Russian Academy of Sciences

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics



  1. N.N. Nikolaev, Diffractive Vector Mesons in DIS: Meson Structure and QCD, Acta Physica Polonica B 31(10-11), 2485-2494 (2000); hep-ph/0009188, WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2442560289, ADS: 2000AcPPB..31.2485N, InSpire: 533644, RINTs: 15028500.
  2. Weinan E, K. Khanin, A. Mazel, Ya. Sinai, Invariant measures for Burgers equation with stochastic forcing, Ann. Math., 151 (3), 877-960 (2000); math/0005306, WoS: 000088929000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034347507, ADS: 2000math......5306E, RINTs: 13347519, MathSciNet: 1779561, zbMath: 0972.35196.
  3. R. Baier, D. Schiff, B.G. Zakharov, Energy loss in perturbative QCD, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 50, 37-69 (2000) [erratum — ibid, 51, viii (2001)]; hep-ph/0002198, WoS: 000166124000003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041152115, ADS: 2000ARNPS..50...37B, InSpire: 524113, RINTs: 13347519.
  4. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, Josephson junction based quantum computing, Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput., 10 (4-5), 375-382 (2000), WoS: 000087468400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033738613, ADS: -, RINTs: 13343354, MathSciNet: 1778864, zbMath: 0986.81016.
  5. J. Lesgourgues, D. Polarski, S. Prunet, A.A. Starobinsky, Detectability of the primordial origin of the gravitational wave background in the Universe, Astron. Astrophys., 359 (1), 414-418 (2000); gr-qc/9906098, WoS: 000088424400038, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000655376, ADS: 2000A&A...359..414L, InSpire: 502304, RINTs: 13353651.
  6. P. Guyenne, V. Zakharov, A. Pushkarev, F. Dias, Turbulence d'ondes dans des modèles unidimensionnels [Wave turbulence in one-dimensional models], C. R. de l’Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics, 328(10), 757-762 (2000), WoS: 000165503300009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0006955526, ADS: 2000CRASB.328..757G, RINTs: 13353718, zbMath: 1003.76040.
  7. S. Gukov, K-Theory, Reality, and Orientifolds, Commun. Math. Phys., 210 (3), 621-639 (2000); hep-th/9901042, WoS: 000086881400003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034165445, ADS: 2000CMaPh.210..621G, InSpire: 493968, MathSciNet: 1777343, zbMath: 0968.81059.
  8. A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integrable ODEs on associative algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 211 (1), 231-251 (2000); solv-int/9908004, WoS: 000087191500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349467, ADS: 2000CMaPh.211..231M, RINTs: 13347573, MathSciNet: 1757014, zbMath: 0956.37040.
  9. A.M. Vershik, S. Nechaev, R. Bikbov, Statistical properties of locally free groups with applications to braid groups and growth of random heaps, Commun. Math. Phys., 212 (2), 469-501 (2000), WoS: 000088402200010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349032, ADS: 2000CMaPh.212..469V, RINTs: 13345831, MathSciNet: 1772255, zbMath: 1010.20056.
  10. P.B. Wiegmann, A. Zabrodin, Conformal maps and integrable hierarchies, Commun. Math. Phys., 213 (3), 523-538 (2000); hep-th/9909147, WoS: 000089926700002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349412, ADS: 2000CMaPh.213..523W, InSpire: 507522, MathSciNet: 1785428, zbMath: 0973.37042.
  11. I. Krichever, D.H. Phong, Spin chain models with spectral curves from M theory, Commun. Math. Phys., 213 (3), 539-574 (2000); hep-th/9912180, WoS: 000089926700003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349425, ADS: 2000CMaPh.213..539K, InSpire: 511929, RINTs: 13347571, MathSciNet: 1785429, zbMath: 0992.37062.
  12. P. Bowcock, B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, A. Taormina, sℓ̂(2|1) and D̂(2|1; α) as vertex operator extensions of dual affine sℓ(2) algebras, Commun. Math. Phys., 214 (3), 495-545 (2000); hep-th/9907171, WoS: 000165591400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034311278, ADS: 2000CMaPh.214..495B, InSpire: 504208, RINTs: 13347571, MathSciNet: 1800859, zbMath: 0980.17016.
  13. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, and A. Shnirman, Josephson junction quantum logic gates, Comput. Phys. Commun., 127 (1), 156-164 (2000), WoS: 000087008700023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034188534, ADS: 2000CoPhC.127..156M, RINTs: 13348943, MathSciNet: -, zbMath: 1040.81527.
  14. D.M. Hardcastle, K. Khanin, On almost everywhere strong convergence of multi-dimensional continued fraction algorithms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 20 (6), 1711-1733 (2000), WoS: 000166150800011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034356493, ADS: -, RINTs: 13358410, MathSciNet: 1804954, zbMath: 0977.11031.
  15. Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, V.Z. Kresin, Magnetic scattering and unusual behavior of the critical fields and other parameters: Application to borocarbides, Eur. Phys. J. B 14 (2), 203-209 (2000), WoS: 000086410100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001067101, ADS: 2000EPJB...14..203O, RINTs: 13353669.
  16. M.O. Dzero, L.P. Gor’kov, V.Z. Kresin, Peculiarities in low temperature properties of doped manganites A1-xBxMnO3, Eur. Phys. J. B 14 (3), 459-471 (2000); cond-mat/9912097, WoS: 000086562900009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000473685, ADS: 2000EPJB...14..459D, RINTs: 13351820.
  17. G. Uimin, Y. Kudasov, P. Fulde, A. Ovchinnikov, Low-energy excitations of Yb4As3 in a magnetic field, Eur. Phys. J. B 16 (2), 241-244 (2000) [Erratum — ibid, 19 (2), 317-317 (2001)], WoS: 000088396600007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000161856, ADS: 2000EPJB...16..241U, RINTs: 13341332.
  18. D.E. Feldman, I.F. Lyuksyutov, V.L. Pokrovsky, V.M. Vinokur, Vortex plasma and transport in superconducting films with magnetic dots, Europhys. Lett., 51 (1), 110-115 (2000); Erratum — ibid, 51(4),476 (2000); cond-mat/9905025, WoS: 000088160100017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034214567, ADS: 2000EL.....51..110F, RINTs: 13335155.
  19. R. Blaauwgeers, V.B. Eltsov, H. Gotz, M. Krusius, J.J. Ruohio, R. Schanen, G.E. Volovik, Unconventional quantum systems and quantized vortex lines, Europhys. News, 31(3), 10-11 (May/June 2000), WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000ENews..31c..10., RINTs: -.
  20. V.A. Belyakov, M. Copic, On possibility of enhanced second harmonic generation in chiral smectics under diffraction of the fundamental wave, Ferroelectrics, 245, 197-208 (2000), WoS: 000089486100023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034482194, ADS: -, RINTs: 15029621.
  21. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, and A. Shnirman, Josephson-junction qubits, Fortschr. Phys., 48(9-11), 1043-1054 (2000), WoS: 000165241900020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034355454, ADS: 2000ForPh..48.1043M, RINTs: 13338836.
  22. A.Yu. Kamenshchik, Chaos, fractality and topological entropy in cosmological models with a scalar field, Gravit. Cosmol., 6 (2), 93-99 (2000), WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000GrCo....6...93K, InSpire: 536994, RINTs: 11642328, MathSciNet: 1796225, zbMath: 0996.83067.
  23. A.A. Starobinsky, Future and origin of our Universe: Modern view, Gravit. Cosmol., 6 (3), 157-163 (2000); astro-ph/9912054, WoS: 000166989800008, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000GrCo....6..157S, InSpire: 511067, RINTs: 11642337.
  24. I.M. Khalatnikov, A.Yu. Kamenshchik, Diagram technique for perturbation theory calculations of the effective conductivity of two-dimensional systems, Gravit. Cosmol., 6, Suppl., 1-10 (2000).
  25. I.M. Khalatnikov, A.Yu. Kamenshchik, Chaos, fractality and topological entropy in cosmological models with a scalar field, Gravit. Cosmol., 6, Suppl., 22-29 (2000), InSpire: 549848.
  26. G.E. Volovik, Links between gravity and dynamics of quantum liquids, Gravit. Cosmol., 6, Suppl., 187-203 (2000); gr-qc/0004049, WoS: PPRN:19734473, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000gr.qc.....4049V, InSpire: 514661, MathSciNet: 1904096.
  27. S. Anisimov, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Hydrodynamics and kinetics of condensed matter evaporation, High Temp.–High Press., 32 (5), 511-520 (2000), WoS: 000090089800002, Scopus: -, ADS: -, RINTs: -, zbMath: -.
  28. L. Bottyan, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, N.A. Sanina, A.B. Kashuba, Magnetism in some layer molecular magnets as revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy, Hyperfine interactions, 126(1-4), 149-154 (2000), WoS: 000087581000024, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034455045, ADS: 2000HyInt.126..149B, RINTs: 13356787.
  29. V. Sahni, A. Starobinsky, The case for a positive cosmological Λ-term, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 9 (4), 373-443 (2000); astro-ph/9904398, WoS: 000089071600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040211613, ADS: 2000IJMPD...9..373S, InSpire: 499012, RINTs: 13351329.
  30. I. Krichever, Elliptic analog of the Toda lattice, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2000(8), 383-412 (2000); hep-th/9909224, WoS: 000086817700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0010274842, ADS:, InSpire: 507977, MathSciNet: 1753690, zbMath: 1001.37069.
  31. J. Bec, U. Frisch, K. Khanin, Kicked Burgers turbulence, J. Fluid Mech., 416, 239-267 (2000); chao-dyn/9910001, WoS: 000088944800011, ADS: 2000JFM...416..239B, zbMath: 0974.76036.
  32. S. Gukov, V. Periwal, Dbrane Phase Transitions and Monodromy in K-theory, J. Geom. Phys., 34(3-4), 263-269 (2000); hep-th/9908166, WoS: 000087607900005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041913075, ADS: 2000JGP....34..263G, InSpire: 506100, MathSciNet: 1762777, zbMath: 0970.81067.
  33. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, Nano-electronic realizations of quantum bits, J. Low Temp. Phys., 118 (5-6), 751-763 (2000); cond-mat/9912405, WoS: 000085997700043, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001626867, ADS: 2000JLTP..118..751M, RINTs: 13334483.
  34. M.V. Feigel’man, L.B. Ioffe, V.B. Geshkenbein, G. Blatter, Andreev spectroscopy for superconducting phase qubits, J. Low Temp. Phys., 118(5-6), 805-816 (2000); cond-mat/9910506, WoS: 000085997700047, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000232548, ADS: 2000JLTP..118..805F, RINTs: 13355719.
  35. P.L. Krotkov, Spin dynamics of a Fermi liquid in an electric field, J. Low Temp. Phys., 119 (1-2), 79-101 (2000); cond-mat/9908091, WoS: 000086475100006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033886144, ADS: 2000JLTP..119...79K, RINTs: 13348774.
  36. G.E. Volovik, Momentum-space topology of Standard Model, J. Low Temp. Phys., 119(3-4), 241-247 (2000); hep-ph/9907456, WoS: 000086571100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033747458, ADS: 2000JLTP..119..241V , InSpire: 504270, RINTs: 13355945, EDN: LGGZDX.
  37. G.E. Volovik, Vortices observed and to be observed, J. Low Temp. Phys., 121 (5-6), 357-366 (2000); cond-mat/0005431, WoS: 000167031400019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034459919, ADS: 2000JLTP..121..357V, InSpire: 541158, RINTs: 13349466, EDN: LGDHHZ.
  38. E.I. Rashba, Progress in exciton spectroscopy: personal perspective, J. Luminescence, 87-89, 1-6 (2000), WoS: 000086818000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-003372838, ADS: 2000JLum...87....1R, RINTs: 13841897.
  39. J. Ding, B. Feigin, Quantized W-algebra of sl(2,1) and quantum parafermions of U_q(sl(2)), J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 7 (2), 170-183 (2000); math/9802076, WoS: 000087444000004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0345753787, ADS: 2000JNMP....7..170D, RINTs: 13357174, MathSciNet: 1763636, zbMath: 0962.17007.
  40. I.Z. Golubchik, V.V. Sokolov, Generalized operator Yang-Baxter equations, integrable ODEs and nonassociative algebras, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 7 (2), 184-197 (2000); nlin/0003034, WoS: 000087444000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0141846121, ADS: 2000JNMP....7..184G, RINTs: 13348046, MathSciNet: 1763637, zbMath: 1119.37318.
  41. Vik.S. Dotsenko, Exact solution of the random bipartite matching model, J. Phys. A 33(10), 2015-2030 (2000); cond-mat/9911477, WoS: 000086170700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034677619, ADS: 2000JPhA...33.2015D, RINTs: 13346084, MathSciNet: 1748747, zbMath: 0972.82044.
  42. R. Voituriez, S. Nechaev, Multifractality of entangled random walks and non-uniform hyperbolic spaces, J. Phys. A 33(32), 5631-5652 (2000); cond-mat/0001138, WoS: 000089058700004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034682673, ADS: 2000JPhA...33.5631V, MathSciNet: 1784713, zbMath: 0973.82039.
  43. E.V. Ferapontov, Systems of conservation laws within the framework of the projective theory of congruences: the Levy transformations of semi-Hamiltonian systems, J. Phys. A 33(39), 6935-6952 (2000), WoS: 000089956400009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034612901, ADS: 2000JPhA...33.6935F, RINTs: 13337296, MathSciNet: 1791944, zbMath: 0970.37059.
  44. M.O. Dzero, L.P. Gor'kov, A.K. Zvezdin, First-order valence transition in YbInCu4 in the (B,T)-plane, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12(47), L711-L718 (2000); cond-mat/0008134, ADS: 2000JPCM...12L.711D, RINTs: 13354425, EDN: LGGCRH.
  45. S. Brazovskii, N. Kirova, Topological character of excitations in strongly correlated electronic systems : Confinement and dimensional crossover, J. Phys. IV France, 10(PR3), 169-175 (2000); cond-mat/0006355, WoS: 000086376700018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0013368147, ADS: 2000cond.mat..6355B, InSpire: 529357, RINTs: 13418908.
  46. V.P. Mineev, Upper critical field in layered superconductors, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 69(10), 3371-3377 (2000); cond-mat/0002359, WoS: 000090068500037, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034549621, ADS: 2000JPSJ...69.3371M, RINTs: 13980846.
  47. N. Ogawa, M.E. Zhitomirsky, Vortex molecule in unconventional superconductor, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 69(11), 3660-3663 (2000), WoS: 000165569400036, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034549110, ADS: 2000JPSJ...69.3660O, RINTs: 13342460.
  48. P. Chandra, L.B. Ioffe, Distribution of attraction basins in a family of simple glasses, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 12(29), 6641-6653 (2000); cond-mat/9909381, WoS: 000088747900036, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034227157, ADS: 2000JPCM...12.6641C, RINTs: 13341945.
  49. M.O. Dzero, L.P. Gor’kov, A.K. Zvezdin, First-order valence transition in YbInCu4 in the (B,T)-plane, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 12(47) L711-L717 (2000); cond-mat/0008134, WoS: 000165795500002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034318151, ADS: 2000JPCM...12L.711D, RINTs: 13354425, EDN: LGGCRH.
  50. S. Nechaev, G. Oshanin, A. Blumen, Anchoring of polymers by traps randomly placed on a line, J. Stat. Phys., 98 (1-2), 281-303 (2000); cond-mat/9901269, WoS: 000085447600009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034341487, ADS: 1999cond.mat..1269N, RINTs: 13345547, zbMath: 0957.82036.
  51. L. Gor’kov, V. Kresin, Metal-insulator transition in percolation doped systems as a phenomenon, J. Superconductivity, 13 (2), 239-245 (2000), WoS: 000085916800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033879808, ADS: 2000JSup...13..239G, RINTs: 13350502, EDN: LGDWQL.
  52. L.P. Gor’kov, Phase separation in a two-component model for cuprates, J. Superconductivity, 13 (5), 765-769 (2000), WoS: 000165458900019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034292012, ADS: 2000JSup...13..765G, RINTs: 13342005, EDN: LFZAYJ.
  53. V. Kresin, Yu. Ovchinnikov, S. Wolf, Intrinsic inhomogeneity of the cuprates: Pseudogap, resistive vs. diamagnetic transitions, J. Superconductivity, 13 (5), 777-780 (2000), WoS: 000165458900022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034291730, ADS: 2000JSup...13..777K, RINTs: 13354334.
  54. Y. Berest, A. Veselov, On the structure of singularities of integrable Schrodinger operators, Lett. Math. Phys., 52 (2), 103-111 (2000), WoS: 000089597500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0043186027, ADS: -, RINTs: 14085891, MathSciNet: 1786855, zbMath: 0969.47018.
  55. V.A. Fateev, Normalization factors in conformal field theory and their applications, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 15 (4), 259-270 (2000), WoS: 000086281500004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034628353, ADS: 2000MPLA...15..259F, RINTs: 13939527, MathSciNet: 1750121.
  56. I.F. Lyuksyutov, V.L. Pokrovsky, Spontaneous supercurrents in magneto-superconducting systems, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 14(12), 409-414 (2000), WoS: 000089087600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034690536, ADS: 2000MPLB...14..409L, RINTs: 13342508.
  57. R. Blaauwgeers, V.B. Eltsov, H. Gotz, M. Krusius, J.J. Ruohio, R. Schanen, G.E. Volovik, Double-quantum vortex in superfluid 3He-A, Nature, 404 (6777), 471-473 (2000), WoS: 000086257700039, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034732083, ADS: 2000Natur.404..471B, RINTs: 13356909, EDN: LGHNKR.
  58. A. Soibel, E. Zeldov, M. Rappaport, Y. Myasoedov, T. Tamegai, S. Ooi, M. Konczykowski, V.B. Geshkenbein, Imaging the vortex-lattice melting process in the presence of disorder, Nature, 406 (6793), 282-287 (2000), WoS: 000088251900043, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034691590, ADS: 2000Natur.406..282S, RINTs: 13337320.
  59. V.A. Belyakov, S.V. Semenov, Mössbauer optics of synchrotron radiation at an isotope interface, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys Res. A 448(1-2), 158-163 (2000), WoS: 000088282500035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034206035, ADS: 2000NIMPA.448..158B, RINTs: 13347135.
  60. V.A. Belyakov, Mössbauer filtration of synchrotron radiation: advances and perspectives, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys Res. A 448(1-2), 164-172 (2000), WoS: 000088282500036, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034206691, ADS: 2000NIMPA.448..222B, RINTs: 13345371.
  61. V.A. Belyakov, Yu.M. Aivazian, Coherent forward scattering of synchrotron radiation via cascade of Mössbauer transitions, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys Res. A 448(1-2), 222-227 (2000), WoS: 000088282500047, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034205437, ADS: 2000NIMPA.448..222B, InSpire: -, RINTs: 13345355.
  62. O. Benhar, N.N. Nikolaev, J. Speth, A.A. Usmani, B.G. Zakharov, Final state interactions in 4He(e, e′p)3H at large proton energy, Nucl. Phys. A 673 (1-4), 241-255 (2000); nucl-th/0001035, WoS: 000087525600013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000240968, ADS: 2000NuPhA.673..241B, InSpire: 523154, RINTs: 13339538.
  63. C. Ahn, V.A. Fateev, C. Kim, C. Rim, B. Yang, Reflection amplitudes of ADE Toda theories and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, Nucl. Phys. B 565 (3), 611-628 (2000); hep-th/9907072, WoS: 000085382800007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034707482, ADS: 2000NuPhB.565..611A, InSpire: 503523, RINTs: 13354881, MathSciNet: 1745104, zbMath: 0973.81070.
  64. A.G. Abanov, P.B. Wiegmann, Theta-terms in nonlinear sigma-models, Nucl. Phys. B 570 (3), 685-698 (2000); hep-th/9911025, WoS: 000086354200006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034719551, ADS: 2000NuPhB.570..685A, InSpire: 9911025, RINTs: 15155477, MathSciNet: 1749395, zbMath: 0951.81012.
  65. S. Gukov, Solitons, superpotentials and calibrations, Nucl. Phys. B 574 (1-2), 169-188 (2000); hep-th/9911011, WoS: 000087212800008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034656506, ADS: 2000NuPhB.574..169G, InSpire: 509532, RINTs: 15154837, MathSciNet: 1759777, zbMath: 1056.53508.
  66. K. Behrndt, S. Gukov, Domain walls and superpotentials from M-theory on Calabi–Yau three-folds, Nucl. Phys. B 580 (1-2), 225-242 (2000); hep-th/0001082, WoS: 000088243300010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0000516046, ADS: 2000NuPhB.580..225B, InSpire: 522997, RINTs: 14070267, MathSciNet: 1770566 , zbMath: 1071.81559.
  67. O. Andreev, H. Dorn, Diagrams of noncommutative Φ3 theory from string theory, Nucl. Phys. B 583 (1-2), 145-158 (2000); hep-th/0003113, WoS: 000088921800006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0001375928, ADS: 2000NuPhB.583..145A, InSpire: 524937, RINTs: 15154749, MathSciNet: 1776846, zbMath: 0984.81165.
  68. S.J. Gates (Jr.), S. Gukov, E. Witten, Two two-dimensional supergravity theories from Calabi-Yau four-folds, Nucl. Phys. B 584 (1-2), 109-148 (2000); hep-th/0005120, WoS: 000089170600004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034683297, ADS: 2000NuPhB.584..109G, InSpire: 527220, RINTs: 13987025, MathSciNet: 1786690, zbMath: 0985.83033.
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  194. V.A. Belyakov, Messbauerovskaya fil’tratsiya sinkhrotronnogo izlucheniya. Dostizheniya i perspektivy, Poverkhnost’. Rentgenovskie, sinkhrotronnye i neitronnye issledovaniya, №1, 20-31 (2000) [V.A. Belyakov, Mössbauer filtration of synchrotron radiation. Advances and prospects, Surface Investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 16(1), 23-41 (2001)], WoS: -, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034995759, ADS: -, RINTs: 13384393.
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  196. A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integriruemye obyknovennye differentsial’nye uravneniya na svobodnykh assotsiativnykh algebrakh, TMF, 122(1), 88-101 (2000) [A.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Sokolov, Integrable ordinary differential equations on free associative algebras, Theor. Math. Phys., 122(1), 72-83 (2000)], WoS: 000086224200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034348823, ADS: 2000TMP...122...72M, RINTs: 13345801, MathSciNet: 1776509, zbMath: 0962.34004.
  197. V.R. Kogan, Dispersiya lagranzhevykh traektorii v sluchainom krupnomasshtabnom pole skorosti, TMF, 122(3), 456–467 (2000) [V.R. Kogan, Dispersion of Lagrangian trajectories in a random large-scale velocity field, Theor. Math. Phys., 122(3), 380-389 (2000)], WoS: 000087497000011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034348954, ADS: 2000TMP...122..380K, RINTs: 13360236, MathSciNet: 1774585, zbMath: 0995.76035.
  198. M.Yu. Kulikov, V.S. Novikov, Ob odnoi reduktsii odevayushchei tsepochki operatora Shredingera, TMF, 123(3), 424–432 (2000) [M.Y. Kulikov, V.S. Novikov, Reduction of the dressing chain of the Schrödinger operator, Theor. Math. Phys., 123(3), 768-775 (2000)], WoS: 000088926700005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034349367, ADS: 2000TMP...123..768K, RINTs: 13340572, MathSciNet: 1794010, zbMath: 0968.35101.
  199. I.Z. Golubchik, V.V. Sokolov, Mnogokomponentnoe obobshchenie ierarkhii uravneniya Landau–Lifshitsa, TMF, 124(1), 62-71 (2000) [I.Z. Golubchik, V.V. Sokolov, Multicomponent generalization of the hierarchy of the Landau-Lifshitz equation, Theor. Math. Phys., 124(1), 909-917 (2000)], WoS: 000089449800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034348244, ADS: 2000TMP...124..909G, RINTs: 13347552, MathSciNet: 1821313, zbMath: 1112.37324.
  200. V.E. Adler, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, Simmetriinyi podkhod k probleme integriruemosti, TMF, 125(3), 355-424 (2000) [V.E. Adler, A.B. Shabat, R.I. Yamilov, Symmetry approach to the integrability problem, Theor. Math. Phys., 125(3), 1603-1661 (2000)], WoS: 000167036300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034388725, ADS: -, RINTs: 13358446, MathSciNet: 1839659, zbMath: 1029.37041.
  201. I. M. Krichever, S. P. Novikov, Golomorfnye rassloeniya i raznostnye skalyarnye operatory: odnotochechnye konstruktsii, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:1(331), 187-188 (2000) [I.M. Krichever, S.P. Novikov, Holomorphic bundles and scalar difference operators: one-point constructions, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(1), 180-181 (2000)]; math-ph/0004008, WoS: 000088114800011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034389416, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..180K, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 1751828, zbMath: 1101.14315.
  202. S.V. Savchenko, O spektral’nykh svoistvakh nerazlozhimoi neotritsatel’noi matritsy i ee glavnykh podmatrits koporyadka odin, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:1(331), 191-192 (2000) [S.V. Savchenko, Spectral properties of an indecomposable non-negative matrix and its principal submatrices of co-order one, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(1), 184-185 (2000)], WoS: 000088114800013, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..184S, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 1751830, zbMath: 0959.15021.
  203. I. M. Krichever, S. P. Novikov, Golomorfnye rassloeniya i kommutiruyushchie raznostnye operatory. Dvukhtochechnye konstruktsii, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:3(333), 181–182 (2000) [I.M. Krichever, S.P. Novikov, Holomorphic bundles and commuting difference operators. Two-point constructions, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(3), 586–588 (2000)], WoS: 000165519900015, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034355534, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..586K, MathSciNet: 1777362, zbMath: 0978.35066.
  204. B. I. Botvinnik, V. M. Bukhshtaber, S. P. Novikov, S. A. Yuzvinskii, Algebraicheskie aspekty teorii umnozhenii v kompleksnykh kobordizmakh, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:4(334), 5-24 (2000) [B.I. Botvinnik, V.M. Buchstaber, S.P. Novikov, S.A. Yuzvinsky, Algebraic aspects of the theory of multiplications in complex cobordism theory, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(4), 613-633 (2000)]; math/0103066, WoS: 000167387200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034562919, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..613B, MathSciNet: 1786728, zbMath: 0971.57038.
  205. V. I, Ya. G. Sinai, Novye rezul’taty v matematicheskoi i statisticheskoi gidrodinamike, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:4(334), 25-58 (2000) [W. E, Y. Sinai, Recent results on mathematical and statistical hydrodynamics, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(4), 635-666 (2000)], WoS: 000167387200003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034560081, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..635E, RINTs: 13807226, MathSciNet: 1786729, zbMath: 0983.76010.
  206. O.I. Mokhov, Soglasovannye i pochti soglasovannye metriki, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:4(334), 217-218 (2000) [O.I. Mokhov, Compatible and almost compatible metrics, Russ. Math. Surveys, 55(4), 819-821 (2000)], WoS: 000167387200008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034562920, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55..819M, MathSciNet: 1786734, zbMath: 1027.53017.
  207. P.G. Grinevich, Preobrazovanie rasseyaniya dlya dvumernogo operatora Shryodingera s ubyvayushchim na beskonechnosti potentsialom pri fiksirovannoi nenulevoi energii, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 55:6(336), 3–70 (2000) [P.G. Grinevich, Scattering transformation at fixed non-zero energy for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator with potential decaying at infinity, Russ. Math. Surv., 55(6), 1015-1083 (2000)], WoS: 000169375800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034560830, ADS: 2000RuMaS..55.1015G, RINTs: 13864313, MathSciNet: 1840357, zbMath: 1022.81057.
  208. S.N. Gordienko, Mnozhestvennii kharakter soudarenii v plazme i unikal’naya osobennost’ kulonovskogo vzaimodeistviya, Fizika plazmy, 26 (6), 556–565 (2000) [S.N. Gordienko, Multiparticle nature of collisions in plasma and a unique feature of Coulomb interaction, Plasma Physics Reports, 26(6), 519-528 (2000)], WoS: 000087918800008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034398212, ADS: 2000PlPhR..26..519G, RINTs: 13349358.
  209. S.N. Gordienko, E.I. Yurchenko, Elektrostaticheskaya turbulentnost’ plazmy i spitserovskaya prodol’naya provodimost’ v tokamakakh, Fizika plazmy, 26 (9), 771-787 (2000) [S.N. Gordienko1, É.I. Yurchenko, Electrostatic plasma turbulence and spitzer longitudinal conductivity in tokamaks, Plasma Physics Reports, 26(9), 721-736 (2000)], WoS: 000089890400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034400097, ADS: 2000PlPhR..26..721G, RINTs: 13342285.
  210. I.Z. Golubchik, V.V. Sokolov, Eshche odna raznovidnost’ klassicheskogo uravneniya Yanga–Bakstera, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 34(4), 75-78 (2000) [I.Z. Golubchik, V.V. Sokolov, One more kind of the classical Yang-Baxter equation, Funct. Anal. Appl., 34(4), 296-298 (2000)], WoS: 000166603100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0034559603, RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 1818287, zbMath: 1156.17306.
  211. N.N. Nikolaev, J. Speth, B.G. Zakharov, Nuclear-medium modification of the ρo(1S) and ρ′(2S) mesons in coherent photo- and electroproduction: Coupled-channel analysis, Yadernaya fizika, 63(8), 1543–1556 (2000) [Phys. Atom. Nucl., 63 (8), 1463-1476 (2000)]; hep-ph/9909557, WoS: 000089272200014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-23044524716, ADS: 000089272200014, InSpire: 507896, RINTs: 13339363.


  1. H.W. Braden, Krichever, I.M. (eds.), Integrability: The Seiberg-Witten and Whitham equations, Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 2000, ix, 276 p. ISBN 90-5699-281-3, 9789056992811, InSpire: 1413145, MathSciNet: 1816181, zbMath: 0948.00012.
  2. Vik. Dotsenko, Introduction to the Replica Theory of Disordered Statistical Systems, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000, xii,220 pp. ISBN 0521773407.
  3. L.A. Bunimovich, S.G. Dani, R.L. Dobrushin, M.V. Jakobson, I.P. Kornfeld, N.B. Maslova, Ya.B. Pesin, Ya.G. Sinai, J. Smillie, Yu.M. Sukhov, A.M. Vershik, Dynamical systems, ergodic theory and applications. Edited by Ya.G. Sinai. Transl. from the Russian. 2nd, expanded and rev. ed., Encycl. Math. Sci., Vol. 100 (Mathematical Physics, I), Berlin: Springer. 2000, x, 459 pp. ISBN 3-540-66316-9.
  4. B.A. Dubrovin, A.T. Fomenko, S.P. Novikov, Geometria moderna. Metodos y aplicaciones. T. 1 : Geometria de los superficies, de los grupos de transformaciones y de los campos, Moscu : Editorial URSS, 2000 - 335 s. : il. - ISBN 5-8360-0043-3.
  5. I.M. Khalatnikov, An Introduction to the Theory of Superfluidity, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 2000. - 206 pp. Translated by Pierre C. Hohenberg. ISBN 0738203009.
  6. V.N. Gribov, G. 't Hooft, G. Veneziano, V.F. Weisskopf, L.N. Lipatov (Ed.), The creation of quantum chromodynamics and the effective energy. In honour of A. Zichichi on the occasion of the Galvani bicentenary celebrations, World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics, Vol. 25. Singapore: World Scientific (ISBN 981-02-4141-0). xviii, 351 p. (2000), ADS: 2001WSSP...25.....G, zbMath: 1094.81565.
  7. I.V. Kolokolov, E.A. Kuznetsov, A.I. Mil’shtein, A.I. Chernykh, D.A. Shapiro, E.G. Shapiro, Zadachi po matematicheskim metodam fiziki, M. : Editorial URSS, 2000. - 286 s. : il. - (Podrobnye resheniya). - Bibliogr. : s. 282-286. - ISBN 5-8360-0105-7.

In books

  1. V.Yu. Kaloshin, Ya.G. Sinai, Nonsymmetric simple random walks along orbits of ergodic automorphisms, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, Vol. 198, Adv. Math. Sci., Vol. 47, 109-115 (2000) [On Dobrushin’s Way. From Probability Theory to Statistical Physics. Ed. by R.A. Minlos, S. Shlosman, Yu. M. Suhov. AMS, 2000. Print ISBN: 978-0-8218-2150-3], WoS: -, Scopus: -, ADS: -, MathSciNet: 1766346, zbMath: 0961.60070.
  2. O. Foda, K.S.M. Lee, Ya. Pugai, T.A. Welsh, Path generating transforms, Contemporary Mathematics 254, 157-186 (2000) [q-Series from a contemporary perspective: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conf. on q-series, combinatorics, and computer algebra, Dedicated to Richard Askey on occasion of his 65th birthday. South Hadley, MA, June 21-25, 1998, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000]; math/9810043, ADS: 1998math.....10043F, InSpire: 486265, MathSciNet: 1768927, zbMath: 1044.82003.
  3. L.V. Bogdanov, B.G. Konopelchenko, Möbius invariant integrable lattice equations associated with the generalized KP hierarchy, CRM Proc. Lect. Notes, 25, 33-45 (2000) [SIDE III – Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations: Proc. 3rd Conf., Sabaudia, Italy, May 16-22, 1998. Ed. by D. Levi at al., AMS, 2000. xvi+444 pp. ISBN 0-8218-2128-8], MathSciNet: 1771707, zbMath: 0958.37059.
  4. I. Krichever, Elliptic solutions to difference non-linear equations and nested Bethe ansatz equations, In: Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models, Diejen, Jan F. van; Vinet, Luc (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, New-York, 2000, xxv,561 pp. ISBN: 978-0-38-98968-6 (CRM Series in Mathematical Physics); solv-int/9804016.
  5. A.P. Veselov, On geometry of a special class of solutions to generalised WDVV equations, In: Integrability: The Seiberg-Witten and Whitham equations (Ed. by H. Braden and I.Krichever), Gordon and Breach, 2000, p. 125-135; hep-th/0105020, ADS:, InSpire: 556154, zbMath: 0992.37064.
  6. I.M. Krichever, Baker-Akhiezer functions and integrable systems, In: Integrability: The Seiberg-Witten and Whitham equations. Ed. by Braden, H.W.; Krichever, I.M. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, p. 1-22 (2000). ISBN 90-5699-281-3, zbMath: 0983.37090.
  7. R. Fazio , Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, Josephson Junctions and Quantum Computation, In: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory, pp. 365-397 (2001) [Reprint Volume with Introductory Notes for ISI TMR Network School. Ed. by C. Macchiavello., G.M, Palma, A. Zeilinger. World Scientific, ISBN: 978-981-02-4818-5], ADS:
  8. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, and A. Shnirman, Josephson-junction qubits, In: Scalable Quantum Computers: Paving the Way to Realization, Chapter 18, pp. 273-286. Eds. S.L. Braunstein and H.-K. Lo, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2000. viii,386 pp. ISBN 3-527-40321-3.
  9. E.A. Kuznetsov, V.E. Zakharov, Nonlinear coherent phenomena in continuous media, Lect. Notes Phys., 542, 3-45 (2000) [Nonlinear Science at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Eds. P. L. Christiansen, M.P. Sørensen, A.C. Scott. Springer, xxii,458 pp., ISBN 978-3-540-66918-0, 978-3-540-46629-1(e)], WoS: 000284263600001, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000LNP...542....3K, MathSciNet: 1767732, zbMath: 1106.35330.
  10. L.I. Glazman, F. W.J. Hekking, A.I. Larkin, Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots, Lect. Notes Phys., 547, 16-26 (2000) [Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Systems: Proc. XVI Sitges Conf. on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 7–11 June 1999. Ed. by D. Reguera, G. Platero, L.L. Bonilla, J.M. Rubi. Springer, 2000, xii,357 pp. ISBN 978-3-540-67478-8], ADS: 2000LNP...547...16G.
  11. H. Schomerus, E.G. Mishchenko, C.W.J. Beenakker, Shot-noise in non-degenerate semiconductors with energy-dependent elastic scattering, Lect. Notes Phys., 547, 96-104 (2000) [Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Systems, D. Reguera et al. (Eds.). Springer, xii,357 pp., ISBN 978-3-540-67478-8]; cond-mat/9907027, ADS: 2000LNP...547...96S.
  12. N. Planes, H. Möller, J. Camassel, Y. Stoimenos, L. Falkovski, M. Eickhoff, G. Krötz, SOL thinning effects on 3C-SiC on SOI, Mater. Sci. Forum, Vol. 338-342, 301-304 (2000) [Silicon Carbide and Related Materials - 1999 (ICSCRM’99): Proc. Int. Conf., October 10-15, 1999, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Edited by: C.H. Carter,Jr., R.P. Devaty, and G.S. Rohrer, Trans Tech. Publ., 2000], WoS: 000165996700073, Scopus: 2-s2.0-12944273606, RINTs: 15028886.
  13. J. Ding, B. Feigin, Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and $U_q(\widehat{\germ{osp}}(1,2))$, Math. Phys. Stud. 22, 93-104 (2000) [Conférence Moshé Flato 1999: Quantization, deformations, and symmetries, Dijon, France, September 5-8, 1999. Volume II. Ed. by G. Dito and D. Sternheimer. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. ISBN 0-7923-6541-0], WoS: 000166657700007, MathSciNet: 1805907, zbMath: 1015.17013.
  14. J. Piasecki, Ya.G. Sinai, A model of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. E, Appl. Sci. 371, 191-199 (2000) [Dynamics: models and kinetic methods for non-equilibrium many body systems. Proceedings of the NATO ASI, Leiden, Netherlands, July 27-August 8, 1998. Karkheck, John (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000. xii+516 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-6553-4], WoS: 000166854600010, ADS: 1800808, MathSciNet: 1800808, zbMath: 1026.82521.
  15. V.N. Gribov, Orsay lectures on confinement. I–III, Quantum field theory, 158-199, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2000. ISBN:81-85931-25-9, MathSciNet: 1767669.
  16. V.Y. Kaloshin, Ya.G. Sinai, Simple Random Walks along Orbits of Anosov Diffeomorphisms, Tr. MIAN, 228 (Problemy sovremennoi matematicheskoi fiziki, Sbornik statei. K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Nikolaya Nikolaevicha Bogolyubova), 236–245 (2000) [Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 228, 224-233 (2000)], RINTs: -, MathSciNet: 1782584, zbMath: 0985.60045.


  1. A.Yu. Kamenshchik, I.M. Khalatnikov, Chaos in cosmological models with a scalar field, Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Vol.10, 313-325 (2000) [The Chaotic Universe, Proc. 2nd ICRA Network Workshop, Rome, Pescara, Italy, 1-5 February 1999. Ed. by V. G. Gurzadyan and R. Ruffini, World Scientific, 2000], ADS: 2000chun.proc..313K, InSpire: 516017, zbMath: 0966.83037.
  2. S. Erdin, V. Pokrovsky, A superconducting film with a magnetic dot, Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract id. A12.010 (2000), ADS: 2000APS..MARA12010E.
  3. A. Jorio, M.S. Dantas, M.A. Pimenta, P. Saint-Gregoire, I. Luk'yanchuk, High temperature phase transitions in A2BX4 compounds, APS Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract id. B19.010 (2000), ADS: 2000APS..MARB19010J.
  4. M. Amin Kayali, I.F. Lyuksyutov, V. Pokrovsky, Combined Superconducting-Magnetic Vortices, APS Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract id. A12.012 (2000), ADS: 2000APS..MARA12012A.
  5. V. Barzykin, L.P. Gor'kov, Ferromagnetism and superstructure in Ca1-xLaxB6, APS Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract id. V20.001 (2000), ADS: 2000APS..MARV20001B.
  6. M. Dzero, L. Gor'kov, V. Kresin, Fermi Liquid Theory and Doped Manganites at Low Temperatures, APS Society, Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract id. E27.005 (2000), ADS: 2000APS..MARE27005D.
  7. V. Zakharov, How classical physics helps mathematics, Geom. Funct. Anal., Spec. Issue «GAFA 2000. Visions in mathematics — Towards 2000», Part 2, p.859-879. (Ed. by Alon, N. et al. Basel: Birkhäuser) (2000), WoS: 000168273600012, MathSciNet: 1826274, zbMath: 1073.00500.
  8. S.P. Novikov, 1. Classical and modern topology 2. Topological phenomena in real world physics, Geometric And Functional Analysis,  Spec. Issue «GAFA 2000. Visions in mathematics — Towards 2000», Part 1, p.406-424. (Ed. by Alon, N. et al. Basel: Birkhäuser) (2000); math-ph/0004012, WoS: 000168273400016, ADS:, MathSciNet: 1826261, zbMath: 1122.01332.
  9. Ya.G. Sinai, Some problems in the theory of dynamical systems and mathematical physics, Geometric And Functional Analysis,  Spec. Issue «GAFA 2000. Visions in mathematics — Towards 2000», Part 1, p.425-433. (Ed. by Alon, N. et al. Basel: Birkhäuser) (2000), WoS: 000168273400017, MathSciNet: 1826262, zbMath: 1051.37001.
  10. D. I. Podolsky, A. A. Starobinsky, Stochastic Pre-Big-Bang cosmology, In: Joint Europian and National Astronomy Meeting "JENAM-2000", Moscow, GEOS, 2000, p.47.
  11. A.A. Starobinsky, Cosmology with a Lambda-term, In: Joint Europian and National Astronomy Meeting "JENAM-2000", Moscow, GEOS, 2000, p.48.
  12. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, Quantum computing and Josephson junction circuits, In: Quantum Mesoscopic Phenomena and Mesoscopic Devices in Microelectronics, p. 439-446. Eds. I.O. Kulik and R. Ellialtioglu, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000. [NATO Science Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 559, 439-446 (2000)].
  13. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, Josephson-Junction Realizations of Quantum Bits, In: Quantum Physics at Mesoscopic Scale, pp. 499-505, eds. C. Glattli, M. Sanquer, and J. Tran Thanh Van, Series: Moriond workshops, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France, 2000.
  14. G.E. Volovik, Dictionary : Condensed matter - High energy physics & cosmology, NATO Sci. Ser. C 549, 1-6 (2000) [Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions. Proceedings, NATO Advanced Study Institute, ESF Network Workshop and Winter School, Les Houches, France, February 16-26, 1999, Eds. Y.M. Bunkov and H. Godfrin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 1-6], ADS: 2000ASIC..549....1V, InSpire: 516207, zbMath: 1075.81500.
  15. G.E. Volovik, 3He and Universe parallelism, NATO Sci. Ser. C 549, 353-387 (2000) [Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions. Proceedings, NATO Advanced Study Institute, ESF Network Workshop and Winter School, Les Houches, France, February 16-26, 1999, Eds. Y.M. Bunkov and H. Godfrin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 353 -387]; cond-mat/9902171, WoS: 000166342400016, ADS: 2000ASIC..549..353V, InSpire: 496482.
  16. R. Britto-Pacumio, J. Michelson, A. Strominger, A. Volovich, Lectures on Superconformal Quantum Mechanics and Multi-Black Hole Moduli Spaces, NATO Sci. Ser. C 556, 255-284 (2000) [M-Theory and Quantum Geometry: Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on M-Theory and Quantum Geometry, Akureyri, Iceland, August 10-20, 1999, Ed. by L. Thorlacius, T. Jonsson, Springer, 2000, ISBN: 978-94-011-4303-5, pp. 255-284]; hep-th/9911066, ADS:, InSpire: 509926.
  17. Yu. Makhlin, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, Nano-electronic circuits as quantum bits, Proc. 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'2000). Geneva, May 28-31, 2000, Vol.2, 241-244 (2000) [Emerging Technologies for the 21st Century, Vol.2, p.241-244. Presses Polytech. Univ. Romandes, Lausanne, 2000, ISBN 0-7803-5482-6], WoS: 000088843300062, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033725390.
  18. A. Kitaev, J. Watrous, Parallelization, amplification, and exponential time simulation of quantum interactive proof systems, Proc. 32nd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'00), Portland, OR, May 21-23, 2000, pp.608-617 (2000), Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033720106, RINTs: 43190350, MathSciNet: 2115299, zbMath: 1296.68057.
  19. N.N. Nikolaev, V.R. Zoller, Small-x Structure Functions and QCD Pomeron, Proc. 5th AUP Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD-2000), Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 3-7 Jan 2000, p.102-107. Edited by H.M. Fried, B. Muller, Y. Gabellini. Singapore: World Scientific, 2000. 385pp; hep-ph/0009189, ADS:, InSpire: 533645.
  20. A. Pushkarev, V. Zakharov, On conservation of the constants of motion in the models of nonlinear wave interaction, Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, November 6-10, 2000, Monterey, California, USA, pp. 456-469.
  21. N.N. Nikolaev, Spin Dependence of Diffractive Vector Meson Production, Proc. 6th Joint INT / Jefferson Lab Workshop on Exclusive and Semiexclusive Processes at High Momentum Transfer, Newport News, VA, 19-23 May 1999, p.34-41. Ed. by Carl Carlson, A. Radyushkin. Singapore, World Scientific, 2000. 226p. (Proceedings from the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Vol. 10); hep-ph/9908453, ADS:, InSpire: 506041.
  22. I. Akushevich, E.A. Kuraev, B.G. Shaikhatdenov, N.N. Nikolaev, DVCS in the fragmentation region of polarized electron, Proc. Crimea Summer School-Seminar on New Trends in High-Energy Physics (Crimean 2000), 27 May - 4 Jun 2000, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, p. 65-68. Ed. by P.N. Bogolyubov, L.L. Jenkovszky, 2000. 297p., InSpire: 537644.
  23. V. Fateev, Reflection Amplitudes in Conformal Field Theory and Their Applications, Proc. International Seminar "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS-99, Dubna).
  24. P.M. Lushnikov, N. Saffman,, Collapse and generation of ultrashort optical pulses in a nonlinear optical cavity, Proc. QELS 2000: Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference,7-12 May 2000, p.197-198.
  25. I.F. Lyuksyutov, D.G. Naugle, V.L. Pokrovsky, Frozen flux superconductors, Proc. SPIE, 4058, 376-387 (2000), WoS: 000166958900037, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033712313, ADS: 2000SPIE.4058..376L.
  26. A. Shabat, Dressing chains and lattices, Proc. Workshop on Nonlinearity, Integrability and All That: Twenty Years after NEEDS '79, Gallipoli, July 1–10, 1999, p. 331–342 (2000) [Edited by M. Boiti, L. Martina, F. Pempinelli, B. Prinari and G. Soliani. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2000. xvi+550 pp. ISBN: 981-02-4147-X], WoS: 000089034500046, Scopus: -, ADS: 2000niat.conf..331S, MathSciNet: 1772998, zbMath: 0965.35163.
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  28. L.V. Bogdanov, B.G. Konopelchenko, Möbius symmetry, KP symmetry constraints and Calogero-Moser system, Proc. Workshop on Nonlinearity, Integrability and all That: Twenty years after NEEDS'79, Lecce, Italy, July 1-10, 1999. Ed. by M. Boiti et al., World Scientific, p. 237-243 (2000), MathSciNet: 1772984, zbMath: 0966.35110.
  29. N.N. Nikolaev, Helicity Flip in Diffractive DIS, Proc. XXIX Int. Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD99), August 8-13, 1999, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, pp.114-119. Ed. by I. Sarcevic, C.-I. Tan. Singapore, World Scientific, 2000. 525p. [Elastic and Diffractive Scattering : Proc. Int. Conference on the VIIIth Blois Workshop, Protvino, Russia , 28 June – 2 July 1999. Ed. by V.A. Petrov, A.V. Prokudin, World Scientific, 2000. ISBN #9789812817624, pp. 69-74]; hep-ph/9908477, ADS: 2000eds..conf...69N, InSpire: 506126.
  30. M.V. Feigel’man, A.I. Larkin, M.A. Skvortsov, Proximity Effect in Presence of Quantum Fluctuations, Proc. XXXIVth Rencontres de Moriond, «Quantum Physics at Mesoscopic Scale», Les Arc, France, Jan.23-30, 1999. Eds. C. Glattli, M. Sanquer and J. Tran Than Van, EDP Sciences, 2000, p.327-331; cond-mat/9908075, ADS: 1999cond.mat..8075F.
  31. L.I. Glazman, F.W.J. Hekking, A.I. Larkin, Kondo effect and spin-charge separation in quantum dots, Series on Advances in Quantum Many-Body Theory, Vol. 3, 136-152 (2000) [Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories: Proc. 10th Int. Conf., Seattle, USA, 10-15 September 1999. Ed. by R.F. Dishop, K.A. Gernoth, N.R. Walett, Y. Xian. World Scientific, 2000, 512 pp. ISBN 978-981-4492-98-0 (ebook)], ADS: 2000rpmb.conf..136G.
  32. L.N. Shchur, Incipient Spanning Clusters in Square and Cubic Percolation, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 85, 129-146 (2000) ["Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XII", Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop, Athens, GA, USA, March 8–12, 1999. Eds. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, and H.B. Schuettler, (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2000)]; cond-mat/9906013, WoS: 000085736400012, ADS: 1999cond.mat..6013S.
  33. A. Starobinsky, Future and origin of our universe: Modern view, The Future of the Universe and the Future of our Civilization. Proceedings of a symposium held in Budapest-Debrecen, Hungary, 2-6 July 1999, Edited by V. Burdyuzha and G. Khozin. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2000, ISBN 9810242646, p.71-84, WoS: 000166989800008, ADS: 2000fufc.conf...71S.
  34. S.A. Krashakov, L.N. Shchur, Keshirovanie informatsonnykh potokov i strategiya optimizatsii marshrutov v raspredelennykh sistemakh, Tezisy dokl. Vseros. konf. "Nauchnyi servis v seti INTERNET", g.Novorossiisk, 18-23 sentyabrya 2000, s. 145-148.


  1. Giampiero Esposito, Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik, Boundary Effects in One-Loop Supergravity, hep-th/0010288, ADS:, InSpire: 536032.
  2. A.V. Shytov, Dissipative Landau-Zener tunnelling at marginal coupling, cond-mat/0001012, ADS: 2000cond.mat..1012S.
  3. F.S. Bergeret, K.B. Efetov, A.I. Larkin, Cryptoferromagnetic state in superconductor-ferromagnet multilayers, cond-mat/0002151.
  4. I.M. Khalatnikov, A.Yu. Kamenshchik, Conductivity of composite systems: perturbation theory and multidimensional chessboard, cond-mat/0002181, ADS: 2000cond.mat..2181K.
  5. V. Falko, S.V. Iordanski, A. Kashuba, Conductivity activation energy for bilayer hetero-structures at integer filling numbers, cond-mat/0003120, ADS: 2000cond.mat..3120F.
  6. V. Falko, S.V. Iordanski, Electron-hole asymmetry and activation energy in quantum Hall ferromagnets, cond-mat/0003224, ADS: 2000cond.mat..3224F.
  7. A.M. Dyugaev, I.D. Vagner, P. Wyder, On the electron scattering and dephasing by the nuclear spins, cond-mat/0005005, ADS: 2000cond.mat..5005D.
  8. A.V. Kolesnikov, K.B. Efetov, Comment on «Search for two-scale localization in disordered wires in a magnetic field», cond-mat/0005048, ADS: 2000cond.mat..5048K.
  9. A.V. Kolesnikov, K.B. Efetov, Two-scale localization of wave functions in disordered wires in a weak magnetic field, cond-mat/0005101, ADS: 2000cond.mat..5101K.
  10. L.N. Shchur, O.A. Vasilyev, Number of bonds in the site-diluted lattices: sampling and fluctuations, cond-mat/0005448, ADS: 2000cond.mat..5448S.
  11. O.A. Vasilyev, Scaling of crossing probabilities for the q-state Potts model at criticality, cond-mat/0005452, ADS: 2000cond.mat..5452V, InSpire: 549374.
  12. M.J.W. Dodgson, V.B. Geshkenbein, M.V. Feigel’man, G. Blatter, Self-consistent theory of the thermal softening and instability of simple crystals, cond-mat/0007072, ADS: 2000cond.mat..7072D.
  13. M.V. Feigel’man, Comment on the intermediate vortex liquid phase in extreme type-II superconductors, cond-mat/0009247, ADS: 2000cond.mat..9247F.
  14. P.D. Grigoriev, I.D. Vagner, The de Haas - van Alphen effect in two-dimensional metals, cond-mat/0009409, ADS: 2000cond.mat..9409G.
  15. V.L. Pokrovsky, N.A. Sinitsyn, On the generalized Landau-Zener problem, cond-mat/0012303, ADS: 2000cond.mat.12303P.
  16. V.N. Gribov, Space-time description of the hadron interaction at high energies, hep-ph/0006158, ADS:, InSpire: 85244.
  17. V. Fateev, A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Boundary Liouville Field Theory I. Boundary State and Boundary Two-point Function, hep-th/0001012, ADS:, InSpire: 522765.
  18. S.A. Bulgadaev, D-Dimensional Conformal σ-models and Topological Excitations, hep-th/0002059, ADS:, InSpire: 523753.
  19. B.L. Feigin, A.M. Semikhatov, I.Yu. Tipunin, A Semi-Infinite Construction of Unitary N=2 Modules, hep-th/0004066, ADS:, InSpire: 525977.
  20. C. Klimcik, S. Parkhomenko, Monodromic strings, hep-th/0010084, ADS:, InSpire: 534918.
  21. S. Nechaev, R. Voituriez, Random walks on hyperbolic groups and their Riemann surfaces, math-ph/0012037, ADS:
  22. B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the ̂sl2 spaces of coinvariants II, math/0009198, ADS: 2000math......9198F.
  23. B. Feigin, R. Kedem, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Combinatorics of the ̂sl2 spaces of coinvariants III, math/0012190, ADS: 2000math.....12190F.
  24. I.V. Kolokolov, V.V. Lebedev, About Probability Tails in Forced Burgers Turbulence, nlin/0012037, ADS: 2000nlin.....12037K.
  25. E.A. Kuznetsov, V.P. Ruban, Breaking of vortex lines - a new mechanism of collapse in hydrodynamics, physics/0009007, ADS: 2000physics...9007K.
  26. V.I. Rupasov, Quantum Interference Mechanism of Cooperative Optical Phenomena in Extended Media, quant-ph/0008012, ADS:
  27. D.M. Hardcastle, K. Khanin, Continued fractions and the d-dimensional Gauss transformation, HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-2000-15, June 27, 2000, 32 pp,, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84862443662, RINTs: 21930200.
  28. K. Khanin, R. Khanin, A probabilistic model for establishment of neuron polarity, HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-2000-16, June 27, 2000, 16 pp, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84862446490, RINTs: 11876318.
  29. R. Iturriaga, K. Khanin, Burgers turbulence and dynamical systems, HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-2000-25, Dec. 18, 2000, 15 pp, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84862445944, RINTs: 21930205.
  30. D.M. Hardcastle, K. Khanin, The d-dimensional Gauss transformation: Strong convergence and Lyapunov exponents, HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-2000-26, Dec. 18, 2000, 18 pp, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84862452219, RINTs: 21930213.
  31. S.A. Bulgadaev, Cartan tori and ADE classification of two-dimensional topological phase transitions, Proceedings 13th International Congress, ICMP 2000, London, UK, July 17-22, 2000; hep-th/0008018, ADS:, InSpire: 531164.
  32. S.A. Bulgadaev, D-dimensional conformal σ-models and their topological excitations, Proceedings 13th International Congress, ICMP 2000, London, UK, July 17-22, 2000 [Highlights of mathematical physics. Ed. by A.S. Fokas, J. Halliwell, T. Kibble, B. Zegarlinski. AMS, 2002, ISBN: 0821832239, 9780821832233]; hep-th/0008017, ADS:, InSpire: 531163.


  1. Zh.I. Alferov, A.A. Boyarchuk, V.L. Ginzburg, A.M. Dykhne, V.E. Zakharov, Yu.M. Kagan, L.V. Keldysh, Yu.A. Osip’yan, A.Ya. Parshin, L.A. Prozorova, A.N. Skrinskii, I.M. Khalatnikov, Aleksandr Fedorovich Andreev (k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), Uspekhi fiz. nauk, 170 (3), 345-346 (2000) [Zh.I. Alferov, A.A. Boyarchuk, V.L. Ginzburg, A.M. Dykhne, V.E. Zakharov, Yu.M. Kagan, L.V. Keldysh, Yu.A. Osip’yan, A.Ya. Parshin, L.A. Prozorova, A.N. Skrinskii, I.M. Khalatnikov, Aleksandr Fedorovich Andreev (on his sixtieth birthday), Phys. Usp. 43(3), 301-303 (2000)], WoS: 000087162100016, ADS: 2000PhyU...43..301A.
  2. R.Z. Sagdeev, A.A. Galeev, V.E. Zakharov, V.N. Oraevskii, V.M. Balebanov, A.M. Dykhne, V.P. Silin, A.B. Mikhailovskii, A.A. Rukhadze, R.A. Kovrazhkin, E.A. Kuznetsov, L.M. Zelenyi, O.A. Pokhotelov, Yu.I. Gal’perin, M.B. Gokhberg, N.S. Erokhin, Semen Samoilovich Moiseev (in honor of his 70th birthday) (in Russian), Fizika plazmy, 26 (4), 339-400 (2000) [R.Z. Sagdeev, A.A. Galeev, V.E. Zakharov, V.N. Oraevskii, V.M. Balebanov, A.M. Dykhne, V.P. Silin, A.B. Mikhailovskii, A.A. Rukhadze, R.A. Kovrazhkin, E.A. Kuznetsov, L.M. Zelenyi, O.A. Pokhotelov, Yu.I. Gal’perin, M.B. Gokhberg, N.S. Erokhin, Semen Samoilovich Moiseev (in honor of his 70th birthday), Plasma Physics Reports, 26(4), 372-373 (2000)], WoS: 000086954300017, ADS:  2000PlPhR..26..372S .


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