Sergei N. Vergeles
Senior researcher Ph. D. Docent
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- S.N. Vergeles, Fazovyi perekhod v tochke Bol’shogo vzryva v reshetochnoi teorii gravitatsii, ZhETF, 166(6), 781-794 (2024).
- S.N. Vergeles, Posvyashchaetsya pamyati Alekseya Aleksandrovicha Starobinskogo. Al’ternativnaya ideya ob istochnike barionnoi asimmetrii vo Vselennoi, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 120(7), 481-489 (2024), RINTs: 73360012, EDN: YUBSFX.
- S.N. Vergeles, Phase transition near the Big Bang in the lattice theory of gravity and some cosmological considerations, Phys. Rev. B 107, 174312 (2023); arXiv:2301.01692, ADS: 2023arXiv230101692V, InSpire: 2620316.
- S.N. Vergeles, N.N. Nikolaev, Yu.N. Obukhov, A.Ya. Silenko, O.V. Teryaev, Effekty obshchei teorii otnositel’nosti v pretsizionnykh spinovykh eksperimentakh po proverke fundamental’nykh simmetrii, UFN, 193(2), 113-154 (2023) [S.N. Vergeles, N.N. Nikolaev, Yu.N. Obukhov, A.Ya. Silenko, O.V. Teryaev, General relativity effects in precision spin experimental tests of fundamental symmetries, Phys. Usp., 66(2), 109-147 (2023)]; arXiv:2204.00427, WoS: 001097218300001, ADS: 2023PhyU...66..109V, InSpire: 2061519, RINTs: 50497743, EDN: IKVVBS.
- S.N. Vergeles, Domain wall between the Dirac sea and the ‘anti-Dirac sea’, Class. Quantum Grav. 39, 038001 (2022); arXiv:2202.12944, WoS: 000745307500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85123897475, ADS: 2022CQGra..39c8001V, InSpire: 2017124, RINTs: 48146790, MathSciNet: 4382269, zbMath: 1484.83010, EDN: XHINKV.
- S.N. Vergeles, Self-consistent equation for torsion arising as a consequence of the Dirac sea quantum fluctuations in external classical electromagnetic and gravitational fields, Class. Quantum Grav. 39, 155009 (2022); arXiv:2203.03625, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85135024830, ADS: 2022CQGra..39o5009V, InSpire: 2048013, MathSciNet: 4459281, zbMath: 1500.83044.
- S.N. Vergeles, A note on the vacuum structure of lattice Euclidean quantum gravity: ‘birth’ of macroscopic space-time and PT-symmetry breaking, Class. Quantum Grav. 38, 085022 (2021) (18pp); arXiv:1903.09957, WoS: 000635084500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85104252696, ADS: 2021CQGra..38h5022V, InSpire: 1726460, RINTs: 46770339, MathSciNet: 4240410, zbMath: 1481.83047.
- N.N. Nikolaev, S.N. Vergeles, General relativity and precision tests of fundamental symmetries, Gribov-90 Memorial Volume: Field Theory, Symmetry, and Related Topics. Proceedings of the Memorial Workshop Devoted to the 90th Birthday of V.N. Gribov. World Scientific, p. 157-187 (2021); arXiv:2008.02668, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85115675596, ADS: 2020arXiv200802668N, InSpire: 1810368, RINTs: 47098381.
- N.N. Nikolaev, S.N. Vergeles, Maxwell equations in curved space-time: non-vanishing magnetic field in pure electrostatic systems, J. High Energy Phys., 2004, 191 (2020); arXiv:1906.07548, WoS: 000531325000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85084048218, ADS: 2020JHEP...04..191N, InSpire: 1740416, RINTs: 43278835, MathSciNet: 4096859, zbMath: -.
- S.N. Vergeles, N.N. Nikolaev, Gravitatsionnye effekty v elektrostaticheskikh nakopitelyakh i poisk elektricheskikh dipol’nykh momentov zaryazhennykh chastits, ZhETF, 156(4), 638-650 (2019) [S.N. Vergeles, N.N. Nikolaev, Gravitational Effects in Electrostatic Storage Rings and the Search for the Electric Dipole Moments of Charged Particles, JETP, 129(4), 541-552 (2019)], WoS: 000511119900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076546884, ADS: 2019JETP..129..541V, InSpire: 1771979, RINTs: 41143125.
- S.N. Vergeles, Generirovanie effektivnoi fermionnoi vershiny gravitatsionnym instantonom v reshetochnoi teorii gravitatsii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 108(11), 749-754 (2018) [S.N. Vergeles, Generation of the effective fermion vertex by a gravitational instanton in lattice gravity theory, JETP Lett., 108(11), 729-733 (2018)], WoS: 000460636000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062605601, ADS: 2018JETPL.108..729V, InSpire: 1725127, RINTs: 36576001.
- S.N. Vergeles, Existence of an effective fermion vertex to lattice gravity, arXiv:1806.07735, ADS: 2018arXiv180607735V, InSpire: 1678657.
- S.N. Vergeles, A note on the possible existence of an instanton-like self-dual solution to lattice Euclidean gravity, J. High Energy Phys., 1702, 044 (2017); arXiv:1701.02173, WoS: 000394747600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85012118440, ADS: 2017JHEP...02..044V, InSpire: 1508181, RINTs: 29479107, MathSciNet: 3637570, zbMath: 1377.83013.
- S.N. Vergeles, Fermion zero mode associated with instantonlike self-dual solution to lattice Euclidean gravity, Phys. Rev. D 96, 054512 (2017); arXiv:1709.10001, WoS: 000411080300003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85031098305, ADS: 2017PhRvD..96e4512V, InSpire: 1625019, RINTs: 31082604.
- S.N. Vergeles, Teoreticheskaya fizika. Obshchaya teoriya otnositel’nosti. Uchebnoe posobie., M.: Yurait, 2-e izd., 2017 - 190 s. ISBN 978-5-534-03243-7.
- S.N. Vergeles, Instantonnoe avtodual’noe reshenie v reshetochnoi evklidovoi gravitatsii: otlichie ot resheniya Eguchi-Khansona v kontinual’noi gravitatsii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 104 (7), 523-529 (2016) [S.N. Vergeles, Instanton-like self-dual solution to lattice Euclidean Gravity: Difference from Eguchi–Hanson solution to continuous gravity, JETP Lett., 104(7), 494-499 (2016)], WoS: 000390046300010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84988935812, ADS: 2016JETPL.104..494V, RINTs: 26935570.
- S.N. Vergeles, Lektsii po obshchei teorii otnositel’nosti. Uchebnoe posobie, Moskva, MFTI, 2016 - 184 c. ISBN 978-5-7417-0635-0.
- S.N. Vergeles, Wilson fermion doubling phenomenon on an irregular lattice: Similarity and difference with the case of a regular lattice, Phys. Rev. D 92, 025053 (2015); arXiv:1502.03349, WoS: 000358854800004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84939178506, ADS: 2015PhRvD..92b5053V, InSpire: 1343995, RINTs: 24007616, MathSciNet: 3441936.
- S.N. Vergeles, On the question of the Wilson fermion doubling phenomenon on irregular lattice, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 100 (9), 670-673 (2014) [JETP Letters, 100(9), 591-595 (2015)], WoS: 000348305300011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84921920476, ADS: 2015JETPL.100..591V, InSpire: 1340943, RINTs: 22545789.
- S.N. Vergeles, Neutrino oscillations: another physics?, arXiv:1407.5926, ADS: 2014arXiv1407.5926V, InSpire: 1307238.
- S.N. Vergeles, Kalibrovochnaya supersimmetrichnaya model’ Izinga na kubicheskoi reshetke vblizi kriticheskoi tochki v predstavlenii svobodnykh polei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 96 (2), 128-134 (2012) [S.N. Vergeles, Gauge supersymmetric Ising model on a cubic lattice near the critical point in the free field representation, JETP Lett., 96(2), 123-128 (2012)], WoS: 000309231700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867132400, ADS: 2012JETPL..96..123V, InSpire: 1194368, RINTs: 20490247.
- S.N. Vergeles, Lektsii po kvantovoi elektrodinamike, M.: FIZMATLIT, Izdanie 3-e, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe, 2011, 256 str., 16 usl. pech.l. ISBN: 978-5-9221-1358-8.
- S.N. Vergeles, Statisticheskaya summa kalibrovochnoi “supersimmetrichnoi” modeli Izinga na trekhmernoi regulyarnoi reshetke, ZhETF, 137(3), 544-564 (2010) [S.N. Vergeles, Partition function of a “Supersymmetric” three-dimensional gauge ising model on a regular lattice, JETP, 110 (3), 481-497 (2010)]; arXiv:0909.2204, WoS: 000277007900011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77952196328, ADS: 2009arXiv0909.2204V, InSpire: 830987, RINTs: 15847845.
- S.N. Vergeles, Eshche odno reshenie dvumernoi modeli Izinga, ZhETF, 135(4), 820-827 (2009) [S.N. Vergeles, Another solution of 2D Ising model, JETP, 108(4), 718-724 (2009)]; arXiv:0805.0225, WoS: 000266156400018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-65649110491, ADS: 2009JETP..108..718V, RINTs: 15847476.
- S.N. Vergeles, Udvoenie sostoyanii, kvantovye anomalii i vozmozhnye kosmologicheskie sledstviya v kontinual’nom predele teorii diskretnoi kvantovoi gravitatsii, ZhETF, 133(1), 59-79 (2008) [S.N. Vergeles, Doubling of states, quantum anomalies, and possible cosmological consequences in the continuum limit of the theory of discrete quantum gravity, JETP, 106(1), 46-64 (2008)], WoS: 000253719200004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-40749124067, ADS: 2008JETP..106...46V, InSpire: 784310, RINTs: 9916509.
- S.N. Vergeles, One more variant of discrete gravity having "naive" continuum limit, Nucl. Phys. B 735 (1-3), 172-191 (2006); hep-th/0512137, WoS: 000235039400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-30144442724, ADS: 2006NuPhB.735..172V, InSpire: 700332, RINTs: 13516560, MathSciNet: 2194978, zbMath: 1109.83305.
- S.N. Vergeles, Lektsii po kvantovoi elektrodinamike : Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov, M.: Fizmatlit, 2006. - 243 s. - Bibliogr. v kontse kn. Predm. ukaz. : s. 242-243. - ISBN 5-9221-0634-1.
- S.N. Vergeles, Possible solution of the cosmological constant problem in the framework of lattice quantum gravity, hep-th/0605019, ADS:, InSpire: 715838.
- S.N. Vergeles, Discrete quantum gravity: continuum limit and the problem of state doubling, hep-th/0606102, ADS:, InSpire: 719012.
- S.N. Vergeles, Eshche raz o probleme vil’sonovskogo udvoeniya fermionnykh sostoyanii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 82(10), 699-705 (2005) [S.N. Vergeles, Once again on Wilson fermion doubling, JETP Lett., 82(10), 617-623 (2005)], WoS: 000234812000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-31344471706, ADS: 2005JETPL..82..617V, InSpire: 704387, RINTs: 13494471.
- S.N. Vergeles, The dynamic quantization of gravity and the cosmological constant problem, hep-th/0406042, ADS:, InSpire: 651747.
- S.N. Vergeles, The lattice quantum gravity, its continuum limit and the cosmological constant problem, hep-th/0411096, ADS:, InSpire: 664034.
- S.N. Vergeles, Diskretnaya gravitatsiya, problema udvoeniya fermionnykh sostoyanii i kvantovye anomalii, ZhETF, 124(6), 1203-1221 (2003) [S.N. Vergeles, Discrete gravity, the problem of fermion state doubling, and quantum anomalies, JETP, 97 (6), 1075-1092 (2003)], WoS: 000188036600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-31344450567, ADS: 2003JETP...97.1075V, InSpire: 637667, RINTs: 13437850, MathSciNet: 2028947.
- S.N. Vergeles, Primer amorfnoi reshetki, na kotoroi net fermionnogo udvoeniya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 76 (1), 3-10 (2002) [S.N. Vergeles, Example of a fermion-nondoubling amorphous lattice, JETP Lett., 76 (1), 1-7 (2002)], WoS: 000177676300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0039484818, ADS: 2002JETPL..76....1V, InSpire: 600276, RINTs: 13413971.
- S.N. Vergeles, Diskretnaya kvantovaya gravitatsiya i anomalii, ZhETF, 120(5), 1069-1085 (2001) [S.N. Vergeles, Discrete quantum gravity and anomalies, JETP, 93(5), 926-940 (2001)], WoS: 000172490900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-31344447684, ADS: 2001JETP...93..926V, InSpire: 570738, RINTs: 13372093, MathSciNet: 1872088.
- S.N. Vergeles, Lektsii po teorii gravitatsii : Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov po fiz. i fiz.-mat. spets, Mosk. fiz.-tekhn. in-t (gos. un-t). - M., 2001. - 428 s. : il. - Bibliogr. : s. 420-425. Predm. ukaz. : s. 426-428. - ISBN 5-7417-0150-7.
- S.N. Vergeles, Kanonicheskoe kvantovanie dvumernoi gravitatsii, ZhETF, 117(1), 5-21 (2000) [S.N. Vergeles, Canonical quantization of two-dimensional gravity, JETP, 90(1), 1-16 (2000)]; gr-qc/0102001, WoS: 000085114400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750010719, ADS: 2000JETP...90....1V, InSpire: 526580, RINTs: 13348320.
- S.N. Vergeles, Dinamicheskii metod kvantovaniya gravitatsii i problema dekogerentnosti v kvantovoi kosmologii, ZhETF, 118(5), 996-1011 (2000) [S.N. Vergeles, Dynamical method for quantizing gravity and the problem of decoherence in quantum cosmology, JETP, 91(5), 859-872 (2000)], WoS: 000165585100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33751424501, ADS: 2000JETP...91..859V, InSpire: 540553, RINTs: 13336081.
- S.N. Vergeles, Two approaches to anomaly-free quantization of general covariant systems on an example of a two-dimensional string, hep-th/9906024, ADS:, InSpire: 501174.
- S.N. Vergeles, Bezanomal’noe kvantovanie struny v dvumernom prostranstve-vremeni, ZhETF, 113(5), 1566-1579 (1998) [S.N. Vergeles, Anomaly-free quantization of a string in two-dimensional space-time, JETP, 86(5), 854-859 (1998)]; gr-qc/9812074, WoS: 000075236600003, ADS: 1998JETP...86..854V, InSpire: 474325.
- S.N. Vergeles, K voprosu o kvantovanii obshchekovariantnykh teorii. Dinamicheskii metod kvantovaniya, TMF, 112(1), 132–141 (1997) [S.N. Vergeles, On quantization of general covariant theories. The dynamic quantization, Theor. Math. Phys., 112(1), 899-905 (1997)], WoS: A1997YD92400010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0031534454, ADS: 1997TMP...112..899V, InSpire: 459414, MathSciNet: 1478906, zbMath: 0978.81519.
- S.N. Vergeles, Printsipial’naya skhema kvantovaniya gravitatsii. Dinamicheskii metod, ZhETF, 110(5), 1557-1574 (1996) [S.N. Vergeles, Fundamental quantization procedure for gravitation: Dynamic method, JETP 83(5), 859-867 (1996)]; gr-qc/9812073, WoS: A1996WD17000002, ADS: 1996JETP...83..859V, InSpire: 481295.
- S.N. Vergeles, A new approach to quantization of gravity. 2+1-dimensional example, gr-qc/9512037, ADS: 1995gr.qc....12037V, InSpire: 403860.
- S.N. Vergeles, Dinamicheskoe kvantovanie 2 + 1-mernoi gravitatsii. Aksiomaticheskii podkhod, Yadernaya fizika, 57(12), 2286-2297 (1994) [S.N. Vergeles, Dynamic quantization of (2+1)-dimensional gravity: An axiomatic approach, Phys. Atom. Nuclei 57(12), 2196-2206 (1994)], WoS: A1994QE31900023, ADS: 1994PAN....57.2196V, InSpire: 385697, MathSciNet: 1312793.
- S.N. Vergeles, Primenenie metoda dinamicheskogo kvantovaniya k teorii gravitatsii v 2+1-mernom prostranstve, ZhETF, 102 (6), 1739-1761 (1992) [S.N. Vergeles, Application of the method of dynamical quantization to the theory of gravity in (2+1)-dimensional space, Sov. Phys. JETP 75(6), 938-949 (1992)], WoS: A1992KG11300002, Scopus: -, ADS: 1992ZhETF.102.1739V, InSpire: 346343, MathSciNet: 1197554.
- S.N. Vergeles, The dynamic quantization in application to 2-dimensional Gauge chiral models, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 5(11), 2117-2143 (1990), WoS: A1990DE91900004.
- S.N. Vergeles, The dynamic quantization in application to two-dimensional gauge chiral models, XXIV International Ahrenshoop Symposium on Theory of Elementary Particles, 8-12 Oct 1990. Gosen (Berlin), Germany, p. 286-293.
- S.N. Vergeles, Kvantovanie neabelevykh anomal’nykh teorii, ZhETF, 95 (2), 397-409 (1989) [S.N. Vergeles, Quantization of nonabelian anomalous theories, Sov. Phys. JETP 68(2), 225-231 (1989)], WoS: A1989T441200003, InSpire: 286810, MathSciNet: 1009126.
- S.N. Vergeles, Dinamicheskoe kvantovanie i kiral’naya model’ Shvingera, ZhETF, 96 (2), 444-456 (1989) [S.N. Vergeles, Dynamic quantization in the chiral Schwinger model, Sov. Phys. JETP 69(2), 251-257 (1989)], WoS: A1989AN38700006, InSpire: 289546.
- S.N. Vergeles, Metod dinamicheskogo kvantovaniya na primere dvumernykh kalibrovochnykh kiral’nykh modelei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 49 (7), 375-377 (1989) [S.N. Vergeles, Dynamic quantization method in the example of 2D chiral gauge model, JETP Lett., 49 (7), 427-430 (1989)], WoS: A1989AM18800004, ADS: 1989JETPL..49..427V, InSpire: 286793, MathSciNet: 1008669.
- S.N. Vergeles, Dirac commutation relations and quantization of two-dimensional gauge chiral models (in Russian), Yadernaya fizika, 50(5), 1476-1484 (1989) [S.N. Vergeles, Dirac commutation relations and quantization of two-dimensional gauge chiral models, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 50 (5), 917-921 (1989)], WoS: A1989DE60100034, InSpire: 288319, MathSciNet: 1052624.
- S.N. Vergeles, Dinamicheskoe kvantovanie i global’nye anomalii, Preprint ITF im. L.D. Landau 1988-27, 6 s.
- T.N. Savitskaya, S.N. Vergeles, A general method of constructing multi-valued functionals, Lett. Math. Phys., 13 (1), 35-40 (1987), WoS: A1987F923100005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250108892, ADS: 1987LMaPh..13...35S, MathSciNet: 0878659, zbMath: 0625.55007.
- S.N. Vergeles, Regulyarizatsiya kalibrovochnykh teorii i neabelevy anomalii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 44 (6), 261-263 (1986) [S.N. Vergeles, Regularization of gauge theories; non-Abelian anomalies, JETP Lett., 44 (6), 335-337 (1986)], WoS: A1986F971700001.
- T.N. Savitskaya, S.N. Vergeles, Homotopy periods in the Sullivan theory, Landau Institute Preprint 1985-15, 26 pp.
- S.N. Vergeles, Some properties of orbit space in Yang-Mills theory, Lett. Math. Phys., 7 (5), 399-406 (1983), WoS: A1983RP09000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250149174, ADS: 1983LMaPh...7..399V, InSpire: 200432, RINTs: 30989897, MathSciNet: 0719853, zbMath: 0533.53058.
- S.N. Vergeles, A new approach to the Yang-Mills theory and quark “confinement” in 2+1 D theory, Nucl. Phys. B 208 (2), 301-322 (1982), WoS: A1982PT24400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49049143257, ADS: 1982NuPhB.208..301V, RINTs: 31557328, MathSciNet: 0684179.
- S.N. Vergeles, A global parametrization of Yang-Mills fields (in Russian), Yadernaya fizika, 36(3), 767-778 (1982) [S.N. Vergeles, A global parametrization of Yang-Mills fields, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 36 (3), 449-456 (1982)], WoS: A1982QU01900026, InSpire: 183945, zbMath: 0588.53078.
- V.S. Dotsenko, S.N. Vergeles, Renormalizability of phase factors in non-abelian gauge theory, Nucl. Phys. B 169 (5-6), 527-546 (1980), WoS: A1980KD06100012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33645918264, ADS: 1980NuPhB.169..527D, InSpire: 144525, RINTs: 31397211, MathSciNet: 581452.
- S.N. Vergeles, Orbit space in the non-Abelian gauge theory, Landau Institute Preprint 1980-19, 16 pp.
- S.N. Vergeles, On the problem of θ-vacua in compact gauge theories, Nucl. Phys. B 152 (2), 330-344 (1979), WoS: A1979GW92900008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0642309750, ADS: 1979NuPhB.152..330V, InSpire: 133563.
- S.N. Vergeles, S.B. Khokhlachev, Kvantovaya teoriya monopolya Polyakova-Khoofta, Yadernaya fizika, 26(4), 883-891 (1977) [S.N. Vergeles, S.B. Khokhlachev, Quantum theory of the Polyakov–'t Hooft monopole, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 26 (4), 463-467 (1977)], WoS: A1977FU06400027, InSpire: 126034.
- S.N. Vergeles, V.M. Gryanik, Dvumernye kvantovye teorii polya, dopuskayushchie tochnye resheniya, Yadernaya fizika, 23(6), 1324-1334 (1976) [S.N. Vergeles, V.M. Gryanik, Two-dimensional quantum field theories which admit exact solutions, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 23 (6), 704-709 (1976)], WoS: A1976CU77300027, InSpire: 115687.