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- A.I. Larkin, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Fluctuation conductivity in the vicinity of the superconducting transition, J. Low Temp. Phys., 10(3-4), 407-421 (1973), WoS: A1973O893200011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000693642, ADS: 1973JLTP...10..407L, RINTs: 30813495.
- S.V. Iordanskii, A.M. Finkelshtein, Quantum formation of nucleation centers in a metastable crystal, J. Low Temp. Phys., 10(3-4), 423-447 (1973), WoS: A1973O893200012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33644635162, ADS: 1973JLTP...10..423I, RINTs: 30830884, EDN: ZYRMEH.
- B.I. Ivlev, S.G. Lisitsyn, G.M. Eliashberg, Nonequilibrium excitations in superconductors in high-frequency fields, J. Low Temp. Phys., 10(3-4), 449-468 (1973), WoS: A1973O893200013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001739741, ADS: 1973JLTP...10..449I, RINTs: 30830884.
- S.A. Gordyunin, L.P. Gor’kov, On the origin of the electronic spectrum in bismuth group metals, J. Low Temp. Phys., 11(1-2), 147-172 (1973), WoS: A1973P653500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34250431910, ADS: 1973JLTP...11..147G.
- A.B. Migdal, Phase transition in nuclear matter and multiparticle nuclear forces, Nucl. Phys. A 210 (2), 421-428 (1973), WoS: A1973Q511100013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0007146280, ADS: 1973NuPhA.210..421M, InSpire: 1442110, RINTs: 30798955.
- A.B. Migdal, Vacuum polarization in strong non-homogeneous fields, Nucl. Phys. B 52 (2), 483-505 (1973), WoS: A1973P292800011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0007094594, ADS: 1973NuPhB..52..483M, InSpire: 84245, RINTs: 30800278.
- V.G. Kamensky, Sound attenuation in the anisotropic ferromagnets near the transition point, Phys. Lett. A 44 (6), 401-402 (1973), ADS: 1973PhLA...44..401K.
- V.L. Pokrovsky, G.V. Uimin, Magnetic properties of two-dimensional and layered systems, Phys. Lett. A 45 (6), 467-468 (1973), WoS: A1973R526400019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26444543172, ADS: 1973PhLA...45..467P, RINTs: 31100620, EDN: SIKLVV.
- A.A. Migdal, Composite models of conformal field theory with a nonintegral number of partons, Phys. Lett. B 45 (3), 272-274 (1973), WoS: A1973Q598300029, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49549169278, ADS: 1973PhLB...45..272M, InSpire: 84697, RINTs: 30941882.
- A.B. Migdal, Phase transitions (π-condensation) in nuclei and neutron stars, Phys. Lett. B 45 (5), 448-450 (1973), WoS: A1973Q672700011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49549169065, ADS: 1973PhLB...45..448M, InSpire: 1441455, RINTs: 30931314.
- A.B. Migdal, The energy of the nuclear matter in the presence of the π-condensate, Phys. Lett. B 47 (2), 96-98 (1973), WoS: A1973R394300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-49549169044, ADS: 1973PhLB...47...96M, InSpire: 1441455, RINTs: 31004012.
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- V.G. Kamensky, Sound propagation near the critical point of a liquid-vapour system, Physica, 66(3), 622-625 (1973), ADS: 1973Phy....66..622K.
- W.G. Kamensky, Excitation spectrum and sound attenuation in anisotropic ferromagnets near the transition point, Physica, 70(3), 493-504 (1973), Scopus: 2-s2.0-49549165903, ADS: 1973Phy....70..493K.
- Y.B. Levinson, E.I. Rashba, Electron-phonon and exciton-phonon bound state, Rep. Prog. Phys., 36(12), 1499-1565 (1973)], WoS: A1973R498700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0013355180, ADS: 1973RPPh...36.1499L, RINTs: 30815459, EDN: ZYIRZP.
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- A.A. Starobinskii, Usilenie voln pri otrazhenii ot vrashchayushcheisya «chernoi dyry», ZhETF, 64 (1), 48-57 (1973) [A.A. Starobinskiǐ, Amplification of waves during reflection from a rotating "black hole", Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(1), 28-32 (1973)], ADS: 1973JETP...37...28S, InSpire: 1487986.
- D.E. Khmel’nitskii, V.L. Shneerson, O fazovom perekhode tipa smeshcheniya v kristallakh pri nizkikh temperaturakh, ZhETF, 64 (1), 316-330 (1973) [D.E. Khmelnitsky, V.L. Shneyerson, Phase transition of the displacement type in crystals at very low temperature, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(1), 164-170 (1973)].
- L.P. Gor’kov, N.B. Kopnin, Osobennosti vyazkogo techeniya vikhrei v sverkhprovodyashchikh splavakh vblizi kriticheskoi temperatury, ZhETF, 64 (1), 356-370 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, N.B. Kopnin, Some features of viscous flow of vortices in superconducting alloys near the critical temperature, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(1), 183-189 (1973)], WoS: A1973O677600037, ADS: 1973JETP...37..183G.
- S.A. Brazovskii, Eksitonnyi izolyator v magnitnom i elektricheskom polyakh, ZhETF, 64 (2), 710-718 (1973) [S. Brazovski, Excitonic insulator in magnetic and electric fields, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(2), 361-365 (1973)].
- Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Fluktuatsionnyi sdvig temperatury perekhoda tonkikh sverkhprovodyashchikh plenok, ZhETF, 64 (2), 719-724 (1973) [Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Fluctuation shift of the transition temperature of thin superconducting films, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(2), 366-368 (1973)].
- V.L. Berezinskii, A.Ya. Blank, Termodinamika sloistykh izotropnykh magnetikov v nizkotemperaturnoi oblasti, ZhETF, 64 (2), 725-740 (1973) [V.L. Berezinskii, A.Ya. Blank, Thermodynamics of layered isotropic magnets at low temperatures, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(2), 369-376 (1973)].
- S.I. Anisimov, A.Kh. Rakhmatulina, Dinamika rasshireniya para pri isparenii v vakuum, ZhETF, 64 (3), 869-876 (1973) [S.I. Anisimov, A.Kh. Rakhmatulina, The dynamics of the expansion of a vapor when evaporated into a vacuum, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(3), 441-444 (1973)], ADS: 1973JETP...37..441A.
- R.K. Bakanas, I.B. Levinson, A.Yu. Matulis, Tonkaya struktura linii tsiklotron-fononnogo rezonansa, ZhETF, 64 (3), 1065-1070 (1973) [R.K. Bakans, I.B. Levinson, A.Yu. Matulis, Fine structure of cyclotron-phonon resonance lines, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(3), 541-543 (1973)], WoS: -.
- A.I. Larkin, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Soprotivlenie sverkhprovodnikov vblizi kriticheskogo polya Hc2, ZhETF, 64 (3), 1096-1104 (1973) [A.I. Larkin, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Resistance of superconductors near the critical field strength Hc2, Sov. Phys. JETP, 37(3), 557-560 (1973)], WoS: A1973P149000038, ADS: 1973JETP...37..557L, RINTs: -.
- V.L. Pokrovskii, S.V. Fomichev, Kriticheskie yavleniya v zhidkosti v sil’nom elektricheskom pole, ZhETF, 64 (4), 1440-1444 (1973) [V.L. Pokrovskiǐ, S.V. Fomichev, Critical phenomena in a liquid in a strong electric field, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(4), 731-732 (1973)], WoS: A1973P401900040, ADS: 1973JETP...37..731P.
- A.Z. Patashinskii, V.L. Pokrovskii, Prodol’naya vospriimchivost’ i korrelyatsii v vyrozhdennykh sistemakh, ZhETF, 64 (4), 1445-1451 (1973) [A.Z. Patashinskiǐ, V.L. Pokrovskiǐ, Longitudinal susceptibility and correlations in degenerate systems, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(4), 733-736 (1973)], WoS: A1973P401900041, ADS: 1973JETP...37..733P .
- O.I. Bogoyavlenskii, S.P. Novikov, Osobennosti kosmologicheskoi modeli B’yanki IX s tochki zreniya kachestvennoi teorii differentsial’nykh uravnenii, ZhETF, 64 (5), 1475-1494 (1973) [O.I. Bogoyavlenskii, S.P. Novikov, Singularities of the cosmological model of the Bianchi IX type according to the qualitative theory of differential equations, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(5), 747-755 (1973)], MathSciNet: 363373.
- L.A. Fal’kovskii, O soprotivlenii tonkikh metallicheskikh obraztsov, ZhETF, 64 (5), 1855-1860 (1973) [L.A. Fal’kovskiǐ, The resistance of thin metallic samples, Sov. Phys. JETP 37(5), 937-939 (1973)].
- A.A. Starobinskii, S.M. Churilov, Usilenie elektromagnitnykh i gravitatsionnykh voln pri rasseyanii vo vrashchayushcheisya «chernoi dyre», ZhETF, 65 (1), 3-11 (1973) [A.A. Starobinskii, S.M. Churilov, Amplification of electromagnetic and gravitational waves scattered by a rotating "black hole", Sov. Phys. JETP, 38(1), 1-5 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q362700001, ADS: 974JETP...38....1S, InSpire: 1594792.
- Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Provodimost’ sverkhprovodnikov vtorogo roda vblizi temperatury perekhoda, ZhETF, 65 (1), 290-296 (1973) [Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Conductivity of type-II superconductors near the transition temperature, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 143-145 (1974)].
- E.I. Kats, Povedenie nematicheskikh zhidkikh kristallov vo vrashchayushchemsya magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 65 (1), 324-330 (1973) [E.I. Kats, Behavior of nematic liquid crystals in a rotating mafnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 158-161 (1974)].
- I.B. Levinson, Raspredelenie goryachikh fononov, generiruemykh lazernym izlucheniem, ZhETF, 65 (1), 331-341 (1973) [I.B. Levinson, Distribution of hot phonons generated by laser radiation, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 162-166 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q362700037, ADS: 1974JETP...38..162L.
- L.P. Gor’kov, N.B. Kopnin, Vyazkoe techenie vikhrei v sverkhprovodyashchikh splavakh vtorogo roda, ZhETF, 65 (1), 396-410 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, N.B. Kopnin, Viscous flow of vortices in type-II superconducting alloys, Sov. Phys. JETP, 38(1), 195-201 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q362700042, ADS: 1974JETP...38..195G.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, A.I. Larkin, Korrelyatsionnye funktsii odnomernoi fermi-sistemy s dal’nodeistviem (model’ Tomonaga), ZhETF, 65 (1), 411-426 (1973) [I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, A.I. Larkin, Correlation functions for a one-dimensional Fermi system with long-range interaction (Tomonaga model), Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 202-208 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q362700043, ADS: 1974JETP...38..202D, RINTs: -.
- Yu.A. Bychkov, O chastotnoi zavisimosti provodimosti odnomernykh sistem, ZhETF, 65 (1), 427-438 (1973) [Y.A. Bychkov, Frequency dependence of the conductivity of one-dimensional systems, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(1), 209-213 (1974)], ADS: 1974JETP...38..209B.
- A.A. Abrikosov, K teorii primesnogo ferromagnetizma poluprovodnikov, ZhETF, 65 (2), 814-822 (1973) [A.A. Abrikosov, On the theory of impurity ferromagnetism in semiconductors, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(2), 403-407 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q600100040, ADS: 1974JETP...38..403A.
- A.A. Abrikosov, V.M. Genkin, K teorii kombinirovannogo rasseyaniya sveta v sverkhprovodnikakh, ZhETF, 65 (2), 842-847 (1973) [A.A. Abrikosov, V.M. Genkin, On the theory of Raman scattering of light in superconductors, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(2), 417-419 (1974)], WoS: A1973Q600100043, ADS: 1974JETP...38..417A.
- A.V. Byalko, Otklonenie rasshireniya mira, izotropnogo v srednem, ot fridmanovskogo, ZhETF, 65 (3), 849-861 (1973) [A.V. Byalko, Deviation of an expanding Universe which on the average is isotropic, from the Friedman Universe, Sov. Phys. JETP 38 (3), 421-426 (1974)].
- Yu.A. Matveev, Vliyanie anomalii energeticheskogo spektra na relaksatsionnye yavleniya v gelii II, ZhETF, 65 (3), 1175-1185 (1973) [Yu.A. Matveev, Effect of anomalies of the energy spectrum on relaxation phenomena in helium II, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(3), 582-586 (1974)].
- V.L. Berezinskii, Kinetika kvantovoi chastitsy v odnomernom sluchainom potentsiale, ZhETF, 65 (3), 1251-1266 (1973) [V.L. Berezinskii, Kinetics of a Quantum Particle in a One-Dimesional Random Potential, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(3), 620-627 (1974)].
- A.A. Abrikosov, O fazovoi diagramme eksitonnogo dielektrika v sil’nom magnitnom pole, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1508-1517 (1973) [A.A. Abrikosov, On the phase diagram of an excitonic insulator in a strong magnetic field, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(4), 750-754 (1974)], WoS: A1973R070600027, ADS: 1974JETP...38..750A.
- V.I. Mel’nikov, G.E. Volovik, O polyarone v predele sil’noi svyazi, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1637-1646 (1973) [V.I. Melnikov, G.E. Volovik, Polarons in the strong coupling limit, Sov. Phys. JETP, 38(4), 819-823 (1974)], WoS: A1973R070600041, ADS: 1974JETP...38..819M .
- V.B. Petukhov, V.R. Chechetkin, Skorost’ proniknoveniya magnitnogo potoka v sverkhprovodniki vtorogo roda, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1653-1657 (1973) [B.V. Petukhov, V.R. Chechetkin, Rate of penetration of a magnetic flux into type-ll superconductors, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(4), 827-829 (1974)].
- L.P. Gor’kov, K teorii svoistv sverkhprovodnikov so strukturoi β-W, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1658-1676 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, Contribution to the theory of the properties of the superconductors with β-W structure, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(4), 830-839 (1974)], WoS: A1973R070600044, ADS: 1974JETP...38..830G.
- V.L. Pokrovskii, G.V. Uimin, Magnitnye svoistva ploskikh i sloistykh sistem, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1691-1703 (1973) [V.L. Pokrovskiǐ, G.V. Uǐmin, Magnetic properties of plane and layer systems, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(4), 847-853 (1974)], WoS: A1973R070600046, ADS: 1974JETP...38..847P.
- A.I. Larkin, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Elektrodinamika neodnorodnykh sverkhprovodnikov vtorogo roda, ZhETF, 65 (4), 1704-1714 (1973) [A.I. Larkin, Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Electrodynamics of inhomogeneous type-II superconductors, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(4), 854-858 (1974)], WoS: A1973R070600047, ADS: 1974JETP...38..854L, RINTs: -.
- G.E. Volovik, V.M. Edel’shtein, Podvizhnost’ p’ezopolyarona pri sil’noi svyazi, ZhETF, 65 (5), 1947-1958 (1973) [G.E. Volovik, V.M. Edelstein, Mobility of piezopolaron in the case of strong coupling, Sov. Phys. JETP, 38(5), 972-976 (1974)], WoS: A1973R314100023, ADS: 1974JETP...38..972V.
- A.A. Abrikosov, Nekotorye voprosy teorii polumetallov, ZhETF, 65 (5), 2063-2074 (1973) [A.A. Abrikosov, Some problems in the theory of semimetals, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(5), 1031-1037 (1974)], WoS: A1973R314100037, ADS: 1974JETP...38.1031A .
- R.A. Vardanyan, B.I. Ivlev, Vliyanie lazernogo izlucheniya na sverkhprovodimost’, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2315-2326 (1973) [R.A. Vardanian, B.I. Ivlev, Effect of laser radiation on superconductivity, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(6), 1156-1161 (1974)].
- S.A. Gordyunin, Vliyanie magnitnogo polya na eksitonnyi perekhod, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2381-2386 (1973) [S.A. Gordyunin, Influence of magnetic field on excitonic transition, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(6), 1189-1191 (1974)].
- S.G. Dmitriev, Elektromagnitnaya volna bol’shoi intensivnosti v kholestericheskom zhidkom kristalle, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2466-2469 (1973) [S.G. Dmitriev, High-intensity electromagnetic wave in a cholesteric liquid crystal, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(6), 1231-1232 (1974)].
- E.I. Kats, Opticheskaya aktivnost’ v izotropnoi faze kholestericheskikh zhidkikh kristallov, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2487-2494 (1973) [E.I. Kats, Optical activity in the isotropic phase of cholesteric liquid crystals, Sov. Phys. JETP 38(6), 1242-1245 (1974)].
- L.P. Pitaevskii, I.A. Fomin, O strukture spektra svyazannogo sostoyaniya dvukh rotonov v zhidkom gelii, ZhETF, 65 (6), 2516-2521 (1973) [L.P. Pitaevsky, I.A. Fomin, Structure of the bound-state spectrum of two rotons in superfluid helium, Sov. Phys. JETP 36(6), 1057-1059 (1974)].
- E.I. Rashba, Multiplicity of dielectric local modes as coupled states of phonons with impurity centres [luminescence] (in Russian), Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 37(3), 619-622 (1973) [E.I. Rashba], WoS: A1973P151100033.
- G.L. Vysotskii, I.I. Zalyubovskii, R.P. Lobkovskii, Mekhanizm reaktsii (d,d), Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 37(8), 1633-1641 (1973), WoS: A1973Q695700013.
- G.L. Vysotskii, A.P. Soznik, M.A. Chegoryan, Polyarizatsionnye effekty pri uprugom rasseyanii deitronov srednikh energii, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 37, 1745 (1973).
- V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, “Two temperature” Method of determining the parameters of the potential barrier in tunnel MDM structures (in Russian), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika, №5, 145–147 (1973) [V.P. Severdenko, V.A. Labunov, E.E. Tkharev, A.P. Kazantsev, “Two temperature” Method of determining the parameters of the potential barrier in tunnel MDM structures, Sov. Phys. J., 16(5), 719-721 (1973)].
- L. A. Bunimovich, Ya. G. Sinai, Ob osnovnoi teoreme teorii rasseivayushchikh bil’yardov, Matem. sb., 90(132):3, 415–431 (1973) [L.A. Bunimovič, J.G. Sinaĭ, On a fundamental theorem in the theory of dispersing billiards, Math. USSR Sb., 19(3), 407–423 (1974)], MathSciNet: 0367153.
- V.P. Mineev, O podvizhnosti polozhitel’nykh ionov v tverdom gelii, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (3), 161-164 (1973) [V.P. Mineev, Mobility of Positive Ions in Solid Helium, JETP Lett., 17 (3), 112-115 (1973)].
- A.P. Kazantsev, Uskorenie atomov statsionarnym polem, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (4), 212-215 (1973) [A.P. Kazantsev, Acceleration of Atoms by a Stationary Field, JETP Lett., 17 (4), 150-153 (1973)].
- V.L. Pokrovskii, O vozmozhnosti eksperimental’noi proverki gipotezy konformnoi invariantnosti, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (4), 219-221 (1973) [V.L. Pokrovskii, Feasibility of Experimental Verification of the Conformal Invariance Hypothesis, JETP Lett., 17 (4), 156-158 (1973)], WoS: A1973P673600013, ADS: 1973JETPL..17..156P.
- Yu.A. Bychkov, Ob energeticheskom spektre odnoi sluchainoi odnomernoi sistemy, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (5), 266-267 (1973) [Yu.A. Bychkov, Energy spectrum of one random one-dimensional system, JETP Lett., 17 (5), 191-193 (1973)].
- L.P. Gor’kov, Rol’ nelineinykh tsepochek v formirovanii svoistv sverkhprovodnikov so strukturoi A-15, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (9), 525-529 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, Role of Linear Chains in the Formation of the Properties of Superconductors with A-15 Structure, JETP Lett., 17 (9), 379-383 (1973)], WoS: A1973Q328800022, ADS: 1973ZhPmR..17..525G.
- S.V. Iordanskii, O.V. Lokutsievskii, E.B. Vul, L.A. Sidorovich, A.M. Finkel’shtein, O neustoichivosti struktury metallicheskogo vodoroda po otnosheniyu k malym izmeneniyam v uchete elektron-elektronnogo vzaimodeistviya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (9), 530-534 (1973) [S.V. Iordanskii, O.V. Lokutsievskii, E.V. Vul, L.A. Sidorovich, A.M. Finkel’shtein, Instability of Metallic Hydrogen Structure to Small Changes in the Allowance for the Electron-electron Interaction, JETP Lett., 17 (9), 383-386 (1973)], WoS: A1973O893200012, ADS: 1973JETPL..17..383I .
- I.M. Khalatnikov, Rasprostranenie zvuka v rastvorakh dvukh sverkhtekuchikh zhidkostei, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17 (9), 534-538 (1973) [I.M. Khalatnikov, Sound Propagation in Solutions of Two Superfluid Liquids, JETP Lett., 17 (9), 386-389 (1973)], WoS: A1973Q328800024, ADS: 1973JETPL..17..386K, RINTs: -.
- A.A. Gogolin, E.I. Rashba, Vliyanie vzaimodeistviya eksitonov na eksitonnye spektry, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 17(12), 690-693 (1973) [A.A. Golovin, E.I. Rashba, Effect of Exciton Interaction on Exciton Spectra, JETP Lett., 17(12), 478-479 (1973)], WoS: A1973Q907200013, ADS: 1973JETPL..17..478G.
- L.P. Gor’kov, D.M. Chernikova, K voprosu o strukture zaryazhennoi poverkhnosti zhidkogo geliya, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18 (2), 119-122 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, D.M. Chernikova, Concerning the structure of a charged surface of liquid helium, JETP Lett., 18 (2), 68-70 (1973)], WoS: A1973R396200012, ADS: 1973JETPL..18...68G.
- G.E. Volovik, V.I. Mel’nikov, V.M. Edel’shtein, Podvizhnost’ polyarona s sil’noi svyaz’yu, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18 (2), 138-141 (1973) [G.E. Volovik, V.I. Mel’nikov, V.M. Edel’shtein, Mobility of polaron with strong coupling, JETP Lett., 18 (2), 81-83 (1973)], WoS: A1973R396200018, ADS: 1973JETPL..18...81V .
- A.B. Migdal, π-mezonnaya kondensatsiya v neitronnykh zvezdakh, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18 (7), 443-447 (1973) [A.B. Migdal, Pion condensation in neutron stars, JETP Lett., 18 (7), 260-263 (1973)].
- N.N. Nikolaev, Kalibrovochnye modeli slabogo vzaimodeistviya i superzaryazhennkh adrony, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18 (7), 447-451 (1973) [N.N. Nikolaev, Gauge models of weak interaction and supercharged hadrons, JETP Lett., 18 (7), 263-265 (1973)].
- L.P. Gor’kov, I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, Provodimost’ kvaziodnomernykh kristallov v metallicheskoi faze, Pis’ma v ZhETF, 18(11), 686-689 (1973) [L.P. Gor’kov, I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, Conductivity of quasi-one-dimensional crystals in the metallic phase, JETP Lett., 18(11), 401-403 (1973)], WoS: A1973S519700008, ADS: 1973JETPL..18..401G.
- S.V. Fomichev, Odnomernaya zadacha dlya S=1 pri nalichii kristallicheskogo polya, TMF, 14(1), 140–143 (1973) [S. V. Fomichev, One-dimensional problem for S=1 in the presence of a crystal field, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 14(1), 103–105 (1973)].
- B. M. Gurevich, Ya. G. Sinai, Yu. M. Sukhov, Ob invariantnykh merakh dinamicheskikh sistem odnomernoi statisticheskoi mekhaniki, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 28:5(173), 45–82 (1973) [B.M. Gurevich, Ya.G. Sinai, Yu.M. Sukhov, On invariant measures of dynamical systems of one-dimensional statistical mechanics, Russ. Math. Surv., 28(5), 49–86 (1973)], MathSciNet: 0399422.
- I.E. Dzyaloshinskii, Nekotorye voprosy teorii zhidkikh kristallov, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 28:5(173), 260,262-263 (1973).
- S.P. Novikov, Nekotorye zadachi teorii gravitatsii, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 28:5(173), 266 (1973), zbMath: 0285.53048.
- I.B. Levinson, E.I. Rashba, Porogovye yavleniya i svyazannye sostoyaniya v polyaronnoi probleme, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 111 (4), 683-718 (1973) [I.B. Levinson, É.I. Rashba, Threshold phenomena and bound states in the polaron problem, Sov. Phys. Usp. 16(6), 892-912 (1974)], WoS: A1973R775600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84931540045, ADS: 1974SvPhU..16..892L , RINTs: 32802363, EDN: EDN: YWAVWC.
- I.B. Levinson, Generatsiya i detektirovanie neravnovesnykh opticheskikh fononov pri kombinatsionnom rasseyanii lazernogo izlucheniya, Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov, 7(9), 1673 (1973) [Sov. Phys. Semicond., 7(9), 1121 (1973)].
- P.S. Kondratenko, V.S. Levchenkov, O zvuke v kvantovykh kristallakh, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (2), 440-443 (1973) [P.S. Kondratenko, V.S. Levchenkov, Sound in quantum crystals, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(2), 314-316 (1973)].
- K.B. Efetov, Struktura smeshannogo sostoyaniya sverkhprovodyashchikh plenov vtorogo roda v perpendikulyarnom magnitnom pole, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (2), 647-649 (1973) [K.B. Efetov, Structure of the mixed state in type II superconducting films subjected to a transverse magnetic field, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(2), 459 (1973)].
- S.I. Anisimov, B.I. Makshantsev, Rol’ pogloshchayushchikh neodnorodnostei v opticheskom proboe prozrachnykh sred, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (4), 1090-1095 (1973) [S.I. Anisimov, B.I. Makshantsev, Role of absorbing inclusions in the optical breakdown of transparent media, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(4), 743-735 (1973)].
- D.E. Khmel’nitskii, V.L. Shneerson, Fononnye spektry i kineticheskie yavleniya v nesobstvennykh segnetoelektrikakh tipa smeshcheniya, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (6), 1838-1845 (1973) [D.E. Khmel’nitskii, V.L. Shneerson, Phonon spectrum and kinetic phenomena in extrinsic ferroelectrics of the displacive type, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(6), 1226-1230 (1973)].
- G.A. Sorokin, Vliyanie poverkhnostnogo rasseyaniya na kvantovyi razmernyi effekt, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (6), 1846-1856 (1973) [G.A. Sorokin, Influence of surface scattering on the quantum size effect, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(6), 1231-1233 (1973)].
- A.A. Gogolin, Vliyanie bieksitonov na kraevoe pogloshchenie i lyuminestsentsiyu, Fizika tverd. tela, 15 (9), 2746-2756 (1973) [A.A. Gogolin, Influence of biexcitons on edge absorption and luminescence, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(9), 1824-1830 (1974)], Scopus: 2-s2.0-0016036407.
- A.R. Isaakyan, Sverkhprovodyashchie svoistva tonkikh plenok, nakhodyashchikhsya v kontakte s magnitnymi obraztsami, Fizika tverd. tela, 15(11), 3325-3331 (1973) [A.R. Isaakyan, Superconducting properties of thin films deposited on magnetic substrates, Sov. Phys. Solid State, 15(11), 2213-2216 (1973)].
- I.M. Lifshits, M.Ya. Azbel', M.I. Kaganov, Electron theory of metals, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1973, 326 s., WoS: -.
- Ya.G. Sinai, Vvedenie v ergodicheskuyu teoriyu, Izd-vo Erevanskogo universiteta, 1973 - 131 s.
In books
- I.M. Khalatnikov, Kinetic Equation for Elementary Excitations in Quantum Systems, Acta Phys. Austr. Suppl. Vol. 10, 563-573 (1973).
- Ya.G. Sinai, Ergodic Theory, Acta Phys. Austr. Suppl. Vol. 10, 575-606 (1973).
- L.P. Gor'kov, One-dimensional chains in the A-15 structure and the properties of superconductors of this group, Collective Properties of Physical Systems: Medicine and Natural Sciences. Ed. by B. Lundqvist, S. Lundqvist, Acad. Press, 1973, pp. 122-128 [Collection of papers presented at the 24th Nobel Symposium on Collective Properties of Physical Systems, Aspenäsgärden, Lerum, Sweden, June 12-16, 1973].
- L.P. Gor’kov, N.B. Kopnin, Resistance of superconducting alloys near the critical temperature as caused by vortex motion, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, LT-13, 1972. Plenum Press, N.Y., 1973, Vol.3, 735-739.
- A.A. Starobinskii, Effekt usileniya voln pri otrazhenii ot vrashchayushcheisya "chernoi dyry", Tezisy dokladov vsesoyuznogo simpoziuma "Noveishie problemy gravitatsii", Moskva, 1973, s.146-147, ADS: 1973npg..conf..146S.
- G.E. Volovik, V.M. Edelstein, Strong coupling polaron mobility, Preprint Landau ITP, 28.06.1973, 37pp.
- A.B. Migdal, π-condensation in nuclei and neutron stars, Preprint ITF im. L.D. Landau AN SSSR, Chernogolovka, 1973.
- A.B. Migdal, The energy of the nuclear matter in the presence of the π-condensate, Preprint ITF im. L.D. Landau AN SSSR, Chernogolovka, 1973.
- A.B. Migdal, Are there any reasonable objections to the π-condensation, Preprint ITF im. L.D. Landau AN SSSR, Chernogolovka, 1973.
- V.E. Zakharov, A.B. Shabat, O vzaimodeistvii solitonov v ustoichivoi srede, Preprint IYaF SO AN SSSR IYaF 30-73, 1973. - 24 s..
- A.A. Abrikosov, My years with Landau, Phys. Today, 26(1), 56-60 (1973), WoS: 1973PhT....26a..56A, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052169293, RINTs: 31017027.
- A.A. Abrikosov, J.B. Letterson, Introduction to the Theory of Normal Metals (Book Review), Phys. Today, 26(7), 55-56 (1973), ADS: 1973PhT....26g..55A.
- A.V. Byalko, O svyazi statisticheskikh kharakteristik otrazhennogo i prelomlennogo sveta so spektrov volneniya poverkhnosti, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
- A.V. Byalko, O kontraste yarkosti neba i morya, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
- A.V. Byalko, Rasseyanie Releya-Gansa v sluchainoi srede, Otchyot k ekspeditsii NIS "Dm. Mendeleev", 1973.
- S.P. Novikov, Neobkhodima perestroika matematicheskogo obrazovaniya, Priroda, № 2, 57 (1973).