solitonov”, Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1990, s.213-279, MathSciNet: 1162332.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A Concept of Integrability Based on the Symmetry Approach, NATO ASI Ser. C 310, 373-373 (1990) [Partially Intergrable Evolution Equations in Physics : Proc. NATO ASI School on Partially Intergrable Evolution Equations and their Applications, Les Houches, France, 21-30 March, 1989. Ed. by R. Conte, N. Boccara, Kluwer, 1990], WoS: A1990BS07R00013.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, Extension of the module of invertible transformations. Classification of integrable systems, Commun. Math. Phys., 115 (1), 1-19 (1988), WoS: A1988M242400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002800178, MathSciNet: 0929143.
- I.R. Gabitov, A.V. Mikhailov, Superfluorescence under atomic level degeneration, In: Plasma Theory, Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, Book of Selected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 779-787, World Scientific, 1988.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, O rasshirenii modulya obratimykh preobrazovanii, Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR, 295 (2), 288-291 (1987) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, On the extension of reversible transformation module, Sov. Math. Dokl. 36(1), 60-63 (1988)], WoS: A1987J301900007, MathSciNet: 902684, zbMath: 0674.35072.
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Domeny polyarizatsii v nelineinoi optike, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 45 (6), 279-282 (1987) [V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Polarization domains in nonlinear optics, JETP Lett., 45 (6), 349-352 (1987)], WoS: A1987J745500007, ADS: 1987JETPL..45..349Z.
- S.P. Burtsev, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Metod obratnoi zadachi s peremennym spektral’nym parametrom, TMF, 70(3), 323-341 (1987) [S.P. Burtsev, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Inverse scattering method with variable spectral parameter, Theor. Math. Phys., 70(3), 227-240 (1987)], WoS: A1987K573300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0008442554, MathSciNet: 0894455.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, Simmetriinyi podkhod k klassifikatsii nelineinykh uravnenii. Polnye spiski integriruemykh sistem, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 42:4(256), 3-53 (1987) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, The symmetry approach to the classification of non-linear equations. Complete lists of integrable systems, Russ. Math. Surv., 42(4), 1-63 (1987)], WoS: A1987P639900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33947180234, RINTs: 30973342, MathSciNet: 0912060.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, Integrable deformations of the Heisenberg model, Phys. Lett. A 116 (4), 191-194 (1986), WoS: A1986D072700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000299883, MathSciNet: 0846825.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, Usloviya integriruemosti sistem dvukh uravnenii tipa ut=A(u)uxx+F(u, ux). II, TMF, 66(1), 47-65 (1986) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, Integrability conditions for systems of two equations of the form ut=A(u)uxx+F(u, ux). II, Theor. Math. Phys., 66(1), 31-44 (1986)], WoS: A1986D593000004, MathSciNet: 0831417.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Integrable Magnetic Models, Modern Problem in Condensed matter, Vol. 17, 623-690 (1986) [Solitons, Ed. by V.E. Zakharov, V.L. Pokrovskii and S.E. Trullinger, Elsevier, 1986].
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, Usloviya integriruemosti sistem dvukh uravnenii tipa ut=A(u)uxx+F(u,ux). I, TMF, 62(2), 163-185 (1985) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.B. Shabat, Integrability conditions for systems of two equations of the form ut=A(u)uxx+F(u,ux). I, Theor. Math. Phys., 62(2), 107-122 (1985)], WoS: A1986D593000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0005198966, ADS: 1985TMP....62..107M, MathSciNet: 783050, zbMath: 0592.35087.
- I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Uravnenie Maksvella–Blokha i metod obratnoi zadachi rasseyaniya, TMF, 63(1), 11-31 (1985) [I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Maxwell-Bloch equation and the inverse scattering method, Theor. Math. Phys., 63(1), 328-343 (1985)], WoS: A1985ATJ6000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-30244509236, ADS: 1985TMP....63..328G, MathSciNet: 0794469.
- I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Nelineinaya teoriya superfluorestsentsii, ZhETF, 86 (4), 1204-1216 (1984) [I.P. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Non-linear theory of superfluorescence, Sov. Phys. JETP, 59(4), 703-709 (1984)], WoS: A1984SQ02400004, ADS: 1984ZhETF..86.1204G.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.I. Yaremchuk, Vynuzhdennoe dvizhenie domennoi stenki v pole spinovoi volny, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 39 (7), 296-298 (1984) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.I. Yaremchuk, Forced motion of a domain wall in the field of a spin wave, JETP Lett., 39 (7), 354-357 (1984)], WoS: A1984TL83400002.
- S.A. Nazarov, A.L. Krylov, A.E. Lifshits, V.A. Vasil’ev, A.V. Mikhailov, B.A. Dubrovin, Zasedaniya seminara imeni I. G. Petrovskogo po differentsial’nym uravneniyam i matematicheskim problemam fiziki, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 39:2(236), 217–221 (1984) [net v perevode].
- I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, O forme impul’sa superfluorestsentsii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 37 (5), 234-237 (1983) [I.R. Gabitov, V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Superfluorescence pulse shape, JETP Lett., 37 (5), 279-282 (1983)], WoS: A1983RC06200013, ADS: 1983JETPL..37..279G.
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Metod obratnoi zadachi rasseyaniya so spektral’nym parametrom na algebraicheskoi krivoi, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 17(4), 1-6 (1983) [V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Method of the inverse scattering problem with spectral parameter on an algebraic curve, Funct. Anal. Appl., 17(4), 247-251 (1983)], WoS: A1983SX65500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250141664, RINTs: 31436190, MathSciNet: 0725411, EDN: SNOCRP.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.I. Yaremchuk, Cylindrically symmetric solutions of the non-linear chiral field model (σ model), Nucl. Phys. B 202 (3), 508-522 (1982) [Preprint CERN-TH-3150, 3 Sep 1981. - 18 p.], WoS: A1982PC71500010, RINTs: 31093622, MathSciNet: 669445.
- A.V. Mikhailov, The Landau-Lifschitz equation and the Riemann boundary problem on a torus, Phys. Lett. A 92 (2), 51-55 (1982), WoS: A1982PN97800001, RINTs: 30814876, MathSciNet: 0677205.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.I. Yaremchuk, Aksial’no-simmetrichnye resheniya dvumernoi modeli Gaizenberga, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 36 (3), 78-81 (1982) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.I. Yaremchuk, Axially symmetrical solutions of the two-dimensional Heisenberg model, JETP Lett., 36 (3), 95-100 (1982)], WoS: A1982PZ04300010.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Relativistically invariant models of the field theory integrable by the inverse scattering method, Lect. Notes Math., 970, 186-196 (1982) [Twistor Geometry and Non-Linear Systems, Edited by H. D. Doebner and T. D. Palev. Springer, v,216 pp, ISBN 978-3-540-11972-2], WoS: A1982QA20800010, MathSciNet: 0699808.
- A.V. Mikhailov, M.A. Olshanetsky, A.M. Perelomov, Two-dimensional generalized Toda lattice, Commun. Math. Phys., 79 (4), 473-488 (1981), WoS: A1981LU22300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33645917963, ADS: 1981CMaPh..79..473M.
- V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Contribution to the nonlinear theory of sound and hydrodynamic turbulence of a compressible liquid, Physica D 2 (1), 224-243 (1981), WoS: A1981MH77200024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49149137453.
- A.V. Mikhailov, The reduction problem and the inverse scattering method, Physica D 3 (1-2), 73-117 (1981), WoS: A1981MH77800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36048960407, ADS: 1981PhyD....3...73M.
- A.V. Mikhailov, The Riemann transform method: a new version of the inverse scattering method, Preprint CERN-TH-3194, 10 Nov. 1981 - 16 pp..
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, On the integrability of classical spinor models in two-dimensional space-time, Commun. Math. Phys., 74 (1), 21-40 (1980), WoS: A1980JW41900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040340516, ADS: 1980CMaPh..74...21Z, InSpire: 158130, RINTs: 31105065, MathSciNet: 0575894, EDN: XOPSRW.
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, On the topological meaning of canonical Clebsch variables, Phys. Lett. A 77 (1), 37-38 (1980), WoS: A1980JU10300014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0002185720, MathSciNet: 0598232.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Reduktsii v integriruemykh sistemakh. Gruppa reduktsii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 32 (2), 187-192 (1980) [A.V. Mikhailov, Reduction in integrable systems. The reduction group, JETP Lett., 32 (2), 174-178 (1980)], WoS: A1980LB83600025.
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Variatsionnyi printsip dlya uravnenii, integriruemykh metodom obratnoi zadachi, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 14(1), 55-56 (1980) [V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhajlov, Variational principle for equations integrable by the inverse problem method, Funct. Anal. Appl., 14(1), 43-44 (1980)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250247095, MathSciNet: 0565100, zbMath: 0473.35075.
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, On topological meaning of Clebsh variables, Preprint IAE SO RAN №126, Novosibirsk, 1980.
- A.V. Mikhailov, A.M. Perelomov, Resheniya tipa instantonov v supersimmetrichnykh kiral’nykh modelyakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 29 (7), 445-449 (1979) [A.V. Mikhailov, A.M. Perelomov, Instanton-type solutions in super-symmetrical chiral models, JETP Lett., 29 (7), 403-407 (1979)].
- A.V. Mikhailov, Ob integriruemosti dvumernogo obobshcheniya tsepochki Toda, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 30 (7), 443-448 (1979) [A.V. Mikhailov, Integrability of a two-dimensional generalization of the Toda chain, JETP Lett., 30 (7), 414-418 (1979)], WoS: A1979KB56200012.
- V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Ob avtomodel’nykh spektrakh vyrozhdayushcheisya akusticheskoi turbulentnosti v modeli Byurgersa, Preprint ITF im. L.D. Landau, 1979, 4 s.
- V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Zvuk i gidrodinamicheskaya turbulentnost’ v szhimaemoi zhidkosti, ZhETF, 74 (4), 1445-1457 (1978) [V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Sound and hydrodynamic turbulence in a compressible liquid, Sov. Phys. JETP 47(4), 756-762 (1978)].
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Relyativistski-invariantnye dvumernye modeli teorii polya, integriruemye metodom obratnoi zadachi, ZhETF, 74 (6), 1953-1973 (1978) [V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Relativistically invariant two-dimensional models of field theory which are integrable by means of the inverse scattering problem method, Sov. Phys. JETP 47(6), 1017-1027 (1978)], WoS: A1978FD98200001, ADS: 1978JETP...47.1017Z, InSpire: 83621, MathSciNet: 0524247.
- V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Rasseyanie i vzaimodeistvie zvuka so zvukom v turbulentnoi srede, ZhETF, 75 (5), 1669-1682 (1978) [V.S. L’vov, A.V. Mikhailov, Scattering and interaction of sound with sound in a turbulent medium, Sov. Phys. JETP 48(5), 840-847 (1978)], WoS: A1978FZ13900012 ISSN: 0044-4510 .
- V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Primer netrivial’nogo vzaimodeistviya solitonov v dvumernoi klassicheskoi teorii polya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 27 (1), 47-51 (1978) [V.E. Zakharov, A.V. Mikhailov, Example of nontrivial interaction of solitons in two-dimensional classical field theory, JETP Lett., 27 (1), 42-46 (1978)], WoS: A1978FT11200013, ADS: 1978JETPL..27...42Z, InSpire: 127355.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Ob integriruemosti supersimmetrichnykh obobshchenii klassicheskikh kiral’nykh modelei v dvumernom prostranstve-vremeni, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 28 (8), 554-558 (1978) [A.V. Mikhailov, Integrability of supersymmetrical generalizations of classical chiral models in two-dimensional space-time, JETP Lett., 28 (8), 512-516 (1978)], WoS: A1978HD97000015.
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, O polnoi integriruemosti dvumernoi klassicheskoi modeli Tirringa, TMF, 30(3), 303–314 (1977) [E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, On the complete integrability of the two-dimensional classical Thirring model, Theor. Math. Phys., 30(3), 193–200 (1977)], MathSciNet: 0440614.
- A.V. Mikhailov, Ob integriruemosti dvumernoi modeli Tirringa, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 23 (6), 356-358 (1976) [A.V. Mikhailov, Integrability of the two-dimensional Thirring model, JETP Lett., 23 (6), 320-323 (1976)].
- E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhailov, Ustoichivost’ statsionarnykh voln v nelineinykh sredakh so slaboi dispersiei, ZhETF, 67 (5), 1717-1727 (1974) [E.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Mikhaǐlov, Stability of stationary waves in nonlinear weakly dispersive media, Sov. Phys. JETP 40(5), 855-859 (1975)], MathSciNet: 0387847.
- A.V. Mihaĭlov, Algoritm resheniya zadach tselochislennogo lineinogo programmirovaniya s bulevymi peremennymi, V sb.: Optimizatsiya. Issledovanie operatsii. Bionika, s. 85–89. M.: Nauka, 1973. - 272 pp., MathSciNet: 0337324.